Chapter 141: List Terrier Poisons and Kills Stupid Pillar He Daqing.

“It’s incredible, Zhang Shengli, you are simply a god!”

Amid the exclamations and praise of the crowd, the mechanical sound of the system sounded at the same time.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for exposing the deaf old lady fake five insurance households successfully! 100% trust from the surrounding crowd! Congratulations to the host for the great success of exposure! 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 20 pieces of great unity, 100 jin of high-quality flour, 100 jin of high-quality rice, 100 jin of pork, 100 jin of seafood, one gift package of Shanzhen, 10 industrial tickets. 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 1 nightmare talisman, 1 spring dream talisman, and 1 doom talisman. 】

【Ding! Exposure Success Reward… 】

“Zhang Shengli, what you said is really true.”

Xu Damao walked to Zhang Shengli’s side and raised his chin at the door: “This old immortal is so evil every day, he really is not a good person!” ”

Liu Haizhong also came over, frowned and said with disgust: “It’s disgusting to think about it, this old bustard actually pretended to be a martyr’s family and let us take care of her for so many years!” ”

Hearing Liu Haizhong say this, everyone remembered!

Oh, yes!

“Cao she’s yarded! Let’s call her the ancestor of more than ten years! ”

“Oops! Ah! I’ll fuck it! We really are!! ”

“Shame! Others recognize the thief as the father, we recognize a as the ancestor! ”

“Made! Yi Zhonghai this dog thing! He brought us like this every day! ”

“They’re together!”

“Spicy next door! In the early years of famine, when she came to grab food, I didn’t dare to say anything, thinking that people’s children were gone… Outcome! ”

“Our own children almost starved to death! It turned out that she was actually a! ”

Seeing that everyone was not lightly angry, Yan Bugui sighed: “Okay, this is all in the past, and now it is uncomfortable for me to be so angry!” ”

Saying this, a cold air flashed on Yan Bugui’s glasses: “Yi Zhonghai and that old will definitely come back, and when the time comes, the big guys will have revenge and grudges and complaints…” It’s not worth getting angry now. ”

Hearing Yan Bugui say this, everyone nodded unanimously!

“Yes! Spicy next door! The old lady wants to make her unable to eat and go around! ”

“And Yi Zhonghai! This dog thing helps that pit man!! ”

“Can’t spare him lightly!”


In the midst of everyone’s scolding, Zhang Shengli chuckled and turned home to prepare for work. On this day, Yi Zhonghai did not appear at the rolling mill.

And about his cooperation with the black five categories and making the black five categories into five insurance households, it was rumored in the rolling mill.

“Have you heard? It’s the original eighth-grade worker…”

“How could I not have heard, just that moral, it’s really not a thing!”

“This is a clear attempt to steal state subsidies…”

“It’s not just a subsidy, he himself has a good reputation.”

“A moral deserves to be a moral, a black-hearted thing!”

“I hope the police will lock him up for a few years!”

“It’s hard to say…”

Zhang Shengli heard these words when he did this work.

There was no pause in his movements, but his heart was clear.

As long as Yi Zhonghai’s problem is clearly explained, push the matter to the deaf old lady, and then accept the fine, he will probably be able to go home tomorrow morning.

And the words of the deaf old lady are estimated to be locked up for a few days. However, just because it’s a few days is over.

Fake the five guarantees, the punishment of the deaf old lady will not be known until she comes out. Zhang Shengli’s guess is correct.

Early the next morning, Yi Zhonghai was taken back to the courtyard by a policeman.

According to the police, Yi Zhonghai said that he was deceived by the deaf old lady at that time. The deaf old lady said she couldn’t remember which district she originally lived in.

And in order to save trouble, he felt that there were already family members of martyrs who had proved it, so he did not call to check the identity of the deaf old lady or something… The police had no way to ask whether it was true or not.

