Chapter 155: I’m going to be a dad!.

After the deaf old lady heard Yi Zhonghai’s scolding and scolding, her heart was simply happy!

What is it?

Isn’t this just sleepiness and someone sending pillows?

She Zhang Cuifen asked Yi Zhonghai, a fool, to cooperate with him, but he was not willing to.

The result?

Now that she has been beaten half dead, she wants to see how hard this dog thing will be!

“I told you, you shouldn’t act rashly.”

The deaf old lady sighed leisurely, one eye flashed, and she spoke again: “You only think that you may be arrested if you cooperate with those people, what kind of collusion with the enemy charges people’s lives, but why don’t you think about it, if you really buy off those ruffians, they kill Zhang Shengli or destroy Zhang Shengli, they won’t be arrested?” If they are caught, it will be a matter of minutes to betray you. ”

“And what I’m saying is much safer than yours.”

When the deaf old lady said this, she saw Yi Zhonghai’s distrustful eyes on herself.

“Old lady, if you want to die yourself, don’t pull me along.”

Yi Zhonghai snorted coldly, how could it be the same?

Although it is now a new society, those Buddha masters basically have to talk about the rules of the rivers and lakes, if they collect money, they can’t sell themselves……… Although they did not take their own sales.

But what about this deaf old lady?

“As long as I get caught in this, I will say death!”

Yi Zhonghai lowered his voice and roared.

“How so?”

The deaf old lady patted his arm to make Yi Zhonghai quieter.

“You just need to steal things out, and then find a way to blame Zhang Shengli……… As long as we plan carefully so that Zhang Shengli has nothing to say, at that time, as long as he is convicted, you will have a chance to turn over if you take revenge, Yi Zhonghai! ”

Yi Zhonghai lay on the bed, listening to the deaf old lady say this, his heart was also a little moved.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai wavering, the deaf old lady hurriedly increased her efforts: “Can you figure it out, Zhang Shengli sixth-level worker and eighth-level worker can harm you continuously downgraded to clean the toilet, he is now an engineer, do you still have a way to live?” ”

“Now I think about it, Zhang Shengli, as the only engineer in the rolling mill, has to let him do those things!” At that time, as long as you can steal things out, 06 is not deliberately blamed, and he Zhang Shengli is also a key suspect! Isn’t it easy to kill him then? ”

“Okay, you let me think.”

Yi Zhonghai pulled up the quilt and put it on his head, letting the deaf old lady go out.

“You hurry up, I’m tired and panicked, sleep for a while.”

Yi Zhonghai still can’t make up his mind, this matter is too big, for Yi Zhonghai, going to the ancestral grave when he is old is as important as passing on the lineage.

If you can’t succeed in the victory by planting Zhang by then, you will be found out………… Then he really has no place to die.

Therefore, Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth and still wanted to think again.

It was necessary to retaliate against Zhang Shengli, but he was not willing to catch himself……… The deaf old lady knew that this matter could not force Yi Zhonghai to be too tight.

Otherwise, it seems that he has some plans, or it is easy for Yi Zhonghai to doubt his own purpose.

Thinking like this, the deaf old lady got up and sighed, turned around and walked out: “You can figure it out yourself, anyway, now we and Zhang Shengli this dog thing, either he dies or we live!” ”

Out of the door of Yi Zhonghai’s house, the deaf old lady looked at the backyard, and a trace of cruelty flashed in her eyes.

Zhang Shengli, you hurt me an ancestor, and now you have become a rat crossing the street!

You don’t die, I Zhang Cuifen won’t die!


A lump of suddenly smashed into the deaf old lady’s face!

The deaf old lady almost jumped up in disgust, quickly wiped off the, and looked forward, it was actually two children in the yard!

“Little bunny! You want to die…”

“Who are you scolding?”

The deaf old lady just scolded, and before the crutches were raised, she was stunned!

