Chapter 131 Jia Zhang’s Drinking Dung Water, He Daqing Rushed People.

From the time when Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi appeared in front of him.

Zhang Shengli had already guessed the purpose of Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang. After all, hemorrhoids on the mouth and tongue are estimated to have not been seen by nearby doctors.

Zhang Shengli could think of what the doctor would say to Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu, which was nothing more than cutting or observing for a few days.

But Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang, including the doctor, did not know that after this hemorrhoid talisman took effect, these hemorrhoids would grow bigger and bigger. When the mouth is large and the mouth is not open, it will grow in the mouth.

Even so, it costs no human life.

Because, it only takes 12 hours to take effect.

It has been half a day since he lowered the hemorrhoid talisman to Jia Zhang’s body.

As long as you wait another four or five hours, these hemorrhoids will slowly become smaller, and it is estimated that they will be gone by the time you sleep at night. However, since they have all begged in front of themselves, it is not bad to clean up Jia Zhangshi, who is full of feces.

Therefore, Zhang Shengli quickly thought for Jia Zhang


Looking at Jia Zhang’s hateful and skeptical eyes, Zhang Shengli snorted coldly,

“As I said just now, you don’t believe my method, so why do you have to ask?”

“You better wait, according to the speed at which this mouth sore grows, it is estimated that the mouth will be full at night…” At that time, if the hospital cuts you, Jia Zhang, you can think about whether you can eat and drink in this life. ”

Jia Zhangshi didn’t want to believe Zhang Shengli’s words, but she was even more afraid that what Zhang Shengli said was true!

As far as the pimples and ulcers on her mouth now, if the doctor cuts it, I am afraid that eating in the future will be a problem, not to mention that the mouth will grow…

As long as he thought about it like this, Jia Zhang’s scalp was numb with fear! That was simply to make her Jia Zhang die of starvation!

Jia Zhangshi scratched his hair in fear and anxiety, and then glared at Zhang Shengli fiercely, and then glared at Qin Huairu.

“What if…..”

Qin Huairu understood what she meant.

“Zhang Shengli, I’m not doubting you, but if what you say doesn’t work…”

Qin Huairu glanced at these people watching the excitement in the courtyard, and then said in a loud voice: “If the method you said doesn’t work, let my mother-in-law eat dung water, are you responsible!” ”

Qin Huairu’s words came out, and Zhang Shengli snorted twice.

“First of all, I didn’t say that I was a doctor, and then you begged me to ask, so even if you drink to death, you can’t find me, right?” Seeing Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang’s expressions of grievance, Zhang Shengli gave them another bait and a reassuring pill. ”

“However, since you said so, I have to be formal.”

“I’ve got the prescription, you have to pay for my consultation!” I don’t want much, 50 yuan can’t be less! ”

“As for the responsible one you said, as long as you give me the consultation fee, in case Jia Zhang really drinks the feces and the sores on his mouth are not good, I am willing to give you 10 times the compensation.”

As soon as Zhang Shengli finished saying this, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi hesitated at once! Since Zhang Shengli dared to say so, it meant that his method should be true. But now Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi hesitated, do they want to give 50 yuan? If you don’t give it, it’s not good to drink manure yourself, isn’t it for nothing?

But if you give 50 yuan, after drinking it, the 50 yuan will be given to Zhang Shengli in vain…

“Hurry up, do you want me to be responsible?”

Zhang Shengli lifted the bucket and prepared to leave: “You can think clearly, give me 50 yuan for the consultation fee, in case the prescription does not work, you can earn 450 yuan.” ”

Zhang Shengli’s words gave Jia Zhang’s reassurance!

She stood up, stopped looking at Zhang Shengli, turned around and went home. Qin Huairu also pretended to be fine, and went home directly.

Seeing them like this, the melon-eating masses of the courtyard held a grievance for Zhang Shengli.

“Victory you are too good in heart, you see, tell them the formula in advance, this mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will not be able to give money.”

“These two rotten goods are dead skin, and they want to take advantage and want you to bear responsibility…”

“Victory, knowing that you have a good heart, you have to grow a heart after you can.”

Hearing everyone’s words, Zhang Shengli curled up the corners of his mouth and smiled.

He knows who he is.

He Zhang Shengli has not been a saint in the courtyard.

Now these people say this just to coerce him.

In other words, these people have been completely afraid of themselves after this period of getting along. That’s why I talk to myself about everything.

“Well, I’ll go back first.”

Watching Zhang Shengli carry the bucket home, everyone in the courtyard was still praising Zhang Shengli for not caring about the Jia family.

Jia Dongxu had already heard Zhang Shengli’s method in the room.

“I think you might have tried it otherwise.”

Jia Dongxu glanced at Jia Zhangshi in disgust.

No way, how can this slut say that he is also his own mother.

Now there is no need to serve her himself, if the sores on her mouth continue to grow like this, others may say that he Jia Dongxu does not care about Jia Zhang.

