Chapter 137: Apologize! Kowtow!.

Zhang Shengli said, and asked Lou Xiao’e to give the big pants to Aunt Liu.

“Let’s see, is this the big pants of Uncle Yi?”

Aunt Liu looked at it, it really was!

“Isn’t that it! I know this patch! ”

After all, Aunt Liu is old, seeing this pants, and then looking at Qin Huairu, she immediately understood what was going on!

“Qin Huairu, you stinky! You steal all the clothes that the old lady just dried! What a heart of your special mother’s An! ”

Seeing that Aunt Liu was going to fight Qin Huairu, He Daqing rushed out!

The stick terrier still has to Qin Huairu open his mouth to speak for himself, when is it better not to show at this time?

“What the hell, you guys! So many people bully a woman, right? ”

Yi Zhonghai watched He Daqing rush out, his eyes narrowed slightly.

I hope that He Daqing is so old that he knows what to say and what not to say

“Qin Huairu, she just took the wrong clothes, came to Zhang Shengli’s house to borrow something and pulled here, what’s wrong? What a big deal! ”

He Daqing said righteously, Yi Zhonghai just wanted to kick him to death!

Is it any wonder that the stick terrier that dog eats zero points every day, and this is also genetics? It’s hard to brain, isn’t it? At this time, he should obviously mess around and give this big pants to Yang Weiwei!

He Daqing, this idiot, what bullshit!

Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth and wanted to speak, but Zhang Shengli didn’t give him a chance to speak as soon as he spoke. Because, Zhang Shengli preemptively struck.

“Qin Huairu didn’t take the wrong clothes.”

Zhang Shengli sneered and pointed at Aunt Liu: “Everyone has heard what I asked Aunt Liu just now, this is the clothes she just dried today.” ”

“This pants look like a man’s, and everyone knows what Jia Dongxu is like now, he basically lies on the bed every day without pants”

“And why did Qin Huairu appear in my bedroom with pants~”

Zhang Shengli said here for a pause, he walked to Qin Huairu, his eyes looked at her coldly: “Qin Huairu, you want to frame Yang Weiwei, right?” ”

“It’s not! This pants is…”

“What is it?”

Qin Huairu couldn’t say a few words, she couldn’t say it, Zhang Shengli continued to speak.

“You think that when you succeed in planting the stolen goods, Aunt Liu won’t remember that this is the clothes she washed today, and you want to frame my daughter-in-law to hook up with other men, right?”

Zhang Shengli sneered and looked at Qin Huairu with disdain: “How can you be so stupid as a slut?” Do you really think your dog idea will succeed? You yourself are rotten, and you still want to trap others like you, right? ”


Zhang Shengli kicked out, and Qin Huai 557 Ru fell heavily, causing the whole person to curl up on the ground in pain.

“I didn’t…”

Qin Huairu still doesn’t admit it, but Aunt Liu is not a fuel-saving lamp!


She didn’t think Qin Huairu’s face was disgusting, and Qin Huairu’s face that was directly slapped and pumped only sprayed blood!

“Stinky! You hook up with a man yourself and don’t want to face, and you want to slander my man and Vivi with others? ”

“You slut, don’t even look at it! Can Yang Weiwei’s appearance be as good as the old immortal in our family? You think it’s all the same as you, don’t pick any rotten goods, look at it! The old lady told you, you owe a man for this rotten thing, and catch a garbage as a treasure! Now I still want to frame people, the old lady can’t kill you! ”


Aunt Liu slapped one after another, hit Qin Huairu and couldn’t raise her head, and also said that He Daqing and Yi Zhonghai’s faces turned black! What does she mean by this?

Doesn’t it mean that these people are rotten goods…

And the bangs are also livid, this mother-in-law praised Yang Weiwei, you praised, why did you still step on your own man? He is not as good as Zhang Shengli, but he is not to the point of garbage and rotten, right?

“Poof, Aunt Liu is a little self-aware…”

“Qin Huairu, this slut’s heart is really poisonous~”

“Fortunately, I caught this, otherwise maybe some slut would have thought more~”

Hearing everyone’s words, Liu Haizhong coughed twice: “This matter was fortunately discovered in advance and saved some trouble.” ”

“But to say something that pierces the heart of some beasts, I also put the words here in advance, I don’t want some beasts in my bangs, I worry about other people’s daughters-in-law and little girls…” I can be a father, and I don’t have good intentions…”

The gaze in the bangs swept over Yi Zhonghai and He Daqing;

“Even if I don’t catch Qin Huairu’s current situation in this matter today, who dares to slander me, I dare to call the police to deal with it!” It is absolutely impossible to be like some beasts and dare to parade through the streets in public. ”

This word in the bangs is to powder his face. But it’s also true.

Because all the greed in the bangs is put on the word official. Therefore, he cannot tolerate others hanging peach news for himself.

Otherwise, if the time comes, he can become an official, because this will not be a loss.

“Get out of your way!!”

Seeing that Aunt Liu was still beating Qin Huairu, He Daqing pushed Aunt Liu away and stood in front of Qin Huairu strongly.

“Even if Qin Huairu did this, what’s wrong?”

