Chapter 142: The Escape Road of the Terrier!.

Since the stick terrier poured rat poison into the stick noodle porridge, he has been trembling and peeking at the appearance of the He family’s father and son. The stick terrier is not afraid of anything else, but I am afraid that these two people will be in trouble if they find out.

Now seeing with his own eyes that Silly Zhu and He Daqing had drunk the porridge in their mouths, the stick terrier was a little afraid, and he was so scared that he got up and left in a panic.

The stick terrier has seen mice killed by drugs, and it looks a little panicked like that, so, although the stick terrier really wants to see He Daqing, who broke his shoes, die quickly, but he still provoked and fled! At the dinner table, Silly Zhu and He Daqing stopped talking without saying a word, eating and drinking porridge one by one.

Before I finished drinking a bowl of porridge, my eyes suddenly turned black, my limbs were numb, and my stomach hurt…

He Yushui knew that He Daqing was back, but she was at work, and she didn’t have anything to worry about He Daqing, so she didn’t come back to see He Daqing until today, when she rested…

Said to see He Daqing, in fact, He Yushui just wanted He Daqing to prepare a dowry for himself.

Before entering the door, He Yushui was still thinking about how to say that He Daqing could truly feel that he owed himself, and how to let him give himself thirty or fifty yuan.

As a result, I didn’t expect that He Yushui people were stupid when they just entered the door!

In the He Family Hall, He Daqing was lying on the table, his whole body twitching slightly, and the corners of his mouth were constantly foaming, and a painful moan came out of his mouth.

Silly Pillar fell to the ground, probably too painful, sitting and struggling with the bench, Silly Pillar’s whole face was pale at this time, cold sweat broke out on his head, and He Daqing was the same, he also foamed at the mouth and moaned in the same pain.

The scene in front of him scared He Yushui stupid….

She stared blankly for a moment, until He Daqing twitched violently, and He Yushui reacted

“Help! Come! Come on! Help me! ”

He Yushui screamed while constantly retreating, until she stepped on the air and fell down the steps, and she calmed down a little…

“Come man! Help me! ”

He Yushui’s screams echoed throughout the courtyard. All families rushed out.

Zhang Shengli and they arrived in the house, and they were also taken aback when they saw the appearance of He Daqing and Silly Zhu!

“What’s wrong with this? Sheep madness?! ”

The bangs are so scared that the scalp is numb! Is it easy for him to be this uncle?

Someone in front set fire to it, and someone cut people in the middle, why are these two suddenly crazy? Yan Bugui shook his head, walked to the dining table and looked at He Daqing and Silly Zhu nervously: “Uncle Yi, this is not like sheep madness…” How do I look like I’m poisoned? Wrong! This is taking rat pills, right?! Yan Bugui said this, frightened his scalp numb, rushed 950 to retreat! ”

“It’s a rat pill! I’ve seen it before! The corners of the mouth foam at the corners of the mouth, the face is yellow and white, and cold sweat! It’s a rat pill! ”

As soon as Yan Bugui’s words came out, the entire onlookers of the courtyard were shocked!

“My mother! No way? ”

“This is poisoning! Homicide? ”

“It’s not like these two committed suicide!”

“No, is it a rat pill!”

“This is too scary, how can you take a rat pill!”

“Whew… What’s going on…”

He Yushui was really scared and crying.

She was finally ready to get engaged, and if He Daqing and Silly Zhu died, she didn’t know when her marriage would have to be postponed! He Yushui really hated to death, what kind of unfortunate thing let her meet!

Unreliable dad, stupid damn stupid pillar, but none of these two feel sorry for themselves. Now it’s even more desperate, seeing that she He Yushui is going to get engaged, she actually came out like this!

“He Daqing and Silly Zhu won’t die, right?”


He Yushui cried angrily and urgently.

“It’s not dead, isn’t this still gasping.”

The eyebrow wrinkled in the bangs can kill mosquitoes.

