Chapter 126 Father and son cannibalism, stupid pillar He Daqing doomsday!.

The stick terrier heard Jia Zhang’s shout, he glared at Jia Zhangshi fiercely, and while Liu Guangfu was stunned by Jia Zhang’s words, the stick terrier escaped Liu Guangfu’s control!

“You old immortal is a wandering street!”

The stick terrier took off the broken shoes on his neck and slammed them into Jia Zhang’s face!

“Ono! You Malgobi’s don’t want to live! ”

Jia Zhangshi struggled to play the stick terrier, but unfortunately because she was fat, so others were afraid that she broke the hemp rope, and the stick terrier who tied her was a little scared, seeing Jia Zhang’s appearance of not being able to stretch out his hand, he laughed twice with resentment, and used broken shoe polish Jia Zhang’s face!

“Old! You guys are all rotten goods! ”

Seeing Jia Zhangshi being beaten, Qin Huairu’s heart was painful!

“Hit! Kill this old thing! ”

“If it weren’t for this old immortal, how could I be like this!”

Qin Huairu always felt that he was so unlucky today, all because Jia Zhang’s dog thing was unforgiving! Isn’t it to find out that the stick terrier is He Daqing’s species?

What’s wrong?

Didn’t she Jia Zhangshi secretly talk to others!

If it weren’t for Jia Zhangshi scolding herself all the time, Qin Huairu believed that she would not have made such a fuss! Well, now everyone is tied!

If it’s really a street tour…

Qin Huairu remembered the appearance of the parade he had seen before.

When she was in the country, the village also caught people with bad morals. After being caught, I also paraded the streets.

People on the road scolded the man, and even if they scolded, they threw rotten vegetable leaves on the person! As long as Qin Huairu thought of that person’s ashamed look, she felt that it was too terrifying to parade the streets!

“I don’t want to parade the streets… I don’t want to parade…”

Qin Huairu muttered.

And Yi Zhonghai, they are also afraid at this time!

Because, the people of the courtyard made a sign to parade the street and took it.

When they saw the brand, He Daqing and Yi Zhonghai, the two big men, were stunned!

“You beasts! You especially want our lives!” ”

As for why they were so excited, it was really because of the four signs hanging around their necks. At that time, there were two kinds of street parades, literary fighting and martial combat.

The so-called card is actually pasted paper on a thin wooden board, and then write what mistakes the people on the street have made, and sincerely regret parading the streets to show the public.

Such a literary fight is also not formal, but it is not very harmful to people, and it is generally the result of no big mistake, and everyone deliberately turns a blind eye.

The brand is thin, light in weight, and it is nothing to hang for half a day. The biggest damage is psychological and spiritual.

And Wudou wears iron shoes, a clay basin and a high hat, and then the sign hanging is also made of iron plates! In order to make the people who wander the streets hurt!

The hemp rope is worn through an iron plate and hung around the neck, and it is really no joke to grind it down in a day. The skin and flesh bloom are light.

And just now, Yan Bugui gave Yi Zhonghai a paper hat when they wore a high hat, so they all thought it was hanging a thin wooden board.

As a result, I didn’t expect that the four boards taken over were thicker than the other!

Although they are not iron plates, but this weight is visible to everyone, a parade down the street, the skin and flesh bloom is certain. Seeing this, Jia Zhang’s Qin Huairu and He Daqing and Aunt Yi were all scared of this.

“Let’s not parade! We are wronged! Zhang Shengli, you beast! You let us go! ”

Zhang Shengli was sitting at the door of his house reading, and when he heard the voices of these people, he just raised his eyelids, then picked up the stool and turned home, and explained at the same time: “When we are ready, let’s see the excitement.” ”

Liu Haizhong quickly nodded when he heard it: “Don’t worry!” This is a major event in our courtyard, I must ask you to watch it together! ”

There is some excitement in the bangs.

