Chapter 138: If you delay people any longer, they will really die.

In fact, is it comfortable to marry a beautiful daughter-in-law?

Definitely comfortable.

Especially for Jia Dongxu, who is not good-looking, has a very ordinary work, and has only such a grassroots house. Is it bad to marry a beautiful daughter-in-law?

It must be bad.

Especially for people like Jia Dongxu.

He clearly knew in his heart that if Qin Huairu, a girl with a job in Sijiu City, would not be able to take his turn like Jia Dongxu in his eight lifetimes, his work was very average, and there were no good vegetable buns.

Therefore, since marrying Qin Huairu home, Jia Dongxu has allowed Jia Zhang’s mean Qin Huairu. Except that it is not too much for the mother-in-law to ask for her daughter-in-law.

Zhang Shengli also wanted Qin Huairu to know that she could marry into his own family, and it was he Jia Dongxu who married her under pressure. Otherwise, a rural woman like her would not be able to enter Four Nine Cities in eight lifetimes.

Before he was crippled, Jia Dongxu was very confident that Jia Zhang and himself would train Qin Huairu. Unexpectedly, he was suddenly crippled.

It started when Qin Huairu left home to go to work.

Jia Dongxu began to worry about whether Qin Huairu, a slut, would hook up with others. Will you dislike yourself for being crippled and running away with others.

Because of this, Jia Dongxu scolded Qin Huairu more and more every day.

He just wanted Qin Huairu to know that even if he Jia Dongxu was wasted, he was her man. Even if Qin Huairu, this, goes to work, don’t think about being like a person here! Unexpectedly, it turned out that Qin Huairu had stolen people before marrying herself.

I didn’t expect that after such ten years, she stole people for ten years! As long as he thought of this, Jia Dongxu couldn’t wait to eat his flesh!

Now seeing Qin Huairu’s disfigurement, Jia Dongxu couldn’t help but laugh!

“Hahahaha great! Great, haha! Qin Huairu, you, you ruined! ”

“Haha, look at your ghostly appearance! I’d rather see who is willing to deal with you ugly monster in the future haha~”

No wonder Jia Dongxu couldn’t hold back his joy. He was so happy.

With Qin Huairu’s current appearance, Jia Dongxu no longer had to worry about whether she would suddenly run away with others. There is no need to worry about Qin Huairu anymore, in case he marries a city person, he doesn’t care about himself.

Now Qin Huairu is like this, as long as she wants to stay in the city, she can only sit on herself and serve herself!

“Haha, Qin Huairu, you rotten thing! You deserve it! ”

“Haha, you’ve been like this in your life~”

Hearing Jia Dongxu’s arrogant laughter, Qin Huairu’s whole body trembled!


She is ready to get some money and divorce Jia Dongxu! But is there anything wrong with that?

As far as waste like Jia Dongxu is concerned, a man is not a man, he can’t earn money, and he has to let himself serve and raise him every day! Why did she Qin Huairu give their Jia family a cow and a horse!

But now?

Qin Huairu reached out and gently touched the blood scab on her face.

She clearly knew that even if these swollen bags stung by wasps disappeared, these scars on her face would still remain!

Her Qin Huairu’s biggest capital is gone…..

Qin Huairu couldn’t help but feel a burst of despair…

“Haha, Qin Huairu, you slut, you are a lifelong life for Lao Tzu as a cow and a horse! In the future, be more serious when wiping for Lao Tzu, otherwise Lao Tzu will let you eat haha~”


Jia Dongxu suddenly let out a cry of pain!

It turned out that it was Qin Huairu who couldn’t bear it, and Qin Huairu didn’t plan to endure it!

Jia Dongxu, this beast, since he is so disgusting, then he will kill him first! Kill this beast, she Qin Huairu is in charge of her own family to see who dares to bully herself!


“Qin Huairu, you, you are crazy!”

Although Jia Dongxu’s lower body is wasted, he is a man after all, and he eats full and rounds every day, how can he be suppressed and beaten by Qin Huairu like this!

