Chapter 127: Yi Zhonghai Qin Huairu was paraded through the streets!.

Zhang Shengli understood Yang Weiwei’s thoughts.

The people around her are very simple… Of course, like this courtyard, a bunch of strange things in a courtyard are rare. So she thought that those who were morally corrupt, she thought that those people might have some reason or were uncomfortable.

“People do evil or moral corruption, really does not mean that there must be some reason. Some people are born with evil, and some women are born with water-based fireworks~”

Zhang Shengli raised his chin. Pointed outside.

“For example, those people, Qin Huairu can live by eating bran vegetables in the countryside, why is he not satisfied with eating white noodles here?”

“Yi Zhonghai, he was a grandfather before, and his salary is the highest in this courtyard, what happened?”

Zhang Shengli shook his head,

“It’s always self-inflicted and can’t live.”

Yang Weiwei nodded and looked at Zhang Shengli with a look of adoration.

“You’re right.”

She felt that Zhang Shengli really understood a lot, and her understanding of human nature was also very thorough, and Yang Weiwei felt for the umpteenth time that she was lucky to come to Sijiu City and met Zhang Shengli.

As soon as the two of them finished eating, Liu Haizhong shouted outside: “Okay, okay!” Everyone bet on people! We’re ready to parade! ”

“Victory! We’re leaving! ”

Zhang Shengli answered, and in the bangs, they escorted He Daqingyi and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Jia family in Zhonghai. In order to prevent being accidentally injured by the masses, there should not be too many people marching.

In the bangs, Yan Bugui nodded and opened the way in front.

Yi Zhonghai and He Daqing stood behind them, and Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu followed He Daqing and Yi Zhonghai. And finally Yan Xiecheng and Liu Guangfu, who were responsible for watching over them.

As soon as the group came out of the gate of the courtyard, He Daqing and they were thrown a head of! Everyone saw that it was the little beast of the stick terrier waiting at the door.

I don’t know when he collected, and when he saw these people come out, he threw it at He Daqingyi Zhonghai, as well as Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi!

Jia Zhangshi screamed: “Little beast! ”


Liu Guangfu hit her on the back with a stick!

“Parade! Did you talk! ”

Liu Guangfu was satisfied in his heart, it turned out to be such a feeling when he was an official. It’s awesome when you teach others!

At the same time, he is also very satisfied with the stick terrier in his heart, the wild species should be like this, the more incompatible with these people, the more fun it looks.

Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi are going crazy!

They are even more devastated than He Daqing and Yi Zhonghai.

After all, breaking shoes will always be a woman’s shame in Huaxia.

Starting from the that the stick terrier threw a head, more and more people watched the parade along the way. After seeing it, many people began to rush home and shout for people to see the liveliness.

A few people have not yet left South Causeway Lane, and there are already a sea of people watching on the side of the road.

“What a flower these people play!”

“The old lady is even more awesome, why did she sleep in half of Forty-Nine City?”

“Gee, slept the old one and slept the small one, and the small one gave birth to one! This is a big rogue! ”

A sign around the neck of several people clearly wrote the reason for the march.

Jia Zhang’s listed how many people she hooked up with and became a murderous husband.

Qin Huairu wrote that she hooked up with several men, and also gave birth to wild species with He Daqing. And He Daqing and Yi Zhonghai both broke their shoes with their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Because the brand is big enough, Yan Bugui’s writing is simple and clear. So the big guys know what’s going on when they see it.

“I really didn’t expect that there would be such a shameless person in our South Causeway Lane…”

“Grandson, tell your grandmother what happened? I don’t know words! ”

“That is to say, these four people mess around, break their shoes, and are all smelly hooligans!”

“! How dirty! ”


“Kill the stinky rascal!”

Originally, everyone thought that it was all an alley, and when they looked up, they didn’t see them looking down, and there were many people who scolded, but they didn’t do much. As a result, after leaving the alley, it was uncontrollable.

