Chapter 121: On the True Identity of the Terrier!.

Cooking and heating every day to and from work.

Zhang Shengli arranged to do it for two hours every day, and on the first day, everyone in the courtyard watched. On the second day, everyone in the courtyard came to see when they had nothing to do.

When the house was installed on the third day, only Xu Damao and Liu Guangfu came to help Zhang Shengli.

“Victory, after this thing is installed, can the room really be warm?”

Liu Guangfu took a tool to fix the radiator to the wall and asked.

“It must be warm, my husband’s family has…” But unlike this, his one is bigger than Zhang Shengli’s, and I remember hearing him say it was made of aluminum. ”

Zhang Shengli saw that they were installed, and began to open the stove to fill the water.

Then he said: “This thing did have rich and powerful people before.” However, they are all cast iron and cast aluminum. The heating effect is poor, and it is easy to rust and corrode. ”

“I applied for steel plates from the factory this time, and I made steel plate radiators. You’ll know the effect later. ”

Zhang Shengli hooked the corners of his mouth, the earliest appearance of steel plate radiators was in the nineties, and he made it nearly thirty years ahead of schedule.

And its benefits, one is that the heat dissipation effect is better, which is double the heat dissipation effect of the previous cast iron and cast aluminum. Better yet, it solves the problem that radiators are prone to corrosion and leakage, so such radiators have not been withdrawn from the market even in the twenty-first century. And Zhang Shengli intends to make it appear in the market from now on.

Low cost, good heating, corrosion resistance and no leakage, these advantages must make steel plate radiators famous. As the three of them were talking, they felt the temperature rise.

“It’s getting hotter and hotter.”

Liu Guangfu didn’t expect the effect of the radiator, but he felt that the cotton jacket couldn’t be worn. He was sweating hot.

“Zhang Shengli, you are really better than Lou Xiao’e’s family!”

Xu Damao had already thought of the reason for the radiator.

He took off his cotton jacket and wore only a cord shirt, which still felt warm.

“It’s much warmer than my husband’s house!”

Xu Damao and Liu Guangfu were shocked by this effect.

The two people rushed to Zhang Shengli’s door and shouted out: “Zhang Shengli succeeded!” Radiators are so good! ”

“Dad! Father! Come and see, this radiator! Let’s get one at home! ”

One by one, the people of the courtyard began to squeeze into the backyard.

Standing at the door of Zhang Shengli’s house, they felt it.

“Warm! You can feel the heat at this doorstep! ”

“What a baby!”

“Guangfu… Why is there no smoke in this house? Don’t you light this fire? ”

Liu Haizhong couldn’t understand why, so he quietly asked Liu Guangfu. Liu Guangfu, this apprentice, did not save face for his father: “Dad, you really don’t know!” The radiator tube is connected to the kitchen! As long as the fire in the stove is stuffy, the house is always warm! ”

His voice was too loud, and as soon as he said it, a bunch of people suddenly realized.

Liu Haizhong felt faceless, this dog thing can really get off his father’s face.

But these are not important at this time, bangs coughed twice, raised his feet into the house.

“Warm! Dear neighbors, Zhang Shengli’s house is so warm! ”

“I can’t wear a cotton jacket, if only we had to do this at home!”

The bangs shouted excitedly, and the entire courtyard was envious. The deaf old lady was lying in the house, and naturally she also heard it.

She was shivering from the cold in bed.

Hearing that Zhang Shengli’s warm home could not wear cotton clothes, the deaf old lady cursed and cursed with jealousy,

“It’s just some beasts, they don’t know how to respect the elderly! The ancestors are going to freeze to death! ”

“This dog knows at a young age that he is happy!”

“I’m afraid I won’t live long now, isn’t it! Dogs are more than stuff! ”

After so many days, the poisonous sores on the deaf old lady’s body had scabbed, and Yi Zhonghai continued to come. No matter what others say, he still can’t bear the deaf old lady’s family property.

“Don’t be angry when you’re old, just wait to see a good show.”

Seeing Yi Zhonghai’s confident look, the deaf old lady looked puzzled: “What do you mean?” ”

And at this time, there was a sudden scolding sound outside the window!

“Zhang Shengli, you little bastard! You specially come out for Lao Tzu! ”

After Yi Zhonghai heard it, his eyes lit up!

“Our reinforcements have arrived.”


He Daqing fell out with the widow these days, and his son and nephew scolded him every day and hated him. Originally, when the widow hooked up with He Daqing, she wanted to find a man to raise her son for herself.