So Jia Dongxu quickly began to fight back, punched down, and hit Qin Huairu’s eyes in the corners of his eyes! Qin Huairu took a few steps back, glared at Jia Dongxu fiercely, and turned to go to the kitchen.

Jia Dongxu thought that Qin Huairu was afraid of himself, and he was even more arrogant!

“Slut! Three days without hitting the house to reveal the tiles! You spicy next door dare to make a move with Lao Tzu, I will kill you!” ”

“Come on!”

As soon as Jia Dongxu finished shouting, he saw Qin Huairu come out of the kitchen. And in her hand, she held a kitchen knife tightly!

“Wang Baegg, the old lady is not your dog! If you want to step on me to live, I will let you not live!” ”

Seeing Qin Huairu’s look of hatred towards him, Jia Dongxu was afraid!

This is a knife, no matter how strong he is than Qin Huairu, he is just a kitchen knife!

“Huairu! Huairu, calm down! I was wrong! I was wrong! Let’s be a husband and wife for a hundred days! You put the kitchen knife down! ”

Seeing Qin Huairu getting closer and closer, Jia Dongxu was so scared that he directly wet the bed!

“Help! Help me! ”

Jia Dongxu screamed while supporting the bed with his arms and trying to climb farther! However, after all, two arms are not as fast as people with sound limbs.


When Qin Huairu’s first slash went down, Jia Dongxu turned over and actually dodged!

“Help! Kill! ”

Jia Dongxu’s shouts had already torn his throat! The entire courtyard was alarmed.

Jia Zhangshi rushed in at the first time!

And at the moment when Jia Zhangshi rushed in, Qin Huairu slashed at Jia Dongxu’s chest!


Jia Dongxu screamed!

Jia Zhang’s legs were so frightened that he also let out a scream!

Qin Huairu was frightened by Jia Zhang’s shout, and a soft knife fell directly to the ground!

“Qin Huairu, what are you doing!”

A large number of people poured into Jia’s house.

Zhang Shengli drank violently, and Qin Huairu suddenly reacted. Oh, yes!

What do you do yourself?

“Me, me…”

Qin Huairu raised her hand and glanced at it, her hands were covered in blood! She glanced at Jia Dongxu again, and Jia Dongxu’s chest was full of blood! He!

He’s dead!

Qin Huairu was so frightened by this thought of his that he knelt directly on the ground!

“I’m not! I didn’t mean to! I didn’t mean to! ”

Qin Huairu shook his head frantically and shouted loudly.

She had already reacted, if she really killed Jia Dongxu, she would not have jumped out of the fire pit! Because, going to jail or being shot, no matter which is much more miserable than in the Jia family!

“It’s her! It was she who deliberately killed people! ”

Jia Zhang’s voice was hoarse!

“I just came in and saw it! She slashed and missed! This slut slashed again! ”

When Jia Zhang’s words came out, the onlookers who had been frightened and stupid just now woke up at once!

“! Kitchen knives! This time she killed on purpose! ”

“The most poisonous woman’s heart! The most poisonous woman’s heart! ”

“One day husband and wife! How can she get her hands on it! ”

“God, this is too ruthless…”

“Jia Dongxu is a person! Qin Huairu can really get his hands on it! ”

The crowd was really scared.

Although they have seen more fights and kills these days…

For example, Zhang Shengli, when he beat them stupidly, they were always afraid that Zhang Shengli would kill someone if he lost his hand. But Zhang Shengli has a rule under him, and he really hasn’t caused a human life.

And when Qin Huairu slashed Jia Dongxu last time, they could all see that it was an impulse to protect themselves.

After all, they all saw the blood on Qin Huairu’s face when he was beaten by Jia Dongxu last time, and Jia Dongxu’s injuries at that time could also be seen, which was a momentary miss.

But this time is different.

This time, Qin Huairu is holding a kitchen knife! Why do kitchen knives appear in the house?

It can only be said that Qin Huairu deliberately took it to kill people!

Zhang Shengli glanced at Qin Huairu, and then at Silly Zhu and He Daqing, who looked anxious.

“Qin Huairu, there is a reason for this killing.”

