Chapter 154: Huaxia’s Youngest Engineer!.

Yi Zhonghai knew very well in his heart that it was impossible for a deaf old lady to make up a story to fool herself.

So, the confidential spare part she said must be true.

But the more confidential, the more Yi Zhonghai dared not touch it!

Now is different, Xu Damao can have children, and he Yi Zhonghai can also leave the Yi family nine times out of ten. In this case, Yi Zhonghai certainly doesn’t want to do something that takes his head off!

As for Zhang Shengli………… A killing intent flashed in Yi Zhonghai’s eyes, Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, he had already thought of a way to deal with him!

He wants to let him die and no one can find out about him!

Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai deliberately hid the hatred for Zhang Shengli in his eyes, and then looked at the deaf old lady with disgust: “Don’t look for me here, we are not people on the same road.” ”

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai oil and salt did not enter, the deaf old lady could only knock the crutches, turned around and rolled.

And Yi Zhonghai looked at the lively and brightly lit backyard again, turned around and left the courtyard. So, this time he specially loaded the money and went to find someone to help.

Yi Zhonghai had also been to the black market, and he knew that there were those Buddha masters and street skaters on the black market.

As a result, I didn’t expect that after wandering in the black market for a long time, let alone the Buddha, I couldn’t see a single one on the street.

Yi Zhonghai got into the small black shop on the side of the road, and after asking, he knew that in the past few days, those people were hiding………… Hearing this news, Yi Zhonghai was deeply shocked.

Yi Zhonghai originally wanted to spend money to eliminate the disaster and let these people do Zhang Shengli!

As a result, I didn’t expect to be so back, and I actually happened to encounter this thing………… Yi Zhonghai took a deep breath, and the cold air of the winter night rushed into his lungs, making his eyes even colder.

Even if these people were really hiding, he Yi Zhonghai would not be able to let Zhang Shengli go!

However, what it looks like now……… Is it true that he can only choose to cooperate with the deaf old lady for revenge?

On the second day of marriage, Zhang Shengli went to work.

After all, the two of them have actually passed for a while, there is no need to come to the house again, this is not a marriage leave in the later life, this year and month leave is no one to ask for leave.

They all serve the people wholeheartedly, and Zhang Shengli did a big thing on this day.

Under the witness of the assessment team of the Ministry of Industry, Zhang Shengli conducted the engineer assessment.

And this matter, until the next day the Ministry of Industry sent the information and certificate passed the assessment to the rolling mill, everyone did not know.

When he received the call, Director Yang was so excited that he almost jumped!

“Quick! Broadcast! Factory notification! Zhang Shengli, this young man is really fighting for our rolling mill! ”

Director Yang was very excited, and immediately prepared to call Elder Zhou!

He knew that Elder Zhou looked at Zhang Shengli the same way as his grandson, and knew that he had won the engineer’s assessment, so he might be happy!

As a result, as soon as I picked up the phone, I heard a burst of laughter!

“Xiao Yang, how is it? I have long said, let’s Zhang Shengli, that’s the whole rolling mill… No! A rare talent in the whole of Huaxia! How about it, your rolling mill met him this time, what a lot of luck! ”

It turned out that Elder Zhou knew the news earlier than Director Yang.

That’s no way, Zhang Shengli went to the Ministry of Industry to assess him and knew.

So he waited for the assessment results early this morning.

His old subordinates in the Ministry of Industry were the first to notify him when they knew the result.

So, he immediately took the car.

Zhang Shengli passed the engineer assessment, how can he show his face to Director Yang, how can he also fight for more benefits for Zhang Shengli!

“Call me ah, you rolling mill can have an engineer, that’s really shining! It’s just that if you want to keep the golden phoenix, you have to have a tree, isn’t it…”

Just as Elder Zhou brainwashed Director Yang, the radio in the factory also sounded,

“Comrade workers, comrade workers! Big news! Big news! Comrade Zhang Shengli of our factory passed the engineer assessment this morning! From now on, from this moment on, Comrade Zhang Shengli will be the entire rolling mill……… The youngest engineer in the entire Four Nine Cities, or the entire Huaxia! Let us join us in congratulating Comrade Zhang Shengli with the warmest applause! ”

“Snap! Snap~”

Yu Haitang’s excited hands were red!

She just regrets it now!

Why couldn’t I not be a little faceless in the first place! Stalker! Doesn’t it all say that women chase men compartment yarn?

Now it’s okay, the good man is someone else’s, although he is annoyed in his heart, but Yu Haitang fortunately still has a face………… The main thing is that in this era, women like Qin Huairu who break shoes with others are still a minority, because they are afraid of losing people.

Therefore, although Yu Haitang’s intestines are repentant, he is still really happy for Zhang Shengli!

It should be said that in the entire rolling mill, few people are unhappy!

Because the more famous the rolling mill, the more the Ministry of Industry pays attention to the payment of salaries and benefits, and the more he can think of their factory, so Zhang Shengli, the youngest engineer, is only good for the rolling mill and their co-workers!

Of course, although few people are unhappy, there are still people who are unhappy……… Such as silly pillars, such as Yi Zhonghai.