This matter is not easy to handle, if it is really poisoned, rat medicine, it is equivalent to the poisoned person entering the courtyard. When the time comes, pursue his uncle and unfavorable management, then he may have to lose the position of uncle.

And also, what to do now? Do you want to call the police?

The more Liu Haizhong thought about it, the more he had no idea, so he could only hurry to find Zhang Shengli.

“Victory, what do you say is going on! How could they have taken the pills! ”

Zhang Shengli shook his head and said, “Of course, they won’t take the pill themselves, this is someone else poisoning them.” ”

As soon as Zhang Shengli’s words came out, everyone’s eyes were focused on Zhang Shengli. Because they all know that Zhang Shengli this person never talks nonsense.

“Victory, then who do you say will cast the poison?”

“Is this entering the villain in our yard?”

“But who does He Daqing and Stupid Zhu have such a big feud with? To poison them? ”

“Who else could it be?”

Yi Zhonghai looked at Zhang Shengli with gloomy eyes: “Stupid Zhu and He Daqing these days, don’t you know who to make trouble with you and me to live?” ”

Everyone understands the meaning of Yi Zhonghai, this is to say, is Zhang Shengli’s poison?

“It can’t be.”

“Yes, it’s definitely not Zhang Shengli, people are angry that they are all directly hit~”

“Just such a thing as a stupid pillar is not enough for Zhang Shengli’s three punches and two kicks, he will not waste this strength.”

“Anyway, it’s definitely not Zhang Shengli!”

Hearing everyone’s unanimous rebuttal, Yi Zhonghaiqi’s eyes turned black!

When Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, smeared him Yi Zhonghai every day, these dog things were the same as hearing the holy decree! How did they raise reasonable doubts themselves, none of them actually believed it!

Zhang Shengli looked at Yi Zhonghai’s suffocating appearance and wanted to vomit blood, and snorted coldly in his heart.

Yi Zhonghai, this fool, he didn’t want to think about it, although he Zhang Shengli was at odds with him Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady. But with the rest of the courtyard, although it is not a good relationship, at least the well water does not violate the river water.

Zhang Shengli has never bullied these melon-eating masses. On the contrary, what about Yi Zhonghai?

From Yi Zhonghai to become an uncle, all kinds of forced everyone to donate, do not donate to return the moral kidnapping. Whoever dares to resist will say that it is not conducive to the unity of the courtyard.

In the hearts of everyone, they have long held their anger.

Although Zhang Shengli is strong, he never oppresses these people. He beat people and only the people who messed with him.

Therefore, the people of the courtyard still believe in Zhang Shengli, and it is impossible for people to do such a thing with a great future. Although this is the case, it does not mean that Zhang Shengli is willing to endure this breath!

Zhang Shengli coughed and said in a loud voice: “Actually, I also have doubters. ”

As soon as Zhang Shengli’s words came out, everyone looked at him blankly.

And the half-dead stupid pillar lying on the ground hurts so much that he just wants to scold his mother!

Yes, Silly Zhu and He Daqing actually have a little consciousness, but this consciousness can only let them hear the voice, but they don’t have the strength to open their eyes and speak.

Zhang Shengli noticed the slight movement of Silly Zhu’s fingers, but he didn’t see it, but continued: “Everyone knows that Yi Zhonghai has always wanted Silly Zhu to give him a pension, right? ”

Everyone nodded, Zhang Shengli said this before, and they were all sure,

“And now, He Daqing is back.”

Zhang Shengli glanced at Yi Zhonghai: “Yi Zhonghai has no children and no daughters, Jia Dongxu is wasted again, for Yi Zhonghai, his hope for future retirement is all on the stick terrier and the stupid pillar.” ”

“The result?”

Zhang Shengli snorted coldly, and looked at Yi Zhonghai with compassion: “As soon as He Daqing comes back, the stupid pillar has to raise his own father.” ”

“Yi Zhonghai has been “helping” Qin Huairu for so many years, and the plan to count on Qin Huairu and the stick terrier to also give himself a pension has also failed…”

“Because, even the stick terrier is He Daqing’s species.”

