Chapter 130 Jia Zhang’s mouth is immoral, and Jia Dongxu wants to die!.

Silly Zhu has now become a eunuch, which is not only a blow to Silly Zhu, but also a thunderbolt for He Daqing! Three generations of their He family passed on a single lineage, and since they knew that the stupid pillar eunuch, He Daqing couldn’t sleep all night. After staying up on the train for two days, I found a victory to settle the score when I got home!

As a result, I didn’t expect that I was beaten and urinated, not to mention that I was dragged into the street. But it’s not without good things, the Heavenless Road Stick Terrier is actually its own species! They have a descendant!

Therefore, He Daqing specially went to buy grain and sent it over, and was beaten and scolded by Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu He Daqing was mentally prepared. However, hearing that they were asking for alimony… He Daqing hehe. The money he earned didn’t fall from the sky, did he?

Besides, his son also called Jia Dongxu’s father for ten years in vain?

“Jia Zhangshi, what you said is a bit unreasonable, right?”

He Daqing coughed and looked at Qin Huairu and the stick terrier.

“First of all, I didn’t know about Qin Huairu’s pregnancy back then? Do I want to know if I can go? ”

“Besides, the stick terrier has eaten in your house for so many years, but he also called you Jia Zhang’s grandmother for ten years, and Jia Dongxu’s father for ten years, didn’t he?”

He Daqing looked at the stick terrier with a kind face: “After so many years of heavenly happiness, it was all obtained by you in vain, what else do you have to say.” ”

Hearing He Daqing’s words, Jia Zhangshi and Jia Dongxu were simply mad!

“Are you talking about people? Get lost! Grass mud horse roll! Don’t give alimony, don’t show up at my house again! Stick terrier, this little rabbit cub dares to say a word to you, the old lady broke his leg! ”

When the stick terrier heard this, he quickly turned his head to look at Jia Zhangshi: “I ignore him!” I ignore this brute who broke his shoes! ”

Although the stick terrier is bad, he also understands what everyone says these days.

If he is really kicked out by the Jia family, then his reputation as a mongrel will be solid. In this life, he has to not be able to raise his head because of this!

Therefore, the stick terrier has really endured humiliation and burden in the Jia family these two days. What I ask for is not to change my identity.

As for revenge… The stick terrier gritted his teeth.

As long as he has the opportunity, he will definitely clean up these people!

Seeing the reaction of the stick terrier, after Jia 05 Dongxu and Jia Zhangshi looked at each other and sneered, Jia Zhangshi directly stretched out his hand: “He Daqing, you saw it, the maintenance fee is 1000 yuan!” If you can’t give it, you don’t want to look at people! ”

For Jia Zhang’s lion opening, He Daqing did not directly refuse, but looked at Qin Huairu. He is now blowing with the widow… Of course, the widow was also old.

Now he is a loner, and the fool has also become a eunuch.

Therefore, in addition to needing a son who can inherit the family, he now needs a daughter-in-law who cooks and washes in a warm bed.

“It’s not impossible for me to pay alimony, but a little, I have to let Qin Huairu live with me in the future.”

As soon as He Daqing’s words came out, Jia Zhangshi picked up the broom and slapped it over!

“I’m your ancestor! You don’t want to be faceless! The Sima thing that kills a thousand knives, you! ”

“Get out! Let him get out! ”

Jia Dongxu shouted out hoarsely!

He Daqing’s matter is different from the previous Jia Zhang’s Jia Dongxu wanted Zhang Shengli to help them. Let Zhang Shengli come to pull the gang, that is they want to take advantage.

But He Daqing this matter. It is clear that they want to let them give him He Daqing’s adopted son for nothing, and he also wants to sleep with Jia Dongxu’s daughter-in-law! What’s even more disgusting is that the entire Four Nine Cities know that He Daqing and Qin Huairu broke their shoes.

If they agreed to He Daqing again, Spit Xingzi could drown Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu… After Jia Zhang’s He Daqing ran away holding his head, he couldn’t swallow this breath while sitting on the threshold! Thinking about it now, Jia Zhangshi felt even more that what the deaf old lady said was right!

