Chapter 132: Shock! The true identity of the deaf old lady was exposed!!。

Hearing He Daqing say this, Silly Zhu was completely relieved.

As long as the house is still his own, and He Daqing still supports him to continue to pursue Qin Huairu, then there is nothing dissatisfied with the stupid pillar. As for the stick terrier…

Silly Pillar scratched his head.

The identity of the stick terrier is a little embarrassing, but he can’t have children, the stick terrier is his own brother, if he becomes with Qin Huairu, then the stick terrier is also his own half son.

In this way, the relationship that is constantly sorted out and messed up, the stick terrier will not give himself a pension in the future. Thinking about it like this, Silly Zhu felt that he should be good with Qin Huairu.

“Okay, don’t worry, the stick terrier is Sister Qin’s child again…” It’s your seed again, how can I take care of him too. ”

Silly Zhu and He Daqing shook hands and made peace, and the two of them reconciled on their faces, but they both wanted to take what they needed in their hearts.

But it doesn’t matter, after all, it’s just their own thoughts. And Qin Huairu secretly saw Yi Zhonghai at this time.

Jia Zhang’er couldn’t sleep tonight, the sores on her mouth looked small, but she was still afraid that if she grew up. Therefore, after a while, Jia Zhang got up and looked in the mirror.

When she got up the second time, she saw Qin Huairu returning.

“Where have you been?”

Jia Zhangshi frowned, and his triangular eyes looked at Qin Huairu coldly.

Qin Huairu swallowed his spit nervously and stretched out his hand to Jia Zhangshi.

“Didn’t you explain that I have to earn money to support my family no matter what…” So I went to Yi Zhonghai today and “borrowed” 5 yuan. Jia Zhangshi looked at the 5 yuan in Qin Huairu’s hand, and looked at Qin Huairu with disgust. ”

Just when he was about to open his mouth to say that he would disgust Qin Huairu fiercely, Jia Zhangshi looked at Jia Dongxu who slept dimly on the bed in the hall. Jia Zhang swallowed the invective in his mouth, and the words turned into a sentence of instruction on the tip of his tongue,

“I won’t say anything else, you go to the upper ring as soon as possible in the past few days, don’t embarrass the Jia family.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Jia Zhang pulled the cotton jacket draped over his shoulders, looked at the hemorrhoids that slowly disappeared at the corners of his mouth in the mirror, and went back to bed to sleep satisfied.

Anyway, Jia Dongxu is now…

Since this is the case, Qin Huairu, a, cannot be allowed to take advantage of his own family every day.

Qin Huairu has no job now, as long as she can still work as a cow and horse for her family, Jia Zhangshi even if she disgusted Qin Huairu, she has to let her earn money.

No matter how she earns.

Qin Huairu hooked the corners of his mouth and nodded.

In fact, she has long been on the ring, otherwise how dare she drill a small warehouse with others in the rolling mill, Jia Zhang, an old immortal, is not clean and embarrassed to keep himself like jade~


Qin Huairu quietly quenched a mouthful of spit, and then went to bed.


The last thing Yi Zhonghai wants to do now is to go to work. You can’t go to work and you can’t.

People always have to feed themselves, don’t they, what do you point to to live without going to work? The rolling mill is large and there are many workers, so there are many toilets.

In addition to the toilets used by the leaders in the office building, they were cleaned by office building cleaners.

There are also three groups of public toilets throughout the rolling mill, which were originally cleaned in shifts by logistics cleaning personnel. Because Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai came to clean the toilet, this job was finally not done by others.

And Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu’s job is to sweep these three groups of public toilets and sweep the roads in the factory. The first thing they do when they go to work is clean the toilet.

After cleaning the toilet, the two of them divided their work to sweep the street.

The rolling mill has two main roads and six auxiliary roads, and Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai are one and a half, and cleaning the streets after everyone goes to work every day does not mean that they can rest.

You know, the toilet at this time is really easy to get dirty, so the two of them finished sweeping the street and began to check the toilet hygiene in a circle. If there is any dirty mess, you have to quickly clean it up, otherwise the people in the cleaning department will not give them any good looks.

And today, Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu just arrived at a group of toilets that the two were jointly responsible for, and their faces darkened. Since they started cleaning the toilets, there have been people who have been targeting them openly and covertly and causing them trouble. They themselves know that they are now discredited in the factory.

In the past, Yi Zhonghai liked to pretend to offend many young people.

And what about the silly column? When I was a cook, I saw who was not pleasing to the eye and grabbed other people’s food. At this time, the two of them fell into trouble, and of course others had revenge and resentment.

For example, now, two people have just finished cleaning the toilet they are responsible for. When I arrived in the middle group, I just wanted to talk, but I found that these two toilets were dirtier…….

“Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu don’t know what to eat, this toilet is dirty.”

“What else can you do? Who doesn’t know that these two people are the most good at pretending, nine times out of ten, they just hold a broom to pretend~”

Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai heard the two people talking, looked at each other and entered the toilet together.

As a result, the two people in the toilet did not feel embarrassed at all when they saw them.