No way, Yi Zhonghai has been the first uncle for more than ten years, so he fooled the courtyard for more than ten years, suppressing these dirty things, pretending to be harmonious, united and fraternal.

Therefore, there was no major incident in the courtyard. But his bangs are different!

Liu Haizhong feels that he has the life of an official!

Otherwise, how could he have become a grand uncle, and the courtyard has caught such a big and messy thing of breaking shoes? Liu Haizhong felt that as long as he was strong enough and had a firm enough attitude when he was parading the streets with Yi Zhonghai, then the entire South Causeway Alley, his reputation as an iron-blooded management courtyard would definitely be able to go out!

At that time, who doesn’t know that he has strict governance in his bangs!

Who must not praise him bangs, not like Yi Zhonghai!

When Liu Haizhong was still dreaming, Yi Zhonghai was already making a fuss.

“Let’s not parade! You beasts let us go! ”

Yi Zhonghai, they regretted it when they saw the thick wooden planks weighing at least five or six pounds.

This thing has to shed a layer of skin if it doesn’t die on its neck!

“Pillar! Pillar you save daddy! You let me go! Pillar! ”

He Daqing saw the stupid pillar still sitting on the ground on the side, and quickly opened his mouth to call him! Yi Zhonghai heard He Daqing call Stupid Zhu, and his face changed.

This He Daqing is confused.

He didn’t know what Stupid Zhu was like to Qin Huairu.

Now it’s called a stupid column, I’m afraid that the stupid pillar won’t help at all!

Although he thought so, Yi Zhonghai felt that He Daqing was Silly Zhu’s father after all, so he still stared at Silly Zhu tightly. As long as the stupid pillar unties He Daqing, then he will take the opportunity to ask for help!

Silly Zhu heard He Daqing call himself, lowered his head and raised it, and after his face turned blue and white for a while, Silly Zhu stood up with his hands on the ground.

Silly Zhu walked over to He Daqing’s side with a wooden face. He Daqing was a little excited, seeing that this was his son!

He didn’t believe it, Zhang Shengli went back to the house, who in this courtyard can beat the stupid pillar!


The stupid pillar arrived in front of He Daqing and kicked He Daqing’s chest!


He Daqing fell to the ground with a scream!

“Pillar! What are you doing! ”

He Daqing didn’t understand, even if he slept with two women, what happened?

Now Silly Zhu is not gone, Silly Zhu is such a son, and he still wants to discipline his father!


“Get out! Old stuff! Lao Tzu killed you! You beast to die! Die! ”

Silly Zhu scolded angrily while kicking He Daqing a few times! Seeing He Daqing screaming on the ground, Silly Zhu only felt that he couldn’t solve his hatred!

This dog thing, Qin Huairu is his goddess!

From Qin Huairu to Jia Dongxu’s house on a blind date, Silly Zhu was moved when he saw Qin Huairu for the first time. It’s a pity that he is timid, and when he said it, Silly Zhu disliked Qin Huairu’s rural background at that time. Although they are all poor middle peasants, but Silly Zhu also wants to find a girl with a job in the city. So at that time, Silly Zhu didn’t think about cutting off his beard.

Unexpectedly, Qin Huairu married for three or two days, and He Daqing ran away with the widow! Since He Daqing ran away, Stupid Zhu needs to do everything himself.

At that time, I worked as an apprentice and did not earn much money, so the search for a daughter-in-law was naturally delayed. Later, after thinking about kissing twice, Silly Zhu found that Qin Huairu was still good-looking!

Moreover, Qin Huairu will also wash clothes in the courtyard every day, and when he sees that his clothes are dirty, he will remember to change and remember to wash the stupid pillar, and his eyes are red when he thinks about it.

He still remembered that Qin Huairu said to himself: “Zhuzi, you are a cook, remember to change your clothes and look clean~”

Thinking of this, Silly Zhu turned around and kicked Yi Zhonghai!

Both are Yi Zhonghai and He Daqing!

