Chapter 158 Jia Zhang’s Madness and Sentenced to Death!.

Jia Zhang’s poisoning of Zhang Shengli’s daughter-in-law was recognized by Zhang Shengli.

Zhang Shengli stuffed the drugged noodles, and was arrested by the police.

As soon as everyone in the courtyard ate this melon, they found that something was quietly changing. Like what.

The day after Jia Zhang was arrested, everyone found that Qin Huairu had actually delivered breakfast to Yi Zhonghai early in the morning.

Another example.

In the afternoon, Qin Huairu carried the burden into Yi Zhonghai’s house.

Another day, Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai pulled new clothes one by one, and actually began to live like this………

“It’s really shameless, these two people……..”

“Jia Dongxu’s bones are not cold, alas.”

“Who says it isn’t? Yi Zhonghai, this old thing, he is still Master Jia Dongxu, but he didn’t expect it………….”

“Jia Zhang’s old thing was arrested by the police again, otherwise she would have made trouble~”

“It’s just like that, Jia Dongxu is gone, Yi Zhonghai’s family is divorced again… What these two people are willing to do now, others don’t care~”

When everyone said this, they couldn’t help but shake their heads.

People don’t want to be invincible, right, these two people have such an attitude now.

Anyway, now Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu are both alone, willing to eat in a pot, a bed to sleep in a bed, others are despised and there is no way.

“But what about these two children?”

Everyone glanced at Xiaodang and Sophora who were sitting at the door of their house.

Since Qin Huairu entered Yi Zhonghai’s house, she has not taken care of her two children.

Yesterday, everyone saw Xiaodang boiling water and boiling the last handful of two-in-one noodles in the house.

From this morning to now, these two only drink water… The deaf old lady certainly discovered this.

Seeing Xiaodang and Huaihua starving, the deaf old lady suddenly thought of a way to clean up Zhang Shengli!

Isn’t Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, rich?

Since this is the case, she encourages the big guys to hold a plenary meeting!

At that time, find a way to stuff Xiaodang and locust flowers to Zhang Shengli for him to raise.

Raise well, that’s what he should be rich about, the point is that these two children will always be surnamed Jia!

And the people of the Jia family have long been indoctrinated by the Jia Zhang clan, and the reason why the Jia family is so miserable is because Zhang Shengli, a beast, killed Jia Dongxu and harmed the stick terrier and went to prison!

Therefore, as long as he fanned the flames from time to time, then Zhang Shengli raised two girls to raise his own enemies!

If Zhang Shengli is not good for them, it is better to say, as long as Xiaodang and Huaihua lose even one or two meats, everyone will say that he Zhang Shengli’s family conditions are so good and abuses children!

At that time, Zhang Shengli’s reputation will stink!

Thinking about it like this, the deaf old lady can’t wait for a minute!

She saw Zhang Shengli receiving water in the middle courtyard, and saw that this old thing in the bangs also entered the middle courtyard, and the deaf old lady immediately went out on crutches.

“Uncle One, Uncle One, Uncle Three!”

The deaf old lady yin and yang yang shouted strangely, Liu Haizhong and Zhang Shengli.

Zhang Shengli took a bucket of water, Liu Guangfu ran over to carry water for him, when he heard the deaf old lady’s barking, and everyone turned to look at the deaf old lady, wondering what his dog could say in his mouth.

Zhang Shengli, on the other hand, asked Liu Guangfu to bring the water home, and put down a bucket to release the water.

Seeing Zhang Shengli ignoring himself, the deaf old lady gritted his teeth angrily!

But she still suppressed the anger in her heart and said in a loud voice: “It’s good that you masters are here, and my old wife can’t help but ask questions.” ”

The deaf old lady pointed to Xiaodang and Huaihua, who were sitting at the door of the house.

