Chapter 157: Jia Zhang’s Intention to Kill!.

Jia Zhang ran back and forth in the backyard, constantly picking his throat and eyes.

Seeing that he couldn’t pick anything out, and he couldn’t spit it out, Jia Zhangshi was even more afraid!

Since Jia Dongxu died, Jia Zhang has been in a trance every day.

There are no sons, no grandchildren, no security for the elderly, and all this itself has made Jia Zhang spinning on the verge of madness.

Now he is stuffed with a mouthful of medicated noodles, which is even worse for Jia Zhang!

She is afraid, she hates it even more!

It’s all Zhang Shengli, Zhang Shengli, this beast killed Jia Dongxu, let her have no grandson, and now wants to poison her Jia Zhang!

“Zhang Shengli, you beast! Even if the old lady dies, she will let you join me!” ”

Jia Zhangshi said, and rushed towards Zhang Shengli!


Zhang Shengli stretched out his left hand and pulled her collar, and an iron fist in his right hand hit Jia Zhang’s face fiercely!


Jia Zhangshi screamed, nosebleeds flew everywhere, and two teeth also fell out!

She was so hurt that she wanted to hide……… Yes, even if she is crazy, she is afraid of pain.

But Zhang Shengli didn’t give her a chance to dodge, and punched Jia Zhangshi one punch after another!

Two punches reached the stomach, and when Jia Zhangshi opened his mouth and wanted to vomit, Zhang Shengli flew up and kicked Jia Zhang’s stomach fiercely!


Jia Zhangshi flew out and fell to the ground fiercely!

And the noodles she ate just now were also spit out by Zhang Shengli’s two punches!

Jia Zhang rolled on the ground in pain, and his sticky vomit was not buried.

“I’m going to die, I’m going to die……… So much, I’ve eaten so many noodles……… Whew…”

Jia Zhang felt that even if he spit it out now, it would be in vain.

After all, she has almost digested the noodles, and now the spit out is broken.

When Jia Zhangshi saw a bunch of things vomited, his heart trembled, and he only felt that he was not far from death!

“Help! I don’t want to die, woo-woo, help, woo~”

The police came into the backyard and saw this scene.

Jia Zhang knelt on the ground and muttered as he watched a pile of vomit tossed and turned.

“Jia Zhang, someone called the police and said that you poisoned others, do you admit it?”

A policeman called Jia Zhangshi, but Jia Zhangshi did not answer his question, but was scared and jumped!

“Poison! Poisoned noodles! ”

Although she did not answer the police’s question, this sentence also let the police know that it was indeed poisoned.

The two policemen looked at each other, and the other continued to ask Jia Zhang: “Who are you going to give the poisoned noodles?” ”

Jia Zhangshi listened to his question, froze for a while, and then turned to look at the 850 people in the courtyard, until she saw Yang Weiwei she stopped, Jia Zhangshi pointed to Yang Weiwei, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and muttered with a strange smile: “Poisoned noodles, poisoned noodles for Yang Weiwei to eat!” Give Yang Weiwei food! ”

“Did you do this? What poison are you putting in it! ”

Hearing Jia Zhang’s words, the police hurriedly asked.

Everyone could see that Jia Zhang was frightened at this time.

Of course, the police also saw that if they did not take this opportunity to ask clearly, they were afraid that after a while, this old woman would calm down a little, and it would be difficult to interrogate again.

As a result, the police did not expect that Jia Zhang was really scared, she couldn’t tell the police’s problem at all, now she only remembers what she was going to do, only remembered that she ate poisoned noodles, and only remembered that it was all because of Zhang Shengli! oneself

“Zhang Shengli! Can’t let Zhang Shengli give birth to a son! Poisoned! Poisoned for Yang Weiwei to eat! Let Yang Weiwei eat it! Let Zhang Shengli, this beast, can’t give birth to a son! ”

“Police! The police! ”

Jia Zhangshi looked up and saw the policeman in police uniform, and his expression instantly became hideous!