Hearing He Daqing say this, Silly Zhu also sobered up.

Yes, what happened to Qin Huairu?

Isn’t she too miserable because she was pitted by Zhang Shengli?

“Zhang Shengli, don’t talk about these things here! I’ll tell you today that it’s a fact that Qin Huairu and Yang Weiwei made a move! It is also a fact that your family’s wasp stung Qin Huairu! It’s a fact that you’re going to lose money! There has to be an explanation for this! ”

Hearing Silly Zhu’s words, Zhang Shengli nodded, and the cold light of anger flashed in his eyes,

“You’re right, there has to be an explanation for this.”

When they were still confused, they suddenly made a move!


Zhang Shengli punched Silly Zhu’s stomach, and Silly Zhu instantly broke into a cold sweat!

“Xu Damao! Go to the police! ”

When Zhang Shengli said this sentence, He Daqing was about to smash on Zhang Shengli’s head with a stool!

“Ah! Be careful! ”

Everyone screamed in fright!


Zhang Shengli Bajiquan Second Form shot and directly punched the stool in He Daqing’s hand into pieces!


He Daqing was so frightened that his hand shook, and the only remaining stool leg in his hand fell to the ground!


At the same time that the stool leg landed on the ground, Zhang Shengli punched He Daqing in the face with a left hook!


He Daqing screamed, and the nosebleed flew out with two front teeth!

This is not the end, these people actually dare to enter the hall directly to make trouble in their own home, how can Zhang Shengli easily let them go?


Zhang Shengli gave He Daqing another kick, and He Daqing fell the dining table in the hall!


Zhang Shengli’s strength is too great, and He Daqing’s inertia when he falls out is naturally great. When it fell on the dining table, it directly smashed the dining table in half!


He Daqing was so painful that it was like someone pinching his neck, and he couldn’t scream…

“I Cao your ancestor!”

Silly Zhu watched Zhang Shengli fight more and more ruthlessly, and he was afraid in his heart, if he didn’t resist, maybe Zhang Shengli, a beast, could beat himself and He Daqing to death!

Thinking about it this way, Silly Zhu wants to strike first!


Before the stupid pillar arrived in front of Zhang Shengli, Zhang Shengli had already arrived at him!


This punch, Zhang Shengli used five points of strength!

Silly Zhu only felt that he suddenly couldn’t breathe, and his entire chest cavity hurt!


The stupid pillar fell backwards and smashed on Qin Huairu, smashing Qin Huairu to the ground, and screamed in pain!

“Ahem! Other! Stop it! ”

Silly Zhu coughed twice, and finally spat out blood and gasped. He really thought he was going to die…

Silly Zhu crossed his arms and signaled to stop: “Don’t!” Stop fighting… Zhang Shengli, can you be reasonable…”


Zhang Shengli gave him a kick again!

After the stupid pillar was kicked and flew out, he slammed into the table of the family house before stopping.

“Dog stuff! What about Ultraman with mud horses! ”

Zhang Shengli looked at the stupid pillar with disdain, and he was better than an x, he hadn’t been beaten enough!

Everyone didn’t understand what Zhang Shengli was saying, and Zhang Shengli didn’t need them to understand! He just walked in front of Qin Huairu, who still fell to the ground and couldn’t get up!


This time, Zhang Shengli stepped his foot directly on Qin Huairu’s chest!


Qin Huairu screamed in pain!

“Rotten goods, you haven’t opened your mouth about this today? Don’t hide behind the licking dog, let’s talk about what you want to do today! ”

Zhang Shengli glanced at the door, then looked down at Qin Huairu, and used some strength on his feet: “To be honest, if you dare to lie again, Laozi will kill you!” ”

Qin Huairu was so sore that his head was covered in cold sweat…

It hurt so much to step on this position, it hurt so much that her mouth trembled: “Zhang…”

“It’s my problem, I’m just jealous of Yang Weiwei’s good food and good clothes…” I just wanted to make her famous…”

Qin Huairu knew in his heart that if this matter pulled Yi Zhonghai out, there would only be harm and no benefit. Jin’er protected Yi Zhonghai, an old thing, and he definitely had to accept his own affection.

More importantly, this has also become a handle for himself to control Yi Zhonghai.

“It’s my fault… But I don’t blame me in this room, I’m also scared by wasps…”

Zhang Shengli didn’t plan to listen to these words, and after he kicked Qin Huairu, he said to the door: “Comrade police, you all heard it.” ”

Qin Huairu and Silly Zhu found out that there were already two policemen standing at the door… Of course, as far as they were beaten on all fours, they really couldn’t see anyone at the door.

“She deliberately stole other men’s clothes with the intention of planting stolen clothes at home for my daughter-in-law, and as a result, she provoked the wasp on the beam of my house to be stung when she spilled at my house.”

“These two people are her accomplices, they know that wasps are wild, and they know that Qin Huairu sneaked into my house to do bad things, and they also threatened and intimidated me to lose money.”

Zhang Shengli said a few words and explained this matter clearly.

“We all know everything.”

The policeman entered the door and looked at Zhang Shengli’s house, and his brows couldn’t help but frown.