These two slept with their goddesses…

Qin Huairu actually let his father and uncle play, as long as he thought about it, he wanted to directly hit and die! It’s a pity that Silly Zhu’s thoughts He Daqing and Yi Zhonghai don’t know.

If he knew that Silly Zhu had taken a fancy to Qin Huairu because of such a sentence, He Daqing would definitely give him a slap in the face! Silly stuff! People just move their mouths, don’t you wash your clothes and change them yourself?

How did she become a goddess!

It’s a pity that he doesn’t know now, so he can only endure the pain and question the stupid pillar: “Pillar, you are crazy!” I’m your daddy! ”

Xu Damao couldn’t help but laugh when he heard He Daqing’s words.

“You’re his daddy? You can’t be his grandfather! Your face is not white enough! ”

Xu Damao walked to Silly Zhu’s side after speaking: “Call me to say Silly Zhu, don’t be sad, you talk about you now, you are all eunuchs!” What’s the use of you thinking about it again? ”

“It’s better to wait for the street to let your father marry Qin Huairu home, so that you and Qin Huairu are closer, right?” What will you call her then? ”

Xu Damao smiled badly: “You call her Sister Qin, you have been with your father for a lifetime!” Simply call Xiao Ma like this, you are still a family! ”

Xu Damao’s stupid pillar shouted madly: “Get out! Mud horses! You especially want a little mother! I go to the eighteenth generation of your ancestors! ”

“Beast! You brutes! ”

Stupid Zhu scolded Xu Damao and couldn’t relieve his hatred, so he could only rush over and pick up the board made by these people in the courtyard!

“It’s all beasts! Hang it up for me! ”

Silly Zhu grabbed a wooden board and passed through the hemp rope, and hung it fiercely on He Daqing’s neck!


He Daqing is going to be killed by the stupid pillar! Why does he have such a son too!

Didn’t he just sleep with two women? What’s great!

“Pillar! I’m a daddy! This is a big contrarian! ”

“Hurry up and let me go! Hear no! ”

“What kind of grudge do we have, pillar! Dad hasn’t come home for so long, you treat me like this ah He Yuzhu~”

He Daqing tried both soft and hard, but the stupid pillar seemed to have not heard, just tied the rope!

When the people in the courtyard heard He Daqing’s words, they laughed one by one.

“He Daqing, you are just confused, why do you think the stupid pillar hates you so much?!”

He Daqing looked at Yan Bugui, who was talking to him, suspiciously.

“What do you mean?”

Yan Bugui looked at Qin Huairu, and then at Jia Zhang, obviously, Jia Zhang’s lethality was greater.

“You probably don’t know, two days ago, your stupid pillar drilled into Jia Zhang’s bed!”

He Daqing froze.

The whole person is like being struck by lightning!

“Silly pillar, you are confused!”

Hearing He Daqing call himself a stupid pillar, the stupid pillar kicked him down!

“Why don’t you shut up for me! Lao Tzu is not called a stupid column! ”

Silly Zhu knew, who in Yan Bugui and the courtyard didn’t know that he was worried about Qin Huairu? Yan Bugui said this now, just to see their family joke.

But he couldn’t explain it, because if he personally admitted that he was worried about Qin Huairu’s rotten goods, maybe he would have to be paraded through the streets! So Silly Zhu just glared at He Daqing fiercely, then turned around and walked to the back.

He didn’t plan to go home, since Qin Huairu and they were going to parade the streets today, Silly Zhu planned to follow and see the end! He has to remember, Qin Huairu and He Daqing? What have you done yourself!

“Qin Huairu, you!”

Silly Zhu stared at Qin Huairu’s back fiercely, only feeling that anger was difficult to quench! After such a long time, Silly Zhu couldn’t receive Qin Huairu’s five pieces and ten pieces that month? The result?

He hadn’t even touched Qin Huairu’s hand trembling!