She grabbed the policeman and shouted, “Police! The police! Zhang Shengli this beast! He gave me poisoned noodles! The police! You guys take me to the hospital quickly!” I’m going to die, I’m going to die! ”


Jia Zhang shouted and suddenly cried: “I, I don’t want to die, police, you arrest Zhang Shengli, this beast, I was poisoned…”

The policeman saw that he couldn’t ask anything, and he no longer tangled up in Jia Zhang’s question.

After all, this old thing heard what he said just now, she had already said that she wanted to poison Yang Weiwei, and the noodles were the evidence.

Therefore, they simply took out the handcuffs and handcuffed Jia Zhang first.

Seeing the silver handcuffs, the “click” locked Jia Zhang’s. Everyone in the courtyard was shocked!

Since the police locked Jia Zhangshi, it can only mean that Jia Zhang’s old godly woman really poisoned Yang Weiwei!?

“Grass, this Jia Zhang’s is poisonous enough!”

“This Jia Zhang, won’t really poison Yang Weiwei, right?”

“What’s not, didn’t you listen to her, she just wanted to harm Zhang Shengli’s son?”

“What’s going on with Jia Zhang’s family, I worry about harming people every day…”

As everyone spoke, they couldn’t help but look at Qin Huairu.

“Qin Huairu, do you know about your mother-in-law poisoning?”

After all, as long as Jia Zhangshi is arrested, the Jia family can now do evil, and there is only one Qin Huairu left.

In case Qin Huairu was also a participant, they hoped that Qin Huairu would also be arrested quickly.

Otherwise, if Qin Huairu also goes crazy one day, they are afraid that it will be themselves who will be poisoned at that time.

Qin Huairu never thought that he went out to row for half a day, and when he went home, he saw the police coming.

Watch again, okay.

It’s actually a matter of my own family………… She couldn’t figure it out, what did this old thing of Jia Zhang’s think?

Why did you think of poisoning Yang Weiwei………… This is not to say that Qin Huairu is soft-hearted, Qin Huairu just thinks that the old thing of Jia Zhangshi is too stupid.

At a glance, he knew that the poisoning was unsuccessful, and he also ate the noodles, Qin Huairu couldn’t help sighing in his heart.

Why didn’t this old thing of Jia Zhang’s die directly?

If she was poisoned like this, she might be able to make Zhang Shengli lose money.

Now that it is like this, Qin Huairu is only afraid that Zhang Shengli will make his family lose money and think of this, Qin Huairu glanced at Jia Zhangshi in disgust, and then said in a loud voice: “How can I know?” You don’t know that I went to pick up the rags early in the morning, and I don’t know what she did! ”

Saying that, Qin Huairu turned to the police: “Comrade police, my mother-in-law… Let’s just say that I really don’t know about this Jia Zhang’s doing this, and I can’t know that Baba can’t come over now, right? ”

“Moreover, there is only such a handful of white noodles left in our house, and now it is also trampled by this old thing~”

As long as Qin Huairu encountered something difficult, she shed tears when she didn’t know what to do.

The main thing is to show weakness first and let others sympathize with themselves.

However, Qin Huairu’s tears this time were in vain, because the police did not suspect her and did not plan to take her away.

Therefore, the police ignored Qin Huairu, but instead asked Zhang Shengli: “This comrade, how did you find out that this bowl of noodles was poisoned?” ”

Zhang Shengli smiled in his heart, this policeman’s problem is to set himself up.

Because when she saw this now, she knew that Jia Zhang’s noodles were forced into her mouth by herself.

If he is highly poisoned, he can also be regarded as murderous.

Of course, Zhang Shengli could not leave a handle.

“After Jia Zhangshi came to my house, he has been pestering my daughter-in-law to eat the noodles she made, but who in the entire courtyard does not know that our two families are not compatible?”

Zhang Shengli pointed to these people in the courtyard, and everyone immediately nodded, indicating that there was indeed a contradiction between the Jia family and Zhang Shengli’s family.

