Chapter 122 Exposed! The mystery of the origin of the terrier, solved!.

Jia Zhang’s angry scolding, what does Zhang Shengli mean by saying this? She couldn’t figure it out! Zhang Shengli sneered, Jia Zhang is really ignorant and stupid!

“Are you all in your head? What I mean is that the stick terrier is indeed not Yi Zhonghai’s child, but he is not Jia Dongxu’s son either! How can your Jia family be so stupid? ”

Zhang Shengli looked at Jia Zhangshi with compassion: “I already said that day, black straight can not give birth to yellow curls, Jia Dongxu’s triangular eyes, Qin Huairu’s peach blossom eyes, and as a result, a child with almond eyes is born, don’t you think there is a problem?” ”

“yes! The stick terrier is not Yi Zhonghai’s, does not mean that he is Jia Dongxu’s! ”

“In this way, Jia Dongxu, this dog thing wears more than one green hat~”

“Actually, I thought about this question that day? But I’m afraid that the Jia family will scold my mother…”

“Zhang Shengli, you beast, you are talking nonsense! In the courtyard, it is easy to Zhonghai and stick terrier curly! Here’s what you said! ”

Qin Huairu is going to die angrily, these days Jia Zhangshi and Jia Dongxu are just a little good about themselves, how can Zhang Shengli pick things up!

“What I said, I said that the stick terrier is curly hair, and Yi Zhonghai is curly hair, so everyone suspects that the stick terrier is a species of Yi Zhonghai.”

“But now that Yi Zhonghai is excluded, it doesn’t mean that the stick terrier is Jia Dongxu’s species, right? Qin Huairu, don’t you know what you are like? ”

Qin Huairu’s face turned livid at Zhang Shengli’s words, and she wanted to open her mouth to refute. But Zhang Shengli was right, the stick terrier really only tested blood with Yi Zhonghai…

“The green hat of the Jia family~”

“This little mongrel’s life is quite bizarre, who is it?”

“Yes, Zhang Shengli, whose species is the stick terrier!”

Zhang Shengli raised his hand, and everyone quieted down: “The reason why I said this again today is because I just found out whose species the stick terrier really is!” ”

As soon as Zhang Shengli’s words came out, the entire courtyard was stunned!

They stared at Zhang Shengli closely, because every time Zhang Shengli was exposed, what he said was very reliable! What’s more, what he says is really big news!

So, the big guys are now pricking up their ears one by one!

Zhang Shengli looked around the entire courtyard for a week, and then pointed to He Daqing.

“The reason why I suspected Yi Zhonghai before was because I only found Yi Zhonghai curly hair in our courtyard.”

“But after He Daqing came back today, I found out that He Daqing’s hair color and curls, as well as his eyes, all look exactly like stick terriers!”

“So, the stick terrier is actually He Daqing’s species! The reason why we never thought of him before is just because He Daqing has been outside all these years…”

Zhang Shengli pointed to the 040 stick terrier: “Moreover, the stick terrier is more than nine years old this year, right?” He Daqing has been gone for ten years, and the time is also appropriate. Right! ”

“When I saw He Daqing today, I understood why the stick terrier is not like everywhere except for his hair like Yi Zhonghai… It turns out that the stick terrier is He Daqing’s species! ”

Everyone followed Zhang Shengli’s gaze, took a closer look, and instantly was in an uproar!

“I’ll go! Stick terrier this grows! It’s the same as He Daqing! ”

“Yes! This eye, this eyebrow! ”

“In this way, the stick terrier looks more like He Daqing than the stupid pillar!”