Qin Huairu, this rotten thing, told Silly Zhu that she didn’t want others to feel that she was selling her hue… Now that I think about it, the stupid pillars want to cry.

It’s not that she doesn’t sell her hue, Qin Huairu she can’t look at herself, she just deliberately drags herself so unexpectedly! Since the brand is ready, Yan Bugui began to write on it with a pen, and the brand writing on the street is also exquisite!

Because everyone will not get too close when touring the street, the words on the sign cannot be small, and others cannot see it clearly. However, because the size of the brand is limited. So there is not much that can be written.

This tested Yan Bugui’s level.

But fortunately, everyone is a flat-headed common people, and there are no particularly literate people, so how Yan Bugui writes they only think that the words are okay.

While everyone was busy, Zhang Shengli entered the kitchen.

“Aren’t you dealing with a problem?”

Yang Weiwei was surprised to see Zhang Shengli come in!

She originally thought that Zhang Shengli was too busy to cook.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shengli entered the kitchen before she started.

“It’s not a big deal, just let them get it themselves, I’ll make you something to eat.”

Hearing Zhang Shengli say this, Yang Weiweile’s eyes narrowed.

“It’s still Comrade Zhang Shengli who is reliable! I just steamed rice, and I don’t know what to eat yet~”

Zhang Shengli smiled, Yang Weiwei is not the eldest lady who does not stick to the spring water of the sun.

She actually eats okay when she cooks.

But if you have eaten the food made by Zhang Shengli, then someone else made it… Even if his wife did it, it was not comparable.

“Let’s eat well today, and we’ll go see the parade in a while.”

Zhang Shengli said and opened the cupboard, took out a piece of mutton and a chicken from it, and then told Yang Weiwei to peel garlic and green onions. Zhang Shengli was careful before, in order not to let others think that his things appeared inexplicably, so he said that he took out the ingredients he wanted to eat on the way from work and pretended to go to the vegetable market.

Since being with Yang Weiwei, Zhang Shengli has paid more attention to this problem.

Therefore, in the cupboard of their house, Zhang Shengli stuffed a lot of things. Zhang Shengli admits that when he doesn’t use space, he misses the refrigerator as a technological product.

“Today, make what you are used to eating in the northwest, a large plate of chicken and cumin lamb, and a stir-fried seasonal vegetable and tomato egg.”

The big plate of chicken was first a dish from the northwest.

But after entering the mainland, it was assimilated by the local people.

Obviously, the name is called big plate chicken, but the taste of each city is different. And what Zhang Shengli wants to do is the authentic Northwest Big Plate Chicken.

Chop the chicken into pieces and be about the same size. Then boil water and blanch the chicken.

After the chicken is rolling, skim off the foam, drain the dirty water, and start cooking. After stir-frying the large sauce for a while, pour the chicken into the pan and stir-fry.

In the stir-frying gap, Zhang Shengli processed the potatoes and green pepper onions. Moreover, he also specially fried the potatoes with a small stove.

After stir-frying the chicken for a while, Zhang Shengli poured the potato cubes into a large plate of chicken, then added water over high heat and simmered over low heat.

When the chicken emitted aroma, Zhang Shengli’s hand was as fast as the wind, quickly processed the lamb, and then began to stir-fry the lamb over low heat!

Cumin lamb is a fragrant but not woody.

Everyone knows that if the lamb is not fried well, it is easy to catch wood or get dirty, but Yang Weiwei is not afraid. Because Zhang Shengli knew that she liked to eat this, so their family had already done it several times, and Yang Weiwei was not a supervisor here, but accompanied Zhang Shengli to talk.

“I really don’t understand.”

Yang Weiwei sighed and looked at the people in the courtyard who were preparing to parade the streets.

“Qin Huairu, why are they like this? I don’t think she’s even when she can’t live… Altar”

Zhang Shengli shook his head and smiled: “If she really hooks up with others when she can’t get by, I won’t think she’s not a good person~”

“These people are just pure bad and cheap.”

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