“Moreover, it just so happened that my daughter-in-law just learned that she was pregnant, and she sent food like this, of course I will have some doubts?”

Zhang Shengli said with a calm face, but at this time, he hid it, but he seemed to be weak-hearted.

“Therefore, I told Jia Zhangshi at that time that our family is not bad at eating, and her noodles are still brought back to eat by herself.”

“Unexpectedly, Jia Zhangshi insisted on misbehaving, and deliberately stimulated my daughter-in-law, and had to let my daughter-in-law eat the noodles she made, and I asked her to eat a bite first and she didn’t agree~”

Zhang Shengli raised the corners of his mouth and smiled when he said this: “Therefore, I simply fed it to her directly and let her eat it so as not to waste.” ”

The policeman’s eyes flashed: “So, you don’t know that the face is poisonous?” ”

In fact, Zhang Shengli said this, the police have understood the whole thing.

Even if Zhang Shengli knew that it was poisonous, they would not do anything to him if he gave it to Jia Zhang.

After all, Zhang Shengli also said that they refused Jia Zhang’s request many times, but Jia Zhang’s old immortal is to press step by step, and he has to ask his daughter-in-law to eat her poisoned noodles, and no one is angry?

Letting her eat the noodles can only be regarded as a tooth for a tooth.

Besides, Jia Zhangshi is fine.

But the police didn’t expect that Zhang Shengli actually admitted: “I know that there is something in the face…”

“What she added to her face can’t be considered poison to be precise……… But it did kill my daughter-in-law and children. ”

When Zhang Shengli’s words came out, everyone was shocked.

“It’s not poison, but it can kill you? What does that mean? ”

“I don’t understand, how can you kill if you don’t poison?”

“It shouldn’t really be poison, otherwise Jia Zhang’s has been eating for so long, and it’s okay~”

“Yes, He Daqing, they ate rat poison that time! But immediately foaming at the mouth! ”

The two policemen looked at each other, and then asked Zhang Shengli: “We don’t understand what you mean?” ”

Zhang Shengli stretched out his foot and kicked the remaining half bowl of noodles from Jia Zhang’s family: “She has safflower musk cinnabar peach kernels in this noodles, and the amount is still very large……… If a pregnant woman eats it, she may bleed on the spot and say that the child cannot be saved, and even the adult will die nine times for the rest of her life. ”

When Zhang Shengli said this, his eyes were even colder, and he didn’t care that the police were here, and directly kicked Jia Zhangshi again!


Zhang Shengli’s kick is strong, and the two policemen can’t hold Jia Zhang!

Jia Zhangshi flew out directly from the policeman’s hand and fell violently on the side of the crowd!


Jia Zhang suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, and the whole person convulsed on the ground in pain!

Zhang Shengli just looked at her coldly

“However, if this medicine is taken by a man, it may just be a few days of fierce stomach pulling, so it cannot be regarded as poison……… However, Jia Zhangshi really used it to murder! ”

“As for why I let her eat…”

Zhang Shengli’s icy gaze looked at the policeman and did not warm up: “Since she doesn’t admit it, I simply feed her directly… Only if she eats it herself, she will not be allowed to confess directly. ”

The policeman couldn’t help nodding, and glanced at Jia Zhangshi again: “Then she…”

They wanted to know if Jia Zhang could be handcuffed and taken away, and if he was taken away, there would be any physical problems.

Zhang Shengli hooked the corners of his mouth and said to the police: “You just take her away, if the person who intends to murder is sentenced to death, then the little medicine in her body does not matter.”

The policeman’s heart jumped!

“So, what if the death penalty is not imposed?”

After all, Yang Weiwei is fine, and Jia Zhang’s current crazy appearance, I am afraid that the court will not sentence her to death.

Therefore, the police wanted to know if Jia Zhang could not die, and Jia Zhang took medicine, whether they would need to take her to the hospital.

“Don’t worry, this medicine won’t kill her.”

