Chapter 143: Stick Terrier Shot!.

“I really can’t help it, or you ask someone else?”

Yi Zhonghai said that the moral went up again, turned his head and said to Zhang Shengli: “Then Yuan’er Zhang Shengli is the richest, right?” And this new uncle in the bangs, how can you also set an example, right? ”

Yi Zhonghai snorted coldly and looked at them: “Seeing that people are going to die, you two don’t care if it’s inappropriate or not, right?” ”

Yi Zhonghai thinks that seeing that people are going to die, he put Zhang Shengli’s bangs up, how can they be embarrassed to care? As a result, Yi Zhonghai did not expect that these two people were very embarrassed.

Zhang Shengli laughed shamefully when he heard Yi Zhonghai’s words: “Yi Zhonghai, are you afraid you forgot?” Just now you also said that I am a person who wants to kill them stupidly, and you still suspect that I poisoned them… Why would I save them at this time, do you think it’s possible? ”

“These two died in front of my eyes, and they have nothing to do with me.”

After Zhang Shengli finished saying two words, Yi Zhonghai and He Yushui had nothing to say·

People have said so, I can’t wait for He Daqing and Silly Zhu to die, how can I borrow money? Liu Haizhong coughed twice: “I have to criticize Yi Zhonghai for this, you also know that so many children in my family are not rich, you are reluctant to save so much money yourself, how can you have the face to kidnap me?” Yi Zhonghai, you still won’t change the stinky problem after you step down~”


Liu Haizhong sighed deliberately, and glanced at Yi Zhonghai with disdain: “I still remember, you told Silly Zhu that you are the same as your own father and son, since it is nothing to give a medical fee like this, right?” ”

Hearing Liu Haizhong say this, He Yushui once again set his eyes on Yi Zhonghai.

“I’m really nervous…”

Yi Zhonghai still didn’t let go.

Zhang Shengli sneered in his heart, just like him, he still expects others to give him a pension and dream. He Yushui knew that she had to send He Daqing and Silly Zhu to the hospital.

She is about to get engaged, and if He Daqing and Silly Zhu die at this time, the marriage can only retreat. But she didn’t want to delay her marriage.

She is a police officer at the police station, an iron rice bowl in an iron rice bowl.

People’s parents are also old workers, and it can be said that He Yushui cannot find a marriage partner with better conditions than this person at present. Therefore, even if it was for his marriage not to change, He Yushui had to send He Daqing and them to the hospital.

Originally, He Yushui still thought about trying not to spend his own money, and it was best not to spend He Daqing their money… After all, these two still have to prepare a dowry for themselves.

But at this point, forget it!

He Daqing, their money must be on them, He Yushui immediately turned around and turned over the money!

“There you have it!”

In He Daqing’s pocket, He Yushui felt out one hundred and eighty yuan, and he was finally relieved. But now the problem is that she can’t take two people to the hospital alone.

Even if she uses a tricycle, she can’t carry two men. Therefore, He Yushui picked up the money and quickly shouted to everyone: “There is money, let’s quickly send them to the hospital!” ”

But no one moved.

He rain is circled, what does it mean that this is?

“Trouble you, whoever goes to borrow a tricycle, let’s take them to the hospital!”

Seeing that He Yushui was still talking, after everyone looked at each other, someone spoke.

“He Yushui, it’s not that we don’t want to be affected. But you look at these two, a tricycle to pull up but hard enough, we all have to earn money to live, at this time to use the strength, what to do if you are bored at work? ”

What else don’t you understand when you say this?

To say that it is also because the stupid pillar has done too many sins over the years.

When he boasted about his courtyard god of war every day, it meant that he basically beat the melon-eating masses in the courtyard. Grow melons to get melons, and plant beans to get beans.

The reason for planting oneself is not to blame others for not being willing to help them in vain. He Yushui could only grit his teeth, and then asked: “Then you see, how much will it cost you to send them to the hospital?” ”

Hearing He Yushui say this, the man immediately spoke.

“I definitely can’t do it alone, two people they pretend like this, and now they haven’t had a little consciousness to lift too heavy, how can it take four people…” So you give money according to four people, and one person gets 5 yuan. ”

“So expensive!”

He Yushui exclaimed!

Hearing her say this, the others’ faces did not change.

“Your brother beat us back then, but he didn’t pay a penny for medical expenses, so 5 yuan is not expensive.”

He Yushui knew that it was difficult for these two to live in entanglement, and money could not be saved.


He Yushui gave the man 20 yuan, and immediately someone came over and prepared to carry the stupid pillar to them.

“I’ll go borrow a tricycle first!”

Or Yan Jiefang’s tutor is good and knows how to make money. Immediately went to ride a tricycle.

When the time comes, will anyone else be able to drive themselves away? Gee.

Five bucks for a while, beautiful!

And at this time, the police came in, because it was involved in a life lawsuit, so this time four or five policemen came, and everyone was a little stunned when they saw it.