Now that the son has grown up and married his daughter-in-law and has children, of course, he does not want to have more than one old man in the family.

So the widow gave her son an idea, and let them pick He Daqing’s faults every day and scold him every day. Get rid of him as soon as possible.

He Daqing is not an idiot either.

It had come to this point, and he discovered the purpose of the family.

He wanted to come back, but he was afraid that he would suddenly go home in ashes and would be laughed at. The letter sent by Yi Zhonghai was simply timely rain for He Daqing!

After receiving the letter, He Daqing quickly packed up his things and got on the train on the same day. When I arrived at the courtyard today, I called the fool and I was going to come to do justice for my son!

“Zhang Shengli! What a dog thing you have! Kowtow to my son! ”

He Daqing scolded all the way from the middle courtyard to the backyard.

Standing at the door of Zhang Shengli’s house, he began to shout!

After so many years, I suddenly went home, how can I first establish myself in the courtyard! And Zhang Shengli just let himself test the knife with him!

Zhang Shengli was experiencing a rare warmth at home, and when he heard the voice, he grabbed the cotton jacket and came out.

“Zhang Shengli! You fool! You killed my son! ”

Zhang Shengli went out and kicked it directly!

People didn’t see it clearly, He Daqing had already been kicked out by Zhang Shengli!


He Daqing fell fiercely in the middle of the backyard! The stupid pillar ran behind him quickly.

“Are you all right? What do you think! ”

As soon as the stupid pillar helped He Daqing up, He Daqing took it


I vomited blood!

“This… I was kicked by him, let’s go to the hospital! ”

Stupid Zhu pulled He Daqing up and said in a low voice: “It’s okay, I can’t die, I’ve been kicked hundreds of times and I’m still alive.” ”

Hearing this, He Daqing was even more angry!

Well, with Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, has bullied Stupid Zhu for so long!

“Zhang Shengli, you are a beast! You hurt us stupidly… You are responsible! ”

Zhang Shengli looked at He Daqing, who was still shouting, and said with a sneer: “Sure enough, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked, I will say why this dog thing is so stupid and bad, it turns out that it is because of such a stupid daddy as you!” ”

“An old animal like you still has a face to curse? Why did your family mongrel become a eunuch, don’t you know? If you don’t know, let you domestic animals tell you clearly, and then play with me to kill you directly!” ”

Hearing Zhang Shengli’s words, Silly Zhu tensed up, but He Daqing was not afraid… It can only be said that the ignorant are fearless.

“Little beast, what are you awesome! Haven’t you heard of the father and son soldiers! Today, we will clean you up! ”

He Daqing said this, and the fool’s heart was stable!

Yes, I was beaten by myself before!

Now He Daqing is also there, he doesn’t believe it! The two people in his own family can’t clean up Zhang Shengli!

“Zhang Shengli! Today we will let you know what is the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth! ”

Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu were simply happy and crazy in the crowd!

Zhang Shengli has been invincible in this courtyard for too long, they have a feud with him, and Jia Zhangshi dreams every day who can kill Zhang Shengli for himself!

Now seeing that He Daqing and Silly Zhu were about to make a move, Jia Zhangshi simply wanted to applaud them!

“Okay! All right! Father and son soldiers! This dog thing that hit is a fart and a stream of urine! ”

Jia Zhang said excitedly in his heart… Of course, she only dared to think in her heart, and did not dare to shout out.

No way, the strong man she thought at home said a waste, if a victory was unhappy and beat herself, Jia Zhangshi was afraid that she would not be able to bear the beating, and Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady in the deaf old lady’s house would not have this concern!

“Hit! I don’t believe this dog thing Zhang Shengli today! He can hit two! ”

Yi Zhonghai helped the deaf old lady to stand behind the window and peek, and the hands of the two people were shaking with excitement.

“It has to be you, so we have an extra helper!”

The deaf old lady already knew, it turned out that Yi Zhonghai wrote a letter to He Daqing.

She looked outside excitedly, now two to one, she doesn’t believe it, Zhang Shengli can still win!

“Boss Yi, we really want revenge today!”

Yi Zhonghai’s face is determined to win, and he always took care of his face before, and did not want to fight more and less.

But today is different, today is He Daqing to avenge his son, and there is nothing to say about the victory of the father and son! Yi Zhonghai looked at the tense appearance in the courtyard, and clenched his fists excitedly!

