Chapter 144: Drive Yi Zhonghai and the Deaf Old Lady out.

Jia Dongxu did not think as long as Jia Zhang.

He only felt that if the stick terrier could kill He Daqing, it would really be a bad breath for himself!

Jia Dongxu even thought gloomy that if the stick terrier was shot because of this, then he could still admit that the stick terrier was his own species.

Because, this little mongrel can also be regarded as taking revenge on himself! It’s a pity that He Daqing is not dead…

Jia Dongxu couldn’t help sighing. Good things don’t go out, bad things spread thousands of miles.

The matter of the stick terrier poisoning Silly Zhu and He Daqing only took half a day to make a fuss in the city. Zhang Shengli and they entered the rolling mill, and a bunch of people came to inquire about things.

“Is the poisoned cub really only 10 years old?”

“What a guts from such a young place!”

“You know what, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.”

“This is also too unafraid, I didn’t dare to kill chickens when I was a child!”

“You don’t dare now.”

Li Daqiang pushed away the chicken killer, and then stood in front of Zhang Shengli with a gossip on his face: “How about it, I heard the big guys say that the stupid pillar died with his father?” ”

“Is it really dead?”

Zhao Dashan also squeezed over, who is not curious about this. Zhang Shengli shook his head, these people also like to make fun.

“It was poisoned, the drug was given, but the person did not die, and he was sent to the hospital.”

“My mother Di, this forced cub is really poisonous enough!”

“Did you catch someone?”

Everyone is more concerned about this question, how dangerous is such a murderer outside? It is safest to be locked up by the police.


After Zhang Shengli said two words, he began to turn on the machine to work.

He has been a little busy lately, because he has to set aside a few days to make spare parts for that engine, so he is specially prepared to rush to work and finish his work today.

Seeing Zhang Shengli start working, Li Daqiang and they hurriedly drove away all the lively ones!

“Don’t block here, hurry up and work!”

That said, but in fact, everyone hurried to spread the news. This murderous event, what a face!

When it was time to leave work, Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady were brought back by the police.

“Yi Zhonghai investigated for negligence, fined 200 yuan, wrote two copies of profound reviews, and posted them in the rolling mill and street office.”

The police looked at Yi Zhonghai, their eyes were full of disdain, they didn’t believe that Yi Zhonghai was in a hurry to forget, but this dog thing did not admit that there was a situation of accepting bribes, and they could only deal with it like this.

“Zhang Cuifen, as a black fifth category, pretending to be a martyr’s family member, is evil in nature, seeing that she is old, so she will not be detained, we have negotiated with the street office and decided to confiscate all of Zhang Cuifen’s family property.”

The deaf old lady originally thought that she was old and took advantage. At most, the name of the five insurance accounts is gone.

Unexpectedly, the police actually wanted to confiscate all her family property!

“Nope! You can’t do that to me! My wife is so old, you are forcing me to die!” ”

The deaf old lady said and sat down on the ground: “God, open your eyes and see, these beasts are going to force me to death~”

Seeing the deaf old lady rolling around, the policeman who brought us back snorted coldly: “You curse two more words, we will take you back to the detention center for a few more days.” ”

The deaf old lady closed her mouth in fright, lowered her head, and her face was gloomy.

At this time, Director Wang of the Street Office also came over.

“Yi Zhonghai! Who gave your dog gall! ”

Director Wang really hated Yi Zhonghai!

This dog thing actually dares to hide the sky and cross the sea and give others fake pits state subsidies!

When Yi Zhonghai saw Director Wang, his face immediately changed, he could still expect Director Wang to let him return to the position of Uncle One!

“Director Wang, I am also wronged by this! I was thinking about this old lady…”

“What an old lady! She’s an old! ”

Director Wang angrily scolded Yi Zhonghai!

“Yes, yes, this is an old…” Don’t you know at the time that she still made shoes for our soldiers, so I just…”

“So you’re so-so, you don’t have to work, right?”

Yi Zhonghai opened his mouth to explain, but Director Wang did not intend to listen to his quibbles anymore.

“Okay, there is no need to say anything more about what you said before, I don’t think you are worthy of being the master at all.”

After Director Wang finished speaking, he didn’t care about Yi Zhonghai’s face and said directly to Zhang Shengli: “You left an observation period before, but there is no need, hurry up and choose another uncle.” ”

Saying this, she glanced at Zhang Shengli: “It is best to be young and responsible, and can manage things.” ”

They are not fools in the bangs, and they can see from this look that they want Zhang Shengli to be the master in charge.