Jin’er lost such a big person in his own family, and so many things happened, it was all because of Zhang Shengli, this beast!

“Nope! Can’t just be so cheap for him! ”

Jia Zhangshi stood up with a rub! She is going to find Zhang Shengli to settle the score!

Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, caused so many things in his family, he wanted to watch the excitement on the side, and thought of beauty!

“Bang bang!”

“Zhang Shengli, you bastard! You opened the door for me! ”

Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei were chatting in the house, when they suddenly heard a roar of a broken gong outside.


As soon as Zhang Shengli opened the door, Jia Zhangshi saw Zhang Shengli’s cold face, she was so scared that she wanted to take a step back, but thinking of her purpose, Jia Zhangshi still stood up straight with her eyes wide open!

“Zhang Shengli, you beast! Just because you talk too much, our family will not be able to live in peace! You have to pay our family! You’re going to have to lose money.”

Jia Zhang’s neck was righteous.

Zhang Shengli listened to it and wanted to give Jia Zhang’s craniotomy to see if she had in her head.

“You’re sick, aren’t you? You and Qin Huairu steal people by themselves and find me to lose money? ”

What kind of logical thinking ability, Jia Zhangshi is really strange.

“If you don’t say it, will others know? You are responsible! Lose money to me, or I won’t be spared…..”


Zhang Shengli didn’t want to listen to Jia Zhang’s nonsense, and Jia Zhangshi, who kicked and kicked, fell in the middle of the courtyard and vomited a mouthful of blood fiercely!

“I see you’re itchy, remember! Don’t be looking for trouble, or don’t blame me for being unkind. ”

Zhang Shengli sneered and closed the door.

Jia Zhangshi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his face was distorted, Zhang Shengli, this beast, harmed their Jia family could not live in peace, and actually dared to beat people!

“Zhang Shengli, I Cao you Malgobi! You dog thing is evil! You have no ass for giving birth! ”

“Zhang Shengli of my Cao Mud Horse! You should be dead! You gave birth to a son without an ass! Give birth to a girl as a! ”

Zhang Shengli’s action of closing the door paused.

This old demon woman of Jia Zhang really wants to find death.


Jia Zhangshi saw Zhang Shengli move, and he was so frightened that he wanted to run quickly!

As a result, her speed was too slow, Zhang Shengli’s speed was too fast, and the moment Jia Zhang turned around, Zhang Shengli gave her another kick!


Jia Zhangshi screamed and fell violently on the hall!

“I… I’m going to die… Help me! ”

Jia Zhang only felt pain all over his body, and hurriedly shouted for help.

She even made up her mind, if she broke a bone or something, she would definitely have to win the battle! Unexpectedly, no one came to pull her.

And Zhang Shengli turned directly and went home.

“Old immortal, since there is no door on the mouth, I will make your mouth sore!”

The moment Zhang Shengli turned around, he gave Jia Zhangshi a hemorrhoid talisman.

The hemorrhoid talisman turned into a black smoke that no one else could see, and it burrowed into Jia Zhang’s mouth according to Zhang Shengli’s wishes. Jia Zhangshi howled for a long time and no one paid attention to her, and she grinned in pain, and the ground was still cold.

I could only get up on my own and go home in ashes. Jia family.

Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu waited to eat, while Xiaodang and Huaihua sat at the dining table.

The bench of the stick terrier was taken away by Jia Zhangshi, because Jia Zhangshi said, today He Daqing came to find trouble, which made her and Jia Dongxu very uncomfortable, so he had to punish the stick terrier to stand and eat.

Qin Huairu brought the food into the house.

A few white-faced steamed buns and a few two-noodle steamed buns were placed in the frame.

“Next time you steam a little nest head, the two noodles are too expensive.”

Jia Zhangshi glared at Qin Huairu fiercely, and then took two white-faced steamed buns to eat one himself, and Jia Dongxu ate one. He took two more two-in-one steamed buns and gave them to Xiaodang and Sophora Hua.

Before putting it, Xiaodang and Sophora could only be divided into half of each person.

