Chapter 156: Zhang Shengli Can’t Have a Son!.

Since Jia Dongxu died, Jia Zhang’s has been a little crazy.

The people in the courtyard now laughed when they saw her, turned and left.

Otherwise, when this old godly woman hears something, maybe she has some association, and she will curse when she opens her mouth.

So, the big guys simply ignored her.

Qin Huairu is still picking up garbage………… No way, Jia Dongxu just died, just to prevent the spit Xingzi from drowning himself, Qin Huairu has to wait for seven or seven before he dares to find Yi Zhonghai, right?

Because of this, Qin Huairu can only continue to pick up garbage to earn money.

After all, there are still Xiaodang and Sophora at home… There is also Jia Zhang, the old immortal.

Jia Zhangshi knows that there is no Jia Dongxu now, Qin Huairu is not divorced, and her household registration remains here.

Therefore, Jia Zhangshi did not take Qin Huairu’s handle.

Instead, it was herself.

The hands are unwilling to lift, the shoulders are unwilling to resist, and the lazy old woman who does not want to do anything.

Qin Huairu now said to Jia Zhang, that is the nose is not the nose, the eyes are not the eyes.

At home, Jia Zhang’s family no longer has the majesty of the past.

Although she can still carry her shelf as a mother-in-law, eat, drink and do not work.

You can also scold Qin Huairu.

But Jia Zhang knew in her own heart that she had no hope for the rest of her life.

Jia Dongxu died, and the stick terrier was not his own grandson and went to prison again.

And she felt that Qin Huairu, a, must have seen the opportunity to kill herself. Therefore, Jia Zhangshi thinks in his mind every day what is he living for?

How can I avenge Jia Dongxu?

What will she do for the rest of her life?

Jia Zhangshi was tormented by himself and went crazy.

Now that Yi Zhonghai was so stimulated, the crazy look in Jia Zhang’s eyes became even stronger………

“No, you can’t make him a father! Our family Dongxu doesn’t have a son, how can Zhang Shengli, a beast, have a son…”

Jia Zhang muttered.

And Yi Zhonghai heard her words, and his heart was extremely satisfied.

That’s what you want!

“Then you have to quickly find a way, otherwise it will be difficult to wait for a few days for the child to be stable~”

Yi Zhonghai stared at Jia Zhangshi and whispered to her.

Jia Zhangshi raised his head and looked at Yi Zhonghai: “Then what to do?” How can he not have a son! ”

Yi Zhonghai took out a small paper package from his pocket, and then raised the corners of his mouth to Jia Zhangshi: “This, can send Zhang Shengli’s son to Dongxu as a companion…”

Jia Zhang’er made a bowl of noodles by himself for the first time.

Moreover, it is also a pure white noodle that is specially rolled out.

The toppings are even more original, which are two eggs sponsored to her by Yi Zhonghai.

Jia Zhangshi did not greedily take an egg this time, but instead scrambled both eggs and made fragrant egg toppings and poured them on the noodles.

Xiaodang and Hua Hua smelled the smell, and they probed their brains at the kitchen door, but they did not dare to enter.

They knew that in Jia Zhang’s eyes, they were money-losing goods who ate and drank for nothing.

Even if Jia Zhang made egg noodles, they only deserved to smell at the door.

But this time they were a little confused.

Because after Jia Zhang’s noodles were ready, they actually came to the door!

“Grandma Dong, are you going to give us this?”

Xiaodang swallowed his saliva and looked at Jia Zhang nervously.

When Xiao Hua heard this, she tightened the corners of Xiao Dang’s clothes and looked at Jia Zhang timidly

“Grandma, I only eat one bite…”

“Eat a fart!”

Jia Zhangshi looked at Xiaodang and Huaihua in disgust.

It’s all these two cheap goods who cast the wrong tire!

If they were boys, the stick terrier was not their own species, and it would not be so exciting to Jia Dongxu!

If there were three boys, their Jia family would still have a queen!

She still has hope for Jia Zhang!

