Chapter 153: Lao Tzu’s ancestral grave can’t even enter!.

As soon as Zhang Shengli’s words were finished, Yi Zhonghai’s face was as dark as the bottom of the pot.

He knew in his heart that if Zhang Shengli dared to say this, he must be sure that the law was really like this.

Otherwise, Zhang Shengli is Wang Baegg, he can’t talk nonsense, can’t he?

But this also means that he Yi Zhonghai really has to give half of his property to Liu Cuihua……… Are you kidding!

“This is impossible!”

As soon as Yi Zhonghai shouted out this sentence, Zhang Shengli’s eyes were cold and he had not yet spoken, Yi Zhonghai’s daughter-in-law Liu Cuihua spoke.

“If you don’t want to, I’ll sue you!” Sue you Yi Zhonghai and others to break shoes! I’ll leave you with nothing! ”

Zhang Shengli expressed surprise at Liu Cuihua’s reaction speed, it seems that the rabbit is in a hurry and bites.

And Liu Cuihua is now confident in her heart.

If she thought it would be good to have a few hundred yuan settlement fee before, then now Zhang Shengli’s words are tantamount to giving her a shot in the arm.

Now she decided that Yi Zhonghai’s property she must leave half of it!

The best time in her life was given to Yi Zhonghai, this old thing, and now that she is older, Yi Zhonghai wants to kick her, yes.

However, even if it is a divorce, she will bite off a piece of Yi Zhonghai’s meat!

Thinking of this, Liu Cuihua turned her head and looked at Zhang Shengli with a firm expression.

“Uncle One, uncle, today, please give me the mastery, and divide the family’s property in half by one person clearly!” If he Yi Zhonghai does not agree, I will sue him Ming’er! ”

Zhang Shengli listened and knocked lightly on the table, and glanced at Yi Zhonghai: “Yi Zhonghai, do you agree with the division that Aunt Liu said?” ”

Yi Zhonghai first looked at Zhang Shengli indignantly, if this dog thing was not him, how could Liu Cuihua, a cheap thing, think of dividing the property equally!

But think of what they said, if it goes to court according to the law……… Yi Zhonghai knew in his heart that he was afraid that the court would also think that he was wrong to break his shoes.

Therefore, if she is allowed to sue, I am afraid that she will be even worse……… Looking at Liu Cuihua’s determined appearance, Yi Zhonghai’s face turned ashen.

“I divide. According to what she said, one and a half. ”

“Liu Cuihua, now you can take out the hidden money, right?”

Yi Zhonghai looked at Aunt Liu with gloomy eyes.

Only then did Aunt Liu turn around, untie her cotton coat, and take out the family’s money and passbook.

Yi Zhonghai hated in his heart!

No wonder he couldn’t find money at home, it turned out that this was actually put away closely!

“After the Jia family gave 500 yuan in compensation and buried money, the Yi family still had 3,280 yuan left, plus those guys in the family or something.”

Of course, the matter of counting things must be carried out by the second uncle of the courtyard, the iron abacus Yan Bugui.

Hearing that Yi Zhonghai actually had so much money in his family, everyone was shocked!

“More than 3,000 yuan! This moment, Liu Cuihua was hairy! ”

“This eighth-grade worker is just different! So much money…”

“No need to raise children, Liu Cuihua will live a life without wasting money, Yi Zhonghai is really a blessing~”

“So much money, enough for the elderly~”

Everyone’s words, a few uncles didn’t care, just some small talk and envy, they were responsible for dividing the Yi family.

“Okay, everyone be quiet!”

Liu Haizhong knocked on the table twice, quieting everyone, and then began to announce the divorce of Yi Zhonghai’s family.