This is not good for his reputation.

Jia Zhangshi actually decided.

“Qin Huairu, you… To mention a little… Half a bucket of manure comes back. ”

Jia Zhangshi originally wanted to say a little, but thinking of what Zhang Shengli said, it must be half a bucket or half a barrel. Jia Zhangshi could only grit his teeth and endure the pain in his mouth, and asked Qin Huairu to get it home.

Qin Huairu didn’t expect that this one actually lifted a stone and hit his feet. Go to the toilet to fetch manure and come back… Just thinking about Qin Huairu is disgusting.

“Mom, or you’re going…”


Jia Zhangshi didn’t talk so much to Qin Huairu. Does her mouth hurt this slut, don’t you know?

Let her do whatever she wants, there is so much nonsense there!


Jia Zhangshi croaked his mouth after speaking, it really hurt… Qin Huairu could only go out with a spittoon.

The spittoons that the family used to pee at night were all large. It’s worth half a barrel.

Seeing Qin Huairu come back with a spittoon of feces, Jia Dongxu was disgusted and just wanted to vomit out!

“Get out! Let her go out to eat! ”

There is no way, Jia Dongxu speaks at home more effectively than Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang.

Therefore, Jia Zhang took a spoon and appeared in the courtyard of the courtyard with the spittoon. Seeing this scene, the people in the courtyard are really novel and disgusting.

They stood far away, just watching Jia Zhang eat.


As soon as Jia Zhang took the first bite, he vomited it himself!

“No… I can’t get this~”

Jia Zhangshi wanted to give up, but as soon as she wanted to turn around, the hemorrhoids on her mouth began to jump and hurt again…


Some of the people in the courtyard had poor mental endurance and could no longer stand it.

“No… This thing doesn’t have to eat itself, it’s disgusting to watch… yue! ”

“Yue can’t do it, I have to go home yue~”

“Hey, this Jia Zhang’s is really awesome, how do I think she is eating faster and faster!”

“Ahem… No, this thing looks too testing for myself, I really threw up…”

In the midst of everyone’s ridicule, Jia Zhang broke through his inner defense.

After she ate and vomited abruptly, she slowly adapted. A large spittoon of feces, Jia Zhang’s took more than half an hour to eat!


Jia Zhang hiccuped, feeling that his mouth was not so painful.

“Zhang Shengli! If Mrs. Ming’er is not good, I can’t spare you!” ”

Jia Zhangshi took advantage of the fact that it was not so painful, and forced down cruel words in front of everyone in the courtyard! Hearing her say this, everyone couldn’t help but roll their eyes.

“I’ve never seen a faceless one, I’ve never seen such a faceless one!”

“Did you give people money? Why do you want to lie to people? ”

“It’s just…”

“Bah! Did I tell you? A bunch of rotten goods! Roll the calf! ”

Jia Zhang picked up the spittoon and waved it, everyone was afraid that they would be affected by the residue. Frightened and quickly retreat! Jia Zhang scolded and entered the house.

Silly Zhu now felt awkward when he saw He Daqing.

So after work, I wandered until it was dark before returning home.

As soon as I entered the house, I saw He Daqing at the dinner table leaving dishes for himself.

Silly Zhu sneered in his heart, co-with this He Daqing still knows to worry about his son?

“Pillar, you’re finally back! Hurry up and see, Dad specially fried an egg for you! ”

Silly Zhu was unwilling to give He Daqing a good face, who let him sleep with Qin Huairu!

But hearing that there were eggs to eat, Silly Zhu still sat on the edge of the dining table, but Silly Zhu did not expect that He Daqing would make him food, there was a reason.

“Pillar, you’re in your thirties… Although you can’t marry your daughter-in-law now, it’s not very convenient to continue living with me. ”

Hearing He Daqing’s words, the silly pillar was a little blinded.

“What do you mean?”

Silly Zhu put down the egg that had just been clamped up and directly put the chopsticks on the table. He thought, how can this meal be a bit of a Hongmen banquet?

“I mean, I’m not going to leave this time when I get home.”

“We have a lot of people in our family, just two rooms, if you still live at home, it’s really out of place.”

Stupid Zhu didn’t understand what He Daqing meant, why did he have more people in his family?

“Why are there so many people at home? Two main rooms and one ear room, the main room and hall house do not live in people, I sleep in one room with you, the hall house is enough for rain to live! ”

The silly pillar has already calculated.

“As soon as He Yushui gets married, you will live in the ear room!” No matter how I drop the main house in the future, I can still live if I marry a daughter-in-law! When the words of the stupid pillar came out, He Daqing almost wanted to spit on his face! ”

What do you dream about? Are they all eunuchs and want to marry their daughters-in-law?

Even if you marry, why do you occupy your own house?

“Since you said so, then I will only tell you.”

He Daqing picked up the teapot and drank, and then said calmly: “You also know that the stick terrier is my son.” I also thought about it, everyone knows what Jia Dongxu is like now, Qin Huairu only suffers from him with him. ”

Silly Zhu nodded, he agreed with this.

