Chapter 125: Exposure!! Jia Zhang’s affair history!!。

Yi Zhonghai and He Daqing both thought that Jia Zhangshi was hooking up with him.

The result was that they never expected that Jia Zhangshi turned out to be a rotten and broken shoe! Since she is so messy and hooking up with people everywhere, she still protects her fart!

“Who slandered you! Who do you catch yourself a slut, who you hook up with! You don’t want to be faceless! ”

“Old stuff! You are a like Qin Huairu! How can you be so indiscriminate? Also put on affectionate models every day! I’ll go next door to your spicy one! ”

“You two beasts! Kill a thousand knives, a damn desperate thing! ”

Jia Zhangshi was backstabbed by Yi Zhonghai and He Daqing, and his scalp was numb with anger! Twenty years ago, these people were still sweet with themselves!

At this time, Dute Niang’s inappropriate person!

“Old Jia, you open your eyes and see, these beasts are such bullying our orphans and widows, oh my God, thunder and slash these rotten ass things that are desperate~”

Seeing that Jia Zhangshi actually dared to call Soul Old Jia, the melon-eating masses in the courtyard were really stunned!

“This cheek, there is really no second under the sky!”

“If Old Jia really has a soul, he will come back early to bite Jia Zhang’s to death…”

“But Yi Zhonghai and He Daqing are really ah.”

“It’s not what, it’s so bad to share a bed, this dog eats dog really fast!”

“This is also Jia Zhang’s deserving, and she scolded others for being extinct, and the old Jia family let her get out of the household!”

Everyone thought about it, the stick terrier is the species of the He family, and Jia Dongxu is crippled again…

“Gee, look at it this way, Jia Zhang’s is the Lone Star of Heaven…”

“You Sima things! What do you guys say next door! ”

When Jia Zhang heard everyone’s words, he was angry!

When he turned his head, he cursed at everyone!

“A bunch of stinky fools! Your horse’s crotch is rotten, you meanest thing! ”

Zhang Shengli looked at Jia Zhang’s stinky scolding the melon-eating masses in the courtyard.

The corners of his mouth hooked a sneer.

These people are usually used to the wall, let Jia Zhangshi scold well. So as not to swing two heads in three days.

The stick terrier looked at Jia Zhangshi who was spewing feces wildly in his mouth.

He glanced at Qin Huairu who was hiding on the side with a look of hatred, and that damn He Daqing!

“These people are all slut! All damn it! ”

The stick terrier’s resentful eyes did not notice others, only Zhang Shengli found it. Thinking of the arson he had set fire, Zhang Shengli raised his eyebrows.

He wanted to see what else this little beast could do when hatred accumulated to a certain value05… Silly Zhu looked at Yi Zhonghai He Daqing, who blamed each other.

Looking at Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi again, Silly Zhu simply wanted to let himself die like this!

He Daqing, this beast, when he was with Jia Zhang, Stupid Zhu was still alive!

Stupid Zhu only needs to think that He Daqing stole Jia Zhang’s in front of him, then slept with Qin Huairu, and then ran away with the widow! Stupid pillar is going crazy!

Silly Zhu glanced at the chaotic crowd, slid against the wall and sat on the ground, holding his head and crying. He didn’t know what he was going to do.

Why? Why did Qin Huairu sleep with He Daqing!

Zhang Shengli glanced at the chaotic crowd, and at this moment, the melon-eating masses in the courtyard had united to scold Jia’s family inside and out.

“Everyone! When you scold the Jia family, don’t bring the little beast of the stick terrier. ”

Zhang Shengli smiled and pointed to the stick terrier: “The stick terrier was born by He Daqing and Qin Huairu, you scold like this, Jia Zhangshi will not be distressed…” But the Jia family still has a secret. ”

After Zhang Shengli’s words came out, everyone closed their mouths and looked at Zhang Shengli with wide eyes. They want to know what secrets the Jia family has!

