Chapter 129: Jia Zhang’s Urging for Alimony.

Yi Zhonghai said that he really didn’t expect that he was demoted, Qin Huairu was expelled, and Zhang Shengli, the dead king bastard, could actually be rewarded!

He can only rejoice now, fortunately he didn’t tell his front and back feet, otherwise he really didn’t want to live! Xu Damao almost jumped up with joy when he heard that Yi Zhonghai was relegated to a toilet sweeper!

Although Lou Xiao’e is pregnant now, their family is endless. But Xu Damao this person can take revenge the most!

He could remember clearly, if it weren’t for Zhang Shengli curing himself, their Xu family would really be dead! And all this is because of the stupid pillar Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady!

Therefore, Xu Damao remembered all his inability to have children and his own beatings to Yi Zhonghai and them.

Now it is time not to let feudal superstition, otherwise Xu Damao will have to burn incense every day, and let Lei quickly chop Yi Zhonghai to death! Now Yi Zhonghai cleans the toilet, and Xu Damao is happy and runs to the toilet~

“Hey, isn’t this the first uncle of our eighth-grade worker?”

Xu Damao saw Yi Zhonghai deliberately say hello loudly, and after speaking, he slapped the door of his head again!

“Eh! You look at you, my memory! Now it’s not an eighth-level worker uncle, it’s easy to clean the toilet now~”

Xu Damao walked up to Yi Zhonghai: “How is it, Master Yi?” Cleaning the toilet is a good thing, right? ”

“Look at this cold day, everyone else is busy in the workshop, how about you? It’s really comfortable to relax in the toilet, right? ”

“Hmph, comfortable you come?”

Yi Zhonghai looked at Xu Damao with a gloomy face, this dog thing thought he didn’t know?

Didn’t he deliberately come to see his Yi Zhonghai’s jokes?

Xu Damao, this dog thing, has been beaten since he was a child! Now he has made a victorious dogleg, which is even more unpleasant!

So hearing Xu Damao say that cleaning the toilet was comfortable, Yi Zhonghai directly stabbed a sentence. Unexpectedly, Xu Damao actually snatched the broom in his hand!

“Master Yi, since you said so, then why do I have to do it? Or others think that I, Xu Damao, deliberately mocked you.” ”

After Xu Damao finished speaking, he grabbed a broom and hula-la-jotting down on the ground.

Yi Zhonghai saw that the garbage he had swept into a pile was pulled away by Xu Damao, and his angry forehead jumped! Just as he wanted to snatch the broom back, Xu Damao actually directly probed the broom into the pit!

“Xu Damao! What are you crazy about! ”

Seeing the broom stained with dung, Yi Zhonghai Qi jumped like thunder!

“Yi Zhonghai, didn’t you ask me to clean the toilet for you? Isn’t the Maokeng a toilet? ”

Xu Damao said, and pulled out the broom that was sticky with dung


Xu Damao pretended to be inadvertent, and waved the broom towards the toilet wall……. The front walls are all dung flowers!

Yi Zhonghai is about to vomit!

But Xu Damao is still holding a broom, and he can’t grab it! There is on it, how to rob it?


Xu Damao used his broom to scratch the ground twice.

“No, how is this all? Master Yi, I can’t sweep it, let’s go back to our screening department! ”

Xu Damao was afraid that Yi Zhonghai would beat himself, so he ran out two steps with a broom, shouted twice and threw the broom to Yi Zhonghai!

“Toilet Yi, this is not me looking for something for you, you yourself let me work for you, bye bye!”

Yi Zhonghai looked at the in front of him and on the ground. Look at the manure on the broom…

“I Cao your ancestors for eighteen generations!”

“Zhang Shengli, you Malgobi’s! It’s all the head of you beast! ”

Yi Zhonghai still remembered that Xu Damao didn’t dare to do this when he saw him before!

It’s all because of Zhang Shengli, and now in the entire courtyard, he Yi Zhonghai has no majesty to say. Anyone can step on themselves!

“Zhang Shengli, you beast, Laozi will let you be like me sooner or later!”

Qin Huairu was driven out of the rolling mill by the security guards, but she did not dare to go home just like that. No way, I just was paraded through the streets yesterday, and Jia Dongxu was still clamoring for a divorce. If you know that you have lost the position of the worker…

Qin Huairu felt scared when he thought about it!

She wandered around aimlessly on the road until she was almost at the end of the day.

As a result, she did not expect that she came back a little late, and someone had already told the Jia family about her expulsion

“! You rotten product is not enough to succeed! ”

Jia Dongxu’s face was livid!

You know, how hard it is to become a regular worker now! The position of the worker can be passed on from generation to generation!

Now it’s okay, Qin Huairu’s is a shame, even the position of the worker has been lost!


Jia Dongxu gave Qin Huairu a slap in the face!

“Slut! What use do I want from you? You fucking thing! You’ve lost all of our family’s most important work! ”

Jia Dongxu hates it!

Qin Huairu, a cheap commodity, now that she can’t even earn money without a job, what use can she have! Jia Zhang’s also hate!