“Yes! Silly pillars are not curls! ”

“Qin Huairu, this cow…”

Looking at everyone’s shocked and convinced looks, Zhang Shengli raised the corners of his mouth. The exposure was successful again.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host exposure stick terrier and He Daqing for their success! 100% trust from the surrounding crowd! Congratulations to the host for the great success of exposure! 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 20 pieces of great unity, 100 jin of high-quality flour, 100 jin of high-quality rice, 100 freshwater fish, 50 ducks slaughtered, 100 eggs, and a seasoning gift pack. 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 1 Unlucky Charm, 1 Foot Slip Charm, 1 Puppet Charm. 】

【Ding! Exposure Success Reward: ···· 】

【Ding! Exposure Success Reward… 】

In the midst of everyone’s ridicule and ridicule of He Daqing and Qin Huairu, Xu Damao wandered to the side of Silly Zhu and said in a loud voice: “He Yuzhu, He Yuzhu, tell me about it, was it wrong for me to give you the nickname Silly Pillar back then?” ”

“What do you have to be stupid for? The woman she licks every day has stolen two people, both of whom are your acquaintances… By the way, one of them is still your dad! Qin Huairu steals two old things and can’t look at you~”

“Silly Zhu, tell me yourself, is your father better than you? He can handle Qin Huairu at such an age, and Qin Huairu and him are not with you… No, you big wrongdoer, Qin Huairu’s hand won’t let you touch it~”

“Impossible! This is not true! That’s impossible! ”

Silly Zhu suddenly roared madly, and then rushed to He Daqing and shook him hard: “You say!” It’s impossible! You have nothing to do with Qin Huairu! You tell me! ”

Seeing the crazy look of the silly pillar, Zhang Shengli sneered. The exposure confidence just now is 100%.

After seeing the appearance of the stick terrier and He Daqing, Silly Zhu had long believed that He Daqing’s stick terrier was related. To ask He Daqing so now is just self-deception.

And of course, He Daqing would not admit this.

“That’s for sure! I have nothing to do with Qin Huairu, we have nothing to do with us! I’ve only met her a few times! How is it possible…”

Although He Daqing was quite happy in his heart, after all, if the stick terrier was really his own child, then he didn’t have to worry about the He family’s descendants, couldn’t he admit it here.

After all, Qin Huairu still has a man, if he admits this matter, then they will really break their shoes. At that time, his reputation in this life will be ruined.

So, at least not now!

As a result, he did not expect that, whether he recognized it or not, others believed it!

When Jia Zhangshi heard He Daqing’s statement that the two people had not seen several times, he directly vomited!

“I’ll go to your Malgobi! How many times would you like to see this thing? Be the old lady and the girl, you! Once is enough! ”


Jia Zhangshi said that he did not give up the near and far… Although she really wanted to kill He Daqing, the beast, Qin Huairu was at hand, and cleaning up Qin Huairu’s first was the most important thing!

After Jia Zhangshi came back from the shock, he looked at the stick terrier and He Daqing, and began to frantically smoke Qin Huairu’s mouth!

“Stinky! You! You slut! Why are you so shameless, you! ”


“Slut! You married into our family, you are special to eat fragrant and drink spicy! You still steal people, you rotten goods! ”


Qin Huairu, who was beaten by Jia Zhang, held his head and shouted madly! But she didn’t believe Qin Huairu at all.

From the beginning, when Jia Dongxu took a fancy to Qin Huairu, Jia Zhangshi felt that Jia Dongxu was marrying the wrong daughter-in-law! How to say that Jia Dongxu is also a person in Four Nine City, who is Qin Huairu?

Just a country woman in the surrounding countryside.

As a result, because he looked like a fox spirit, Jia Dongxu, who was fascinated, had to marry her! Now it seems to be really wronged!

“Stinky! Slut! I beat you to death for my son!” ”

Qin Huairu was beaten and screamed repeatedly, she really didn’t expect that He Daqing would come back like this, and actually cause trouble for herself again!

“Mom! Mom, you believe me! The stick terrier is really Dongxu’s son! ”



“Fart your mother! You specially take your parents out and I’ll take a look! Does it look like a stick terrier! You fucking rotten thing! The old lady will kill you today! ”

“Stick terrier! Stick terrier, save your mother! ”

“Jia Zhang’s ass sat on Qin Huairu’s body and hit, Qin Huairu couldn’t get up, after all, Jia Zhang’s one was about to top two Qin Huairu… Yes! ”

So Qin Huairu could only ask for help from her son.