“Yi Zhonghai and Liu Cuihua’s divorce certificate has been written and signed by several of us, and the property has been divided clean, tell everyone,”

“Everyone also understands what the marriage law is~”

Liu Haizhong pointed to Yi Zhonghai’s house: “Yi Zhonghai’s family has a total of two rooms, now divided into two, because it is an old mansion, so Yi Zhonghai asked for a hall house and a kitchen, and the smaller bedroom will open a door tomorrow to Liu Cuihua.” ”

“The family’s money, 3280 yuan, 1640 yuan for each of them, our uncles, can be said to be unbiased.”

After Liu Haizhong finished speaking, he picked up the signed paper on the table and patted his fat belly proudly.

“This matter today is the first thing we uncles have done together! It embodies our spirit of fairness and justice, and at the same time, it also safeguards the rights and interests of women comrades! What do you think? ”

How is it?

Of course everyone thinks it’s good!

Even if there are a few men who are awkward in their hearts……… After all, why did you get divorced and give it to a woman when you earn money?

But they also know that they don’t have so much money, and they don’t have Yi Zhonghai’s flowery intestines to break their shoes outside, so they shouldn’t do divorce.

Look at the happy looks of those women in the entire courtyard, and look at the satisfied looks of the three masters, who dares to say that they are not satisfied?

“Well done!”

“Yes! Three uncles, you are really reborn in the sky! ”

“Look at the future, do these men dare to engage in those flowery intestines!”

While everyone was amazed, of course, they also had to watch Yi Zhonghai’s jokes.

Yi Zhonghai’s whole person seemed to be angry with black smoke.

The face is gloomy and can drip water.


He kicked down the bench next to his legs and turned to go home.

“Yi Zhonghai, what attitude do you have!”

The bangs are angry with the bench looking at the ground!

This Yi Zhonghai is also too disrespectful to his uncle!

Yi Zhonghai turned his head and glanced at Zhang Shengli and Liu Haizhong gloomyly: “Why, I signed all the special words, what else is the matter?” ”

After speaking, without waiting for his bangs to speak, he directly raised his feet and went home.

When entering the door


I almost demolished the door!

Seeing Yi Zhonghai like this, everyone burst into laughter!

“Ouch! Yi Zhonghai, aren’t you Uncle Yi? Study every day, what do you study? You don’t know what the result of divorce is! What are you angry about, really…”

Liu Haizhong deliberately said loudly.

Everyone was even more happy when they heard it: “Yes, we remember!” Today, it is Yi Zhonghai’s divorce first~”

“It is estimated that he could not have imagined that he would have to lose money~”

“This time, this is without Madame, and the army is folded again~”

“Two losses of people and money, two losses of people and money~”

In the laughter of everyone, Zhang Shengli hid his merits and fame, turned around and went home.

His wedding with Yang Weiwei is the day after tomorrow, and there are many things that need to be prepared at home, so there is no time to delay here.

There have been a lot of things in the courtyard in the past two days.

The day after Yi Zhonghai’s divorce, the house opened again, and the family became two families.

On the same day, Jia Dongxu came out of the funeral, and Yi Zhonghai spent seven yuan and eight cents to buy a cypress coffin and pulled Jia Dongxu away and buried him.

In the courtyard, Jia Zhangshi forced Yi Zhonghai to set up 4 tables to give Jia Dongxu the final pomp and circumstance.

When everyone ate this table, they all gave a knife of paper money.

Therefore, Jia Zhangshi and Yi Zhonghai did not catch anything.

And the next day, Zhang Shengli’s wedding began.

Zhang Shengli borrowed a truck from the factory and took out several killed pigs and sheep from the space, plus a pile of grain and various dry goods.

Elder Zhou came forward to invite a few masters with good craftsmanship, and this wedding was held directly in the canteen of the rolling mill. After all, Zhang Shengli is now a popular man in the rolling mill, and there are too many people who want to attend his wedding.

Therefore, any restaurant is a little small, or directly in the factory, lively and magnificent.

It was the weekend, and the canteen was vacant during the workers’ holiday.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shengli got married and came many more people than before eating in the usual cafeteria.