There are many people who don’t know, and a bunch of people on the road throw rotten vegetables and rotten eggs on Yi Zhonghai! Those neighbors in South Causeway Lane also couldn’t help but itch their hands, they had long prepared garbage and smelly, and now seeing that someone threw it, one by one they couldn’t help but start smashing hard at Yi Zhonghai and them.

Yi Zhonghai and He Daqing’s eyes were scarlet, but they didn’t dare to raise their heads because they were too embarrassed. You can only keep your head down and try not to let people see your face.


A rotten egg fell Yi Zhonghai’s head, and he couldn’t help but raise his head with a fishy smell,

“I’m Cao!”


Hearing that Yi Zhonghai wanted to scold, the bangs in front of him turned his head and gave Yi Zhonghai a slap, and then shouted loudly: “This is thinking transformation and criticism of you bad things!” You will have to accept the transformation and punishment of the masses! If you dare to resist, don’t blame us for using force! ”

The attitude of holding chicken feathers as an arrow in the bangs made Yi Zhonghai tremble with anger!

But they also know that they have already gone to the street, they are all tied up, and to resist is to look for death!

Just these onlookers can replace the rotten vegetable leaves and smelly in their hands with bricks and smash them. Because parading the streets is to fight, and it can only be them who are unlucky.

Therefore, Yi Zhonghai could only grit his teeth and endure.

But the crowd of onlookers is not satisfied,

“Put your head up! If you do something wrong, you dare to hide! ”

“Yes! Who knows who is a stinky scoundrel without looking up! ”

“Made’s faceless things have been done, and now he knows that he wants to face? Hurry up or throw stones! ”

“Yes! Throw bricks without looking up! Without the slightest sincerity of introspection, these beasts! ”

Hearing everyone’s abuse, Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu raised their heads first, no way they were really afraid.


Seeing that Yi Zhonghai and He Daqing were still lowering their heads, someone really threw stones!

He Daqing was beaten with a scream of pain, and his forehead was swollen, and he could only quickly raise his head and beg for mercy: “I’m wrong, I’m not human!” I was wrong! ”

Seeing that He Daqing was smashed by a stone, Yi Zhonghai didn’t dare to make a face, and quickly raised his head to be scolded, letting people throw rotten eggs with smelly!

“Looks like a dog! As a result, do not do personnel! ”

“Just a few sluts who don’t do personnel!”

“Shameful thing! Bah! ”

“Smash them…”

Aunt Yi also came out with the people of the courtyard.

She walked into the crowd step by step, watching everyone either indignant or in order to make fun, one by one, they were insulting and smashing Yi Zhonghai.

Aunt Yi suddenly felt a little happy in her heart!

Yi Zhonghai, this dog thing, has been married for so many years, and as a result, he has actually been hooking up with others all the time!

As long as Aunt Yi remembers that Yi Zhonghai hooked up with Jia Zhangshi twenty years ago, and was still drilling into the cellar with Qin Huairu twenty years later, she wanted to spit Yi Zhonghai out disgustingly!


She finally made up her mind, felt the rotten egg from the small basket she was carrying, and smashed it fiercely on the door of Jiayi Zhonghai’s brain!

“A beast who kills a thousand knives!”

Seeing Yi Zhonghai’s face pasted by rotten eggs, Aunt Yi suddenly felt more comfortable! However, these are not enough!

rotten eggs, rotten vegetable leaves, smelly stone blocks!

As long as it was something that could be touched, Aunt Yi threw it out hard, and her target was Yi Zhonghai!

Yi Zhonghai’s eyes couldn’t be opened, and he didn’t know who it was, only that he was smashed and hurt and smelly!

Moreover, because the longer the street is wandered, the more people are throwing things, so no one found that Aunt Yi was also cleaning up Yi Zhonghai.

Only Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei, who followed behind, found out.