Zhang Shengli shook his head and asked in a loud voice: “Think about it, the people who have been cultivating for more than ten years are suddenly in vain…” Does Yi Zhonghai hate it? Annoyed not annoyed? Can he do the thing of poisoning He Daqing? ”

“Although Silly Zhu is also poisoned now, if Silly Zhu and He Daqing are dead, who will Qin Huairu and the stick terrier rely on? Will Yi Zhonghai be able to continue to help Qin Huairu and let the stick terrier repay him in the future? ”

As soon as Zhang Shengli’s words were finished, everyone was stunned!


“If He Daqing dies, Qin Huairu and the stick terrier can only follow Yi Zhonghai!”

“What about the Jia family?”

“You’re not stupid! Qin Huairu didn’t have a job, and Jia Zhangshi had to turn a blind eye for money! ”

“Zhang Shengli, you fart!”

Yi Zhonghai is really thunderous!

“Can I deserve it! I didn’t poison, I didn’t kill! ”

“Zhang Shengli, you are so wronged, you are not afraid of retribution!”

“I’ll tell you Zhang Shengli! It’s not over when you wronged me so much! Must call the police! Let the police see who exactly poisoned it! ”

Hearing Yi Zhonghai shouting like this, Xu Damao couldn’t hold back.

Yi Zhonghai, this beast, why didn’t he say it when he was wronged and victorious just now? Now that Zhang Shengli said a few words, how can he say any retribution?

“I think it’s also you Yi Zhonghai, otherwise why did you suspect Zhang Shengli just now? Aren’t you clearly saying that you are a thief shouting to catch a thief? ”

Xu Damao laughed shamefully, and snorted from his nose with disdain: “People can’t be too faceless, right?” You can slander people Zhang Shengli for no reason, Zhang Shengli analyzes the possible poisoning, you say that people will be retributed? Yi Zhonghai, do you still want that forced face of yours? ”

Yi Zhonghai was choked by Xu Damao’s angry words, and he didn’t know what he could say……. Yi Zhonghai only felt that Xu Damao, this dog thing, is now a real dog!

Lick Zhang Shengli every day, Zhang Shengli fart is estimated that Xu Damao thinks it is fragrant! Zhang Shengli looked at Yi Zhonghai, who was vomiting blood in anger, and asked in a loud voice: “Of course, I have to call the police, after all, I just told my own speculation, I can’t count it, I still have to let the police check it to see who did it…” So. ”

“Xu Damao, you go for a run and call the police.”

Xu Damao was stunned when he heard Zhang Shengli’s words, seeing that the meaning was actually not Yi Zhonghai?

However, he still hurried out, no matter who he was, anyway, it was not himself or Zhang Shengli. And Zhang Shengli was still wondering who would do this.

I hate He Daqing and Silly Zhu so much, I hate to poison them… Jia Zhang’s?


Zhang Shengli knew that Jia Zhang’s person was cruel and selfish. Let her poison, but she doesn’t have the guts.

Because Jia Zhang is afraid of going to prison, he is even more afraid of suffering and death.

Zhang Shengli suddenly remembered that when the stick terrier looked at He Daqing and them last night, the hateful eyes, Zhang Shengli originally thought that he was glaring at Jia Zhang.

Because everyone in the entire courtyard knows that since it was determined that the stick terrier is a wild species, Jia Dongxu and Jia Zhang’s nose is not a nose and eyes are not eyes.

But now that I think about it, the look that the stick terrier had at that time that desperate to die, plus he gave him a hate amplification charm! Zhang Shengli’s eyes flashed, maybe it’s really a great terrier, this little king bastard!

But these conjectures require evidence. Thinking like this, Zhang Shengli spoke,

“Everyone also thinks about whether anyone in the courtyard from now until half an hour ago was found close to He’s house, maybe that person is the murderer.”