When the witnesses came to the stage, the 30 round tables in the cafeteria were full!

As for the witnesses, Zhang Shengli originally did not ask for anything.

Thinking about it, otherwise let Yang Weiwei her uncle… That is, the matchmaker Wang team leader of the two of them can also serve as the leader.

As a result, everyone did not expect that Elder Zhou arrived early in the morning and hung a small red flower for himself as a witness~

“Let’s congratulate Zhang Shengli and Comrade Yang Weiwei together…”

Elder Zhou said on the stage that his eyebrows fluttered, he was happy!

Although Zhang Shengli was not his apprentice, he was his own closed disciple in his heart!

Looking at Zhou Lao’s excited look, Zhang Shengli gently shook Yang Weiwei’s hand.

He was also very happy that he had met some friends here and met an old confidant like Zhou Lao.

Also, married my daughter-in-law today………… At this moment, Zhang Shengli knew deeply that he would be a part of this era from today onwards.

He will definitely leave something for this era.

Speaking of feelings, there are also distant relatives.

It is clear that the sky is already eating and drinking well in the factory.

But those young workers who had a better relationship with Zhang Shengli, as well as Director Yang and Zhou Lao, were stunned and followed back to the courtyard, ready to eat the evening’s happy wine, and by the way, make trouble in the cave room.

In this regard, Zhang Shengli said that he was lucky to leave early to prepare.

Because the deaf old lady’s family property was confiscated, there are now only three families in the backyard, Zhang Shengli Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong, so the banquet Zhang Shengli set up in the courtyard was directly placed in the backyard, anyway, the deaf old lady’s family property was confiscated, and a few tables could be set up in it as soon as the door opened.

In addition, in Zhang Shengli’s house, as well as in the courtyard, Xu Damao’s house also put a table.

Today, Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui and Xu Damao did not go to the canteen of the rolling mill, because Zhang Luo was in the courtyard at night, and the neighbors in the courtyard, plus the leaders of those workers, actually set up more than a dozen tables of banquets.

Yan Bugui moved a table and specialized in bookkeeping.

Their family is now a family.

The three sons ran before and after serving vegetables, and the daughter-in-law helped pick the vegetables.

However, this is not for nothing.

Yan Bugui really bleed this time……… No bleeding can’t do it.

He was in charge of bookkeeping, and saw with his own eyes that this dog thing in the bangs actually gave a gift of 3 yuan!

3 bucks!

You know, the meals they usually eat in the neighborhood are given for a dime or two!

And he Yan Bu is expensive, and every time he strives for a penny without spending two happy words to eat as a family!

It turned out to be really……… Yan Bugui knew in his heart that the most capable person in the courtyard now, and the one who spoke the most effectively was Zhang Shengli.


Therefore, as soon as this money was given in the bangs, Yan Bugui directly gave 3 yuan a dime in order not to fall behind………… Because of this, Yan Bugui cried bitterly at home.

“If you can crush others, you can also be regarded as coming out.”

His daughter-in-law wiped her tears and decided that she must eat hard today!

Unexpectedly, these few dollars were not conspicuous at all.

Elder Zhou and Director Yang’s gift money was directly given to Zhang Shengli envelope, so Yan Bugui didn’t know how much.

However, the assistant who followed Director Yang gave 5 yuan.

Li Daqiang and Zhao Dashan also gave 5 yuan………… The two of them are so open-minded, not only because of their good relationship, but also because Zhang Shengli is really willing to teach them techniques.

And Xu Damao, this dog thing………… Yan Bugui glanced at the money handed over by Xu Damao: “You can’t do this?” So much direct to him, how much do you show your face? ”

Xu Damao smiled, Zhang Shengli has the grace of rebuilding his Xu family, how much to give is not too much, isn’t it?

More importantly, he Xu Damao deliberately put the book on the gift money, and he had to let these grandsons in the courtyard know that Zhang Shengli’s happy wine didn’t want to take advantage!

