Chapter 136: Qin Huairu, she wanted to be framed.

If this matter was put in the past, the stick terrier wanted to eat meat, and Jia Dongxu and Jia Zhangshi would definitely be telling Qin Huairu to think of a way. But now it’s different, now the stick terrier is the lowest person in the Jia family.

Hearing that the stick terrier actually dared to say that he ate meat, Jia Zhangshi rolled his eyes and only felt that this little mongrel had no heart and no lungs! What days are you at home? What is he? There are also faces for meat to eat.

Jia Dongxu even reached out and hit, the mouth was pumped hard and accurate, and the stick hit the stick terrier, and no one was superfluous. The stick terrier was so frightened that he quickly ran and lowered his head, tears and snot flowing: “I don’t eat it, I don’t want meat to eat it.”

No one could see that the stick terrier was crying and twitching at the same time, and there was deep hatred in his eyes. Such dog things, sooner or later kill them yourself!

Qin Huairu looked at the stick terrier and cried, and then looked at Jia Dongxu, seeing that Jia Dongxu put down the stick and started to eat, she quickly called the stick terrier to eat: “Stick terrier, let’s finish the meal first…”

“Little locust flower, look at it, in the eyes of your mother, this little mongrel is more expensive than you.”

Jia Zhang’s yin and yang said strangely, and then glared at Qin Huairu: “What are you yourself that you don’t know?” Can you control others? Not wanting to eat makes him hungry! Such a big person can’t die of hunger! ”

“Don’t eat anything you want!”

Jia Dongxu looked at Qin Huairu in disgust, this stinky, if it wasn’t for the fact that she needed someone to take care of her, how could she be left behind! Thinking of a woman like Qin Huairu who was water-based fireworks, and she couldn’t walk or look at her, Jia Dongxu was even more irritable! I can’t wait to beat Qin Huairu again!

Qin Huairu was scolded by the mother and son of the Jia family, and did not dare to say anything. She’s waiting for things to be done now.

Zhang Shengli also knows what it is like to be insulted and laughed at the back of others. And that Yang Weiwei.

In the past, I was the best-looking one in the courtyard, but now?

Seeing that Yang Weiwei looks so beautiful and younger than herself, the most important thing is that Zhang Shengli spends so much money on her every day. Qin Huairu’s jealous eyes were red.

Today, she will let Yang Weiwei also know what it feels like to be called a bitch! As for how to do this, Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai had already discussed. The clothes in the courtyard are all hung together.

Qin Huairu took advantage of the fact that others were not paying attention and stole a man’s big pants.

In order to make people see the difference at a glance, Qin Huairu also specially picked a large pants.

In the rolling mill, Yi Zhonghai pretended to casually say that he had to sweep the toilet once a day at work anyway, and he would simply go home early today.

Near the end of work, Yi Zhonghai said that he had a headache and wanted to go home first and let Silly Zhu go back with him. Silly Zhu and the others were not very willing to take Yi Zhonghai, and he now saw that He Daqing was still red and white for a while. What’s more, Yi Zhonghai?

Although Yi Zhonghai has been talking to himself in the past two days, Silly Zhu has always maintained a lukewarm attitude. But he didn’t want to clean the toilet alone, so he went home.

In the courtyard, Qin Huairu had big pants in his pocket and pretended to inadvertently shake to Zhang Shengli’s door.

The deaf old lady told Yi Zhonghai that Yang Weiwei would go out and walk at this time of day, probably before Zhang Shengli came back from work, and then make the staple food and wait for Zhang Shengli to go home and stir-fry.

Therefore, Qin Huairu came over at this time on purpose, just to take advantage of the fact that no one put the big pants in Zhang Shengli’s bedroom, the deaf old lady looked out of the window, she watched Qin Huairu push open the door of Zhang Shengli’s house, and the corner of her mouth couldn’t help but show a sneer. As long as Qin Huairu gets the house right.