Originally, I left this broken shoe because I wanted her to support her family, but now that her job is lost, and her source of income is gone, how can so many people in their Jia family live!


Jia Zhangshi grabbed Qin Huairu’s braid and pulled her in front of him!


Qin Huairu screamed in pain. Hurriedly bent down!

“Stinky word, you listen to me!”

Jia Zhangshi glared at Qin Huairu fiercely: “I don’t care what method you use, you must earn me money to support my family!” If you can’t make money, if I don’t eat well with Dongxu and don’t wear well, I will let Dongxu divorce you! You creature with your wild seed and go back to the country! ”

Jia Zhangshi pointed to the stick terrier and said to Qin Huairu: “You can think clearly, whether you can live with this mongrel in the countryside!” ”

Of course, Qin Huairu knew how powerful this was. Breaking shoes in the city looks heavy in the streets.

But in the country, that’s what everyone despises and won’t say a word to you.

Not only touring the streets, but also fighting themselves in the countryside, the commune is divided into levels, and the black five categories that break the shoes to be hooligans… Therefore, Qin Huairu would rather die tired in the city than go to the countryside.

“Don’t worry, Mom, I will definitely work hard to earn money…”

“You’re better off saying it! Get out and cook! ”

Hearing Qin Huairu’s assurance, Jia Zhangshi suppressed the anger in his heart.

The most important thing now is to let Qin Huairu earn money, and she can endure anything else. Qin Huairu entered the kitchen, and Jia Zhangshi opened the curtain and went out of the room.

As a result, I didn’t expect that I just came out and saw Zhang Shengli, the bastard of the king, go home!

Zhang Shengli got off work today, and specially took out some meat, vegetables, and fruits from the space. So as soon as Jia Zhang came out, he saw that Zhang Shengli’s bicycle was full of good things. On the front beam of the car, a large piece of pork and lamb hangs.

On the back seat, there were two bags, one bag of fruits and one bag of various vegetables. And on both handlebars, there are also things hanging from them.

On the left side of the handlebar are two fish hanging from it. On the right side of the handlebar hangs a chicken.

Jia Zhang calculated, this bicycle thing is enough to eat in his own house for a month! And Zhang Shengli, a beast who has big fish and meat every day, has to let him be clean in three days!

“Killing a thousand knives is not afraid to eat this beast!”

Jia Zhangshi cursed angrily in his heart, and the distorted anger on his face was difficult to say.

After all, now I forget to talk about finding trouble, then it is also a master! And at this time, Liu Haizhong came back after Yi Zhonghai.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai enter the middle courtyard, and then looking at so many people on the edge of the pool in the middle courtyard, Liu Haizhong deliberately said loudly: “Old Yi! Although you were morally corrupt, demoted and fined for cleaning the toilet! But I, as Uncle One, still have to tell you that as a worker, whether you are an eighth-grade worker or a fifth-level worker, you must work seriously! ”

“As a member of society, even if you clean the toilet, you are serving the people!”

Liu Haizhong deliberately walked around in front of Yi Zhonghai, straightened his stomach, and looked at Yi Zhonghai with a condescending face: “As Uncle Yi, I want to remind you that to serve the people, there is no distinction between high and low, even if you are deducted two months’ salary, you have to clean the toilet carefully~”

Zhang Shengli smiled in his heart, and chose Liu Haizhong to be the first uncle, which is really a little useful. At least he was angry with Yi Zhonghai, and he did a good job.

Such a few words in the bangs, the entire courtyard knows. Yi Zhonghai was demoted, not to mention that his salary and subsidies were deducted.

What’s more serious is that Yi Zhonghai’s dog thing is now paired to clean the toilet!

“Gee, the Virgin and moral in our yard are really like shadows, the silly pillar toilet has not been cleaned, this is another one”

“This is all deserved, you can’t be too, don’t you want to see, this is retribution!”

“If you do too much evil, you will be punished~”

In the shame and ridicule of everyone, Yi Zhonghai returned home. In the Yi family, the deaf old lady was sitting at the dining table with her face drawn. No way, she also heard the words of the big guys in the courtyard. Yi Zhonghai was deducted from his salary and demoted again!

Does this mean that the Yi family’s food will not be as good as before in the future?

Although he thought so, the deaf old lady did not show it, but instead fanned the flames in front of Yi Zhonghai!

“How about you see?”

The deaf old lady pointed outside, and everyone was still laughing at Yi Zhonghai’s cleaning of the toilet. The ridicule and taunts were endless.

“I told you a long time ago that Zhang Shengli, this little beast, can’t stay! Keep him, sooner or later you will have to be killed by him! ”

“See it now, right? You are easy to Zhonghai, you used to be the pillar of the rolling mill! Grade 8 workers with apprentices! But now? Not to mention that you were discredited by Zhang Shengli, and your work was demoted! Also went to clean the toilet! ”

The deaf old lady shook her head: “If you continue like this, you don’t know what you have to be harmed by Zhang Shengli!” ”

Yi Zhonghai’s eyes flashed murderously!

It’s all like this now, and he can’t give Zhang Shengli another chance to continue!

