Chapter 135: Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu, and Zhang Shengli in the middle of the night.

Yi Zhonghai looked at the deaf old lady with a gloomy face, but still shook his head.

“Old lady, I’m a timid person, I don’t dare to earn some money~”

Yi Zhonghai shook his head with a bitter smile,

“I’m afraid of myself, I have my life to earn money and not to spend it.”

For Yi Zhonghai, although he is now a fifth-level worker, he still has to clean the toilet. But he still earns a salary, and he still has time and opportunity to slowly clean up Zhang Shengli!

He didn’t believe it, and he thought of a way to get Zhang Shengli, the little bastard!

But if you listen to the deaf old lady, in case you are caught. If you think about it, you should become an old man when you come out of prison. Suffering and fatigue aside, when you come out, there will still be a chance to clean up Zhang Shengli and avenge yourself?

So, forget it.

“I really don’t dare to earn this money.”

Saying this, Yi Zhonghai picked up the steamed bun and continued to eat: “Old lady, you have great powers, don’t make me embarrassed, okay?” ”

Looking at Yi Zhonghai’s stunned, deaf old lady slapped the table and glared angrily! She scolded Yi Zhonghai in a low voice: “Do you know what it means to be rich and dangerous?” 3,000 yuan Yi Zhonghai, after you return 3,000 yuan, you can’t spend it for 10 years! ”

Yi Zhonghai still shook his head, who is not moved by money, he is indeed moved. But he is even more desperate.

He hadn’t had enough of his good life, so he didn’t want to suffer a loss of prison.

“Don’t you just say okay? I can’t make this money. ”

“You’re a trash! Just like you, what can you do? ”

The deaf old lady gasped angrily!

As a result, after scolding her, she found that Yi Zhonghai looked at her eyes a little dissatisfied…. The deaf old lady knew that Yi Zhonghai was a smooth donkey.

She scolded him so much, he must be angry, the deaf old lady didn’t want to fall out with Yi Zhonghai, so she gritted her teeth and endured the anger in her heart. Anyway, there are still a few days, slowly tell Yi Zhonghai again, you can always talk to him!

As for now, it is better to find a common enemy first, so that Yi Zhonghai still has a heart with himself.

“Okay, I was in a hurry just now…”

The deaf old lady sighed and sat down on the bench again.

“Speaking of which, why did you come home so late today?”

Seeing that the deaf old lady took the initiative to seek peace, Yi Zhonghai also endured the anger in his heart.

“Don’t mention it, those beasts in the factory have nothing to do and make a mess of the toilet!” I and the stupid pillar saw it and got ready to leave work 05, and let them get dirty again if they weren’t careful! ”

The deaf old lady listened to his words and slapped the table angrily!

“These people are really not like words!”

Then the deaf old lady turned her head to look at Yi Zhonghai: “You didn’t go to talk about it, let the factory take care of it?” ”

She did it on purpose.

Of course, the deaf old lady knew how miserable Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu were in the rolling mill now. From workers to leaders, no one treats them.

Therefore, it is impossible for Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu to go to the leader because the toilet is dirty. If you find it, it is easy to be buttoned up as a passive sabotage.

“What to say, the silly pillar went to say, and was returned by the flame.”

Yi Zhonghai bit the steamed bun fiercely, and only regarded the steamed bun as Zhang Shengli to gnaw in his heart!

“It’s all Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, if it weren’t for him, how could I and Stupid Zhu get to this situation!”

“Yes, it’s all because of Zhang Shengli!”

The deaf old lady’s eyes were fierce, if it weren’t for Zhang Shengli, this beast, how could she be struggling in the courtyard! What an old lady she used to be, now what?

The reputation is ruined, the majesty of the ancestors is gone, the eye is blind, and the body is even scarred! All this is because of Zhang Shengli, this beast!

“Since he makes you feel bad, then I can’t make him feel good either.”