Although he was not a thief and did not have a weak heart, he could see the policeman with a gun, and everyone still drummed in their hearts. At this time, Zhang Shengli’s calmness looked courageous.

Because of this, the police directly verified the situation with Zhang Shengli.

“So you came out of the house when you heard her call, didn’t you?”

Zhang Shengli nodded.

“Mostly, yes, my house is in the backyard, and when I come out, I see everyone running over…”

The policeman nodded, glanced at He Daqing and Silly Zhu, and asked people to quickly send them to the hospital.

Several people hurriedly pulled He Daqing and Silly Zhu away, and the police also began to ask about the case. It’s still the same person just now,

“I was by the pool…”

The man nervously pointed to the pool: “That’s it, where I was doing laundry, and I saw the stick terrier running away in panic.” ”

The policeman nodded and continued to check in the kitchen and outside.


At this time, a policeman who was investigating outside came in and said directly to one of the slightly older policemen: “I found this on the ground outside the kitchen, and a little because there was no tile in the place outside the kitchen with the window, so I also found the right footprints…” Looking at the size, it should be the footprints of a boy about ten years old. ”

The police captain nodded and took what the policeman handed over. It is a medicine bag with the name of a pesticide store written on it.

Even more coincidentally, this pesticide shop is quite close to South Causeway Lane!

“Now go and ask someone who bought the rat pill today.”

A policeman took the order and turned around and went out.

And the police who were investigating in the kitchen also came out.

“I’ve seen it, there is no problem with the water in the water tank and the steamed buns, and there is still half a bowl of stick noodle porridge left in the pot, which is poisonous after testing.”

The police captain nodded, and then directly asked the people in the courtyard: “How old is the stick terrier that the person said just now?” ”

Hearing that he was almost ten years old, the police captain’s eyes flashed!

“What about the stick terrier? Where is he? ”

Hearing the police say this, Jia Zhangshi was completely panicked!

She has already sent Qin Huairu to the police station, if the stick terrier also goes in, who will give her the end!

“Comrade police! This must be a mistake, we are really good boys…”

“Comrade police, I beg you, you must know that you can’t wrongfully accuse our family terrier!”

The deaf old lady said and sat on the ground, she won’t do anything else, but she will sprinkle and roll!

No matter how it drops, Jia Zhang is not willing to let the police take the stick terrier away!

“We need to find someone and ask to know what’s going on.”

The police captain’s eyes were cold, and he looked directly at the deaf old lady: “If you dare to mess around, we will count you as disrupting official business!” Stop us from doing the case! ”

Listening to the policeman’s words, Jia Zhangshi just wanted to scold, and as soon as he looked up, he saw the gun on the policeman’s waist Jia Zhangshi got up from the ground, did not dare to say a word, and directly pretended to be dead.

Just as the police captain was about to ask the whereabouts of the stick terrier again, the person who went out to check the rat medicine returned.

“Captain, we asked, the medicine seller said that the one who bought the medicine was a boy about ten years old, saying that he lived at No. 95 South Causeway Lane, and there were too many mice in the house, so he bought this.”

“Looks like a figure?”

The police captain asked again, it is possible to be the same age, or is personal characteristics the most important.

“The medicine seller said that children come to buy rat poison less, so he took a look at it more. It is said that the child has a round face, and then his hair is yellow, and he is a curly hair. ”

As soon as this word is spoken, everyone knows it, this is a stick terrier!

“Comrade police! This is the stick terrier! ”

Bangs slapped his thighs!

When Zhang Shengli said it just now, he still thought that he might be mistaken, and a child should not kill people. I didn’t expect it!

And others were even more shocked!

“I’ll go, this kid is really poisonous!”

“You dare to do such a thing as killing… I’m usually afraid of killing chickens! ”

“The stick terrier is really… This child has been a bad breed since childhood! ”

“The police hurried to arrest him! Otherwise, I don’t know how to harm people! ”

Everyone is afraid at this time, the stick terrier this dog thing, at such a young age, dare to kill and set fire, isn’t it fatal to stay in the courtyard!

“Comrade police, don’t you know? This stick terrier he also set fire to before! Almost burned Yi Zhonghai! ”

Someone shouted loudly, and then pointed to Yi Zhonghai: “At that time, we said that we should call the police, this dog thing said that the child is naughty!” Look at now, he dares to poison him! ”

Yi Zhonghai listened, is this blaming himself?

“Not comrade police! I was kind enough to see him young… But now that it’s all like this, I also support you in taking him away!” ”

Yi Zhonghai said loudly and emphasized at the same time: “Murder on the day of murder and poisoning, I support the police comrades to deal with it strictly!” ”

“This is right, we hope that the police comrades will shoot the stick terrier directly!”

“Yes, shoot him! At such a young age, I dare to kill and set fire, and when I grow up, will there still be living people in our courtyard! ”


In the indignation of everyone, Jia Zhang returned home in a panic.