“Aunt Yi, this is…”

Yang Weiwei’s eyes widened in surprise, she thought that Aunt Yi didn’t care about this.

“She has lived with Yi Zhonghai for so many years, Yi Zhonghai treats her like a girl every day, and now she still hooks up with others, it’s normal to be angry, Yi Zhonghai They deserve to be cleaned up like this.”

Zhang Shengli hooked the corners of his mouth, Yi Zhonghai’s biggest skill in this life is to marry a woman like Aunt Yi. Honestly, he only knows how to serve his own man.

But people always forget that honest people are also people, and clay people also have three parts of earthiness! Since you are oppressed and bullied, it is okay to resist a little.

“These people’s lives are over~”

Yang Weiwei glanced at the chaotic crowd, and spread ten to hundred, only afraid that by tomorrow, half of the four nine cities would know about these people.

“It’s really over, but since you dare to do it, you must be prepared to bear the result, they deserve it, they deserve it, they deserve to be ruined, two people hold hands and watch the excitement for a while, and go home when they are tired.”

And in the bangs, they still have to escort Yi Zhonghai and they continue to parade the streets.

No way, there are more and more people watching the parade, and everyone’s mood is high, since this is how they are also happy. Until they couldn’t walk, everyone untied Yi Zhonghai and escorted them back to the courtyard.

At this time, Yi Zhonghai was already dirty and smelly.

As soon as Qin Huairu entered the house, he was hit on the head by a teapot thrown in front of him!

“Slut! You especially have a face back! Get lost! You roll me! How far to die, how far to die! ”

Jia Dongxu was lying on the side of the bed, scolding Qin Huairu with a fierce face!

Although he can’t go out, there is nothing missing in the courtyard, that is, there is no shortage of troublesome people.

Long before Qin Huairu and them were taken away to tour the streets, several people had already run to Jia’s door to talk about it. Therefore, Jia Doudongxu knows everything about what happened today!

“You! How do you have a face back! You should jump straight into the moat! ”

When Qin Huairu saw Jia Dongxu’s appearance, he was so frightened that he quickly ran to the side of the bed and knelt down!

She is afraid! If Jia Dongxu really drove herself away, then she Qin Huairu could only go back to the countryside. Will the countryside what can she do?

In the rolling mill, she was a worker, and in this era the worker was a symbol of status! Even if it’s an apprenticeship? It’s better than eating in the field and blowing in the sun.

Moreover, the benefits that only the hukou in the city can never enjoy in the countryside, so fools are willing to return to the countryside!

It was also because of this that Qin Huairu went to the bedside fiercely, she was willing to let Jia Dongxu beat, as long as he dissipated his anger, he could stay.

“Dongxu! You listen to me explain, ah, I really am just an accident! I didn’t talk to anyone else…”


Jia Dongxu’s slap was fierce and accurate!

“Slut! Rotten goods! You bitches in the kiln! ”

Jia Dongxu hated Qin Huairu! He also hates Jia Zhang!

Qin Huairu, this, turned out to be a third-hand product when she married herself!

Pity him, Jia Dongxu still stupidly believed Qin Huairu, feeling that he had married a baby! Unexpectedly, this is a rotten product ridden by a thousand people!

And what about Jia Zhang?

Jia Zhang, this old immortal, actually gave his father so many green hats!

It’s just that his father is still dead, and he can’t clean up Jia Zhang’s old immortal!

Thinking of this, Jia Dongxu hit Qin Huairu even more ruthlessly!

“Get out! Rotten goods! Why don’t you divorce! You get me out of Four Nine City! Lao Tzu told you to go back to your hometown to farm! ”

“Dongxu, I beg you, Ming, we can’t divorce, Mingming, I promise, I will serve you well in the future, Woo, you let you do anything, Ming, I don’t want a divorce, Ming, I won’t go to the countryside~”

Qin Huairu cried bitterly, crying breathlessly.