Just because these two dead girls took up the place of their Jia family’s children, the Jia family is now extinct!

Thinking so, Jia Zhangshi looked at Xiaodang and Huaihua viciously, she first went to deal with Zhang Shengli, these two little slut, when they come back, they have to fight well!

“Get out!”

Obviously, Xiaodang and Huaihua had already given way, but Jia Zhang still kicked them fiercely, and then went to the backyard with noodles.

In the backyard, Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei had just prepared to eat.

The two of them went to Yang Weiwei’s grandmother’s house to report the congratulations, and Zhang Shengli returned with Yang Weiwei.

After all, there are plenty of ingredients at home, and there are many things that can be made.

Yang Weiwei now is the time to supplement nutrition, so Zhang Shengli and they came back to cook for themselves.

“Stir-fried shrimp, back pot meat, stir-fried vegetables with garlic, diced sour and hot lotus root].”

Zhang Shengli spent half an hour to come up with four dishes.

Yang Weiwei, on the other hand, stewed the rice.

“Tell you, I’ll get it.”

Zhang Shengli took the rice spatula and served rice to the two people.

Yang Weiwei took the bowl of cooked rice and looked at Zhang Shengli coquettishly,

“I tell you, my mother said, when she was pregnant at that time, she was still working for seven or eight months, don’t let me raise it like a waste~”

Zhang Shengli smiled, this said: “What is waste?” You need to do a lot of work, read more books every day… Aren’t you still planning to take the college entrance examination in the future? When your child is older enough to take the test, you will take the test! Then exercise more every day, people said, exercise more is good…”

Hearing Zhang Shengli say this, Yang Weiwei snorted and laughed: “Then shouldn’t you let me work more?” Isn’t work sports? Anyway, don’t let me be an idler~”

The two of them were sitting at the dining table, and Yang Weiwei had just clamped meat for Zhang Shengli when she heard someone knocking on the door.

“Vivi, are you at home?”

At the door of Zhang Shengli’s house, Jia Zhangshi cut his hair, bit his tongue and suppressed his crazy look.

She knew that this matter could not allow these two people to discover their abnormality.

She wanted to coax Yang Weiwei well and make sure she ate what she made


Yang Weiwei opened the door and saw Jia Zhang with a bowl at a glance.

She couldn’t help frowning, who are the Jia family, she has been in the courtyard for so long, she has seen through it for so long.

Come over now, I’m afraid that I won’t go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything.

“Are you all right?”

Yang Weiwei’s face was as cold as water, and she ignored the bowl that Jia Zhangshi brought over.

Jia Zhangshi put the bowl in front of Yang Weiwei again, and then said: “Auntie heard that you are pregnant, so I thought about the neighborhood in the street, how can I express it, so Auntie specially rolled noodles for you!” ”

Jia Zhangshi brought the bowl to himself, deeply; Inhaled a breath: “You smell, the toppings made of pure eggs, the fragrance is amazing!” ”

Zhang Shengli originally planned to open the door, but Yang Weiwei passed by himself, and he didn’t move.

At this time, hearing Jia Zhang’s words, Zhang Shengli’s eyes were cold!

The weasel gave the chicken a New Year’s greeting, I’m afraid it didn’t have a good heart!

And Yang Weiwei and his thoughts are probably the same.

Hearing that Jia Zhangshi specially made noodles for herself, Yang Weiwei was not only not flattered, but became vigilant in her heart.

“No, our family meal has been prepared, you go back.”

Saying this, Yang Weiwei planned to close the door.

She remembered it clearly, Zhang Shengli told her that Jia Zhang’s old thing has a vicious mind and has never been considerate of others, she has not even been considerate of her own son and daughter-in-law, how can she cook for herself?

When things go wrong, there will be demons.

Thinking about it like this, Yang Weiwei was ready to close the door!

And Jia Zhang stretched out a hand and pushed the door to prevent her from closing.

