Chapter 123 The audience was dumbfounded, the life of the list terrier is so complicated!.

He Daqing has a problem with this person, and Chong Guan is angry and red.

Back then, for the sake of a widow, he could abandon his family and follow people far away. What’s more, a little daughter-in-law like Qin Huairu?

Seeing Qin Huairu being kicked by Zhang Shengli, He Daqing immediately heroically saved the beauty! Hugged Qin Huairu! This action is really like throwing a bomb into the courtyard!

Everyone exploded!

“I’ll go! This action, this skillful! ”

“At this time, let’s hug one first… Gee! ”

“Oops… The world is going down! ”

“This is really blatant enough!”

Hearing everyone say this, He Daqing found that Qin Huairu was still in his arms, and quickly pushed her to stand up straight!

“It’s not! I’m just afraid she’ll fall…”

But others didn’t listen to his explanation, and several melon-eating masses dragged the stick terrier over together and pushed it between Qin Huairu and He Daqing!

“Grass! This really looks exactly the same! ”

“Qin Huairu, you can pretend that we are not blind, your son really, looks like He Daqing!”

People who have good things directly call Jia Zhang and Silly Zhu to take a look.

“Silly Zhu Jia Zhang, you two see if it is!”

When Jia Zhang and Silly Zhu saw it, they were even more struck!

Silly Zhu originally thought that it was impossible, but he thought about it too much, and he was still holding on to one in ten thousand hopes in his heart, hoping that Qin Huairu and He Daqing could explain clearly that the stick terrier was not his father’s species.

But now these three people stood together, and the stupid pillar shook twice! He Daqing’s dog thing is simply carved out of a mold with the stupid pillar!

“Silly pillar, I finally understand you, no wonder you used to call him a good boy no matter what bad things the stick terrier did! So it turned out~”

Xu Damao shook his head, looked at Silly Zhu with a strange smile and said loudly: “It turns out that Silly Zhu used to use stick terriers every day, because the stick terrier is his own brother!” ”


“Hahaha, Xu Damao, you are right!”

“Poof, I also remembered, the stick terrier this dog thing steals chickens and touches dogs, and the silly pillar also coaxes it every day~”

“So, ah, everything is traceable.”

Yan Bugui pushed his glasses and said with an evil smile. Of course they know why the silly pillar condones the stick terrier. It’s not because of Qin Huairu.

But as soon as this matter came out today, everyone took this matter as a big joke! Stupid pillar, this fool, this time is really a shame!

“Okay now, when these two broken shoes are dealt with, your family is reunited, silly pillar, you have a mother and a brother~”

Xu Damao was still arching the fire beside the silly pillar.

“Hurry, now go and take care of Qin Huairu’s mother~”

Silly Zhu was stimulated by Xu Damao’s words and was depressed…

He glared at He Daqing fiercely, now he can only say that there are too many people, otherwise the stupid pillar wants to directly bite He Daqing, this beast! Jia Zhangshi saw Qin Huairu, He Daqing, and the stick terrier standing together, and instantly collapsed!

“The old lady beat you beast!”


Jia Zhangshi grabbed He Daqing and gave him a big mouth!

“You beast! How old are you, you cuckold my son! Brute! ”

“Dog stuff! You don’t want a face! ”

Jia Zhangshi punched and kicked He Daqing wildly!

“You beast! You kill the king bastard of a thousand cuts! ”

Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady were stunned by this unexpected development! After the two people reacted, they quickly went out of the room and wanted to pull the frame!

But seeing Jia Zhang’s eyes red and beating He Daqing, the two of them didn’t know what to say.

Especially after seeing clearly how similar He Daqing and the stick terrier are, Yi Zhonghai’s whole person is like being poured with cold water. Was he blind before?

The stick terrier looked so much like He Daqing, he didn’t even find it…

“Qin Huairu, you are a stinky, you can really play with flowers.”

