Chapter 124: Exposed! How did Jia Dongxu’s father die!.

After determining that the stick terrier was He Daqing’s child, Jia Zhang was mad with anger.

She frantically beat Qin Huairu, and Qin Huairu was beaten by this 200-pound old fat woman’s blue nose and swollen face! Originally, Qin Huairu wanted to endure it for work and hukou.

But Jia Zhangshi wanted to step in again, and actually tinkered with this stick terrier, wanting the stick terrier to kill He Daqing! This Qin Huairu can’t bear it!

Qin Huairu is such a son, when she is old, she can count on holding a terrier to give her the end of her life! What if I was provoked by Jia Zhang, an old immortal, to provoke a problem today, and I was old?

Hearing Jia Zhang’s mouthful of rotten goods and scolding in his face, Qin Huairu couldn’t bear it!

“You old immortal! You are the slut! You are the rotten thing! What’s wrong with me, didn’t I just eat some food for your Jia family? ”

Qin Huairu sneered maniacally, and she wiped the nosebleed that had been beaten on her face.

“No matter what I did, I, Qin Huairu, never harmed anyone! What about you, the old immortal? ”

Qin Huairu pointed to the neighbors around him: “Do you dare to tell them, Jia Dongxu’s father, my father-in-law, your man!” How did he die? ”


“What nonsense are you talking about! He’s just sick! What are you crazy about this! ”

Hearing Qin Huairu’s words, Jia Zhangshi suddenly became a little flustered. What does this stinky know?


Before Qin Huairu got married, Old Jia was already dead!

And when others heard Qin Huairu say this, they intuited that there was a big witch in this matter! There must be a!

“What’s wrong? Lao Jia, I remember, I suddenly pouted at home, and when I got to the hospital, it was gone…”

“The doctor said he died suddenly, there should be no problem, right?”

“Qin Huairu, what do you mean? Could it be that Jia Zhangshi killed Lao Jia? ”

Everyone looked at Qin Huairu with excitement, somehow, they hoped that there was really something tricky… Maybe it’s because I want to watch people fight too much.

Qin Huairu did not disappoint everyone.

“Dear neighbors! I’ll tell you about it today! My father-in-law was by Jia Zhang! ”

After Qin Huairu finished speaking, everyone was shocked!

“This! How did you die of anger? ”

“Didn’t you say it was sudden death at the time?”

“I remember that Yi Zhonghai sent Lao Jia to the hospital, right?”

“What the hell is going on here?”

“Qin Huairu! Is there any evidence for you to say that? Didn’t Lao Jia go before you passed the door? ”

Qin Huairu glanced at the pale-faced Jia Zhangshi, and then said proudly: “He didn’t fake it before I passed the door, but I already confirmed the relationship with Jia Dongxu at that time!” ”

Qin Huairu hated Jia Zhangshi, if it weren’t for Jia Zhang’s hard bite on herself, she wouldn’t be willing to say this! But this old is obviously a stinky crow. He actually dared to scold her that Qin Huairu was not clean!

Since this is the case, she will also break the jar and break!

“Everyone should remember that my father-in-law didn’t get married a month before I married Jia Dongxu!”

“At that time, I often came to the courtyard, in fact, I came the day he didn’t have it!”

Qin Huairu took a deep breath and said what he remembered.

“When I came that day, Jia Dongxu had already gone to work, and there were no people in the courtyard.”

“When I arrived at Jia’s door, I was about to call someone when I heard Jia Dongxu’s father and Jia Zhangshi arguing in the house.”

“Old Jia scolded Jia Zhang, saying that she didn’t want face, rotten goods! Slut! He also said that if she dared to hook up with others again in the future, he would kill her! Saying this, Qin Huairu paused. ”

She looked at Jia Zhang, who was pale and looked at Qin Huairu with vicious eyes.

“Qin Huairu! We’re family! You can’t talk nonsense if you don’t put the door on your lips! ”

Qin Huairu knew that this old immortal didn’t want to let himself continue.