The deaf old lady also said that Yi Zhonghai was deceived by his own money. What else did Yi Zhonghai say that he had not received his own money or something…

Anyway, in the end, the police department’s handling of Yi Zhonghai was as a result: a fine of 200 yuan, writing an inspection and sticking to the street office, and the police station has notified the street office and the rolling mill of the matter.

And the results after reporting to the rolling mill were known when they went to work on the day Yi Zhonghai returned. As soon as Zhang Shengli and they entered the rolling mill, they heard the radio repeating a passage that kept repeating: “Comrades workers… Our factory Yi Zhonghai covers the five categories of black… The current factory committee and factory leaders decided to give Yi Zhonghai a three-level sanction, deduct two months’ wages, deduct 50 work points, write a 1,000-word review, make a profound review at the next plant-wide meeting, and remember it once. ”

“Three levels in a row… How many levels is Yi Zhonghai now? ”

Li Daqiang and Zhao Dashan followed Zhang Shengli to the toilet, chatting by the way on the way,

“It was lowered to a fifth-level worker before, but now it’s a second-level worker, right?”

“Obediently, his gap is big enough.”

“That’s also his fault, the dog thing is not a person, he deserves it~”

Zhao Dashan hates Yi Zhonghai more than Li Daqiang.

When he entered the factory, the factory originally let him and Yi Zhonghai, but Yi Zhonghai, the dog thing, hinted at him to give gifts, he did not agree, this dog thing said that his qualifications were too poor…

Damn it.

Zhang Shengli looked at Yi Zhonghai’s figure in front of him, and said deliberately mockingly: “It is indeed self-inflicted, some birds and beasts, pretend to be sanctimonious every day, in fact, they do everything.”

“Can that be human? Isn’t that a beast? ”

Li Daqiang, when they saw Zhang Shengli say this, their master deliberately mocked loudly.

“Zhang Shengli you!”

Yi Zhonghai turned around and glared at Zhang Shengli fiercely! Zhang Shengli snorted coldly,

“How? Master Yi, do you know who a sanctimonious hypocrite is? ”

Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth and endured this breath!

He has just been demoted and deducted his salary, and he can’t stand the toss!

And Yi Zhonghai knew in his heart that he had been punished like this, but he was afraid that the leaders in the factory had long been disgusted with him. If something happens again…

Yi Zhonghai took a deep breath and let himself endure this breath. The days ahead are still long, and it is unknown who killed the deer.

He Yi Zhonghai is so old, if he can’t kill Zhang Shengli, this hairy boy, won’t it become a joke?

Yi Zhonghai comforted himself so much, fantasizing about thinking about Zhang Shengli’s one hundred and eight ways to die, and turned around satisfiedly and continued to sweep the floor. Seeing Yi Zhonghai’s silence, Zhang Shengli’s eyes narrowed.

This old thing doesn’t know what is bad about holding back……. But that’s okay.

Zhang Shengli sneered in his heart, his fingers moved slightly, and a nightmare talisman turned into a black smoke that penetrated into Yi Zhonghai’s body. This note has a peculiarity.

It is to be able to make him dream about the worst and most feared things in people’s hearts.

For example, if this person does something wrong, his dream will appear when he is caught and beaten when he does it.

Or rather, if he thought about how to harm people, then, in his dreams, he himself would become the victim of his fantasy! It can be said that it is very fun, and it can make the wicked eat their own evil consequences.

Zhang Shengli believes that with Yi Zhonghai, a dog with a bad heart, his nightmare must be particularly wonderful! I’m afraid that tonight, Yi Zhonghai will be tormented by nightmares!

Oh yes, this note is valid for seven days. It is a rare symbol with a long validity period.

Back home, Yang Weiwei had already made rice porridge and steamed steamed buns.

Zhang Shengli stir-fried a few dishes, and the two of them began to eat. Kung Pao chicken diced and back pot meat, plus stir-fried seasonal vegetables and mapo tofu.

Simple and delicious.