“I beg you, woo~”


The stick terrier followed Jia Zhangshi into the door, and when he saw Qin Huairu who was crying and Jia Dongxu who was angry, he hurriedly called his father. It’s a pity that Jia Dongxu now knows that the little mongrel of the stick terrier is not his own species!

“you Malgobi! I’m not your daddy! You bastard! Your father is He Daqing, that shameless beast! ”

The stick terrier cried all at once.

He is almost 10 years old and knows what a face is.

If he really recognizes He Daqing as his father, then he has really become a mongrel!

“It’s not! My dad is Jia Dongxu! I am your son! I don’t know He Daqing, this beast! I am not He Daqing’s son! ”


The stick terrier ran to the bed to beg Jia Dongxu, he couldn’t let others scold him for being a wild species. Among the five types of people, the wild species can’t even catch up with the worst, he knows it!

At that time, it is a person who can step on himself, and the stick terrier can’t stand this possibility!

“Get out! I don’t care about you! ”


Jia Dongxu’s slap was fast and accurate!

The stick terrier fell down all of a sudden, but he didn’t dare to scold Jia Dongxu, he could only grit his teeth and scold Qin Huairu and He Daqing! Jia Zhangshi watched Qin Huairu being beaten, and snorted coldly in his heart.

It has to be her son!

“Dongxu, don’t be too angry, it’s not worth it to be angry for these beasts…”

“You have a face to talk to! You old immortal! Who can you afford to with! Crow, you’re still laughing at the bottom of the pot, I can go to Nima’s! Jia Zhangshi does not speak, and Jia Dongxu can still pretend that he can’t see her. ”

As a result, Jia Zhangshi still scolded Qin Huairu, thinking of what everyone said, Jia Zhang’s who is half of the four nine cities, Jia Dongxu was disgusted and wanted to vomit!

“How did our old Jia family marry such a shameless slut as you!”

Hearing that Jia Dongxu actually dared to scold himself, Jia Zhang’s face turned pale, and the whole person shook twice!

“Dongxu! Are you crazy! Is it easy for mom to bring you up…”

“Go Nima’s! You also bring me up! You’re spending my daddy’s money to hook up with men! I’m all panicking for you! ”

“You little beast! You are so so! So! ”

Jia Zhang angrily grabbed the broom on the ground and wanted to hit someone!

“Hit! Why don’t you dare to touch me today, don’t give me home in this life!” ”

Jia Dongxu stared at Jia Zhangshi with disgust and resentment, this still wants to pretend to be a mother? Still want to hit yourself?

She dares to touch it and try it herself!

Hearing Jia Dongxu’s words, Jia Zhangshi cried angrily! She can be such a son in her life.

If Jia Dongxu really doesn’t let her go home, she really doesn’t want herself, what can she do at her age!

“You little beast, you’re mad at me!”

Jia Zhang threw the broom on the ground, turned and went out the door! As soon as he went out, Jia Zhang was stopped by the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady has already heard it, and the Jia family is making a pot of porridge, which makes the deaf old lady both happy and worried.

Happily, Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu did not like it in the first place. Two faceless stinky bitches, stirring up others to live a bad life.

The worry is that if it really collapses like this, Zhang Shengli will have no one to deal with. The deaf old lady wants to unite all the forces that can be united and concentrate on dealing with Zhang Shengli!

Therefore, she quickly stopped Jia Zhang, who was cursing and going out.

“Come back with me, I have something to say to you.”

Jia Zhang’s special disgusting deaf old lady, the old immortal eats white rice every day.

But now I can’t go home, so there must be a place on such a cold day. Therefore, Jia Zhang gritted his teeth and followed the deaf old lady back to the backyard.

“I know that you hate Qin Huairu and He Daqing in your heart.”

The deaf old lady came up straight to the point, because such a fool as Jia Zhang, she couldn’t understand the detour.

“But one thing you have to know is that this could not have happened… As long as Zhang Shengli doesn’t say it. ”

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