There was a little discomfort in the bangs center, and Director Wang’s words sounded meaningful.

What is the best choice of a young and responsible person who can manage things?

Does this mean that he is too old in his bangs to be responsible for speaking and does not work?

Although he was dissatisfied with this, his bangs were not stupid, and he knew that he couldn’t get Zhang Shengli or Director Wang. So he immediately smiled and said: “You are right, we have three courtyards, but only two masters are not very suitable, we will have a meeting to elect them in a while.” ”

Seeing that Liu Haizhong was so knowledgeable, Director Wang nodded and turned around: “Remember to deal with this old bustard, and hand over all the family property to the street office.” ”

Watching Director Wang leave, and watching the police put a seal on the deaf old woman’s home, this matter is over. Next, it was the election of the third uncle and the disposition of Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady in the courtyard.

The whole hospital assembly, just after work, the people of the courtyard are there… In addition to the He family and the Jia family in the hospital.

“Everyone also knows that there are only two masters in our courtyard now, and it is inevitable that they can’t take care of it when they are busy, so we need everyone to elect another master…”

“That must be Zhang Shengli.”

Xu Damao directly shouted out, is this still a choice?

“Whether the entire courtyard is from the status of the worker’s rank, or from the prestige or the sharpness of the errands, I think it should be Zhang Shengli to do one… Come and be the three uncles. ”

Everyone heard it, Xu Damao just wanted to say Uncle Yi, although their grandfather thought so, but now the bangs are doing well, of course, you can’t offend people innocently.

Therefore, everyone hurriedly said: “I also think that Zhang Shengli, this kid, is the youngest eighth-grade worker, and he has a face as a master!” ”

“In our courtyard, if Zhang Shengli doesn’t be the master of the matter, others can’t do it.”

“Yes, yes! We people definitely can’t do it. ”

Hear the words of the crowd. Yan Bugui raised his hand: “Since everyone’s opinions are similar, then let’s not make any anonymous voting, directly raise your hand, who supports Zhang Shengli as the third uncle’s raised hand to support it!” ”

Hearing Yan Bugui say this, the corners of his mouth twitched in his bangs.

However, he also knew that if he did not express his position, he might be more attentive to Zhang Shengli. Therefore, two hands in the bangs!

Raised up: “I, I raise my hands in favor, Zhang Shengli is the blessing of our courtyard as the master of the master!” He will definitely be able to lead our courtyard as much as possible! ”


“Good! I also approve with both hands! ”

“Support support! Zhang Shengli is the master of the matter! ”

“Zhang Shengli, you must be the master!”

Except for Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady, everyone else raised their hands in approval.

Jia Zhangshi saw that there was nothing to do with herself, and her opposition was also in vain. So, Jia Zhangshi carried his bench and went home.

Zhang Shengli didn’t speak, seeing that everyone was getting happier and happier now, Zhang Shengli stretched out his hand: “You know me, I can’t rub sand in my eyes, so as long as everyone lives well, don’t give me something to do, I won’t trouble you, understand?” ”

Zhang Shengli’s eyes scanned the audience, and everyone nodded quickly, they wanted to live a good life and watch the excitement, of course, they would not go to pluck Zhang Shengli’s tiger tail.

And the center of the bangs shook, for fear that Zhang Shengli would see his jealousy of him, and hurriedly squeezed out a smile on his chubby face,

“Our yard water doesn’t know that you Zhang Shengli, you are reliable, and you won’t bully people, we will definitely not cause you trouble.”

Zhang Shengli glanced at Liu Haizhong, hooked the corners of his mouth and nodded. The little thought in the bangs is on the face, Zhang Shengli knows that after the bangs are the master of the house, he doesn’t use his words, but Zhang Shengli sneered in his heart,

Didn’t he speak very well in the first place?

“Uncle One, Uncle Two, let’s cooperate well and cheer for the unity and friendship of the courtyard.”

When Zhang Shengli said unity and friendship, he deliberately glanced at his bangs, and he quickly nodded!

“Then you see, Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady?”

Liu Haizhong pointed at Yi Zhonghai and them, and these two people made the reputation of the courtyard stink.

Everyone avoided them far away, so Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady stood alone…

“These two…”

Zhang Shengli glanced at Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady.