Of course others know.

So everyone hurriedly urged Qin Huairu: “Don’t listen to her!” You don’t know this old thing yet? Go back and hit you like that! ”

“That’s it, Qin Huairu, you hurry up and say, otherwise she will kill you!”

Hearing this, Zhang Shengli hehe.

How old is it to die?

These people are also open to nonsense in order to inquire about things. But Qin Huairu believed it!

She felt that if she really listened to Jia Zhang’s words, after going home with her, she might not have the opportunity to say this!

It’s better to expose the old immortal Jia Zhang’s clan now!

At the very least, Jia Zhang’s dog thing can’t call himself a slut rotten thing in the future!

Then, Jia Zhang said that she hooked up with others because Lao Jia couldn’t do it herself? Say old Jia waste! Dogs can’t even look at it! Following him is simply eight lifetimes of mold…”

“I looked in from the window at that time, and Jia Dongxu’s father’s face was red, and the whole popularity was about to rise!”

Qin Huairu sighed: “I didn’t dare to enter the house at that time, let alone let Jia Zhangshi know that I had come, after all, the family ugliness cannot be publicized, right?” So I turned around and went home. ”

“Unexpectedly, the next day the mourners came, saying that Lao Jia died!”

Qin Huairu looked at Jia Zhangshi coldly: “I asked Jia Dongxu at that time, when did his father die?” What do doctors say? ”

“After Jia Dongxu told me, I found out that his father’s death time was the same as when I went to Jia’s house! And what a sudden death”

“Sudden death, it’s just such a coincidental time, saying that he was not killed by Jia Zhang’s anger, ghosts don’t believe it!”

After Qin Huairu finished speaking, everyone nodded unanimously.

“Indeed, there must be a reason for sudden death, right?”

“It turns out that it’s because of this…”

“But listening to Qin Huairu say this, Jia Zhangshi really hooked up with people back then?”

“Who’s right? But Lao Jia can be angry to death, it is estimated that this matter cannot be fake…”

“This thing breaks his shoes and kills his man…”

Jia Zhangshi started from Qin Huairu’s opening, and the whole person was highly tense! Now after hearing Qin Huairu’s words, Jia Zhangshi was really angry and panicked!

“Rotten goods! I’ll let you talk nonsense! ”


Jia Zhangshi beat Qin Huairu violently again, rushed over and punched and kicked her! Qin Huairu was beaten by the press, and could only shout loudly: “If people don’t know, unless they do nothing.” Jia Zhang, you are a rotten thing! Why are you slandering me! ”

“You rotten thing is slander! The doctors said it was sudden death! You spicy next door what you! The old lady beat you to death! ”

Zhang Shengli snorted coldly when he heard Jia Zhangshi say this: “Jia Zhangshi, your words are not right.” ”

As soon as Zhang Shengli said a word, Jia Zhang’s action of beating Qin Huairu stopped, and she glared at Zhang Shengli fiercely: “What do you mean?” ”

Zhang Shengli sneered, what else does it mean? Jia Zhang’s old thing can really be installed.

For so many years, he has been calling Lao Jia every day, and if Lao Jia has a spirit, he has probably been angry eight times by Jia Zhang’s faceless appearance!

“I mean, gas death is also a kind of sudden death!”

“After all, you quarreled with Lao Jia, and Lao Jia couldn’t talk after pouting, right?”

“When you get to the hospital, you can say that he suddenly did this, you can say that he fell and suddenly fainted: I am not right.”

Jia Zhangshi was so scared that his back was covered in cold sweat!

Because what she told the doctor at that time was indeed that Lao Jia suddenly fainted at home. And Zhang Shengli’s words are not finished,

“Although Qin Huairu is indeed a green tea, she also hooks up. But some of what she said was still right. ”

“What do you mean! Those words just now were all slandered by Qin Huairu, this! She has no proof! If you believe in this beast, you are slander! You are an accomplice!..”