The child’s grandmother came over and pulled the child behind her

“You black five! Hitting you is light! We are poor middle peasants, and if something like you lives in this courtyard, you should be beaten!” ”

Saying that, the old lady also turned her head and said to her grandson: “It is supposed to beat the beast, but you catch and bury it more?” Something else next time! ”

Saying that, he pulled his grandson and went to wash his hands.

Before the deaf old lady could scold, she was left speechless by the other party’s series of actions.

By the time she reacted, the people had already washed their hands and went home………… Became an engineer, and the factory gave a lot of rewards.

Elder Zhou and Director Yang each gave Zhang Shengli an envelope.

Inside are mostly all kinds of rare tickets and the like.

So Zhang Shengli got off work and went directly to the department store.

For example, there are Western-style confectionery and high-end Chinese sweets that are not available in supply and marketing companies, and there are special stalls in department stores.

With a few dim sum tickets and food tickets, Zhang Shengli bought several boxes of various pastries.

Using a few more industrial tickets and cloth tickets, Zhang Shengli bought new clothes and shoes for himself and Yang Weiwei.

When he looked east and west, and came out of the department store, he really couldn’t get a big bag or a small bag.

Zhang Shengli’s bicycle was full of things, which made the neighbors of the courtyard blush one by one.

I really wish I hadn’t married someone like Zhang Shengli!

Yang Weiwei was a little uneasy today.

Her little day was postponed for a week, and she hadn’t remembered it, but today she heard someone else talk about it, and she remembered it.

She doesn’t know if she is pregnant, after all, she has only lived with Zhang Shengli for a month, and I don’t know if I can see it………

“I’m back.”

Zhang Shengli parked the bicycle at the door, then carried things into the house, and found Yang Weiwei in a daze.

“What’s wrong? Look at the cake I bought you~”

Zhang Shengli said, putting the snack box on the table, and the experience of later generations told him that there was no girl who didn’t like this thing.

Hearing Zhang Shengli’s words, Yang Weiwei woke up like a dream!


She exclaimed Zhang Shengli nervously, and Zhang Shengli looked at her suspiciously.

“…… That one…… That one…… My little day didn’t come, I don’t know if I’m pregnant~”

Yang Weiwei said, her face turned red.

I don’t know what’s wrong, she feels a little embarrassed.

When Zhang Shengli heard Yang Weiwei say this, his eyes immediately widened!

It’s true!

It’s been more than a month since Yang Weiwei moved in, and she really hasn’t……… Zhang Shengli suddenly had a little faster heartbeat, there was no way, he was an orphan in his last life, and what he wanted most was a home.

As a result, this life crossed over, and the original parents were gone… Now that he has a daughter-in-law, if there is another child, Zhang Shengli pursed his lips nervously and coughed twice before he could speak.

“So, don’t be nervous. I’ll give you a pulse first…”

Seeing Zhang Shengli grabbing his hand, Yang Weiwei sneered.

Zhang Shengli’s hand was actually a little shaky, this man ah, more nervous than himself… Thinking about it like this, Yang Weiwei suddenly stopped being nervous.

She stretched out her hand and held Zhang Shengli’s hand: “Don’t be nervous, take your pulse slowly, it doesn’t matter if it’s okay, I will definitely try to give you several children, so that the family is lively~”

Zhang Shengli coughed twice, smiled hehe, and put on a sneering expression: “How can I be nervous, I, my medical technique is too easy to feel a slippery vein~”

Yang Weiwei nodded: “Then can you not put your finger on the back of my hand?” ”

When Zhang Shengli saw it, he smiled.

Okay, what’s wrong with big men being nervous!

Being a dad for the first time in two lives, he allowed himself to tense up!

The two people sat up straight, and Zhang Shengli gave Yang Weiwei a serious look.