But now they all know that the stick terrier is not Jia Dongxu’s species.

Jia Zhangshi thought, I have to give my son more food, right? Therefore, Xiaodang and Sophora are considered a blessing in disguise.

As for Qin Huairu and the stick terrier.

Jia Zhangshi gritted his teeth and gave Qin Huairu a two-in-one steamed bun!

“I can tell you, when you are full, hurry up and find work!” Eat white rice again and roll the countryside! ”

Seeing Qin Huairu’s timidity nodding, Jia Zhangshi picked up a two-in-one steamed bun and broke it in half, and gave the small half to the stick terrier.

“Look at your fat! Nothing will work! Eat less! ”

When Jia Zhang said this, he felt that his mouth was itchy.

After speaking, the whole mouth became more and more itchy, not only itchy, but also a little painful!

“Mom! What’s wrong with you! ”

Qin Huairu sat opposite her, and when she looked up, she was so frightened by Jia Zhangshi that she almost fell off the bench! Jia Dongxu and they looked up, and they were also frightened!

“It hurts…”

Jia Zhangshi felt that his mouth hurt so much that he couldn’t speak. Seeing everyone’s shocked gazes, she reached out and touched her mouth… As a result, I found that I had something more on my lips!


Jia Zhangshi screamed in his heart, and hurried to find the mirror!

Seeing the person in the mirror, Jia Zhangshi was so frightened that the whole person almost fainted! I only saw Jia Zhang’s lips turned outward, and more meat bumps came out. While it hurt and itched, Jia Zhangshi began to bleed with a light touch!

“Help… Help~”

Jia Zhangshi wanted to shout, but she didn’t dare, because it hurt too much, Jia Zhangshi even had a hunch that if she opened her mouth, it was likely that the flesh bumps on her mouth would split!

Jia Zhangshi dragged Qin Huairu and ran out. Jia Dongxu continued to eat after being shocked. Anyway, it’s not him who has a pimple on his mouth.

In less than half an hour, Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu returned.

As soon as he entered the middle courtyard, everyone’s eyes were focused on Jia Zhang’s mouth!

Because, in just a few moments, the meat pimple on Jia Zhang’s mouth became even bigger…

Some are a bit shaky!

“This! Qin Huairu, what’s wrong with this old in our family? ”

Someone asked in shock.

Qin Huairu knew that these people in the courtyard now called themselves little, called Jia Zhang’s old. Therefore, hearing this question, Qin Huairu thought about it and did not answer.

Didn’t you acknowledge the old of Jia Zhang’s when he replied?

Jia Zhangshi glared at everyone even more fiercely, turned around and went back to the house! Looking at Jia Zhang’s back, Qin Huairu couldn’t help sighing.

They just went to the hospital, the doctor said, Jia Zhang’s disease is a little strange, looks like hemorrhoids, but no one knows why hemorrhoids grow on the mouth.

Because there are too many meat lumps, the doctor is afraid that if he cuts it, Jia Zhang’s mouth will be gone.

Therefore, it is recommended that they go home and observe for a few days, but if they can’t, they can only cut and cure forever

“No… Do not cut! ”

Jia Zhang cried bitterly in the house.

This is a mouth, if it is all cut, how can she live! No lips showing big teeth…

As long as Jia Zhang thought about it, his whole body trembled with fear!

“This can’t work, why do I think you’re getting bigger and bigger, so you can’t starve and thirst to death?”

Jia Dongxu glanced at it in disgust and almost vomited.

The flesh pimple is bloodshot, how to see how disgusting

“Or else… Looking for a victory? After all, we all know that his mother is a doctor, and he is also optimistic about Xu Damao’s infertility, in case he has a way…”

Qin Huairu’s status in the Jia family is now low, although Qin Huairu, who can’t eat or drink like Jia Zhang, is quite comfortable in her heart. But she also knew that when Jia Zhang was uncomfortable, she would definitely clean herself up and beat herself out.

In order not to be beaten, Qin Huairu thought about it and said this proposal.