When Yang Weiwei came home later, she would shout in the courtyard that a thief had entered Yang Weiwei’s house! It was like the time when Zhang Shengli caught Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai in the cellar.

Using the thief as an excuse, when everyone arrived at Zhang Shengli’s house, they saw the messy bed and the man’s big pants. Yang Weiwei just jumped into the Yellow River and couldn’t wash it!

After Qin Huairu entered the house, he went directly into Zhang Shengli’s bedroom.

Qin Huairu’s first feeling was that it would be nice if he could live here, the whole house was warm, and he was comfortable when he came in and didn’t want to leave.

The bed in the bedroom looks new, and it doesn’t look like it is my own home, a one-meter-two bed sleeps on myself and two daughters Zhang Shengli, this bed is at least one meter eight.

The bed is not a hard bed board like most people’s homes.

Qin Huairu touched Zhang Shengli’s bed, at least three mattresses, and they were all new cotton, soft and comfortable.

On the table in the bedroom, there were several small glass bottles, all of which were the things that Qin Huairu had seen wiping his face in the department store, Qin Huairu couldn’t help but open the bottle and sniff, and then closed his eyes intoxicated.

“If only this was my home~”

Qin Huairu muttered in a low voice.

The deaf old lady looked at Zhang Shengli’s house, what is Qin Huairu doing with this?

Why hasn’t it come out yet? After such a delay, Yang Weiwei’s will go home!


The deaf old lady couldn’t help but go to the courtyard and coughed loudly twice. She was afraid that Qin Huairu was stealing something from Zhang Shengli’s house.

Because, if Qin Huairu really couldn’t see what the claw had stolen, framing Yang Weiwei would be easy to make trouble! As a result, the deaf old lady just coughed twice, and found that Yang Weiwei’s figure appeared at the door of the backyard!

“Yang Weiwei, are you back? I can’t see the needle and thread clearly when I sew clothes, can you come into the house and thread me with a needle? ”

The deaf old lady was anxious in her heart, and greeted Yang Weiwei loudly, and deliberately wanted to pull Yang Weiwei down to her own home, and at the same time took the opportunity to remind Qin Huairu and let her run quickly!

Yang Weiwei glanced at the deaf old lady, about this old lady Zhang Shengli specially reminded herself. Zhang Shengli said that she has eight hundred heart eyes, and each heart eye is a key to people.

Therefore, Yang Weiwei just glanced at the deaf old lady, did not say a word to the deaf old lady, and went directly home.

“I’m so old, what’s wrong with asking you to help…”

The deaf old lady was still shouting in the back, and Yang Weiwei had already entered the house.

As soon as she entered the house, Yang Weiwei found something wrong. It’s not right in this house, someone must be coming!


There was a sudden sound in the bedroom, and she hurried into the bedroom, and then saw Qin Huairu trying to pull the window latch.

“Qin Huairu! Why are you here! ”

Qin Huairu didn’t know what was wrong with him, this latch seemed to be specifically against him! Hearing Yang Weiwei’s words, Qin Huairu hurriedly wanted to run!

Can’t you be stuck in her house!

Qin Huairu stepped forward a few steps, pushed Yang Weiwei away, and was about to run out.

“Wait a minute, what the hell are you doing here!”

Qin Huairu was pulled by Yang Weiwei’s arm, and the two were torn together!

“Come, Qin Huairu, what the hell are you doing!”

Yang Weiwei shouted out loudly, but she didn’t have Qin Huairu’s combat experience, Qin Huairu pushed Yang Weiwei away, and the people were about to run out!

At this time, in a small hornet’s nest high above the door beam of Zhang Shenglitang, the wasp came out of the hole. These wasps were separated by Zhang Shengli from the small world.

The role is to protect Yang Weiwei.

They were given a death order by Zhang Shengli, and if Yang Weiwei was attacked, they would act immediately!