“These two children are helpless now, aren’t you uncles going to take care of it? Seeing that it is about to celebrate the New Year, in case two people starve to death in the courtyard, this matter will be a shame……… It is inevitable that others say that No. 95 South Causeway Lane are all beasts who cannot be saved. ”

The bangs are really true, Xiaodang and Huaihua can’t just be left like this…………

“What about Qin Huairu? This is her girlfriend, let her raise herself. ”

His face is dark in the bangs, he goes to work these days.

Seeing that the end of the year, the factory is rushing to work, so I didn’t pay attention to the things in the courtyard………… Of course, as far as the virtue in the bangs is concerned, he will not think of dealing with it.

“Qin Huairu ran away with someone~”

The melon-eating masses in the courtyard raised their voices and told Liu Haizhong, and then looked at the closed door of Yi Zhonghai’s house, these two people are at home, they must have heard the sound in the courtyard, and deliberately did not make a sound, didn’t they just not want to raise children?

“Zhang Shengli, you are now the third uncle, and the entire courtyard has surplus food in your family, you can’t leave this matter alone?”

The deaf old lady looked at Zhang Shengli without making a sound, and deliberately named him!

Zhang Shengli looked at the deaf old lady coldly, and then asked her: “This is not my child, you go to their mother.” ”

“If the mother runs away with someone, and if she doesn’t take the child, won’t the child have to be raised in the yard?”

The deaf old lady snorted coldly, staring at Zhang Shengli with a cruel gaze like a poisonous snake: “This matter should have been handled by you masters… Now my wife has to remind you that you don’t feel ashamed.”

Zhang Shengli has already understood that the old thing of the deaf old lady is not good.

She brought this matter up today just to make herself back!

However, Zhang Shengli also knew that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were two dog things, and if there was no pressure, these two might really be so hungry Xiaodang and Huaihua.

When they do this, they just want to force the courtyard to raise children for them……… Since he guessed the thoughts of the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai, Zhang Shengli decided to take advantage of the situation.

The problem of Xiaodang and Sophora was solved at once.

Lest something really happen.

“You tell Qin Huairu about this! Their children…”

Liu Haizhong glared at the deaf old lady and said loudly.

As a result, before he finished speaking, Zhang Shengli coughed twice and he immediately stopped.

“Uncle One.”

Zhang Shengli first asked Liu Guangfu to send the water back, poured it into the tank, and then screamed bangs.

“Seeing that the New Year is over, this old immortal is right, Xiaodang and Huaihua’s affairs must have a charter for Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai to come out, and everyone will come out and hold a general assembly!”

Zhang Shengli called the whole hospital assembly, that is no one less.

Today, even the two children, Xiaodang and Huaihua, came to the meeting.

No way, it’s about the two of them.

They can’t come if they don’t come.

Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai were originally reluctant to come over, but Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were so angry.

Everyone else knocked on the door, and it was no longer enough to poke people in the spine.

So, the two came over for a meeting with a small bench.

Seeing that everyone was either sitting or standing, Zhang Shengli patted the empty bench of the square table and asked Xiaodang and Huaihua to sit down.

Then he glanced at the bangs and let him speak.

Liu Haizhong received Zhang Shengli’s instructions and immediately knocked on the table to make everyone quiet.

“Everyone, today, I call everyone to a meeting, I hope everyone can listen to me quietly, don’t exchange heads and ears, let’s seriously deal with the problems in the courtyard.”

Liu Haizhong picked up the teacup, picked up his shelf as a grand uncle, and drank his saliva before continuing: “As for what problems to deal with today, I believe that everyone is in the same courtyard, and you all know what is going on in the courtyard.” ”

Zhang Shengli tapped his finger lightly on the table boredly, and Liu Hai Zhongma understood that Zhang Shengli was thinking that he was wasting time playing official.

So, he quickly went straight to the point,

“Let’s talk about the raising of Xiaodang and Sophora flowers.”