“Don’t worry, Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, he won’t be able to jump for long!”

Yi Zhonghai didn’t believe it, he couldn’t clean up Zhang Shengli at his age!

Zhang Shengli didn’t know what the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai were thinking about how to harm themselves, and he didn’t want to know… Anyway, these people are so level.

His pleasure now is cooking.

The biggest advantage of master chef inheritance for Zhang Shengli is that he can make good food.

What Zhang Shengli wants to do today is steamed sea bass and fried veal, stir-fried seasonal vegetables, and a braised pork. Braised pork on a small stove.

Stir-fry sugar-colored pork with spices and water, then pour it into a small clay pot and put it on a small stove to let it simmer slowly. Zhang Sheng himself took out a sea bass and prepared to make fish.

Steamed fish is one of the best dishes.

After washing the fine sea bass produced by the system, cut the back of the fish, cut the tail of the fish, put a few green onions under the fish, and then set up the fish.

After putting a few ginger slices on the belly and body of the fish outside Zhang Shengli, put a few green onions, sprinkle a little salt, and marinate with peppercorns.

Then take out the green and red peppers awarded by the system and cut the chives into strips. Then, it was said that the fish was put on the fire and steamed.

Put a steamer in a boiling pot and steam the fish over high heat for eight or nine minutes!

When the fragrance is overflowing, you can bring the fish out, after serving out, put the green and red pepper shreds and chives on the fish, and then, Zhang Shengli continued to re-cook the pot, add some oil, and when the oil is 80% hot, you can pour hot oil onto the fish!

“Second time~”

When hot oil is poured on green and red peppers and fish, it makes a pleasant cooking sound. Zhang Shengli smelled the smell of fish and was extremely satisfied in his heart.

At this time, the braised pork is also stewed soft and delicious.

As soon as Zhang Shengli opened the crockpot, the domineering aroma of braised pork rushed out of the kitchen. And steamed sea bass is not to be outdone!

The light and elegant aroma of sea bass followed by the overbearing aroma of braised pork wandered around the courtyard. The heads of the children in the family are big, and every day, there are always times when Zhang Shengli cries. He Daqing smelled this smell and couldn’t help but suck his saliva.

The layman looks lively, the insider watches the doorway.

He Daqing has been cooking for decades, and when he smelled this, he knew that it was braised pork and steamed sea bass. And He Daqing knew that these perfect tastes made by Zhang Shengli, he He Daqing could not make them… But that’s not important now.

He Daqing lifted the pocket in his hand, and he took twenty pounds of stick noodles, which was to be given to the stalk.


He Daqing did not knock on the door, directly pushed the door and entered Jia’s house. In fact, He Daqing did not knock on the door because of his concerns.

Just be careful about the attitude of the Jia family towards themselves, if you knock on the door, you will definitely not let you in. Therefore, He Daqing came uninvited.

“I know you don’t want to see me today, but the stick terrier is my seed after all, so I’ll send you some food first~”

After speaking, without waiting for the people of the Jia family to speak, He Daqing went directly to the stick terrier.

“Stick terrier, let your mother remember to cook for you if you are not good to come to me, I definitely can’t let you go hungry…”

He Daqing looked kind when he spoke, and the stick terrier was just vomited when he saw it.

And Jia Dongxu, they even think he is disgusting!

“2.4 He Daqing, you beast, get out of here!”

Jia Dongxu pointed to the door with a furious look!

“Jia stick terrier, that’s our Jia family’s species! If you dare to be blind again, Lao Tzu will kill you!” ”

He Daqing saw that Jia Dongxu was so excited, and decided not to tell him.

It’s better to say hello to Jia Zhangshi yourself. After all, it is a person who can see that the Jia Zhang family is the head of the Jia family.

“Jia Zhang, I still have something to go back first…”

“Wait a minute!”

Jia Zhangshi scolded, He Daqing stood in her house and did not dare to move!

“He Daqing, the stick terrier has been eating and drinking well in my house for so many years, what kind of cheap daddy are you, how can you have to express a little?”

He Daqing’s brows furrowed, this Jia Zhangshi pouted his ass He Daqing knew what she wanted to do. After all, they’ve known each other for decades…

“Jia Zhangshi, what do you want me to say.”

He Daqing continued to pretend to be stupid.

Jia Zhangshi looked at He Daqing in disgust, and now he really felt dumbfounded. How could he have taken a fancy to a person like He Daqing back then!

“Our family has raised a flock for you He Daqing for so long, how can you compensate for some child support!”

Jia Zhangshi thought about it, since he planned to turn a blind eye to live like this, then their family could not suffer losses. They Jia family has raised stick terriers for ten years, plus Qin Huairu served her himself when she was in confinement.

Anyway, He Daqing, this dog thing, has to pay himself alimony! Hearing Jia Zhangshi say this, He Daqing frowned.

It’s not that he can’t afford this money, the main thing is that he doesn’t want to suffer.

Although it is said that the stick terrier is his own child, since he has raised so old, why let himself give money? However, it is not that alimony cannot be paid. He Daqing looked at Qin Huairu and thought in his heart.

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