As soon as Qin Huairu walked to the door, he heard a sound, and when he looked up, seventy or eighty wasps suddenly appeared in front of him!


Qin Huairu screamed, so the hornets swarmed and attacked! Yang Weiwei stood at the bedroom door, and everyone was dumbfounded.

She remembered this hornet’s nest, and she was a little scared when she saw it.

As a result, Zhang Shengli told her that since he entered his home, it was fate. If you stab it on a cold day, how pitiful are the wasps?

Leave them behind, maybe you can watch the door.

As a result, these things really worked!

Seeing Qin Huairu being screamed by the wasp stung, holding her head back and forth, Yang Weiwei couldn’t help but dodge a little. Qin Huairu first went crazy in Zhang Shenglitang House in pain, and used his family’s tablecloth or something to drive away the wasps.

As soon as the tablecloth was pulled, the teapot and teacup on the table in the hall fell to the ground!

Yang Weiwei frowned, and before she opened her mouth to call Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu held her head and began to drop things again! Qin Huairu was already in pain at this moment!

She tossed things back and forth in Zhang Shengli’s house, got into the kitchen and plunged her head into the water tank, which worked at that time, but Qin Huairu she is a person, she has to breathe if she is a person…

Therefore, those wasps were guarding Qin Huairu’s head, piercing the back of her neck and the back of her head vigorously! As long as Qin Huairu showed his head, they would continue to attack!

Qin Huairu couldn’t stand the pain, and the entire courtyard people who were shocked by the cry came out! And at this time, Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai also arrived at the courtyard.

Hearing Qin Huairu’s shout, the stupid pillar pulled out his legs and ran back!

And Yi Zhonghai frowned, Qin Huairu, this fool, what is wrong?

Silly Zhu entered the backyard and rushed into Zhang Shengli’s house, and when he saw Qin Huairu being attacked by a wasp, Silly Zhu was so anxious that he was almost angry!

“Sister Qin! I’m coming! ”

The silly pillar yelled, took off his coat and waved back and forth to drive away the wasps! After all the wasps retreated, everyone looked at Qin Huairu’s appearance and was stunned!

“This… What kind of wasp is this? How is it so poisonous! ”

“I’m Di Niang, Qin Huairu’s face can’t get better, right?”

“Gee, it’s not good, look at how this cheap thing will complain in the future!”

“It’s best not to be good~”

“It’s just a little scary to look at…”

Silly Zhu was also frightened by the way Qin Huairu raised his head. I only saw that Qin Huairu had truly become unrecognizable.

Her face was stinged by a pimple from a wasp stung to a pimple, and a pimple was stacked with a pimple.

It may be that it hurts too much and itches when she is stung, Qin Huairu also scratched it with her hand, and now her face is red and mixed with this blood, and the people who see it themselves feel that their scalp is numb!

Silly Zhu swallowed his spit nervously, and then took a few steps back…

“Qin, Sister Qin, what’s wrong with you?”

Qin Huairu’s aching head was bigger, but he still knew how to answer when he heard this question.

“Save me! Yang Weiwei, this hurts me! She released bees to deliberately sting my chirp~”

As soon as the silly pillar heard it, the anger came up instantly!

Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, even if he is vicious, his daughter-in-law is also so poisonous!


When Silly Zhu turned his head and was about to scold Yang Weiwei, Zhang Shengli returned.

“What are you all doing here? What happened? ”

Hearing Zhang Shengli’s voice, Yang Weiwei was instantly relieved, she ran over and pointed to the hornet’s nest to show Zhang Shengli: “You are right, these little things are really good!” ”

And Zhang Shengli entered the house, and at a glance, he saw that the whole house was messed up, and everything was in a mess!

“Zhang Shengli! Take a look at Yang Weiwei, this dog thing! What did she hurt Sister Qin! ”

The stupid pillar roared, and Zhang Shengli successfully saw the culprit.