“Weiwei, Auntie knows that our two were not very happy before. But I understand now, Zhang Shengli that… Zhang Shengli, this young man, he is a warm-hearted, if he hadn’t exposed Qin Huairu and He Daqing’s affairs, our Jia family might not have to raise wild seeds for others. ”

When Jia Zhang thought of this, he hated his teeth itching in his heart!

Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, is his mouth fast!

If Zhang Shengli doesn’t expose this matter, the stick terrier will still be his good grandson, and the stick terrier will not kill and set fire!

Qin Huairu will not fall out with her son Jia Dongxu and want to divorce!

Jia Dongxu will not impulsively clash with Yi Zhonghai’s old beast, asking for his own life!

All this is Zhang Shengli, this beast!

Today, she is going to make Zhang Shengli pay……… Thinking so, Jia Zhangshi glanced at Yang Weiwei’s stomach, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

When he raised his head, Jia Zhangshi cried: “You know, my wife has no money, I want to make a dress for my children or something, I really don’t have that condition……… So I gave the last bit of white noodles in the house, and if you don’t eat this noodles, you will look down on me as an old thing. ”

Jia Zhang’s tears were in her eyes, and Yang Weiwei couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed.

“Don’t you do this……… My family really cooks well…”

Seeing Yang Weiwei embarrassed, Jia Zhangshi knew that she had relented!

Thinking about it, Jia Zhang’s tone of speech became even more choked,

“Actually, our two families don’t have any deep hatred… Now that I have no son or grandson, I want to make my neighbors better, if you don’t eat this bowl of noodles, you still hate my wife…”

When these words came out, he deliberately suppressed Yang Weiwei.

After all, from Yang Weiwei’s point of view, it seems that there really hasn’t been any festival with her, Yang Weiwei looked embarrassed, and when she was about to call Zhang Shengli out, her shoulder was hugged from behind.

Yang Weiwei couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and Zhang Shengli came over.

Zhang Shengli heard Jia Zhang’s constant encouragement of Yang Weiwei to eat, and felt that this dog thing was only afraid of fraud!

So, he walked straight out.

“You tell Aunt Jia, let her take the noodles away and eat them herself.”

Yang Weiwei pulled the sleeves of Zhang Shengli and whispered to him.

Zhang Shengli nodded in his heart, his daughter-in-law was really not stupid.

Knowing that this old thing is something that cannot be eaten.

“Jia Zhangshi, you are…”

Zhang Shengli looked at Jia Zhang suspiciously.

Jia Zhang’s hand trembled in fright, but he still forced himself to calm down and said to Zhang Shengli: “I heard that your daughter-in-law is pregnant, so I thought of making up for her……… In the past, those things were not understood by our Jia family, victory you adults do not remember villains, don’t remember to hate aunt. ”

Zhang Shengli sneered in his heart, this dog thing pretends to be reasonable…………

“I don’t remember hatred, but this side~”

Zhang Shengli suddenly made a move, took the noodles in Jia Zhang’s hand, and came to himself to smell it!

Jia Zhangshi was so frightened that the whole person trembled, she stared at Zhang Shengli tightly, Zhang Shengli sneered and looked at her: “This noodles, you ate it at my door, I believe you really intend to shake hands and make peace.” ”

Hearing Zhang Shengli’s words, and then seeing Zhang Shengli’s mocking look, what else did Jia Zhangshi not understand? Jia Zhangshi suddenly scolded loudly!

“Zhang Shengli! Don’t give a face! I’m so old, come and beg you guys, what do you want to do, you old Jia, you look, I was bullied to death by Zhang Shengli, this little bastard, Mingming, I just think that everyone in the neighborhood will make a face, get a face, get a whimper, victory, this beast still doesn’t give me a face~”

Jia Zhang’s scolding is extremely penetrating!

But in an instant, the melon-eating masses of the courtyard gathered in the backyard!

“What’s wrong with this?”

Liu Haizhong hurriedly stepped forward and asked Zhang Shengli nervously.