Zhang Shengli raised his eyebrows, he knocked on the table not because he was playing official tone in his bangs, he just felt that his speech in his bangs was too unlevel.

But this is good, isn’t this sharp in the bangs?

Hearing Liu Haizhong say the theme of the meeting, Yan Bugui also coughed twice, and then said: “There was nothing to discuss about this matter, after all, although Xiaodang and Huaihua have no father, Qin Huairu is still alive, so Qin Huairu is a mother…”

“What’s wrong with the?”

Hearing Yan Bugui’s words, Qin Huairu knew that this was the meaning of wanting her to raise two daughters!

To be honest, Qin Huairu was unwilling.


Because these two are not sons.

If it is a son, he can still provide for himself when he is raised.

What can a girl do when she is raised?

When you grow up and get married, you will have ten and eight yuan of bride money, and there will be no use in the back!

Just like herself, she still married into the city, but she has been married for so many years, and she has not gone back to see her parents a few times, so what is the use of raising a girl.

Thinking about it like this, Qin Huairu couldn’t help frowning, no matter what, he couldn’t bring two oil bottles, otherwise Yi Zhonghai would be unhappy.

“What’s wrong with the? The child is the surname of the Jia family, Jia Dongxu died and I left home, I can’t manage these two children………… Besides, they still have grandma, can I take care of it? ”

Qin Huairu was a little weak-hearted, but she still raised her voice to say these words.

When Xiaodang and Huaihua heard Qin Huairu’s words, they only lowered their heads and didn’t say a word.

The deaf old lady hurried to help Qin Huairu at this time!

“Who doesn’t know that women are hard? Qin Huairu has been working as a cow and horse in the Jia family for so many years, and now he has finally taken another step………… Everyone also knows that Yi Zhonghai is now downgraded to clean the toilet, and his salary is okay to support himself and Qin Huairu, let him feed the two children, even if it is not good. ”

The deaf old lady said here and looked at Zhang Shengli: “And everyone also knows that this kind of thing is originally a woman remarrying a child and staying in her own home……… Now that Jia Zhang has been arrested by the police, these two children have to find a place for them to live in our courtyard. ”

“I already thought about it just now, it’s quite difficult for everyone in the courtyard to be in the courtyard……… Not to mention others, just bangs in the family, three children and two children have not yet married their daughters-in-law, and there are only two rooms~”

“Yan Bu is expensive, there are more children in the family, and there are only two houses, so it is still suitable for the third uncle Zhang Shengli.”

After saying this for a long time, the deaf old lady finally picked out what she meant.

“Zhang Shengli’s family, we all know that the three houses are very spacious! Other people’s homes are eating tightly, but Zhang Shengli’s family is a big fish and meat! So, raising two more children is a piggyback business, right? You Zhang Shengli have to be a good person, otherwise how can you deserve everyone’s respect for you, right? ”


The deaf old lady said to the end, and it was difficult to hide her pride in asking Zhang Shengli.

Zhang Shengli listened to the deaf old lady’s words and hehe twice.

“When you say this, others respect me, it’s because I Zhang Shengli doesn’t take advantage and doesn’t pit good people, but it doesn’t mean that I’m a saint and have to raise children for me.”

Zhang Shengli sneered and looked at Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu: “Besides, Xiaodang and Huaihua’s own mother are still alive, can it be the turn of others to feed her children?” ”

Seeing that Qin Huairu wanted to speak, Zhang Shengli did not give her a chance: “Of course, you also said just now, Yi Zhonghai is old, and it is indeed a little difficult for Qin Huairu to serve a father and raise two more children.” ”

“So, I think Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai can raise one, and the other child will be discussed who is responsible for raising her.”

Hearing Zhang Shengli say this, Yi Zhonghai coughed and gently nodded to Qin Huairu.

Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, finally said a human word.

The two girls, Yi Zhonghai, are unwilling to raise. After all, he plans to have a son himself.

To raise two daughters for others, isn’t that eating white rice every day?