The deaf old lady looked at Yi Zhonghai and said in a low voice, “I have an idea here.” Since we can’t deal with Zhang Shengli, how about turning around and dealing with Yang Weiwei? ”

Hearing the words of the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai raised his eyebrows: “How to deal with her, Yang Weiwei is not at work now, and she lives in seclusion at home every day…”

The deaf old lady smiled, since she said so, of course there was a way.

“Didn’t Zhang Shengli say that someone else broke his shoes?”

“In this case, I think we can also give him a green hat, so that he can also know that his daughter-in-law broke her shoes After the words of the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai’s brows furrowed.”

“Old lady, do you think Yang Weiwei can fancy me, or do you think she can fancy the eunuch of the stupid pillar?”

Yi Zhonghai pouted,

“Zhang Shengli, this dog thing is damned, but at least where the appearance and worker rank are placed. As long as Yang Weiwei is not stupid, it is impossible to break her shoes with others…”

The deaf old lady laughed strangely twice, and one eye showed a strange light: “Who said that she must have let her steal someone?” Will it be framed? As long as people know that she Yang Weiwei steals people, there are other men’s things in the house, that Zhang Shengli this beast must not be awkward to death? ”

Saying this, the deaf old lady laughed twice: “At that time, the entire courtyard and the rolling mill will laugh at him Zhang Shengli, and even a daughter-in-law can’t look at it, it’s just a waste!” Listening to the words of the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai’s heart was surging! ”

That’s a great idea!

As long as this thing is done, Zhang Shengli will definitely become the laughing stock of the entire rolling mill! At that time, who will remember what he Yi Zhonghai committed to take something.

Everyone will only know that the youngest eighth-grade worker is a waste! And perhaps, Zhang Shengli will be slumped because of this matter! At that time, Zhang Shengli, the beast, will have to be trampled under his feet! Just thinking about it, Yi Zhonghai’s heart was surging with excitement!

“Then it’s best to let Zhang Shengli not realize that it’s Yang Weiwei who we framed~”

Yi Zhonghai squinted his eyes and thought: “Get a man’s clothes to go in, and then find a chance~”

The deaf old lady took Yi Zhonghai’s words: “Then, find an opportunity and say to these people in the courtyard that I saw a thief in Zhang Shengli’s house!” Then the big guys went in and found something that wasn’t Zhang Shengli’s man…”

The two looked at each other and both thought it was a great idea.

“However, this must be done before Zhang Shengli leaves work… You don’t necessarily have to leave work at that time. ”

The deaf old lady groaned.

Yi Zhonghai glanced at the other side, and then said to the deaf old lady: “We can’t go, we can let Qin Huairu go.” ”

“Qin Huairu is a woman, it just so happens that she doesn’t go to work, even if she is wandering around the courtyard, she doesn’t attract attention!”

The deaf old lady nodded and did as Yi Zhonghai said!

At ten o’clock at night, Qin Huairu heard a cat barking in the courtyard. Looking out of the window, Yi Zhonghai walked out from the middle courtyard, and Qin Huairu put on a cotton jacket and also went out.

Jia Zhang opened his eyes in the darkness and snorted coldly. Shameless things, if not for the money to think so, Jia Zhang gritted his teeth and closed his eyes.

“What a misfortune! Slut! ”

Qin Huairu went out and went to the front yard.

Just as I was about to go out the gate, I heard a soft cough. Turning his head, he saw that Yi Zhonghai was standing at the door of the inverted room.

“I’m looking for you today to do something.”

Yi Zhonghai looked left and right, he chose the inverted seat room because no one lived here, so as not to be heard.

“Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, hurt you to pick up garbage now to live…” How do I think and how to hold back! So, I came up with an idea, let’s clean him up! ”

Hearing Yi Zhonghai’s words, Qin Huairu lowered his head, but his eyes rolled twice. She hated Zhang Shengli.

Therefore, of course, she was also anxious to clean up Zhang Shengli’s dog thing.

However, since Yi Zhonghai was looking for himself at night, it must be this matter in his revenge plan… Or rather, mainly on their own.