“The ulnar pulse is smooth and sees the flood vein and comes and goes relatively slowly, and there is a feeling of pearls rolling over the jade disk, which is a phenomenon of qi and blood full of harmony, your body is very good~”

Hearing Zhang Shengli and Kung Fu ridiculing himself, Yang Weiwei glared at him with disgust: “What do you mean~”

Zhang Shengli gently put down Yang Weiwei’s hand, stood up and stretched out his hand, Yang Weiwei didn’t understand what he meant, but also stood up cooperatively, and then reached out to let Zhang Shengli hold him.

“Meaning, this is a slippery pulse also called a joy pulse……… Comrade Yang Weiwei, you are going to be a mother, I will be a father. ”


Yang Weiwei almost jumped up with joy!

“My medical skills can still be fake! I’m going to be a daddy! ”

Zhang Shengli’s voice was a little louder this time, he felt a little like he was dreaming, and the whole person who was happy was a little dizzy!


Suddenly, Xu Damao came in at the door.

“Oh my God! Zhang Shengli, you are powerful, you! Not to mention the fast upgrade, the birth of children is so fast! ”

Xu Damao grinned.

“My daughter-in-law has been married for seven or eight years before she gets pregnant, how long have you been here!” No, you have to treat you! ”

Xu Damao was really happy, and he knew in his heart that if it weren’t for Zhang Shengli, he would never have the possibility of being a father in his life.

So now seeing Zhang Shengli happy, he is also happy.

Even Xu Damao has already begun to think that if the two of them have a son and a daughter, it will be good if they have a son and a daughter, and when the time comes, they will be tied to Zhang Shengli for the rest of their lives!

Zhang Shengli didn’t know Xu Damao’s thoughts, otherwise he would have to beat him!

What do you think about when you are full every day!

He Zhang Shengli’s species, whether boys and girls must be great people?

Hearing that Xu Damao asked for a treat, Zhang Shengli was not stingy.

Such a big happy event, of course, to be publicized!

Xu Damao, a dog-legged man, carried a bag of white rabbit milk candy from the backyard to the front yard.

Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei held hands and watched from behind.

“Dear neighbors! Zhang Shengli is our third uncle who is going to be a father! Everyone is happy! ”

“Congratulations Congratulations!”

“What a great thing!”

“Congratulations, congratulations! You’re a great joy! ”

“That is, I was promoted to engineer just a few days after marriage, and now my daughter-in-law is also pregnant~”

Lou Xiao’e looked at Yang Weiwei with a look of envy, although she was also pregnant, Zhang Shengli was really too promising.

Who looked envious of Yang Weiwei.

Everyone in the courtyard said congratulations, Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei looked joyful.

“I’ll go ride and take you back to your grandmother’s house to talk to them!”

Zhang Shengli listened to everyone’s congratulations, and the corners of his happy mouth rose and could not be retracted.

Thinking about it later, only these people know it, and many more people know.

He and Yang Weiwei immediately rode to Rabbit Alley with big bags and small bags, looking at Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei’s overjoyed look.

Yan Bugui’s smiling face disappeared when he entered the house.

He’s just jealous!

His eldest son has also been married for a while, why hasn’t he moved yet?

The second son is about the same age as Zhang Shengli?

There is no formal job!

“People have to die more than people…”

Some people in the courtyard were happy, some were jealous, and some people ate sugar and were beautiful.

And the silly pillar is hate!

He was jealous and couldn’t wait to eat Zhang Shengli!

On what basis?

He Zhang Shengli, this beast, how worthy of having a son!

This dog thing is eight or nine years younger than himself, and the result?

He He Yuzhu is now a toilet cleaner, with a salary of twenty or thirty yuan a month.

Zhang Shengli is an engineer, although he doesn’t know how much the engineer is paid, but Silly Zhu knows that at least a hundred yuan to go forward, right?

He He Yuzhu didn’t even see what a woman looked like, but Zhang Shengli married such a beautiful daughter-in-law as Yang Weiwei!

And now, he He Yuzhu has become a eunuch!

Zhang Shengli, this dog thing is actually going to be a father!