Zhang Shengli said firmly, and the policeman nodded.

They also didn’t know what was going on, so they felt that what Zhang Shengli said must be right.

And Zhang Shengli glanced at Jia Zhang, and snorted coldly in his heart.

This medicine really didn’t kill her.

But the extremely cold medicine is under the stomach, if it cannot be treated in time today, then Jia Zhang’s bleeding and severe stomach pain in three days in the second half of his life are inevitable.

However, Zhang Shengli did not plan to tell them.

Anyway, the police will not check her again.

And Jia Zhang’s old thing, since she dares to harm people, she must have the cognition to bear the consequences.

Watching Jia Zhangshi being escorted by the police and walking in front of him, Yi Zhonghai was scared into a cold sweat on his back! He is afraid!

In case Jia Zhangshi was taken away and confessed himself in the police station, then he Yi Zhonghai would really be completely finished! You know, this is an intent to kill!

If Jia Zhang said that it was his own idea……… Yi Zhonghai clenched his back teeth and stared at Jia Zhangshi tightly. Constantly muttering in his mouth, Yi Zhonghai listened, and then he found that the old thing of Jia Zhang’s seemed to be really crazy……… When she walked in front of her, it was as if she didn’t see herself.

“Zhang Shengli damn it! Yang Weiwei damn it! Poison her! Zhang Shengli can’t be a father! Our family Dongxu only has a son…”

Hearing that Jia Zhang’s upside down would only say this, Yi Zhonghai was gently relieved in his heart.

As long as Jia Zhangshi has been like this, it won’t take long, as long as it is like this, the police will not interrogate her again!

Nine times out of ten, he will be directly imprisoned and sentenced, then he will be safe with Yi Zhonghai………… Yi Zhonghai thought so, but his eyes looked at Jia Zhang’s back gloomyly.

If she had the slightest possibility of betraying herself, then Yi Zhonghai could only find a way to kill her………

“She’s crazy~”

Qin Huairu didn’t know when he arrived behind Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai only heard Qin Huairu whispering: “Since Jia Dongxu was gone, she has been confused, this time such a stimulus she can’t get better~”

Yi Zhonghai’s eyes flashed and looked at Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu looked at the egg noodles on the ground: “Our family hasn’t seen eggs for half a month~”

Yi Zhonghai understood, Qin Huairu thought that he had given Jia Zhang’s idea……… However, he also knew that Qin Huairu would not betray himself.

Because, this time, the two of them have completely become the people on the boat.

Moreover, as soon as Jia Zhangshi entered, no one could really control the two of them to live………

“I’ll let you eat an egg every day in the future.”

Yi Zhonghai glanced at Zhang Shengli, who had already entered the room, and then at the crowd that was slowly dispersing, and whispered to Qin Huairu.

So said to Qin Huairu, one is to tell her that he is not afraid that she will guess.

The second is also to tell Qin Huairu that now it is the same as what they thought at the beginning.

Jia Dongxu died, Qin Huairu was free.

And he Yi Zhonghai is also divorced.

Now that Jia Zhangshi is in prison again, he Yi Zhonghai will definitely fulfill his promise to raise her Qin Huairu.

Yi Zhonghai was a little happy in his heart, now that he and Qin Huairu live their lives, no one can object!

As long as he lived with this young woman, he Yi Zhonghai believed that soon he would be able to have a son of his own!

Qin Huairu was also satisfied when he heard Yi Zhonghai’s words.

In the courtyard, He Daqing Silly Pillar and Yi Zhonghai.

Qin Huairu had already thought about it, she wanted to live with Yi Zhonghai.

He Daqing is the father of the stick terrier.

But they also swim through the streets.

If you live with him without telling other people’s jokes, the silly pillar specifies awkwardness in his heart, how can he hang the silly pillar at that time?

If you follow the stupid pillar……… is a waste eunuch, is there a difference between following him and following Jia Dongxu?

It’s better to follow Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai is neither old nor young.

His salary is more than enough to support himself!.

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