Zhang Shengli looked at Jia Zhangshi with a look of resentment, and he smiled: “I was thinking about a question just now, Jia Zhangshi stole so many people, why did Jia Dongxu and his father die of anger before Jia Dongxu got married?” ”

“Moreover, Qin Huairu said that at that time, Old Jia scolded Jia Zhang, and she was sorry for the Jia family! Sorry for the ancestors of the Jia family! ”

Zhang Shengli looked at Jia Zhangshi and said in a loud voice: “So, Jia Zhangshi.” The reason why Lao Jia quarreled with you was because he was angry with you. It was because Lao Jia suspected that Jia Dongxu was not his species! ”

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for exposing Jia Dongxu’s unknown father! 100% trust from the surrounding crowd! Congratulations to the host for the great success of exposure! 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 20 pieces of great unity, 100 pounds of various grains, 100 pounds of various beans, 100 pounds of sweet potato noodles, 100 pounds of vegetable gift bags, and 100 pounds of seafood gift bags. 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 1 foot slip charm, 1 bad luck charm, 1 lightning charm. 】

【Ding! Exposure Success Reward: ···· 】

【Ding! Exposure… 】

Zhang Shengli suddenly heard a series of mechanical sounds, and he was a little unresponsive! Are these people so foolish now?

They just said a word, they actually believed that Jia Dongxu might not be the species of the Jia family? In fact, it is no wonder that others believe it so easily.

The main thing is that everything Zhang Shengli said these days has come true.

Zhang Shengli said that the silly pillar is the Virgin, and after everyone looked at the behavior of the silly pillar, they found that it was indeed like this, and everyone had not found it before!

Zhang Shengli said that Yi Zhonghai was a hypocrite, and everyone thought about it! Everyone was deceived by Yi Zhonghai, a real villain!

Zhang Shengli said that the stick terrier does not look like Jia Dongxu, and what genetics is there. Now it turns out that there is nothing wrong with what he said!

So for Zhang Shengli to say that Jia Dongxu may not be the species of old Jia, everyone… Including the stick terrier and Qin Huairu, they all believed it a little in their hearts.

“Zhang Shengli, you fart! What nonsense you are! ”

Zhang Shengli scoffed at Jia Zhang’s hoarse shout.

“You have shouted this sentence eight hundred times today, but whether what I said is true or false, don’t you old prostitutes know yourself?”

Jia Zhang’s eyes were scarlet, and he glared at Zhang Shengli fiercely.

And no one else cared about her, they were only curious about one thing.

“Victory, whose species is Jia Dongxu?”

“Yes. If it is not Lao Jia’s, whose species is Jia Dongxu? ”

“It won’t be He Daqing’s, right?”

Everyone’s gaze couldn’t help but turn to He Daqing. If this is He Daqing’s kind, this thing will be a lot of fun!

For this Zhang Shengli is not certain.

Because he doesn’t have any information about this now, and Jia Dongxu doesn’t look special. Yi Zhonghai’s eyes flickered, the stick terrier is not his own, will Jia Dongxu be… Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai shook his head, it was impossible.

Jia Dongxu, this waste, can’t move, if it’s really his own seed, it’s a burden! Therefore, it can’t be his species of Yi Zhonghai!

Yi Zhonghai’s mind was not discovered, and everyone was still wondering whose wild species Jia Dongxu would be. Zhang Shengli smiled: “It’s not easy to really know?” Let Jia Dongxu and these men who have broken shoes in Jia Zhang’s family and Jia Dongxu have a blood test, don’t you know Zhang Shengli’s proposal! Everyone gasped! ”

The idea is terrifying!

“Jia Zhang followed so many men… There are also dead and moved, how to test? ”

“It’s terrifying! This blood test must not drain Jia Dongxu! ”

“Others smoke one tube, Jia Dongxu draws 10 tubes per person, Jia Zhang’s is really a pit son!”

Everyone panicked just thinking about it!