Yi Zhonghai muttered in his heart, and then looked at Qin Huairu with disdain. Qin Huairu didn’t know what to do at this time.

These two really look too similar, there is no way but to die and not admit it!

“Zhang Shengli! You this is slander! If you say this without evidence, be careful I will sue you! ”

Qin Huairu glared at Zhang Shengli fiercely: “You tell the big guy now!” What you just said is fart! ”

Zhang Shengli sneered, since it was a sure thing, how could he take it back? Didn’t Qin Huairu, this fool, find out?

Last time I said that the stick terrier may be Yi Zhonghai’s species… The words used are


And this time, he said that the stick terrier is He Daqing’s species!

I didn’t use any words that could be doubted.

“Qin Huairu, how cunning you are, it’s all for nothing… Let’s put it this way! ”

Zhang Shengli stretched out his hand to quiet the melon-eating masses: “Neighbors! Since Qin Huairu doesn’t admit it, then let Uncle Yi be in charge of them today, and escort He Daqing and the stick terrier to test the blood! ”

Zhang Shengli glanced at He Daqing: “He Daqing, if you don’t go, then it proves that what I said is true~”

After speaking, Zhang Shengli faced everyone again, and then said to Liu Haizhong: “I asked when Yi Zhonghai took a blood test last time, there is an urgent, if He Daqing has a clear conscience, let him pay for the urgent!” ”

Zhang Shengli looked at He Daqing with a determined expression: “He Daqing, if you are not weak-hearted, you will pay for an expedite…” If the result comes out that the stick terrier is not your species, then expedited the test money I out. ”

Zhang Shengli’s words completely blocked He Daqing’s back road. If he says he doesn’t want to do it, it’s that he has a weak heart!

If He Daqing said that this was a waste of money, that victory said, if the stick terrier is not his species, this money Zhang won out. He Daqing was stunned by Zhang Shengli’s few words, and there was no room for rebuttal.

Liu Haizhong waved his hand, Liu Guangfu, Liu Guangtian, and Yan Xiecheng, Yan Jiefang, plus two strong laborers from the courtyard, and escorted He Daqing and the stick terrier to the hospital together.

Zhang Shengli took the stool and another book, and just sat at the door and waited.

Everyone glanced at Zhang Shengli, who was concentrating on reading, and couldn’t help but whisper.

“This time it should be stable…”

“Look at Zhang Shengli how determined! The Jia family’s green hat can’t be taken off this time~”

“It’s not just the green hat of the Jia family, isn’t Yi Zhonghai the same~”

Counting nine cold days, it is obviously freezing cold.

But the melon-eating masses just stayed in the backyard, and no one went home.

No way, no one is willing to miss such a big drama.

Everyone could not have imagined that He Daqing had just returned home and given everyone such a big one


Silly Zhu’s whole person is wooden.

After Liu Guangfu and they pushed the silly pillar away, and then escorted He Daqing away, the silly pillar stood like this, motionless. No matter what other people were gossiping, the silly pillar looked stupidly at the backyard veranda.

About half an hour or so, everyone suddenly heard an excited shout!

“Victory! Victory you are truly a god! ”

Everyone looked, Liu Haizhong took the lead, Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangtian pulled He Daqing in the middle, Yan Jiefang and Yan Xiecheng pulled the stick terrier, Xu Damao Hall!

A few people are running fast to the backyard!

“Victory! The blood test results are here! The stick terrier is indeed He Daqing’s species! ”

Liu Haizhong raised the blood test report in his hand! Then handed it to Zhang Shengli. Zhang Shengli sneered and glanced at the blood test report, and then asked Qin Huairu: “Qin Huairu, am I slandering you, or are you a broken shoe that everyone can wear?” ”

Qin Huairu’s face was pale, what should she do now!