Liu Haizhong was a little puzzled: “Why is it in this half an hour?” ”

Zhang Shengli rolled his eyes in his heart, this bangs are like this in this life, and he still wants to be an official… What kind of official is such a stupidity?

“Rat poison works very quickly, everyone has seen it, there is no teapot on the dinner table, only the meal they have eaten, according to the scene, rat poison must be in the meal.”

“And when we came in just now, I also found that the remaining stick noodle porridge in their bowl was still smoking, so it would not take more than half an hour from the time it was made to the time it was served.”

Hearing Zhang Shengli say this, a person suddenly remembered!

“Zhang Shengli! I remember! It was ten or eight minutes, I saw a child running away from the door of the stupid pillar’s house in a panic! ”

Hearing the man say this, everyone was shocked! Is this what children do?

“Can’t you? This is poisoning, children do not dare! ”

“Yes, think again if it will be someone else…”

“I remember it clearly!”

Hearing that everyone didn’t believe it, that one was in a hurry!

“I was doing laundry there! If outsiders come to the courtyard, I will definitely see it! ”

“What Zhang Shengli said is abnormal, that is, the child is very panicked.”

Zhang Shengli walked over and patted him on the shoulder, asking him to think about it.

“Think about who the child you see.”

The man said directly: “He runs too fast, but it’s all from a courtyard, I shouldn’t be able to admit it, it’s a stick terrier!” ”

“It’s a stick terrier!”

As soon as these three words were spoken, Jia Zhangshi was mad!

“You dog thing! It is impossible for our stick terrier to be poisoned! ”

“You Malgobi nonsense, old lady tears your dog’s mouth!”

Just now seeing He Daqing and Silly Zhu poisoned, Jia Zhangshi was really happy and crazy!

As long as He Daqing died, the stick terrier had no outside heart. In the future, the little mongrel of the stick terrier can only give himself and Jia Dongxu a pension in peace.

Therefore, for the poisoning of He Daqing, Jia Zhang is very excited. Now hearing others say that it may be a stick terrier, of course Jia Zhang does not want to! As long as He Daqing dies, the stick terrier is the pillar of his family!

She can’t let the stick terrier get into trouble! Even if it’s really poisonous under a great terrier…

Jia Zhangshi snorted coldly, that was also because He Daqing and Qin Huairu, these two dog men and women, deserved to die! He Daqing is dead and clean, and the stick terrier can’t have an accident!

“The old lady told you, don’t look at our old Jia dead, you will bully our orphans and widows! Who dares to wrongfully cod, I am not finished with you beasts! ”

“Don’t talk about this first~”

He Yushui saw that Jia Zhangshi began to mess around again, and she really couldn’t afford to delay time.

“Uncle Yi, I beg you, we have to send them to the hospital quickly!”

He Yushui put his hope on Yi Zhonghai.

She remembered that Silly Zhu had a good relationship with Yi Zhonghai, and Yi Zhonghai couldn’t watch He Daqing and Silly Zhu die like this, right?

“Do you have money?”

Yi Zhonghai looked embarrassed: “Rain, it’s not that Uncle Yi doesn’t help you, the main thing is that the recent downgrade deduction of salary is too ruthless, and there is no money…”

He Yushui’s face changed, if she was willing to pay, could she still beg him Yi Zhonghai?

“Uncle Yi, I just went to work, I can’t earn enough money to eat by myself, I beg you, save my father and brother~”

When it came to this miserable sale, He Yushui finally said that his father said brother.

It’s a pity that Yi Zhonghai doesn’t plan to pay this money.

If it was before, if there was only Silly Zhu, Yi Zhonghai might have sent Silly Pillar to the hospital. Anyway, the stupid pillar will not pay the bill, and more importantly, it is to save his own pensioner. But now it’s different.

He Daqing, this beast, is back, isn’t it stupid to spend this money yourself?.

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