The stupid pillar sat there, and suddenly his whole body trembled with anger!

“Grandson! Lao Tzu won’t make you proud all the time! ”

And like Silly Zhu, who can’t wait for Zhang Shengli to die, it is Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai, like Silly Zhu, is a desperate household!

For him, if he hated Zhang Shengli at the beginning because he wanted him to die, then now that he knows that he is actually going to be a father, Yi Zhonghai can’t wait to chop Zhang Shengli up now and feed it to 583 dogs!

“No, I can’t make him so proud!”

Yi Zhonghai’s eyes flashed with killing intent, he Yi Zhonghai can’t be a father, why did Zhang Shengli have a son this dog thing?

It is difficult to kill Zhang Shengli, but if you don’t get a child, it’s not easy!

Yi Zhonghai sneered in his heart, although he had never been a father, he had also seen a lot of words and plays.

As long as the child is not born, it is too easy to make him drop!

Yi Zhonghai raised his head and looked at Jia Zhang’s house on the other side.

Since Jia Dongxu was gone, Jia Zhangshi has been a little crazy.

Every day when he saw himself, he scolded and cursed, but Yi Zhonghai knew that Jia Zhangshi hated Zhang Shengli even more!

Because every time Jia Zhangshi scolded himself, he would piggyback this scolding Zhang Shengli, but when he scolded Zhang Shengli, he did not carry himself, Yi Zhonghai also knew that if it were not for Zhang Shengli, the Jia family would not be able to get to the current situation……… Therefore, letting Jia Zhang, an old thing, clean up Yang Weiwei, and killing Zhang Shengli’s child is a better way for him to take revenge than killing Zhang Shengli!

“Now that your son is gone, and your grandson is not your own family’s species, who is to blame?”

When Yi Zhonghai saw that no one was around, he gave Jia Zhangshi a white-faced steamed bun for her to eat.

Jia Zhangshi glared at Yi Zhonghai fiercely, but still took the steamed bun and ate it.

“Blame you! Blame you and Zhang Shengli for that beast! ”

After eating a mouthful of steamed buns, Jia Zhangshi replied to Yi Zhonghai in a trance.

She now knows that she hates Yi Zhonghai and hates Zhang Shengli!

“Yes! Blame Zhang Shengli that beast! If it wasn’t for his nonsense, how could Jia Dongxu be fooled? Look at now, isn’t Qin Huairu still in your house? That means that Zhang Shengli said nonsense and deliberately angered Jia Dongxu~”

Yi Zhonghai sighed, and then reached out and patted Jia Zhang’s back: “Jia Dongxu is my apprentice, how could I deliberately harm him?” If it weren’t for Zhang Shengli, the beast pressing step by step, how could Dongxu die? ”

Hearing Yi Zhonghai’s words, Jia Zhangshi looked at the backyard fiercely!

“Yes! All blame Zhang Shengli for this beast! ”

“Now Zhang Shengli eats meat every day and doesn’t give you food, I can see it today, he didn’t let Xu Damao give you sugar, Zhang Shengli, this dog thing really looks down on you Jia Zhang’s~”

Hearing the candy, Jia Zhang’s eyes straightened,


Yi Zhonghai nodded, he knew that for Jia Zhang’s inability to take advantage was also the fuse of hatred!

“Yes, Zhang Shengli and his daughter-in-law are pregnant, he is going to be a father, poor Jia Dongxu is dead, the Jia family is extinct, Zhang Shengli, this dog thing killed Jia Dongxu, and he will not give it to your Jia family by giving out candy…”

Yi Zhonghai shook his head and looked at Jia Zhangshi with sympathy: “Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, really looks down on the Jia family, when his son is born, Jia Dongxu is only afraid of dying of anger.”

Jia Zhangshi heard that Zhang Shengli gave candy to himself, and then heard that the Jia family was desperate and thought of his son again!

“Nope! Can’t let him be a daddy! ”

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