When the meat of Zhang Shengli’s family was overflowing, Jia Zhang found that the little rabbit cub of the stick terrier had not shown his face for a day!

“The little beast is really unreliable!”

“Stick terrier! Stick terrier! ”

Jia Zhangshi shouted twice in the courtyard and didn’t see anyone, and his heart became even more angry! She still counts on stick terriers to pick up garbage and make money!

The next time this little bastard dares to run around like this, he will have to beat him lame!

“Dog things, mongrels are mongrels, without a little upbringing!”

Jia Zhang asked Xiaodang to serve himself rice, while cursing and cursing.

“I tell you, you two hurry up and feed me, and hurry up and earn money!” Who dares to run around every day like this mongrel of the stick terrier, and the old lady breaks your legs! ”

Xiaodang and Hua Hua looked at each other and quickly nodded.

And at this time, He Daqing and Silly Zhu entered the courtyard.

Silly Zhu cleaned the toilets in the rolling mill, worked a lot every day, and earned only twenty or thirty yuan. Therefore, of course, it is impossible and unwilling to raise He Daqing.

Silly Zhu urged He Daqing to find work every day. Of course, He Daqing is also willing to hurry up to find a job.

Seeing that the stupid pillar is wasted, He Daqing needs to work hard to earn money to raise the trumpet… That’s the stick terrier. He Daqing felt that for the stick terrier, it must be more important to eat fragrant and drink spicy.

As long as he makes a lot of money and eats white noodles for the stick terrier every day, he doesn’t believe that the stick terrier doesn’t call himself dad!

Of course, He Daqing didn’t know that when the stick terrier was in Jia’s house, before others knew that he was a mongrel, he had been eating white noodles.

What He Daqing saw was that Qin Huairu and the stick terrier couldn’t eat enough now? So he didn’t know that Jia Zhangshi and Jia Dongxu were used to stick terriers before.

Therefore, He Daqing couldn’t imagine how much the stick terrier hated him.

In the heart of the stick terrier, if it were not for He Daqing, he would still be the baby bump of the Jia family. Jia Zhangshi and Jia Dongxu still scored him anything delicious.

Xiaodang and Huaihua still have to make themselves unable to fight back every day.

He is a stick terrier, in the Jia family, that is the prince! And the result.

Just because He Daqing came back.

As soon as the stick terrier and him had a blood test, they didn’t say anything, and he became a mongrel that everyone in the school shouted at. In such a situation, how could the stick terrier not remember to hate He Daqing.

“Did you find a job?”

Silly Zhu met He Daqing at the gate of the courtyard, and the first thing he said was to ask this.

“Hey, hey~”

He Daqing smiled hehe Do all the work? He Daqing thinks highly of himself. ”

After all, he is a chef who really has good craftsmanship.

Stupid Zhu is compared to him, just like a fifth-level worker meets an eighth-level worker.

Therefore, He Daqing has been looking for work in major restaurants these days. He can’t be like a stupid pillar, high or low.

“It has already been said, in a big restaurant, tomorrow morning I will go to an interview with another person, whoever has good craftsmanship can be the chef in the store!”

He Daqing said proudly, but Silly Zhu listened to his words and felt a little unpleasant in his heart.

“Okay, let’s go home and cook.”

Silly Zhu’s face turned dark, and he walked home quickly with his feet up.

Neither of them noticed that the stick terrier was following behind them. After leaving home, the stick terrier wandered the streets for a day.

He hated Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu. What did these two say before?

No matter what, I will no longer doubt that I am a wild species. It only took a few days!

Thinking of Jia Dongxu’s insults and Jia Zhang’s beatings, the stick terrier couldn’t wait to kill them! But the stick terrier also knows that he is still a Jia stick terrier on his household registration book.

As long as Jia Dongxu and they didn’t really throw him out, then he still had a place to stay. In case you really kill Jia Dongxu and Jia Zhangshi, then what do you eat and drink? Especially Qin Huairu’s.

If he really killed Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu.