In this case, she Qin Huairu is not a bodhisattva. How could it be possible to work for nothing.

“I also want to clean him up, but as you know in my family, now point me to earn money to live.”

Qin Huairu sighed,

“So what revenge does not take revenge, let’s talk about it later, right? These days I have to pick up garbage and don’t have the strength to do anything else. ”

Saying this, Qin Huairu looked up at Yi Zhonghai, with a calm and innocent expression: “Uncle Yi, if you want to be okay, I’ll go back?” ”

Yi Zhonghai definitely can’t let her go!

This plan must be done by Qin Huairu!

“Don’t worry, since it is revenge, you are not only for yourself, but also for me!”

Yi Zhonghai grabbed Qin Huairu, held her shoulders and said, “You also know that I am now being harmed by Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, sweeping the toilet every day!” ”

“Demotion and clean the toilet, Huairu, you say, don’t we report this enemy!”

“Uncle Yi, I’m really tired~”

Qin Huairu still won’t give an inch, she won’t let go without money, she now has her own things to consider. Qin Huairu desperately wanted revenge in his heart.

But now such a good opportunity to grasp Yi Zhonghai, there is no need to use it in vain. Yi Zhonghai looked at Qin Huairu and could only make a killer move.

“Don’t worry, Huairu, I won’t let you do this in vain.”

“As long as you can do things according to my instructions, I will give it to you…”

Yi Zhonghai hesitated, this reward cannot be too much, but it cannot be too little.

Yi Zhonghai knows Qin Huairu, if he gives too much, Qin Huairu will definitely increase the price!

Because Qin Huairu will know what price he is willing to pay to clean up Zhang Shengli.

But it can’t be too little, the money given is too little, Qin Huairu, this dog thing does not see the rabbit and does not spread the eagle, may not agree.

“I’ll give you 100 yuan!”

Hearing Yi Zhonghai say this, Qin Huairu shook his head, and then raised his head and looked at Yi Zhonghai with tears in his eyes.

“I’ll tell you the truth.”

Qin Huairu pulled Yi Zhonghai’s hand pear blossom to look at him with rain,

“I’ve thought about it today, I’m not staying in Jia’s house for a day, so I need money…” Not to mention a lot, at least let me rent a house after leaving the Jia family, and I can afford to eat for a living day~”

“So, 100 bucks won’t work, I need 200 bucks.”

Now renting a similar room in Sijiu City costs about three to five yuan a month, and with 200 yuan, Qin Huairu can at least ensure that he does not work for a year and does not starve.

Yi Zhonghai listened to Qin Huairu’s words and lowered his head in thought.

“Uncle Yi~”

Qin Huairu shook his arm.

“You also know what kind of life I live in Jia’s house, and there are still many people in this courtyard, as long as I rent a place…” The place doesn’t have to be too big, just enough for me to live with you, so you must help me with this favor! ”

“Moreover, as long as you can take revenge, 200 yuan is really nothing for you~”


Yi Zhonghai nodded.

He also felt that Qin Huairu might not need to be in the Jia family all the time. This may not be convenient in the Jia family.

It’s better to let Qin Huairu and Jia Dongxu divorce, so that since then, Qin Huairu’s has nothing, and in the future, if she wants to have a place to live, she can only rely on herself and give herself a pension! Because, just his Yi Zhonghai’s house is enough to hang Qin Huairu for half his life!

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai agreed, Qin Huairu was happy!

“Then you give me half first! That’s 100 bucks. ”

Qin Huairu stretched out his hand, and Yi Zhonghai’s brows tightened.

“Are you afraid I’ll lie to you? Qin Huairu, we haven’t reached this point, have we? ”

Qin Huairu sneered in his heart, I don’t know if this thing can be done.

Money is the safest in hand.

“Uncle Yi, I also want to take a reassuring pill, don’t I?”

“I’ll talk about it first, you can see if you can do it.”

Yi Zhonghai was still not at ease, afraid that Qin Huairu would not work if he took the money.