Instead, he threw the paper that wiped his butt directly onto the wall of the toilet, then stood up and lifted his pants, and deliberately mocked the silly pillar on his mouth: “Silly column, it’s not us who pick on the thorn!” Are you so unserious about giving people a meal and shaking a spoon and sweeping the toilet? ”

“It’s just, you two look, this floor wall…” Gee, it’s disgusting to look at. ”

Silly Zhu watched the paper thrown by the two people stain the wall and fall to the ground, gritting his teeth angrily!

“Since you two know that it is dirty, you just throw the paper into the squat pit!”

Hearing the words of the stupid pillar, the two people laughed: “This said, we want to do everything, do we still need you to clean the toilet?” We throw it directly into the squat pit, and then what? Do we need to sweep the toilet with a broom anymore? ”

“That’s right, everyone is responsible for cleaning up when they go to the toilet, do you still need you?”

After the two of them finished speaking, they looked at Yi Zhonghai with contempt, and left with their feet up: “Otherwise, how can they all be punished, just look at this work attitude~”

“It’s just that such people clean the toilet cheaply.”

“They did it on purpose!”

Silly Zhu gritted his teeth and stared at the backs of the two.

Of course, Yi Zhonghai knew that these two people were intentional.

He also knew that no one in the rolling mill had deliberately slandered the toilets in the past.

It is because he and the stupid pillar took over, so those who look at them unpleasantly, deliberately make it disgusting every day, let them clean up.

“That’s no way, who let us clean the toilet…”

Yi Zhonghai said this, but his eyes were full of hatred.

Zhang Shengli is to blame for all this!

If it weren’t for Zhang Shengli, this beast, how could he have come to this step!

At this time, Yi Zhonghai remembered what the deaf old lady told him a few days ago.

“As long as you can make up your mind, I will definitely be able to let you take revenge!”

What the deaf old lady told Yi Zhonghai was a little too big, to be honest, Yi Zhonghai was a little afraid.

When he was anxious yesterday, Yi Zhonghai thought about cooperating with those people once. But after calming down a little, Yi Zhonghai dismissed that idea.

This is a felony… Never mind.

Just when Yi Zhonghai was pulled by hatred and fear, Zhou Lao came to the rolling mill and specially asked Zhang Shengli to come out and get into his car, Zhou Lao asked the driver to drive the car for a while, and stopped in a sparsely populated small square,

“You go out for a cigarette, I have something to tell Zhang Shengli.”

Zhang Shengli watched the driver go out, only to see that the driver walked seven or eight steps away from the car, maintaining the attitude that he could not hear the car talking, but if something happened, he would come over as soon as possible.

“Enough mysterious Elder Zhou, you are?”

Zhang Shengli raised his eyebrows, what’s the big deal?

“Victory, you know that our country’s aircraft have always been quite dependent on foreign countries.”

Elder Zhou did not answer Zhang Shengli’s question, but talked about the topic of aircraft.

Zhang Shengli’s major in his previous life was mechanics, and of course he knew something about aircraft.

“Yes, I didn’t study Shen Hang and Hongqi before… But it’s not ideal. ”

Zhang Shengli sighed in his heart, not only was it not ideal.

At this time, the level of civil aircraft in China is too far from the world….

“You’re right.”

Elder Zhou nodded, there is nothing bad to say, anyway, there is only himself and Zhang Shengli in this car, and he is not afraid of what others accuse.

“However, recently the relevant authorities have come up with new ideas.”

“We have imported several aircraft from the Great Mao Kingdom, and the Kazakh aircraft manufacturer wants to develop our own, high-end civil aircraft based on it.”

The surrounding looked at Zhang Shengli with a serious expression,

“The engineer of the Kazakh aircraft factory is my apprentice, after dismantling a large wool machine, he looked at the Canadian civil aircraft, intending to develop our own engine…”

“Are you going to make a piston engine?”

Elder Zhou hadn’t finished speaking, and Zhang Shengli had already spoken.

Elder Zhou was shocked in his heart, and his eyes were shocked when he looked at Zhang Shengli!

“How do you know?”

“I don’t know, I only know that the most common foreign civil aircraft are piston engines… But this engine has a drawback. ”

Zhang Shengli looked at Zhou Lao calmly: “It is only suitable for short distances, if you carry out long-distance transportation, I am afraid that the power is insufficient.” ”

What Zhang Shengli didn’t say is that this is really in the TV series.

In his previous life, the development of this aircraft would take about ten years….

However, Zhang Shengli remembers that at that time, looking at the data, it was also said that the project began to be established in the sixties, but for various reasons, it was ten years after the real investment in research and development to the launch…

Now that this thing has arrived in front of him, can he Zhang Shengli use the knowledge he has learned to speed up 11··· No! Direct 12! Is it possible to speed up the launch of 12?

Advance the milestone of Huaxia Civil Aviation by 10 years!

“I know, as for our Huaxia, if we can use our own piston engine now, we can also say that we can make progress…” However, I think this step can be omitted. ”

Zhang Shengli looked at Zhou Lao with resolute eyes: “If it were me, I wouldn’t be a piston engine, and I would want to try to replace it with a turboprop engine.” ”

Hearing Zhang Shengli say this, Elder Zhou’s heartbeat couldn’t help but speed up!