But she didn’t expect that the stick terrier hated her to death now!

The stick terrier himself also saw that the one named He Daqing actually looked a little like himself!

Thinking of the last time everyone suspected that he was Yi Zhonghai’s species, Jia Dongxu and Jia Zhang’s attitude towards themselves. Thinking that he might be scolded for being scolded again, the stick terrier couldn’t wait for Qin Huairu to die quickly!

“Stick terrier, am I right? You’re a wild species! Your mother is a broken shoe, you are a mongrel wild breed, and tomorrow the entire Four Nine Cities will know that your stick terrier’s mother hooked up with several people! They will all know, you Jia Stick Terrier… Wrong! You stick terrier is a wild species hahahaha~”

Liu Guangfu felt funny when he saw the stick terrier staring at Qin Huairu, and then specially came over to mock the stick terrier: “Wild species, when you go to school in the future, others have to call you that, who let us be neighbors?” I’ll let you adapt first! Wild mongrel dog mongrel He stick terrier Gee, He stick terrier He mongrel that sounds good? ”

The stick terrier turned his head and glared at Liu Guangfu fiercely: “I’m not a mongrel!” I’m not a wild species either! My surname is not Ho! My surname is Jia! I said Jia Stick Terrier! ”

Liu Guangfu pouted and smiled sarcastically: “Did you say it, now as long as you are not blind, you can see it?” Or do you go and ask your mother? See how many men she slept with, lest you have to change your surname in the future~”

The stick terrier listened to it and rushed directly over, pushing down Jia Zhang’s! Otherwise, half the size of the son eats the dead Laozi, although the stick terrier is less than 10 years old, but because the Jia family eats and drinks closely to him. Therefore, the stick terrier looks like a tall and strong man.

Jia Zhangshi was originally beating Qin Huairu frantically, but now he was pushed by the stick terrier like this, and he was actually pushed down without defense! Qin Huairu saw that the stick terrier pushed down Jia Zhang’s and almost cried out with excitement!

But she didn’t expect that the stick terrier actually gave her a slap directly!


The slap of the stick terrier did not only stun Qin Huairu. The onlookers in the courtyard were also stunned!

This kid is ruthless enough.

No matter who his father is, Qin Huairu is his own mother, right? Actually gave a big mouth directly!

He Daqing looked at the stick terrier and felt that this child was really bold! It’s a bit of a meaning that the sky is not afraid ah, this is….

It’s a pity that He Daqing thought wrong.

Stick terrier this dog thing, if he is really not afraid of heaven, when Liu Guangfu scolded him so much for the mongrel wild species, he would have already started.

The stick terrier is a nest of self.

He knew that even if he hit Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu would not dare to do anything to himself.

It was like setting fire to Yi Zhonghai’s home.

It is also because others say that he is Yi Zhonghai’s son.

Therefore, even if he burned Yi Zhonghai, it was also burned. Because he felt that no one could sue him.

What the stick terrier does is always based on the premise that he cannot be beaten.

Therefore, when he pushed Jia Zhangshi just now, he didn’t even dare to punch her, because, if he was not of the Jia family’s species, then Jia Zhangshi and Jia Dongxu would really hit him…

“Rotten goods! You tell them! I’m not a wild species! Say it quickly! ”

The stick terrier punched and kicked Qin Huairu hard, but Qin Huairu really didn’t fight back at all,

“Stick terrier! Mom was wronged… You are a child of the Jia family! ”


Seeing that Qin Huairu was still quibbling, no one believed it.

“Qin Huairu, why do you still have the face to say that you have been wronged?”

“Yes, courtyard… Including the rolling mill, who doesn’t know that you drill a cellar and drill a small warehouse~”

“I can’t lift my pants every day, and I still have a face that shouts wrong….”