Jia Zhang’s mouth was really hard at this time.

She jumped to her feet to refute frantically, just because she was too weak-hearted.

Jia Zhangshi is really afraid and flustered now, if it weren’t for too many people, Jia Zhangshi would definitely kneel directly to Zhang Shengli so that he couldn’t say!

But Zhang Shengli looked at her like a grasshopper after the autumn.

“Jia Zhangshi, do you really think that no one knows what you have done?”

“Let me think about it first, you may not know that Qin Huairu is indeed a.”

When Zhang Shengli’s words came out, Qin Huairu gritted his teeth angrily!

But what he said immediately followed, Qin Huairu was stunned.

“But everyone doesn’t know, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi are compared, that’s really a small witch.”

“From the third day that Jia Zhang married into the Jia family, he hooked up with the old man who collected the ticket from the original Red Star Bathhouse… As for why? In fact, it is because there is no need to pay for the bath. ”

Looking at Jia Zhang’s pale face, Zhang Shengli hooked the corners of his mouth: “There is also Hong Laosan who sells pork in the vegetable market, our old and immortal Aunt Jia was also a young man, people gave one or two more plates of oil, and the two hooked up together?” ”

“Zhang Shengli, you shut up!”

Jia Zhangshi screamed bitterly!

But Zhang Shengli couldn’t listen to her, this old thing had nothing to do every day, she thought she didn’t know? Just now, seeing that Silly Zhu and He Daqing were going to beat themselves, this old immortal was almost applauded with excitement, right?

In this case, of course, he Zhang Shengli could not easily make her feel better.

“By the way, there was also the time when Jia Zhang’s pasted matchboxes before. The person who recycles in the warehouse, in order to let others pick less defective products, Jia Zhang also hooked up with that person! Right, Jia Zhang? ”


Zhang Shengli scanned the lower courtyard.

The melon-eating masses of the entire courtyard were stunned.

“There is actually one?”

“Ma yes, it’s not a family, don’t enter a house, this…”

“I can only say it, awesome!”

“Don’t you interrupt!”

Xu Damao roared to shut everyone up, he was still curious who else!

“Zhang Shengli, you hurry up and say, who else does this old godly woman of the Jia Zhang clan have a leg with?”

Zhang Shengli looked at the quiet crowd and pointed to a few people in the courtyard: “Yanbugui in the front yard…”

Yan Bugui was so frightened that his eyes straightened!

“Don’t you dare to talk nonsense!”

He is the most critical, unless the woman sticks money, otherwise he will not be able to go to the family!

“What are you in a hurry?”

Zhang Shengli rolled his eyes, of course he knew that Yan Bugui couldn’t calculate this guy, and he couldn’t wait to give an estimate for a few sips of water a day, and only women with water in their brains would find him…

“What I’m saying is that Yan Bugui in the front yard should remember that the old Li Tou who was in the upside down room before also had a leg with Jia Zhang!”

Everyone breathed a deep sigh of relief, after all, there were many old men in their forties and fifties in this courtyard, and some young people and old ladies were really afraid that their old men and Jia Zhang’s shoes would break their shoes…

“Also, Yi Zhonghai and He Daqing.”

Everyone just thought it was over, but they didn’t expect that the heavy bombshell was still behind! Zhang Shengli’s last sentence was called an understatement.

But the power is greater than the previous ones! Why?

Because rabbits don’t eat the grass on the edge of the nest, and even more because He Daqing and Yi Zhonghai also have a leg with Qin Huairu! What’s more, He Daqing is still a stick terrier and his father!

This family, absolute!