Zhang Shengli had not yet spoken, and Jia Zhang had already begun to shout: “What’s wrong!” I just heard that Yang Weiwei is pregnant, thinking about the neighbors, we can’t keep making such a stiff fight, right? So I licked my old face and made noodles from the last eggs and white noodles in the house to Zhang Shengli, a beast! ”

Jia Zhangshi said righteously: “As a result, this dog thing really gives a face!” I worked so hard to make noodles, he actually didn’t want it! ”

The bangs were stunned.

Isn’t Jia Zhangshi idle and painful?

Your eggs and white noodles are precious, but Zhang Shengli’s family is not bad at this mouthful.

The whole courtyard… No, in the entire Four Nine Cities, who can have Zhang Shengli’s family to eat well?

“You’re just redundant…”

Before Liu Haizhong could speak, Zhang Shengli had already spoken.

“Jia Zhang, do you think I’m stupid or do you think my daughter-in-law is stupid?”

Zhang Shengli snorted coldly and raised the bowl in his hand: “What do you put in this bowl, do you need me to tell you?” ”

“I……… Put egg white noodles! What else could there be! ”

Jia Zhang gritted his teeth and looked at Zhang Shengli hard!


Zhang Shengli’s eyes flashed, and he suddenly flew up and kicked Jia Zhang’s knee!


Jia Zhangshi screamed in pain and knelt on the ground fiercely!

And as soon as Zhang Shengli stretched out his hand, he pinched Jia Zhang’s handful with one hand, picked up the bowl and poured the noodles into Jia Zhang’s mouth!

“Ahhh… Ahhh…”

Jia Zhangshi was so frightened that the whole person twitched, she tried hard to shake her head, but Zhang Shengli’s strength was too great, and she forced most of the bowl of noodles into Jia Zhangshi’s throat!

“Swallow it for me!”


Zhang Shengli threw the bowl and punched Jia Zhang’s chest!

Jia Zhangshi exclaimed in pain, and the noodles in his throat and eyes were swallowed into his stomach!


Jia Zhangshi was really scared crazy this time!

“Help! Help me! Help me! ”

She screamed madly a few times and began to dig her fingers into her throat desperately!

But she swallowed it too hard, and she didn’t spit it out when her throat and eyes were bleeding!

“What’s wrong with this!”

Everyone was frightened by Jia Zhang’s appearance!

Zhang Shengli snorted coldly and said in a loud voice: “The noodles sent by Jia Zhang just now, when I took the bowl, I felt that the smell was a little abnormal, so I told her to let her take it!” ”

Zhang Shengli glanced at the bowl on the ground, and there was still a little noodle left in the bowl.

“As a result, this old thing had to be eaten by my daughter-in-law, so I told her that if I had to let my daughter-in-law eat it, then she would eat it herself…”

Zhang Shengli sneered and looked at Jia Zhangshi, who was still frantically picking his throat: “As a result, she started yelling!” Now that everyone has seen her appearance, I suspect that she was poisoned in the noodles! ”


“Poison! Not really! ”

“How not! Look at Jia Zhang’s scared to death! She had to vomit the egg noodles, or I would have eaten the noodles! ”

“I’m afraid it’s really poisoned, you think, the stick terrier can be poisoned so small, and this old thing of Jia Zhang’s is much more ruthless than him…”

Zhang Shengli raised his voice and asked Liu Guangfu to run: “Liu Guangfu, you go to the police, our three policemen came to see if there is a problem with this face!” ”

Liu Guangfu ran with smoke on the soles of his feet.

And Jia Zhang’s whole person was about to explode the paper at this moment!

She didn’t know what was in which little paper bag.

But since Yi Zhonghai said that he could take the life of Zhang Shengli’s child, it must be poison!

Now the poison eats itself on its back……… Thinking about it like this, Jia Zhangshi was so frightened that his whole body trembled.

She frantically pulled her hand into her throat, and when she couldn’t pull anything out, she began to look left and right,

“No, no! Help me! Help me! ”

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