What era is this? In the sixties, donating blood felt like a fatal thing. Drawing a tube of blood is a big deal.

What’s more, if you find Jia Dongxu’s father and break the number of shoes by Jia Zhang’s family, how much blood will have to be drawn!

“You all fart! Zhang Shengli, I fought with you! ”

Jia Zhang’s humiliation… Well, it’s a shame! She attacked Zhang Shengli again!

Seeing Jia Zhangshi screaming again and rushing towards Zhang Shengli, everyone looked dumbfounded. This Jia Zhang clan is really a thief’s heart is not dead.


“Get out of here!”

Sure enough, as expected, it was very normal, and with Zhang Shengli’s reprimand, Jia Zhangshi was slapped out by Zhang Shengli and fell out for several meters!


Jia Zhang grinned and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth that had been cracked, and tears of anger came out.

“Zhang Shengli, I Cao your ancestor!”

“Old Jia, you hurry back and take Zhang Shengli, this beast, away~”

Zhang Shengli looked at Jia Zhangshi who was crying wolf with disdain.

“Everyone, these things in our courtyard today illustrate a little.”

As soon as Zhang Shengli spoke, everyone who was still watching Jia Zhang’s jokes and talking about it just now quickly looked at him.

“Our courtyard is too tolerant of these broken shoes! See for yourselves! ”

Zhang Shengli nodded Yi Zhonghai, He Daqing, Qin Huairu, and Jia Zhang.

“Such a small courtyard can actually produce such a strange thing! Say it, others can laugh us to death! ”

Hearing Zhang Shengli say this, everyone reacted.

That’s true!

“Yes, I just saw that the one in the courtyard next door is probing the brain at the door of our courtyard!”

“I’m afraid half a street knows about it…” Shame on you! ”

“Zhang Shengli, tell me, what should we do?”

Liu Haizhong hurriedly asked Zhang Shengli, he is now the first uncle of the courtyard, if the courtyard cannot handle these problems well, the street office will talk about it in the future, but he is not managing it well!

Zhang Shengli raised his eyebrows slightly: “Why are others curious?” Because I want to see these messy things clearly. ”

“If we hold on, then others will think that we and Jia Zhang’s Yi Zhonghai are all the same thing!”

“But as long as we let this matter be settled for him, everyone knows what’s going on, and scolding is only scolding these few messes.”

Ethical beasts!

Zhang Shengli turned his head to look at Liu Haizhong and said in a positive tone: “So, I propose to give Yi Zhonghai, He Daqing, Qin Huairu, Jia Zhang, and these few morally corrupt things to hang up and wear hats and shoes to parade the streets!” Let everyone know that these people in our courtyard have drawn a line with these garbage! ”

“Good! This is good! We have to draw a line with them! Otherwise, I’m afraid that the young people in the courtyard will not be able to talk about daughters-in-law! ”

Stomping in the bangs, he still has two sons and no daughter-in-law.

If others say that their courtyard is all some people like Yi Zhonghai Jia Zhang’s who break shoes, who dares to marry here? So, Zhang Shengli’s idea came out too good!

“Support! Must tour the streets! ”

“It’s still early! Let’s escort them halfway through the city! Otherwise, the reputation of the courtyard will not be good in the future! ”

“My daughter-in-law hasn’t said anything about my in-laws, if we don’t draw a line on this matter, people can’t think that our courtyard is a kiln!”

“Parade! Parade! ”

“Parade! Parade! ”

“Parade! Parade! ”

In the tsunami-like support of the mountains, Jia Zhang’s opposition is similar to that of ants shaking trees.

Jia Zhangshi howled with a broken voice: “I don’t travel the streets!” I don’t roam the streets! What a shame! I don’t want to parade! ”

Yi Zhonghai even cursed at Zhang Shengli, and he no longer pretended to be calm!