So he told Qin Huairu about the good things he had discussed with the deaf old lady. In this way, Qin Huairu’s achievements have been given money, but it has not been achieved to pull down.

Hearing that Yi Zhonghai was going to start with Yang Weiwei, Qin Huairu almost laughed out loud with excitement! What is this, isn’t this what God wishes?

She was about to clean up Yang Weiwei, Yi Zhonghai came to send ideas and money!! Although he thought so, Qin Huairu’s face was still silent,

“Tell me, I’ll listen.”

After listening to Yi Zhonghai’s idea, Qin Huairu’s heart was even more excited than Yi Zhonghai. Why?

Because in the courtyard, now everyone openly and secretly says that they are cheap 240 goods! If he pulled Yang Weiwei down, Qin Huairu sneered twice in his heart, as long as he could successfully frame Yang Weiwei! The two words of cheap goods have reached Yang Weiwei’s head!

She wanted to see how Zhang Shengli would look down on herself at that time!

“Okay, let’s give half of it first.”

Looking at Qin Huairu’s outstretched hand, Yi Zhonghai could only feel out 5 pieces of great unity from his pocket.

“Okay, then thank you Uncle Yi.”

After Qin Huairu finished speaking, he turned around with a smile and left.

Yi Zhonghai snorted coldly in his heart, no matter what, as long as he can clean up Zhang Shengli, how is it worth it! As soon as Qin Huairu entered the house, he heard the voice of Jia Zhang’s lowered voice.

“Why, so fast today?”

Qin Huairu sneered in her heart, she knew that Jia Zhang, the old immortal, was defending herself. Wait, wait for yourself to get the money.

After rectifying it outside, I will divorce Jia Dongxu, the bastard, when I come back! No longer have to suffer from this nest of Jia Zhang’s sacs!

“It’s just a few words.”

Although he thought so, Qin Huairu still answered Jia Zhangshi softly on his face. Jia Zhangshi ignored her words, just reached out and asked for money: “But what to say, you are a woman’s family three more with him in the middle of the night, he can’t say nothing, right?” ”

Qin Huairu sneered in the darkness and took out the two dollars that had been prepared long ago from his pocket.

“I gave two pieces today~”

Jia Zhangshi took the money and muttered two words angrily in his mouth, which was nothing more than that Qin Huairu had no ability.

“If it were me, I would have to let him spend ten bucks and eight dollars!”

Qin Huairu ignored Jia Zhang’s nagging and just went to bed. It was dawn, Zhang Shengli woke up first, and just about to get up, Yang Weiwei woke up with him.

“I’ll go give you a hand~”

With that said, the two of them went to wash up and went out of the kitchen.

Zhang Shengli is still the same as before, bringing his own lunch box to the factory every day to eat. Because I am used to eating my own craft, the chef in the cafeteria feels tasteless how to eat.

Jin’er made Zhang Shengli’s favorite Sichuan dishes, boiled beef and back pot meat, as well as cumin lamb and stir-fried seasonal vegetables that Yang Weiwei liked.

Spicy beef flavor. Fragrant back pot meat smell.

There is also the fragrant cumin lamb, the entire courtyard saliva of the hook flows into a river, the stick terrier sits at the dinner table, eating his own half of the two-in-one noodle steamed buns, smelling this fragrant fragrance, can’t help but cry.

“Mom, I want to eat meat whine~”

Although hating Qin Huairu is a broken shoe, the terrier also knows that Qin Huairu is the only person who can support himself at present. Therefore, he naturally told Qin Huairu to eat meat.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, he was knocked over on the ground by Jia Dongxu on the bed!

“Little beast! What are you special? Do you still want meat? How much meat have you eaten from our Jia family over the years? Dare to open your mouth now? ”

Jia Dongxu picked up the stick on the side of the bed and smoked the stick terrier!


“You have the ability to call He Daqing, that rogue to give you this dog mongrel to eat meat!” Wild seed of your grandmother! ”

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