And Zhang Shengli did not expect her to answer herself. Instead, he turned his head and asked He Daqing: “He Daqing, are you still wronged at this time?” ”

“Let’s talk about it, didn’t you say that you haven’t seen Qin Huairu a few times? How did the stick terrier become your species? ”

When Qin Huairu heard Zhang Shengli’s words, his face suddenly changed, and then he suddenly began to cry: “I really didn’t cheat with He Daqing!” I just remember that the first night I came to Jia’s house to spend the night, the lights were not on at night, and suddenly someone touched my bed… Woo hoo… I thought it was Jia Dongxu, woo-woo, now look at it that way! It’s He Daqing, this beast, woo~”

Qin Huairu was also helpless.

Now the evidence is overwhelming, and I don’t admit it.

But if she says that she is a water-based poplar flower person, where does her face fall? It’s better to say that it’s better to be a victim yourself!

Zhang Shengli listened to Qin Huairu’s words and smiled. Qin Huairu, this slut, fools the ghost?

“Well, you are He Daqing, it turns out that you want to be a rogue, right? Okay, this calls the police! ”

Zhang Shengli deliberately shouted, so frightened that He Daqing almost knelt!

It was originally a moral matter, but if you call the police, it will become a legal matter!

“It’s not! Qin Huairu, this is talking nonsense! That’s all we did once! It was two days before she married Jia Dongxu! I brought the chicken home from the back kitchen to eat, and Qin Huairu suddenly appeared in my house and said that he wanted to eat chicken! And then… Think about it! How stupid am I, I can’t go into other people’s houses at night, right? In case she screams, I won’t be ruined! ”

Everyone suddenly realized!


“He Daqing’s statement is reliable!”

“Gee, Qin Huairu, this is really going to eat chicken…”

“He Daqing is a chicken for a chicken~”

“Miserable, Jia Zhang.”

Zhang Shengli smiled and said to Jia Zhang: “Your son was not only cuckolded, but even a blood was taken by someone else…” I came up and wore torn shoes. ”

Jia Zhangshi was stimulated by Zhang Shengli’s words and went crazy!

She never imagined that Jia Dongxu could be so miserable!

Qin Huairu, this, actually started stealing people so early!

“Qin Huairu, you slut! The old lady killed you! ”

Seeing that Jia Zhangshi was going crazy again, Qin Huairu was really afraid, and now the evidence is conclusive, Qin Huairu is afraid that Jia Zhangshi will kill himself! Qin Huairu turned around and ran behind Yi Zhonghai to ask him for help!

“Uncle Yi, save me!”

Yi Zhonghai snorted coldly and questioned Qin Huairu in a low voice:

··· Ask for flowers…

“I save you? You slut, didn’t you say that what was given to me was a blood? ”

Yi Zhonghai still remembered that his first time with Qin Huairu was the day before she married Jia Dongxu! It is also because of this that Yi Zhonghai is willing to help Qin Huairu every day.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that he was also a wronged leader!

This slut has long slept with He Daqing, an old immortal!

“You! Get lost! ”

Yi Zhonghai pulled Qin Huairu out from behind him and pushed down Jia Zhangshi fiercely! Watching Jia Zhang’s violent beating of Qin Huairu, Yi Zhonghai was excited!

What did Qin Huairu, a slut, say when he was loyal to himself?

Say that he is her first man, so he will definitely be good to him in this life!

And Yi Zhonghai also really thought that he was Qin Huairu’s man because of these few words. Even he used to think that Jia Dongxu was a superfluous thing.

No one knows how comfortable Yi Zhonghai was when he saw Jia Dongxu working under his hands before. Yi Zhonghai often looked at Jia Dongxu smugly, this young man’s daughter-in-law is the mud under his feet! Because Qin Huairu’s blood is his own, Jia Dongxu is a rag picker!

As a result, I didn’t expect that Qin Huairu, the stinky, had already slept with others in order to eat chicken! Thinking about it like this, Yi Zhonghai felt that his efforts for so many years were in vain!