“Woo, I just came to Yang Weiwei’s house to borrow something, but I didn’t expect it, woo~”

Qin Huairu still had some heart, she knew that it was better to strike first, so she directly cried out loudly,

“If you don’t want to borrow it, don’t lend it to me, why do you want a wasp to sting me~”

Silly Zhu looked at Qin Huairu’s appearance really distressed, Sister Qin has a hard time, what’s wrong with borrowing something?

“Yang Weiwei, in vain, I still think you look good, you should be okay! As a result, I didn’t expect that you and Zhang Shengli were the same raccoon! You are all beasts! ”

“If you don’t apologize today, we’re not done with this!”

The roar of the stupid pillar echoed in Zhang Shengli’s house.

He felt that this matter was obviously Qin Huairu’s reason, wasn’t it just borrowing something? How can it be so tormented by people.

Therefore, Silly Zhu was determined to get justice for Qin Huairu!

And Qin Huairu also felt that he had lost money, didn’t he just put a pants? If it weren’t for Yang Weiwei’s sudden homecoming, she wouldn’t have become like this! Therefore, Qin Huairu felt that this matter could not be left alone!

“Zhang Shengli, you can also see that I am injured like this, you must be responsible! I won’t lie to you, pay me 500 yuan, and I won’t pursue this matter. ”

After Qin Huairu’s words, Silly Zhu quickly nodded!

Yes, Sister Qin’s face is like this, why do you have to get medicine?

And Zhang Shengli, this dog thing is so rich in the family, he will not lose 500 yuan. Zhang Shengli watched coldly, watching where the two of them were talking to themselves.

When they finished speaking, Zhang Shengli bowed his head to Yang Weiwei: “What is going on today, say it and let the big guys hear it.” ”

He didn’t think Yang Weiwei could be blamed for this.

Qin Huairu’s dog thing was injured in his own home. But what does this mean?

It shows that Qin Huairu, this dog thing, came to find trouble by himself! He didn’t think it would be Yang Weiwei’s trouble.

“I went to see my grandmother this afternoon, and then I came home and found that something was wrong.”

Yang Weiwei looked at everyone and explained in a loud voice: “When I went out, I closed the door tightly, but when I got home, I found that the door was open. ”

“Then, I heard a voice in the bedroom, and when I went in, I saw Qin Huairu pulling the window latch in the house, and she wanted to escape through the window!”

Yang Weiwei pointed to the bedroom: “If you don’t believe it, you can go and see, Qin Huairu also messed up our bed, and also opened my alabaster to wipe my face, right!” She also turned my clothes out of the closet too! ”

Hearing Yang Weiwei say this, the deaf old lady’s angry teeth behind the crowd were about to be crushed!

No wonder for so long, this cheap product really has more than enough success and failure! And Lou Xiao’e pulled the daughter-in-law in Liu Hai, now Aunt Yi, to the bedroom door to take a look.


Aunt Yi patted her thigh! Turned his head and scolded Qin Huairu angrily: “You dog thing, why are you so greedy?” When people are not at home, you come to rub things? Why are you so shameless! ”

And Lou Xiao’e is young after all, and she found something on the bed that should not appear.


Lou Xiao’e walked to Zhang Shengli’s side and whispered two words to him. Zhang Shengli’s eyes flashed, and the art of taming beasts was launched.

From the wasp patrolling the house, Zhang Shengli saw what happened after Qin Huairu came in, this dog thing, actually wanted to frame Yang Weiwei! As for the wide and big pants…

Zhang Shengli sneered and raised his voice to ask Aunt Yi: “Aunt Liu, did you dry the dust of your clothes today?” ”

Aunt Yi didn’t know why she asked herself this question, but she also nodded.

“That’s it.”

Zhang Shengli nodded to Lou Xiao’e, and Lou Xiao’e entered the room and took out the big pants on the bed.

“Qin Huairu came to our house not to rub things, she wanted to frame her…”

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