I’m afraid that Qin Huairu’s bitch will be even more shameless to break his shoes with others!

Then the reputation of this little broken shoe mongrel of the Jia stick terrier cannot be taken off. Therefore, the stick terrier thought about it, he still wanted to kill He Daqing!

Because he hated He Daqing even more, he hated He Daqing for ruining his life. If He Daqing did not come back, Zhang Shengli would not have been able to see He Daqing. It is impossible for anyone to know that He Daqing is also curly.

You won’t be a wild species yourself. And.

Silly Zhu still remembered what Jia Zhangshi and Liu Guangfu said.

Jia Zhangshi said that if He Daqing saved Jia Dongxu, then let him call He Daqing his father!

And what Liu Guangfu said is that if he really calls He Daqing his father, then all four and nine cities will know. He, the mongrel, himself is faceless, and he recognizes the father who broke his shoes!


The stick terrier decided, once and for all.

Let He Daqing never give himself a chance to cause trouble again. The stick terrier stole two cents on the street.

Then, the stick terrier bought himself a few candies for a dime. The remaining dime, went to buy rat poison for a dime.

The stick terrier specifically asked, the seller of rat poison said, a dime of medicine is enough to poison 50 mice! Thinking of this, the stick terrier’s eyes were full of excitement and nervousness.

He hid and hidden, tiptoed to the door of Silly Zhu’s house, heard Silly Zhu ask He Daqing to cook, and heard He Daqing instruct Silly Zhu to cook. The stick terrier couldn’t help but sneer in his heart.

Just these two things, why let yourself call Daqing Dad? In the Jia family, cooking and washing clothes are all done by women!

If he really followed He Daqing, wouldn’t he want to become a nest like them! Yes, in the heart of the stick terrier, He Daqing and Silly Zhu are both waste.

Without a daughter-in-law, you still have to wash your own clothes and cook, isn’t it just a waste.

“Okay, my water has already boiled, boil the porridge with sticks.”

At this time, He Daqing came out of the kitchen and entered the hall. The stick terrier’s eyes lit up when he heard He Daqing’s words!

Randomly and quietly touched the location of the kitchen of the silly pillar’s house.

The stick terrier is all too familiar with the silly pillar’s house. Where things are placed, the stick terrier knows very well.

So he directly and gently pushed open the window of the kitchen of the silly pillar’s house. Under the window, there is the stove in the silly pillar’s home.

At this moment, a pot of stick noodle porridge is boiling in the pot on the stove.


The stick terrier breathed lightly and felt a small paper package from his pocket. He gritted his teeth and tore open the paper package and sprinkled a handful of powder inside into the pot.

Hearing the kitchen door slam, the stick terrier quickly squatted! It’s a silly column.

“You have to let me watch the fire for porridge…”

Silly Zhu nagged, picked up an iron spoon and stirred the porridge. Hearing the sound of the iron spoon, the stick terrier’s heart suddenly became stable. Great, silly pillar didn’t find out.

“It’s finally time to eat.”

Silly Zhu and He Daqing sat face to face at the dining table.

In front of two people, one person has a bowl of stick noodle porridge, one person has two white noodle steamed buns, and a dish of fried cabbage. The stick terrier hid outside his house and watched them secretly from the window.

“Qin Huairu doesn’t know what will happen.”

Silly Zhu picked up the bowl and put it down, still thinking about Qin Huairu.

“I saw her face.”

He Daqing ate a mouthful of steamed buns and another mouthful of cabbage.

“It is estimated that it may not be good, otherwise you will look at other women~”

After He Daqing finished speaking, he finally took the bowl and drank more porridge under the gaze of the stick terrier. Stupidly listened and felt irritable.

Sister Qin hasn’t come out yet, and the water knows what will happen. Besides, with his current appearance as a eunuch, can others talk to him?

Silly Zhu was upset when he thought about it, and simply took the bowl and poured two mouthfuls of stick noodle porridge!.

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