“Qin Huairu, He Daqing He Yuzhu, Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei have no responsibility for today’s matter, you three must apologize for your actions and compensate Zhang Shengli’s family for property and mental losses, otherwise, we will have to take you back to talk slowly.”

“Especially you Qin Huairu, your behavior is even worse, think about it yourself. Hearing the police say this, Qin Huairu’s face turned white with fright! ”

If this matter is not solved, you may have to go to jail!

One policeman walked up to Zhang Shengli, and the other continued to teach He Daqing them.

“I’ll suggest you keep it private.”

The policeman next to Zhang Shengli said: “If you arrest them, there is no conclusive evidence to frame such a thing, and you will be locked up for three days at most, He Daqing and He Yuzhu will be counted as picking quarrels and provoking trouble, that is, three or five days, and it will be more beneficial to you to be private.” ”

Zhang Shengli’s eyes flickered. He understood what the police meant.

My house is looking too messy now, and I can take the opportunity to make these dogs bleed more. If the police take them away, three or five days of detention will not hurt these people… Zhang Shengli nodded, and the policeman turned his head and reprimanded He Daqing them: “A few of you! If you don’t want to go to jail, lose money quickly! ”

He Daqing and they were anxious in an instant, and they hurried to Zhang Shengli,

“Zhang Shengli, we are also ghosts today, so forgive us.”

“I don’t want to go to jail, Zhang Shengli, I beg you~”

Qin Huairu had a pig’s head face, and wanted to sell coquettish and beg for forgiveness. Zhang Shengli snorted coldly and pointed to his room: “I don’t want my daughter-in-law’s face cream in the bedroom and the clothes you Qin Huairu touched, these broken things in the living room…” The price is 100 yuan. And my daughter-in-law’s mental damage fee…”

Zhang Shengli glanced at Qin Huairu and returned the original words she just said to her: “You also said just now, I don’t lie to people, if you ask for 500 yuan, then the mental damage fee will be according to 500 yuan.” ”

“Zhang Shengli! You are blackmailing! ”

The silly pillar roared!

Zhang Shengli pointed to the people watching the bustle at the door: “Comrade police, you can ask, but what they said just now, Qin Huairu was injured in my house and asked for 500 yuan, and now they are breaking in and making trouble to scare my daughter-in-law.” 500 bucks is not too much, right? ”

“Yes! Comrade police, that’s what they said about 500 yuan! ”

“Yes, they also said that not a penny can be less!”

“It’s right to say that with a tooth for a tooth!”

The two policemen looked at each other and nodded: “Well, we also think it’s very reasonable.” ”

Glancing at the silly pillars’ livid faces, Zhang Shengli continued: “Since it is an apology, it is not enough to just make amends. And apologize. ”

“What are you going to do?”

He Daqing looked at Zhang Shengli with a gloomy face, and he really capsized in the gutter today. Zhang Shengli sneered, how?

“Your son knows, it’s the same when I make people apologize, the three of you, one of you kowtows 100 heads, I will count you apologize.”

He Daqing’s face turned dark…


“You what you!”

Zhang Shengli scolded: “If you don’t want to kowtow, you can go with the police, or I will punch you a hundred times…”

Zhang Shengli glanced at Silly Zhu and Qin Huairu: “You two are the same, who doesn’t want to kowtow, let me punch 100 punches.” ”

Zhang Shengli’s words just fell, stupid pillar


He knelt down with a sound.

“He Daqing, don’t be punish!”

Silly Zhu knew Zhang Shengli’s strength too well.

Don’t say 100 punches, if you have twenty or thirty punches, you won’t be able to live. He Daqing’s face was dark, and he gritted his teeth and was ready to kneel

“What about the money?”

Zhang Shengli stretched out his feet and resisted He Daqing’s knees!

“If you don’t have money, it’s okay to just apologize.”

He Daqing glanced at Qin Huairu, who lowered his head and pretended to be dead. It’s not to blame her, isn’t it?

If it weren’t for Silly Zhu and He Daqing coming in, would this matter be so big? Besides, she has no money.

He Daqing glanced at the policeman, and then remembered Zhang Shengli’s fist, thinking about his flying teeth ·

“600 bucks.”

He Daqing just handed the money to Zhang Shengli, and Zhang Shengli kicked He Daqing in the knee!


He Daqing knelt down fiercely!

“Let’s start, 100 heads, not one less.”

After the three people kowtowed on their heads, and after the police left, they also quickly got up and limped away. Zhang Shengli looked at their backs, the corner of his mouth was a mocking sneer, these people dared to be so arrogant, they wouldn’t think that they would let them go so easily, right?

The three doom talismans turned into several black smokes and gently penetrated into the bodies of Qin Huairu and He Daqing’s stupid pillars. However, when these three talismans take effect, it depends on Zhang Shengli’s mood, Qin Huairu limped home, and when Jia Dongxu saw her, he couldn’t close his mouth with joy! This stinky word is actually really disfigured!

Seeing Qin Huairu’s swollen and ugly face, Jia Dongxu’s heart was extremely happy!.

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