But if it is to raise one, then Yi Zhonghai is still willing.

After all, the old saying says that there are no daughters in one lifetime and no relatives in three generations.

There is a girl who has been raised and found a good family to marry, in case her son has difficulties in the future, he can also ask her to help.

Thinking like this, Yi Zhonghai didn’t wait for Qin Huairu to speak, and he said directly: “In this way, I don’t care if Qin Huairu raises or not, I definitely can’t watch the two girls starve to death!” ”

“It’s just that everyone knows that I have average conditions now, so I can only raise one……… Let Sophora follow our family to eat. ”

Qin Huairu was a little surprised, she just wanted to discuss with Yi Zhonghai to raise Xiaodang.

After all, Xiaodang is already seven years old, and he can work for himself.

And Huaihua is only four years old, and she can’t carry it on her shoulders, and it will take two more years to raise her.

Thinking of this, Qin Huairu quietly pulled the sleeve of Lai Zhonghai.

But Yi Zhonghai didn’t pay attention to her at all. Yi Zhonghai knew Qin Huairu’s thoughts.

However, Yi Zhonghai also has his own ideas.

Sophora is too small to work.

But there are small benefits.

As a four-year-old child fed and warmed herself, she quickly forgot that she used to have a father.

In the future, I will only remember my stepfather.

Not when you are such an age.

I already have a memory, I can still hide things in my heart, and I can’t raise it.

The deaf old lady didn’t care about this, although Zhang Shengli raised the child to Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu.

But there’s another one!

As long as Xiaodang is raised by Zhang Shengli, Zhang Shengli, a dog thing, has to raise children for others for nothing!

The deaf old lady is excited just thinking about it!

Therefore, she immediately asked: “Then now that Yi Zhonghai’s family has one, what should Xiaodang do?” ”

The deaf old lady pointed at Xiaodang: “Zhang Shengli, this girl can only count on you as a good person!” ”

Zhang Shengli listened to her words but sneered: “Old immortal, didn’t I say it just now?” I never said I was a saint~”

“In our yard, other people don’t have time or energy to raise a child, but someone raised it.”

Zhang Shengli pointed to the silly pillar.

“Everyone knows that Silly Zhu has become a eunuch and can’t marry his daughter-in-law……… He earns his own money and spends it himself, and He Daqing, who is just in his fifties, can also earn money, so the stupid pillar is equal to no burden. It is most appropriate to raise the little dang to the stupid pillar. ”

“Stupid pillars can’t do it!”

As soon as Zhang Shengli’s words were finished, the deaf old lady refuted loudly!

Stupid pillars still have to support themselves!

How can you spend money to feed someone else!

“Why can’t you be stupid?”

Zhang Shengli looked at the stupid pillar: “He has no daughter-in-law, no children, no burden……… Raising a little is good, it can be regarded as more popular in the family~”

Zhang Shengli knew that the stupid pillar had actually been immortal to Qin Huairu.

Therefore, Zhang Shengli specially let the stupid pillar raise Xiaodang.

Silly pillars will certainly not refuse.

As long as he doesn’t refuse, the deaf old lady can’t pit herself and don’t say anything, which is equivalent to lifting a stone and hitting her own feet.

Xiaodang, this girl, Zhang Shengli saw it clearly.

She looked at the muffled one, and her heart was only a lot more than Qin Huairu.

When she arrives at Silly Zhu’s house and fights with the deaf old lady, I am afraid that the deaf old lady may not be able to take advantage!

After all, everyone in the courtyard knows that the deaf old lady, a fake five-guarantee household, lies and is ruthless and selfish.

And Xiaodang is just a seven or eight-year-old little girl.

“How about it, silly pillar, when you don’t raise the door?”

As long as he thought of Xiaodang’s troubles after arriving at the Silly Pillar’s house, Zhang Shengli couldn’t help but want to laugh.

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