Zhang Shengli meant this, could it be that he could make this!

“What do you mean?!”

Looking at Elder Zhou’s excited face, Zhang Shengli smiled: “I mean, Elder Zhou, what happened when you called me over~”

Zhang Shengli smiled, and the tension in Elder Zhou’s heart was beaten away…

“Don’t be hippie and smiley.”

Elder Zhou smiled after speaking, and then said: “Because some people abroad got the news and knew that Hafei was going to develop a new aircraft, the situation in the factory is now changing. ”

“That apprentice of mine contacted me, and he will recently return to Sijiu City to recuperate, and when the time comes, he will issue drawings, hoping that I will find someone for him to make the main parts of the engine.”

As soon as Elder Zhou said this, Zhang Shengli understood.

“So, you called me here because you wanted me to make parts.”

Zhang Shengli couldn’t help but smile: “With this attitude of yours, I thought you wanted me to be a fighter.” ”

Elder Zhou coughed twice and patted Zhang Shengli’s shoulder: “But I listened to what you just said, so I am ready to explain to him, there is no need to bring drawings when you come over, you two study it together, the turboscrew engine you said.” ”

Hearing Elder Zhou say this, Zhang Shengli was silent for a moment.

If you say, just imitation research and development pistons can be targeted externally.

So, if you meet with Old Zhou’s apprentice and carry out turbospiral research and development, will there be more people coveting it, and will there be more trouble?

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing Zhang Shengli silent, Elder Zhou asked: “The reason why Zhang recommended you to him is because you are the youngest and most skilled eighth-grade worker I have ever met…” Zhang Shengli, I believe in you, and I also hope you can help him. ”


Elder Zhou didn’t know why, he just remembered that Zhang Shengli said that he wanted to lead Huaxia Industry to the front of the world. Therefore, the first time his apprentice sent him a request for help, Elder Zhou thought of Zhang Shengli, although he was only an eighth-level worker now.

However, it is not impossible for a good eighth-level worker to rub a car by hand. Elder Zhou believed that Zhang Shengli could, and the concept proposed by Zhang Shengli made Elder Zhou sure that he had not found the wrong person.

“As for other problems, you don’t have to worry, the rolling mill has always processed all kinds of accessories, and no one will inquire about other things in your high-level processing point…” At that time, I will tell the factory that I will match you with good people, materials and so on, and I will also arrange for people to get in. ”

“At that time, I need you to machine a few of the main parts of the engine…” After all, we are not comfortable handing over the main components to others. ”

As soon as Elder Zhou’s words were finished, Zhang Shengli nodded.

“Okay, I’ll do this, when your apprentice comes, I’ll meet with him, and I’ll do it when the drawings come out.”

Zhang Shengli will not be arrogant.

He didn’t think that the theoretical knowledge he learned in later generations would necessarily be better than the engineers he is now.

Therefore, he wants to meet someone, and that person uses his mind and experience, himself with his own mind and theory, and two people together make a replacement turboscrew engine that he has heard of but has never seen.

12, it may not be the most advanced, but Zhang Shengli remembers that this aircraft was used until the twenty-first century. Now if it comes out ten years in advance, I don’t know what kind of impact it will have on Huaxia.

Before calling the driver back, Elder Zhou said something to Zhang Shengli: “You can’t tell anyone about this matter, and highly confidential secrets cannot be leaked no matter what.” ”

Looking at Elder Zhou’s serious eyes, Zhang Shengli nodded cautiously.

Of course he understood the seriousness of the matter. Since the establishment of Huaxia, there has always been a desire to die and not die.

There are too many people who are afraid that this giant in the East will wake up.

Therefore, the lack of any progress in Huaxia industry can be said to be full of difficulties. Now he Zhang Shengli has the opportunity to touch it, of course, he must protect it.

“Don’t worry.”

In the courtyard, a man was also saying three words to the deaf old lady.

“Don’t worry.”

Today, a person came to the courtyard and said that he came to see the Wubao household. But after entering the deaf old lady’s house, the two closed the door.

“Old lady, now there is news that Zheng Gong of Hafei Factory will arrive in Sijiu City in the near future, we have received internal information, he is not returning to Sijiu City to treat his illness at all, but to develop a new engine, and at the same time his master Elder Zhou will find him someone to make the main parts of the engine…”

The man pointed in the direction of the rolling mill,

“Everyone knows that the Red Star Rolling Mill is Zhou Lao’s base camp, so we believe that the most important parts will be made by the people of the rolling mill.”

The man spoke with the smell of chicken on his feet, but the deaf old lady did not show any abnormality.

“Just say what you need me to do…” As for whether it can be done or not, I have to see. ”

The deaf old lady coughed twice, and then said.

The man smiled slightly, looked at the deaf old lady and said: “Don’t worry, we believe that you will definitely be able to get things out as for the reward, and you will not be disappointed.” ”

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