Especially Qin Huairu’s job is gone today, I am afraid that it will be more difficult in the future.

“So, I plan to take Qin Huairu and the stick terrier over, since the stick terrier is my son, then it is quite suitable for our family of three to be together.”

He Daqing said, and the corners of his mouth rose.

After all, he is already in his fifties, and it is really nourishing to think about it to marry a mature young woman in her thirties!

“So, when Qin Huairu and the stick terrier come, the hall house will definitely not be inhabitable, the main room I live with Qin Huairu, the ear room stick terrier, three people are quite suitable…”

He Daqing was still calculating his good life, and he didn’t find that Silly Zhu’s whole person was confused.

“You do your own calculations, there is not a little left for the place, so there is no land for you and the rain at home, the rain I know, about to get married, you quickly find a place to rent a house…”


“I’m going to Nima’s!”

Silly Zhu lifted the dining table with one force!

“Bang bang~”

The plates, bowls, teapots, teapots on the table shattered!

“What are you doing in your spring and autumn dreams? You’re half-cut into the soil, and you’re still worried about people? You still want to lose face! Still trying to drive me away? Dream of mud horses! You’re so special to get out of here! ”

Stupid Zhu could not have imagined that He Daqing, an old immortal, went home and did not clean up Zhang Shengli for himself. was also exposed by Zhang Shengli that he broke his shoes.

Don’t say that the old demon of Jia Zhang’s family is not to say, he also got Qin Huairu! He got Qin Huairu and gave birth to the wild species of stick terrier!

Now it’s even worse, He Daqing, this old immortal, actually wants to live with Qin Huairu?

“I’m your grandmother! What a dream! ”

Who is Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu is his dream lover He Yuzhu!

Although he has become a eunuch now, Silly Zhu feels that he is quite good compared to Jia Dongxu. Although Qin Huairu and so many people broke their shoes a little dirty.

But he has already given so much money and affection to her. Now if you just let her go, wouldn’t it be a big loss? Therefore, Silly Zhu still has ideas about Qin Huairu now.

He felt that as long as he could get Jia Dongxu, he would be able to marry Qin Huairu home! Can’t sleep or play?

Warm the quilt at night, right?

Therefore, Silly Zhu is definitely not willing to let He Daqing live with Qin Huairu! If He Daqing and Qin Huairu passed, then what was he?

Could it be that Qin Huairu can’t call her mother?

“I’m telling you, it’s impossible!”

The silly pillar shouted out loudly.

He Daqing didn’t expect Silly Zhu to react so much. He only felt that the stupid pillar was too ignorant.

“Nothing is impossible! I’m your daddy! ”

He Da’s face turned dark, this stupid pillar is really unspeakable!

“I’m your dad, this house is mine, and it has nothing to do with you!” If I let you move, you have to move me!” ”

“I’m not afraid to tear my face with you, He Yuzhu is not me talking about you, you are a big man in your thirties, you don’t have a daughter-in-law, you are still a toilet sweeper, and you are still a eunuch now!” Don’t you yourself think that you have disgraced the He family? ”

He Daqing said and patted his face gently: “If I were you, I would have been embarrassed to occupy the place a long time ago!” ”

“You move away now, let me take Qin Huairu and the stick terrier, and our family will still live a good life…” Although you can’t give birth, but when you marry your daughter-in-law after the stick terrier, you give them more money, let them have two more children, and you won’t be left unattended when you are old…”



Stupid Zhu punched He Daqing in the face!

This old beast, now calculate this to let himself raise a mongrel for him!

“What a dream! Let Lao Tzu vacate the place? Do you deserve it! ”


He Daqing is only in his fifties, and he is a chef every day, and his arm strength and physical strength are still very good! Therefore, after being hit by the stupid pillar, he directly slapped off one of the stupid pillar’s teeth!

“Dog stuff! Dare to do it with your dad! I see you don’t want to live anymore! ”

Stupid Zhu was dissatisfied with He Daqing’s desire to occupy Qin Huairu, and even more dissatisfied that he actually wanted to drive himself away, so he punched and kicked He Daqing step by step!

He Daqing felt that how stupid Zhu said was also his own son, and what Lao Tzu asked his son to do, his son had to do!

Stupid Zhu, this dog thing is disobedient, even if he dares to do something to his own father, so He Daqing is even more violent! Two people you come and go.

The place in the house was not big enough, and these two people went directly to the courtyard!

“He Daqing, I tell you! Now there is no part for you to talk in this family! Don’t you want to be in charge! I don’t agree that you can’t get anyone back! ”


The fist of the stupid pillar reached He Daqing’s head on three!


He Daqing’s fist hit the stupid pillar and bent down!

“You little beast! You actually want to order your dad? I’m telling you! Even if you grow to 100 years old! It’s up to your dad to decide in this family! I’ll let you roll and you have to roll! ”

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