Because Qin Huairu said that Yi Zhonghai took her blood, because Qin Huairu misled Yi Zhonghai that the stick terrier was his species. Therefore, Yi Zhonghai has not been allowed to spend three or five yuan on the Jia family that month over the years?

Thinking about it now, Yi Zhonghai really hated his teeth!..。

“Hit! Hit this rotten thing hard! ”

Yi Zhonghai watched Jia Zhangshi punch and kick Qin Huairu, and shouted excitedly!

“Stinky! It’s a shameless thing! ”

When the stick terrier saw Jia Zhang’s violent beating of Qin Huairu, his eyes stared at He Daqing fiercely! He Daqing found that the stick terrier was looking at him, and quickly smiled at him.

Now it has been proved that the stick terrier is his own species, and the stupid pillar has become a eunuch.

Then, the stick terrier is the only hope of their old He family, and He Daqing’s eyes looking at the stick terrier are hope! Unexpectedly, the stick terrier saw He Daqing laughing, and hated him even more in his heart!

This dog thing, it’s him, he really became a wild breed this time!

“Old stuff! Lao Tzu beat you to death! ”

Silly Zhu cursed, clenched his fists and threw himself at He Daqing!


He Daqing didn’t expect that it hurt so much for such a young child to hit someone!

But he can’t fight back, after all, he and the stick terrier are still meeting for the first time today, how can I leave a good impression,

“Stick terrier! Stick terrier, don’t mess with it, good boy! This is a misunderstanding! Don’t make trouble! ”

The stick terrier hit He Daqing with both hands and feet, and He Daqing couldn’t fight back, so he could only run while explaining where he was: “I really don’t know… If only knew! Alas! ”

He Daqing didn’t know what to say!

After all, he couldn’t think of this, if he knew that Qin Huairu was pregnant with his own child, he would definitely not run away with that widow. Anyway, Qin Huairu is also younger and more beautiful than that widow, isn’t it?

“We are dog men and women! You don’t want to be faceless! ”

The stick terrier cried loudly and hit He Daqing hard!

And Jia Zhangshi hit Qin Huairu while provoking the stick terrier: “Jia stick terrier! If you still want to be a Jia Stick Terrier, you will kill He Daqing for me!” Let’s kill him, we shouldn’t have such a thing! ”

Jia Zhang’s really hopes that the great terrier can kill He Daqing, this beast!

As soon as the blood test report came out, the fact that Jia Dongxu wore a green hat was a certainty.

No matter how Qin Huairu and He Daqing explain! Even if you pretend to believe it, no one will believe it with a blood test report!

After this is over, the entire Four Nine Cities will know that her son Jia Dongxu has a green hat and raised wild seeds for others! Now it’s best that the stick terrier can directly kill He Daqing! In this way, He Daqing died, and the stick terrier also had to eat peanuts and rice!

In the future, their family will pretend that there is no stick terrier as a wild species! If someone dies, others can’t laugh at Jia Dongxu! Thinking so, Jia Zhangshi instigated the stick terrier again: “Kill him stick terrier!” Kill this old thing, I’ll buy you meat to eat! ”

Hearing Jia Zhangshi say this, the stick terrier hit He Daqing harder!

“Kill you! Kill you! ”

Qin Huairu was beaten by Jia Zhangshi and curled up on the ground, and Jia Zhangshi punched and kicked Qin Huairu! Qin Huairu screamed in pain, but Jia Zhangshi just didn’t stop!

Qin Huairu only felt that his face was swollen. The body hurts everywhere it is beaten!

Hearing that Jia Zhangshi was actually instigating the stick terrier to kill people, Qin Huairu couldn’t help it!

She struggled to stand up in the rain of fists and feet, and pushed Jia Zhangshi away: “You are still endless!” ”

“The stick terrier is not Jia Dongxu’s species, what’s wrong? Isn’t it just a cuckold? Are you better old than me? Aren’t you a slut, too! Old rotten one! ”

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