For a moment, the courtyard fell into a deathly silence. In Zhang Shengli’s ears, a mechanical sound sounded.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for exposing Jia Zhang’s successful theft! 100% trust from the surrounding crowd! Congratulations to the host for the great success of exposure! 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 20 pieces of great unity, a whole pig has been slaughtered, 100 pounds of mutton, a fruit gift bag, 】

[10 cases of beer, 20 pounds of white rabbit milk candy. 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 1 skill talisman, 1 laughing talisman, 1 bad luck talisman. 】

【Ding! Exposure success reward: a set of gold and silver acupuncture box. 】

【Ding! Exposure Success Reward… 】

Zhang Shengli’s exposure success rewards were all received, and everyone in the courtyard came back to their senses. Jia Zhang’s eyes looked at Zhang Shengli, as if he saw a monster!

Jia Zhang’s heart was full of horror, she couldn’t understand, how could Zhang Shengli know so clearly! Her gaze wandered around, and she wondered who had betrayed her!

But Jia Zhang couldn’t think of anything.

After all, Qin Huairu doesn’t know the word, and Yi Zhonghai, one of his lovers, he doesn’t know! When he saw Zhang Shengli, Jia Zhangshi reacted!

No matter how Zhang Shengli knew it, he couldn’t admit it!

Even if Zhang Shengli is really a monster, she can’t admit these things, otherwise her reputation in this life will be ruined!

“Zhang Shengli, you are farting! I’ll tear your mouth out! ”

Jia Zhang shouted and threw himself at Zhang Shengli! She hates it! She’s angry! She is even more afraid!

How could Zhang Shengli, a beast, know his own affairs so well? She wants to kill Zhang Shengli, she wants to gag his mouth!


Jia Zhangshi also did not have a close body to Zhang Shengli this time, and she was kicked away by Zhang Shengli! Zhang Shengli glanced at Jia Zhangshi, who fell like a dead dog, and said in a loud voice: “Most of you should know these people I am talking about, if it is nonsense, how can I know so clearly?” ”

“Yes! This is known too carefully…”

“Jia Zhang 1.4, this old thing plays with real flowers, far and near, eat her.”

“Just here, she still has the face to scold Qin Huairu, it’s all a mountain of raccoon dogs.”

“Jia family, what kind of bad luck is this~”

Zhang Shengli didn’t care what others were saying, he just continued: “So, combined with Qin Huairu’s words just now, Jia Dongxu’s father knew these things about Jia Zhang’s family, and then he was angry with her!” ”

“You talk nonsense!”

Jia Zhang screamed and refuted! Zhang Shengli snorted coldly: “Then this matter is mysterious, you and He Daqing and Yi Zhonghai have a leg, it just so happened that when Jia Dongxu and his father died suddenly, it was Yi Zhonghai and He Daqing sent to the hospital…” If it wasn’t for making you an old angry, could it be that Yi Zhonghai deliberately harmed Jia Zhangtian? ”

Yi Zhonghai and He Daqing didn’t expect that this matter came to themselves!

Originally, it was revealed that they had a leg with Jia Zhang’s leg, and they were nervous enough, and when they heard that Zhang Shengli actually pushed Jia Dongxu’s death to himself, these two people were completely panicked!

“Zhang Shengli, don’t talk nonsense! I can prove that Jia Zhang did quarrel with Old Jia at that time! ”

“Yes! Jia Zhang also said it when I went! said that he quarreled with Lao Jia, but Lao Jia pouted! ”

Yi Zhonghai and Jia Dongxu did know about Jia Zhang’s quarrel with Old Jia.

But they didn’t expect that quarrels could kill them before.

Now that said, of course they understand what’s going on!

They both felt that if they didn’t push Jia Dongxu’s father’s death to Jia Zhang, then they would have to be drowned by Spit Xingzi! As soon as Jia Zhangshi heard this, these two people actually betrayed themselves like this!

“He Daqing, Yi Zhonghai, you two beasts! What does the old lady have to do with you? You guys actually slept with Dongxu’s daughter-in-law! Now dare to slander me! I’ll kill you! ”

Jia Zhang’s teeth and claws are about to fight Yi Zhonghai and He Daqing. But these two are not dough kneading!.

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