“Zhang Shengli, I’ll go to Nima! Lao Tzu does not go to the streets! You have the ability to kill me! ”

Qin Huairu and He Daqing also objected loudly, but everyone didn’t care, they just hurriedly shouted to prepare something, otherwise it would be too late to parade the streets!

Zhang Shengli, on the other hand, coughed twice, quieted everyone down, and then looked at Yi Zhonghai and them.

“You don’t want to wander the streets, let’s send you all to the police station, find out who Jia Dongxu is, you can come out…” Or, you are all outright hooliganism. ”

Zhang Shengli was intimidating them, after all, although it could prove that the stick terrier was He Daqing’s species. But He Daqing and Qin Huairu’s affairs were also before they got married.

Therefore, even if they called the police, there was no evidence that they broke their shoes.

But Yi Zhonghai has broken the defense too much today, and they have long lost the ability to think. All they knew was that they had indeed broken their shoes.

If you call the police, you will definitely be guilty of hooliganism, which is much worse than parading the streets!

Therefore, 283 wanted to understand this, and Jia Zhang’s Qin Huairu and they could only sit on the ground and cry. Yi Zhonghai and they lowered their heads and did not say a word.

The people brought hemp rope and tied these people up. They are also just motionless like dead pigs.

Liu Guangfu, on the other hand, ran to find broken shoes.

After asking several courtyards, I found a few pairs of torn shoes that could no longer be worn.

And what is even more damaging is that Liu Guangfu also deliberately took an extra pair and hung it directly on the neck of the stick terrier!

“What are you doing! You untie me! I don’t want me don’t take this! ”

The stick terrier can’t stand it when he sees the broken shoes!

He knew when he scolded Ren’e at school, and the broken shoes were the most humiliating! Whoever scolds someone else’s mother for breaking shoes, he will definitely fight!

But today…

“Oh, I’m not a broken shoe! I’m not a wild species! ”


The stick terrier broke down, and he used to gang up with others at school and beat people. The most scolded is the wild mongrel broken shoes.

But today?

Qin Huairu, this stinky bitch, he really became a mongrel! became the son of broken shoes!

“I’m not a broken shoe! I’m not a wild species! ”


Liu Guangfu spared the broken shoes twice around the neck of the stupid pillar: “Don’t struggle, your mother is a broken shoe!” Your nanny is also a broken shoe! He Daqing broke the shoes! Your whole family is broken shoes! You’ve been a wild breed of broken shoes all your life! ”

“Don’t blame anyone else little mongrel! Who made your home so disgusting! ”

Hearing Liu Guangfu’s words, the stick terrier turned his head and looked at Qin Huairu viciously!

Qin Huairu is being cut hair!

The old ladies of the courtyard felt that like Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi should not be too good-looking. So took scissors and cut half of Qin Huairu’s braids…..

In the end, it was still a courtyard, and she was not shaved for her yin and yang head.

And Jia Zhang’s hair originally only reached her chin, and those people simply cut half of her hair to her ears! Therefore, now Qin Huairu is wearing a long braid on one side and shoulder-length hair on the other.

Jia Zhang’s side to the chin, half to the ear. It’s funny to watch.

And Yi Zhonghai and He Daqing have already been put on high hats with moral corruption! Two hemp ropes tied together, Yi Zhonghai and He Daqing could only grit their teeth and wear hats.

Qin Huairu saw the stick terrier looking at him, and quickly let him go home quickly!

“Stick terrier, you go back!”

She is already embarrassed enough today, if the stick terrier also follows, how will the stick terrier be called to see people in the future? If the stick terrier can’t stand it, who will give himself a pension!

Jia Zhangshi looked at Liu Guangfu with a crazy strange smile: “Tie the stick terrier!” Tie this mongrel! Let him know well! Qin Huairu, this is a broken shoe! He said that the mongrel Jia Zhang did not think about his own problems now. ”

Because she was stupid and didn’t have the brain to think of anything else. She didn’t want to think about her broken shoes.

She only knows that she is now a mother-in-law. You have to discipline Qin Huairu, this!.

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