“Some of what Jia Zhang said is still true, you are a bitch, and a faceless bitch.”

“The Jia family is also miserable, and the son has worn so many green hats after he is wasted…”

“It’s not! This is fake! Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, he is talking nonsense…”

Qin Huairu finally got up from the ground, and she glared at Zhang Shengli fiercely: “Zhang Shengli!” What kind of grudge I have with you, you! You have to trample me so badly! ”

“I tell you! You even say the heavens! Stick terrier, he is also a species of the Jia family! He is the son of me and Jia Dongxu! ”

“I, Qin Huairu, are green and white! You can’t slander me like that! ”

Qin Huairu shouted a few words to tear his heart! Qin Huairu was really afraid.

Last time, Yi Zhonghai’s incident had already made Jia Zhangshi and Jia Dongxu think that their noses are not noses, and their eyes are not eyes. If Zhang Shengli is really hit, the stick terrier is really He Daqing’s son.

Then Qin Huairu could think of how Jia Dongxu would treat himself!

Qin Huairu was afraid, she was afraid that the Jia family would drive herself away. She is afraid that Jia Dongxu will divorce herself! If the Jia family really drove themselves away, the two divorced.

Then her current job, Jia Dongxu can take it back! The hukou of her people in the four and nine cities must also be moved back to their hometown. Qin Huairu really didn’t want to.

She worked hard to marry into the city because she didn’t want to face the loess anymore to do farm work. Although she is now in Jia’s house, she can’t eat white-faced steamed buns like Jia Dongxu of Jia Zhang’s every day.

But she also eats two-in-one steamed buns every day.

If you go back to the countryside, you will really have to gnaw the nest every day. Moreover, even the nest head 9 will not feed itself!

Then, she Qin Huairu will become a joke in ten miles and eight towns! She can’t lift her head in this life!

“Qin Huairu, do you know who you have slept with? You yourself say so, do you believe it? ”

Hearing Qin Huairu say that she was green and white, Zhang Shengli sneered: “In this entire Four Nine City, except for the secret door, you are the dirtiest, right?” Pay back innocence, you have the face to say, others dare not believe it. ”

Zhang Shengli’s words did not slander Qin Huairu.

In the original play, Qin Huairu drilled the cellar with Yi Zhonghai.

Not to mention that Yi Zhonghai drilled the cellar, she was still ambiguous with several men in the rolling mill. As for the figure, what?

It is because she is greedy and enters the small warehouse with those men just to exchange some money and a few steamed buns. If she really couldn’t live, Zhang Shengli wouldn’t look down on her.

But that’s not the case.

Qin Huairu did this only because their family wanted to eat better than others.

In recent years, poor families have spent about ten yuan a month in order to save a family of four or five. And what about the Jia family?

Yi Zhonghai asked people to donate from time to time, and Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu helped them every month. It can be said that the Jia family has a better life than many people in the courtyard.

But even so, Qin Huairu still hooked up with others.

Because of this, Zhang Shengli has always looked down on Qin Huairu.

Hearing Zhang Shengli’s insult to himself, and then seeing Zhang Shengli’s disdainful expression towards himself, Qin Huairu collapsed!

“Zhang Shengli! I will die with you today!” ”

She grabbed the wooden stick that the stupid pillar had fallen to the ground and was about to fight Zhang Shengli!

“I fought with you!”


As a result, the wooden stick did not hit Zhang Shengli, and Zhang Shengli kicked him away. And Zhang Shengli’s slap also greeted Qin Huairu’s face!

Qin Huairu was beaten like a pig’s head!

“You don’t want to pick up the grass on the edge of the nest to eat, how can you still have the face to blame me for telling the truth?”

Zhang Shengli said, gave Qin Huairu another kick, and kicked her to He Daqing!

“You see it clearly! Do you little beasts look like He Daqing! ”

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