Hearing Qin Huairu’s words, Jia Zhangshi shook his head repeatedly, and Jia Dongxu directly slapped Qin Huairu!

“Zhang Shengli, that dog thing, he is a beast! Go to him for help, I’d rather starve to death! ”

Jia Dongxu’s words were backbone, but Jia Zhangshi gritted his teeth angrily!

Dog stuff, you said it nicely, now you can eat and sleep! The old lady can’t eat or drink!


Jia Zhangshi let out a breathy sound, then pushed Qin Huairu and pointed to the backyard. What she meant was to let Qin Huairu go and ask Zhang Shengli to show her mouth.

But Qin Huairu only proposed to herself, really let her ask Zhang Shengli, Qin Huairu was unwilling.

“Mom, you have to let him see this! You have to go on your own…..”

Jia Zhang’s face turned red!

She had just scolded Zhang Shengli, and now if she went to beg him, it would be too shameful! 580 But Jia Zhang also knows that Zhang Shengli has some skills in this dog thing…

“Mom! Zhang Shengli is out! ”

Through the window, Qin Huairu saw Zhang Shengli carrying the bucket to the middle courtyard, and excitedly called out! Jia Zhang hesitated, go or not…

“Mom, he should go back later.”

Qin Huairu reminded carefully.

If it weren’t for the fear that these pimples of Jia Zhang’s would affect her mood and make trouble for herself later, Qin Huairu really didn’t want to care about her. But now Qin Huairu’s status is too embarrassing, and he can only stammer.

Hearing that Zhang Shengli was going back, Jia Zhang stood up!

Can’t wait any longer, now while people beg him more, Zhang Shengli, this dog thing does not promise to save himself, it is his beast! If he waits for him to return home, I am afraid that he will not pay attention to himself at all!

Zhang Shengli took a bucket of water and was about to leave, when he suddenly heard Qin Huairu calling himself.

“Zhang Shengli!”

Everyone in the courtyard looked at Qin Huairu, who didn’t know that Zhang Shengli and the Jia family were at odds, what was this Qin Huairu looking for Zhang Shengli for? Looking at Zhang Shengli, Qin Huairu quickly pointed to Jia Zhang.

“My mother-in-law suddenly had this on her mouth, we went to the hospital, and the doctor said that now the pimple is too big to operate… I wonder if you have a way to save her? ”

Qin Huairu’s eyes turned red as he spoke, and Zhang Shengli really wanted to applaud Qin Huairu’s performance. I don’t know, I thought that Qin Huairu felt sorry for Jia Zhang.

“These things on her mouth are too scary, and the main thing is pain, this is half a day, I can’t drink a sip of water.”

Zhang Shengli snorted coldly: “I save her?” By what? ”

Zhang Shengli’s reaction was expected by Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang, so although they were angry with his attitude, they could endure it.

“Zhang Shengli, I beg you, anyway, the heart of the healer’s parents is not?”

“I’m not a doctor, I don’t save.”

Hearing Zhang Shengli say this, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi were not only not unhappy, but relieved! Because, Zhang Shengli said that he can’t save, not that he can’t save!

This shows that he must have a way!

“Zhang Shengli was ours before, you adults don’t remember villains, just save my mother-in-law!”

Jia Zhangshi suddenly felt that his mouth was hurting more and more, and he couldn’t help but grab it, and it bleed again!

Frightened her


I fell to my knees with a bang!

Jia Zhangshi looked at Zhang Shengli with his eyes, Zhang Shengli sneered in his heart, but sighed on his face.

“It’s not that I don’t help you, but her mouth sore, there is only one way to do it without a knife.”

Hearing that it was good without moving a knife, Jia Zhang’s tears of excitement fell!

“You say!”

“If this method is said, I don’t think you will believe it~”

Zhang Shengli shook his head, and then said with a look of embarrassment: “It is recorded in ancient books that hemorrhoids in the mouth and tongue can only be reduced by half a bucket of manure…”

Zhang Shengli glanced at Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu: “That is to say, if you want to make it good, you have to find a way to fill Jia Zhang’s with half a bucket of manure, so I said, I said that you will not believe it~”

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