Therefore, Xu Damao directly took 200 yuan gift money and came over.

Yan Bugui looked at the money, and his eyelids trembled.

This is also too much………… And Xu Damao just set 200 yuan, and Lou Xiao’e took out another 500 yuan.

“This 500 yuan, trouble you to remember the name of Lou Bancheng.”

Lou Bancheng will say yes with Zhang Shengli.

Because Lou Xiao’e was afraid that Zhang Shengli would dislike her father’s capitalist status.

So I stole a space to ask Zhang Shengli, if I didn’t want to have anything to do with her father, this money let Zhang Shengli quietly collect it.

But Zhang Shengli just smiled at that time: “You go to keep accounts, it’s better to remember the courtesy exchange clearly.” ”

Zhang Shengli is not afraid of Lou Bancheng’s capitalist status.

For this point, Lou Xiao’e and Lou Bancheng were very excited.

They felt that Zhang Shengli was worthy of them.

It is a pity that they do not know that in a society decades later, rich entrepreneurs are no longer a shame.

Capitalists are no longer derogatory terms and victories, but also have the idea of waiting for more than ten years to make the first pot of gold.

So, how could he despise the Lou family?

As for whether it will be involved………… Zhang Shengli didn’t care about this problem at all.

In the face of absolute strength, the others are paper tigers.

Although everyone spent what they could tonight.

But Zhang Shengli’s table did not disappoint them.

The poorest family in the courtyard also paid 1 yuan.

When it was time to eat, their family unconsciously felt a little embarrassed.

Because I didn’t expect that Zhang Shengli’s wedding table could actually have so many dishes.

Not the average 6 dishes what 2 with meat and 4 vegan.

It’s not a faceless triprotein.

The table put out by Zhang Shengli was directly twelve dishes!

Four cold dishes and eight hot dishes!

Two meat dishes, one braised beef and one pork head.

Seven of the hot dishes are all meat, and only one sharp stir-fried green dish is vegetarian!

Large chunks of meat.

A large plate of braised pork, a large plate of chicken and fish.

A large plate of finger lamb made everyone salivate.

Throughout the evening, there was a lot of laughter in the backyard.

Yan Bugui, a calculating master, can’t care about the money, eats a mouth full of oil, and has to carry the shelf of his elementary school teacher to talk to a few small leaders who come to drink.

And this time.

Yi Zhonghai was standing in the shadow of the hall, watching everything in the backyard.

His ex-wife was sitting at the banquet in the backyard with his daughter-in-law in the bangs and Yan Bugui’s daughter-in-law, plus several old ladies in the courtyard eating and drinking.

Laugh forward and backward one by one.

Yi Zhonghai made people inquire, Liu Cuihua, this fool, actually gave Zhang Shengli a gift of 5 yuan!

Yi Zhonghai couldn’t help but feel that Zhang Shengli, a beast, said that if he divorced half of the money, he hooked up with Liu Cuihua!

They calculated well and deliberately pitted him Yi Zhonghai!

The deaf old lady stood behind Yi Zhonghai, coughed twice, and said in a low voice: “See? If you don’t make a ruthless move yourself, Zhang Shengli will attack you! ”

“He can stir up your divorce and take away half of your money, and he can continue to tinker with you for a bad life in the rolling mill…”

“So, you should still listen to me, cooperate with me, and let’s kill him Zhang Shengli together…”

“Get out!”

Yi Zhonghai turned his head and drank low to the deaf old lady!

“Cooperate with you, I have thought about what you said, I can clean up Zhang Shengli, but if I am caught, I can’t enter the ancestral grave of the old Yi family!”

Yi Zhonghai also quietly inquired about that matter in the past few days.

As a result, he found that no one in the rolling mill knew about it!

What does this mean?

It shows that what the deaf old lady said is either false, or it is a secret that can kill the head!.

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