Zhang Shengli raised his hand, and everyone quickly looked at him, and then Zhang Shengli pointed at Qin Huairu: “In the past, Qin Huairu did not dare to wave a knife to look at Jia Dongxu, there is a reason why she is like this this time.” ”


Hearing Zhang Shengli say this, Jia Zhangshi gritted his teeth and stared at Qin Huairu with fear and hatred: “What reason!” Zhang Shengli! You said! Why did this slut kill my son! ”

Zhang Shengli pointed to He Daqing and Silly Zhu: “Everyone knows that Jia Dongxu is a waste person, he can’t be a man and can’t make money, so, Qin Huairu still stayed in the Jia family before, one is for the sake of the children……..”

Zhang Shengli paused when he said this, and a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Qin Huairu, this dog thing, as a mother, does she love children?

It should be love. It’s just that there is too little love.

If she really loved children, she wouldn’t have been able to hook up with so many men.

You must know that in this era, if parents have a bad reputation, then their children will be laughed at by others, whether they are in school or on the street, even if they grow up and go to work.

Being looked down upon and influencing political censorship are all the effects that bad behavior of parents will have on children. But what did Qin Huairu do?

For her own selfish desires, she made the stick terrier a wild species.

For her own careful thinking, she doesn’t want to suffer and hook up with a bunch of men! It’s not nice to say, now it’s a small locust flower is still small.

If they are fifteen or sixteen girls and are played hooligans on the street, others will say that they are not good at tutoring!

Such a Qin Huairu, of course, can’t really say that he swallowed his anger for the sake of the child.

“The reason why Qin Huairu stayed in the Jia family was mainly because he was reluctant to work in the rolling mill, and he was even more reluctant to return to the countryside.”

“But it’s different now.”

Zhang Shengli glanced at He Daqing with disdain,

“Now that He Daqing has returned, and the blood test proves that the stick terrier is his wild species, Qin Huairu naturally knows that he has a way out.”

“And now, Qin Huairu’s job is gone, and she has nothing to take care of…”

“Therefore, Qin Huairu probably wants to divorce Jia Dongxu, but now she knows that she can’t leave, and she wants to kill Jia Dongxu on impulse, and she can remarry herself in an upright manner, she wants to remarry He Daqing, so that she can have a new home with the stick terrier, and she doesn’t have to work hard~”

Zhang Shengli glanced at Qin Huairu: “Qin Huairu, am I right?” ”

Qin Huairu’s face was pale, and what Zhang Shengli said was exactly the same as she thought… Yes.

Qin Huairu deceived Yi Zhonghai yesterday.

How could she really rent a house by herself and live outside. Even if she rents, she will only rent for ten days and a half month.

He Daqing is a chef, and finding a job is easy for him. Although Silly Zhu cleans toilets, he is still a worker who earns money.

Therefore, Qin Huairu has long planned that as long as she gets the money and does not panic when she has money in her hand, she will find a way to force Jia Dongxu to divorce! As long as she is divorced, she can take the stick terrier to live in He Daqing’s house!

At that time, the two men of them will support themselves and the stick terrier, and it will not be simple… As a result, my face was ruined today…

Qin Huairu felt despair at that moment.

If he can’t look at his face, will He Daqing and Silly Zhu still be willing to raise themselves? Will He Daqing just want the stick terrier to not himself?

Jia Dongxu also kept saying, sprinkling salt on her wounds fiercely!

Therefore, Qin Huairu couldn’t control it, so he really attacked Jia Dongxu! Seeing Qin Huairu’s panicked and speechless look.

Everyone immediately understood that what Zhang Shengli said was true!

“It’s really ruthless, Qin Huairu…”

“Sure enough, he is a beast, and he dares to do anything for himself!”

“If you want to remarry, you can remarry, and you actually use a knife!”

“This is the same as Pan Jinlian…”

He Daqing and Silly Zhu looked at each other, and the two of them didn’t say anything.

Now there is no part for the two of them to speak, and it will cause a lot of blood to open their mouths rashly.

“Old Jia, God, Mingming, Qin Huairu, this! You! You actually dare to murder your husband, oh oh and ”

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