Because of Qin Huairu’s affairs, Stupid Zhu completely hated Yi Zhonghai.

Two people sweep so many toilets, it is really not easy not to encounter.

Therefore, the stupid pillar simply deliberately worked behind Yi Zhonghai.

Let Yi Zhonghai, this dog thing, work more, stupid Zhu also deliberately mocked Yi Zhonghai with a nose that his nose is not a nose and his eyes are not eyes.

“What eighth-grade worker, still want to retake the exam? Take a fart. ”

Knowing that Yi Zhonghai was about to arrive at this time, Silly Zhu deliberately said loudly.

“Shouting every day to kill others, what happened? The cowhide is blown on the woman, nothing else! ”

Yi Zhonghai’s face was livid, and he was about to taunt back loudly when he heard Zhang Shengli’s voice.

“What for?”

It turned out that Zhang Shengli happened to go to the toilet in the toilet, and when he heard the stupid pillar’s taunt of Yi Zhonghai, he laughed in his heart, and seeing that Yi Zhonghai was about to run away, Zhang Shengli got up and walked out.

Seeing that Zhang Shengli actually came out of the toilet, Yi Zhonghai’s face changed even more.

What is more humiliating than being laughed at?

It is to let the enemy see that he is humiliated!

When Yi Zhonghai wanted to say something, he found that Zhang Shengli just glanced at him with disdain, raised his foot and left.

Yi Zhonghai and the stupid pillar who came out looked at Zhang Shengli’s back, and suddenly even greater hatred surged in his heart!

Zhang Shengli, this beast, why should he?

Why did he Yi Zhonghai go from an eighth-grade worker that everyone admired to a toilet sweeper!

And Zhang Shengli, this beast, actually became an engineer from a first-class worker within two months!

Yi Zhonghai grabbed the broom, he clearly knew that if he wanted to take the senior engineer exam again, then the factory would definitely let Zhang Shengli, an engineer, proctor!

In this way, does he still have a chance to go back?

In his life, is it really only possible that Zhang Shengli, a beast, has no power to turn over!

Silly Zhu’s hatred for Zhang Shengli is actually no less than Yi Zhonghai.

After all, people are all one disease, not suffering from the few but suffering from inequality.

And Silly Zhu’s hatred for Zhang Shengli all comes from a difficult intention!

In his own opinion, he felt that he was tall and powerful, no worse than Zhang Shengli!

And Zhang Shengli was a first-class worker at the beginning, and he was a decent cook in the cafeteria!

Don’t you say that whoever starves to death will not starve to death cooks.

So, this year the cook this job is really beautiful!

The result?

Zhang Shengli rose all the way, the first-level worker became a sixth-level worker, the sixth-level worker became an eighth-level worker, and now he has become an engineer!

What made Silly Zhu even more unacceptable was that Silly Zhu himself became a eunuch.

And Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, married such a beautiful woman as Yang Weiwei!

Why is he?

As far as Qin Huairu, who has been married and has children and broke his shoes with others, he is not with Yi Zhonghai, the old king bastard!

Thinking about it like this, Silly Zhu couldn’t wait to bite Zhang Shengli in his heart, and Yi Zhonghai even more eager to bite him to death!

“Bah! Loser! ”

Silly Zhu turned his head and spat thick phlegm at Yi Zhonghai’s feet!

He just wants to disgust Yi Zhonghai, this old thing, being trampled on by Zhang Shengli like this can’t kill him, it’s really special!

As for why you don’t do it yourself……… Stupid Zhu thinks that it is better to wait for Yi Zhonghai to kill Zhang Shengli, and then clean up Yi Zhonghai like this, right?

After Yi Zhonghai got off work these days, he had to go to the black market every day.

If nothing else, just think about meeting those people.

Unexpectedly, Jin’er actually let him meet!

After seeing a street slipper who ran out to collect protection fees, Yi Zhonghai quickly stuffed a box of big front doors for the man, and asked him to take him to find this piece of Buddha……… Buddha Ye is actually a sneaker on the street, and some second-rate old gangsters who left a little power in the early years wanted to continue to gain a foothold, and began to take the bad young people on the interface to collect protection fees or fight and hurt people or something.

In order to distinguish their identity from the punks, they are called Buddha.

The Buddha Yi Zhonghai found was thirty or forty years old.

In his room, he was either standing, or sitting with a dozen young men who were hanging children.

Yi Zhonghai stood in the room, quickly bent down and bowed ninety degrees to salute the Buddha, and then he said what he wanted to do: “A bastard who wants to win, he is in our courtyard…”

“……………… Now he is an engineer in our factory, usually high-spirited, bullying people that is a set of ah! ”

“So I thought, people, don’t steam steamed buns to fight for breath!” I’m so old that I can’t let my little bunny be bullied, can I? So I want you guys to teach that dog a lesson! ”

Yi Zhonghai said, pulled down his neck with his hand, and made a murderous motion!

“Don’t worry, this matter has become my designation and cannot be treated badly!”

Theravada Buddha frowned, took a sip of tea and rinsed his mouth.