“These two people have ruined the reputation of the courtyard, or the black five categories, I am afraid it is not appropriate to stay in the courtyard, so I suggest that they be thrown out.”

As soon as Zhang Shengli’s words were finished, Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady’s faces changed greatly!

“Zhang Shengli, you are dreaming! Why are you letting us out! ”

“Of course it’s because you guys are so disgusting! A good courtyard of our courtyard, out of the black five categories where you two dig the corner of the country, who doesn’t look annoyed and panicked? ”

Zhang Shengli said it lightly, but others hurried to support it!

Zhang Shengli originally said everything in the courtyard, and now he has become the third uncle… Everyone knows that the so-called three uncles just said so.

The three masters had to be Zhang Shengli, so when they heard Zhang Shengli’s words, everyone hurried to support!

“Uncle Three is right, we can’t let these two stay in the courtyard!”

“Get them out!”

“These two can’t stay in the courtyard!”

“Anyway, the old bustard’s house was also collected, and it was just right to drive it away!”

Hearing that everyone was going to drive themselves away, Yi Zhonghai was anxious!

“Zhang Shengli! You have no right to drive me away! My house is our own old home! Why do you dog thing let me go! ”

Zhang Shengli raised his eyebrows, it turned out to be like this…

“You dog things, I’m not leaving, I’m going to stay in the courtyard woo~”

The deaf old lady sat on the ground and cried, she had been in this courtyard since she entered Sijiu City.

Go to other places, their own identity as the black five, there will be no one to take him in. As long as he is here, he can continue to take revenge on Zhang Shengli and continue to live.

“I’m not going anyway! You have the ability to beat me to death! ”

The deaf old lady lay on the ground and lay on her back.

“That’s it.”

Zhang Shengli said this on purpose, these two people can’t be punished without any punishment if they make a mistake, right?

Since they are unwilling to move, it is okay to give them other options,

“Because the two of you, let the entire courtyard follow the disgrace, so it definitely can’t be left like that.”

“In this way, you who are old and immortal have been deceiving neighbors for so many years, and you have been fined 200 yuan, and Yi Zhonghai you helped to abuse the situation, and you were also fined 200 yuan…”

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai was about to jump up, Zhang Shengli continued: “Of course, this money is not mine, but it is to be used to repair the courtyard, Zhang Shengli pointed to those old houses in the courtyard. ”

“Yi Zhonghai used to let others pick up the Jia family every day, but you haven’t seen it, and the few families in our courtyard that are really difficult can leak rain in the house!”

“And the deaf old lady, you smashed so much glass from others, since you are not a five-guarantee household, of course, you can’t let everyone consider yourself unlucky.”

Zhang Shengli sneered, looking at Yi Zhonghai and Deaf Old 3.0 Tai,

“Therefore, the fine will be used to repair the house, and as for the rest, when anyone really has difficulties in the future, they can also help for a while.”

After Zhang Shengli’s words, there was silence in the courtyard, and a moment later, the applause was thunderous!

“I know! Zhang Shengli should be the master! ”

“Our house has been exposed for two years, because my mother-in-law has to take medicine, and she is reluctant to buy tiles~”

“Deaf old lady, this dog thing, smashing people’s glass in a cold weather, fortunately Zhang Shengli!”

“Zhang Shengli…”

“That money…”

Yi Zhonghai Tie wanted to speak with a blue face, Zhang Shengli smiled slightly in his heart, didn’t he just want to talk with the rest of the money?

“These money are kept by Uncle Xian, and every penny must be remembered clearly, otherwise I will not finish with you.”

Hearing Zhang Shengli’s words, Yan Bugui’s heart was excited!

Who in the courtyard does not know that he Yan Bugui is a personal iron abacus. No one dared to let him see the money.

But today, Zhang Shengli is entrusting himself with a heavy task!

“Don’t worry, Uncle San, I can’t do anything else, and I can definitely settle the account!”

Zhang Shengli nodded and turned his head to let the deaf old lady Yi Zhonghai take the money.

“I don’t have any money~”

The deaf old lady wanted to spill again, Zhang Shengli looked directly at Yi Zhonghai: “Yi Zhonghai, you see it yourself, you also know, Director Wang said, let us deal with you.” If you don’t obey the arrangement, then what will be on the street in the future…”

Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth, he knew that if he provoked Director Wang, she could directly deduct her resident allowance…

“I give.”

PS: Hit, update less these days!.

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