As a result, as soon as she entered the house, before she could explain to Xiao Xiao, the police arrived. Seeing Jia Zhang, the police captain gave her a cold look.

This old lady went home in such a hurry… Do you want people to run?

However, at this time, the police did not plan to talk nonsense with Jia Zhang, and they directly asked Xiaodang and Huaihua in the house.

“Little friend, where did your stick ter go?”

Seeing the uniforms of the police, Xiaodang tensed up for a moment, wondering what they were looking for stick terriers for? But since you don’t know, you can only tell the truth.

“I don’t know about the police uncle, the stick terrier ran out and didn’t come home. Sophora flowers are small”

She can only learn her tongue, and she will learn how she hears what Xiaodang says.

“Uncle Police, the stick terrier went out and didn’t come back~”

The policeman nodded to them with a smile, and when he raised his head to look at Jia Zhangshi, his smiling face turned into a cold gaze: “What do you say, where did the stick terrier go?” ”

As soon as Jia Zhang was nervous, he didn’t open the door when he spoke!

“I… I don’t know! The stick terrier may be gone! Don’t come back in the future! ”

One sentence ran away, and directly convicted the stick terrier.

If Jia Zhang didn’t think that the stick terrier was poisoned, how could she use words like “gone, won’t come back in the future” to say that the stick terrier is not at home??

Liu Haizhong heard Jia Zhang’s words and directly spoke: “Good you Jia Zhang, it seems that you also know that the stick terrier is beaten severely!” Just now, he actually dared to quibble! You are harboring criminals, you know! ”

It is not enough to say a few words in the bangs, but to continue.

There is no way, people with big official addiction have this problem, when they see others taking care of losses. He couldn’t wait to tell the other person from hair to toes………

“You still said the stick terrier is gone? Aren’t you just thinking that stick terriers kill? ”

“I warn you to cooperate with the work of the comrades of the police, don’t cause trouble to others!”

Jia Zhangshi was gritted by what Liu Haizhong said, but he had nothing to say. And at this time, Xu Damao also spoke: “The stick terrier, this little king bastard is really ruthless, his own father dares to kill, and I don’t know if he will kill Jia Dongxu and Jia Zhang’s two who are not close to each other ~”

Jia Zhangshi listened and stared at Xu Damao fiercely, without saying a word!

She didn’t think that the stick terrier dared to kill herself, and the stick terrier killed He Daqing them, it must be because they were too bad! So they deserve to poison them!

And in the hospital, Jia Dongxu also thought of this problem!

“Deserve it! This old thing, how not to poison you! ”

Jia Dongxu lay on the bed and looked at He Daqing on the other bed. The hospital is also full of talents, I don’t know what kind of fate it is.

He Daqing and Silly Zhu, who were sent over today, actually put a room with Jia Dongxu. Seeing He Daqing and Silly Zhu being carried in, Jia Dongxu couldn’t close his mouth happily!

“What’s going on with them?”

Jia Dongxu saw that the neighbors of the courtyard did not say hello, and directly asked questions. His attitude is so bad, of course, others do not give him face.

“Are you deaf, didn’t you hear what the doctor said just now? These two just washed their stomachs…”

Saying this, the man looked at He Daqing and Silly Zhu who were lying down, and it seemed that there was no movement, so he directly said this matter.

Hearing that He Daqing and they were actually poisoned, Jia Dongxu was happy and crazy!

“Who! Who is so harmful to the people! ”

Jia Dongxu remembered clearly, that is, He Daqing, the beast, accounted for Qin Huairu’s blood. He also let himself raise wild seeds for him for more than ten years!

As long as he thought of this, Jia Dongxu couldn’t wait to kill He Daqing!

“It’s a stick terrier, who else can it be!”

As soon as these people’s words were spoken, Jia Dongxu happily covered his chest and laughed!

Well, retribution is not happy! This dog thing gave himself a green hat, and it turned out that his son directly wanted his life! And at this time, He Daqing also happened to be conscious!


Hearing that it was the stick terrier who poisoned himself, He Daqing asked hoarsely, gritting his teeth and looking at the people in the courtyard: “You are talking nonsense!” ”

When several people from the courtyard heard him say this, their faces instantly turned bad.

“How nonsense? When we came, the police all arrived, and they all said it was a stick terrier! ”

He Daqing was shocked from the beginning to this time, everyone was angry and pouted!

“Impossible! No way! Burst! ”

Just shouted hoarsely, He Daqing angrily spat out a mouthful of blood! Seeing He Daqing’s angry look of dying, Jia Dongxu was overjoyed!

“Tell me about you, it’s better to die directly.”

Jia Dongxu sarcastically looked at the other party and couldn’t wait to directly anger He Daqing!

“Your son is now a eunuch, as long as the stick terrier is caught by the police.”

“You He Daqing is also a severed son’s life!”

Jia Dongxu is happy, he is now equivalent to cutting off his sons and grandchildren. In this case, it would be better for the stick terrier to be caught and shot.

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