Yi Zhonghai looked at it in his eyes, for fear that he was unwilling to kill,

“So, if you don’t want to kill him, you will give him two arms!” Just let him no longer work! ”

After listening to Yi Zhonghai’s request, that Buddha sneered and asked Yi Zhonghai in a loud voice: “Just let him not work?” ”

Yi Zhonghai quickly nodded!

“Yes, yes! Let him be a waste man later! It’s more relieved than killing him! ”

But I didn’t expect that that Buddha Ye waved his hand and Yi Zhonghai looked confused, what does it mean?

“Give me a good clean up of this old thing!”

As a result, before he could react, several young people surrounded and beat Yi Zhonghai violently!

“You just said, who is this person? The youngest engineer in a rolling mill…”

Buddha Ye also did not look at Yi Zhonghai, who was beaten, just smoked a cigarette, and then continued: “You know that you are looking for us to do things, but you don’t know that we people, the last thing you want to provoke is someone with status!” ”


That self-questioning and answering, there is no need for Yi Zhonghai to speak………… Of course, Yi Zhonghai could only scream when he was beaten, and he couldn’t think about his words at all

“Of course, because of such a person, he is not easy to mess with!”

“Tell me yourself, how many engineers are there in the entire Four Nine Cities? If we really dare to kill someone like the engineer, can these policemen in Four Nine City let us go? ”

“These people are the high-end talents of the new society! Killing people like them, I especially say that no one believes that others buy murder! Whoever is special must think that Lao Tzu is a collaborator to kill the engineer! ”

Speaking of this, Buddha Ye directly dropped a teacup!

Yi Zhonghai was beaten even more!

“You didn’t come to send money to Lao Tzu, you want the police to kill Lao Tzu!”

In his heart, Buddha Ye only felt that Yi Zhonghai, this dog thing, came to make trouble for himself.

Kill the engineer?

He’s not full!

Now this situation has made him feel like pins and needles day by day.

Those policemen hit them twice in three days.

If Yi Zhonghai let himself kill a small worker or a small fart, he did it for money. Ordinary engineers dare not provoke, for fear of police investigation.

It’s a big deal to throw it into the lake and drown.

But Zhang Shengli is different.

Not to mention Zhang Shengli.

How many pairs of eyes are staring at the youngest engineer in Huaxia?

If he dies in vain, who would be willing to do so?

Why do you have to find out?

Move him yourself?

It’s just a rat hitting a lantern, looking for death is not!

In the past few days, they have been forced not to show their heads, Yi Zhonghai came to find excitement, this Buddha simply let people beat him well—Don!

It’s a joy!

“Hit! Beat this old thing and don’t dare to make fun of it anymore! ”

Just such a sentence, Yi Zhonghai’s beaten whole body did not have a good skin, but he did not lack an arm or a broken leg.

It’s a pain……… Originally, he could go home in ten minutes, but Yi Zhonghai was stunned that it took an hour to go home without walking and climbing.

In the courtyard, Yi Zhonghai just entered the door and saw Yan Bugui in the front yard.

In order to avoid being ridiculed, Yi Zhonghai quickly raised his arm in pain and covered his face.

The result was unexpected, Yan Bugui is a teacher, look at the small action to see the clearest 2.4 chu!

At a glance, he saw the bruises and purple that Yi Zhonghai saw!

“Oh, Master Yi, what’s wrong with you? Fell into a ditch on the road? ”

“No, we don’t have a ditch in this realm~”

Yan Xiecheng heard his father’s words and immediately came out of the house.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai’s miserable appearance, he also smiled with joy: “Look, I know, the designation is that you are pretending to be a big-tailed wolf outside to kidnap others?” Look at this beating, it’s a little miserable! ”

Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth, ignored these two immoral father and son, covered his stomach and covered his face and returned to the middle courtyard.

And the deaf old lady is sitting in front of the silly pillar’s house.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai’s body so sad, he couldn’t help but smile in his heart.

Yi Zhonghai, this idiot.

He left himself, what can be done well?

Still want to clean up Zhang Shengli, the result?

Look at his deaf old lady like this, you can know that this is a beating!

At the same time, the deaf old lady also knew that this was another good opportunity to convince Yi Zhonghai by herself.

After all, there’s still news over there.

She also received the news that Zhang Shengli, the dog thing, became an engineer, so this time the thing is nailed down, it is Zhang Shengli who did it!

In this case, she must let Yi Zhonghai help herself.

Because, Yi Zhonghai hated Zhang Shengli as much as she did.

What’s more, because Yi Zhonghai is also an old worker in a rolling mill, where will the confidential spare parts be made, he must have a little spectrum in his heart………… Thinking like this, the deaf old lady stood up tremblingly, and entered Yi Zhonghai’s house step by step on crutches. I simply entered the house and lay on the bed.

Yi Zhonghai was beaten too hard, and his whole body hurt so much that he couldn’t sit still.

The deaf old lady saw Yi Zhonghai collapsed on the bed like a waste, and sneered in her heart, but her face was full of concern: “Zhonghai, what’s wrong with you?” ”

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