“Hit! If He Daqing and Silly Zhu can clean up Zhang Shengli today, let’s eat meat at night! ”

As soon as Yi Zhonghai said this, the deaf old lady was even more happy, eat meat!

Zhang Shengli sneered when he saw the brazen appearance of these two.

“Okay, you two together! If you lose, you will kowtow to me together! Or I’ll hit until I’m comfortable. ”

Hearing Zhang Shengli speak so madly, He Daqing and Silly Zhu looked at each other!


“Dog stuff! Grandpa is here! ”

After Silly Zhu and He Daqing glanced at each other, they simultaneously moved left and right to greet Zhang Shengli!


“Ah! Bastard! ”


Zhang Shengli is actually quite excited to play two at once.

After all, he had already mastered the boxing techniques of Bajiquan.

But in order not to beat people to death, Zhang Shengli could not enjoy every time he fought.

Seeing He Daqing and Silly Zhu going up together, Zhang Shengli couldn’t help but excitedly hook the corners of his mouth! Unexpectedly, these two are vegetable buns…

He Daqing’s fist on the left just entered Zhang Shengli’s attack range, and was caught by Zhang Shengli! Silly Zhu’s leg just kicked over, and Zhang Shengli’s foot also arrived!


Zhang Shengli kicked into the crotch of the stupid pillar, and the stupid pillar took off for at least three or four meters before landing!

And after He Daqing was held by Zhang Shengli’s wrist, he immediately raised his foot and wanted to kick it, but he didn’t expect Zhang Shengli to be much faster than him!


Zhang Shengli pulled his right hand, and He Daqing arrived in front of him!

At the same time that He Daqing arrived in front of him, Zhang Shengli punched He Daqing’s nosebleed for a long time!



Then, before He Daqing could react, Zhang Shengli’s big mouth and fist greeted He Daqing’s body like raindrops!

“Zhang Shengli! I Cao your ancestor! ”

Although Silly Zhu doesn’t like He Daqing, this is his father after all.

Now in front of everyone, Zhang Shengli beat He Daqing violently, how did the stupid pillar lose this person?

Therefore, as soon as Silly Zhu got up from the ground, he picked up a wooden stick and rushed towards Zhang Shengli again!


At the same time that the wooden stick fell heavily, Zhang Shengli mentioned He Daqing, allowing him to appear within the attack range of the wooden stick!

The stupid pillar had no time to stop, he could only shake it, and the wooden stick did not hit He Daqing’s head directly, but hit him the shoulder!


He Daqing screamed, his shoulders were simply wasted!


Zhang Shengli threw He Daqing away, grabbed the stupid pillar fiercely, and punched and kicked him!

“You dead eunuch! I have become a waste and have a face to make trouble! ”


He Daqing didn’t understand that he was obviously behind Zhang Shengli, and he was kicked away again just when he wanted to make a move! Zhang Shengli didn’t care about He Daqing, who was kicked and vomited blood, but continued to beat the stupid pillar!

“Your dad is waste, you are also waste, right? Your dad doesn’t have a family plan, so he can only give birth to such a waste as you! You beast is good! Directly make yourself a eunuch! Does this prove what to know! ”

Zhang Shengli stepped on the stupid pillar in the face! Everyone asked with a puzzled look, “Prove what?” ”

Zhang Shengli sneered and said sarcastically: “It proves that the He family should have cut off their descendants a long time ago!” A nest of waste snacks, giving birth to a child is also pouring a bucket of garbage for Huaxia! ”

“Zhang Shengli, who do you say is trash!”

He Daqing coughed twice, raised his head and asked with a look of resentment! Zhang Shengli looked at He Daqing with disdain: “What do you think?” Isn’t it you, the old animal who ran away with the widow and was kicked by others? ”

He Daqing’s face changed, what is this Zhang Shengli talking nonsense?

“You talk nonsense! I’m coming back to my son…..”

“Justice to your son, huh? What virtues do you not know about your son? Old animals have been fooling around for so many years? ”

Zhang Shengli looked at He Daqing’s livid face when he was angry, and suddenly found a problem!

“Old beast, how many years have you been running away with the widow?”

He Daqing was still angry just now, but Zhang Shengli asked a question, and He Daqing who asked him looked confused. He didn’t know what was wrong, and he didn’t say anything about beasts or not, but directly replied: “It’s been almost ten years!” What’s wrong! ”

Zhang Shengli raised his eyebrows and kicked away the stupid pillar.

“Dear neighbors! Do you remember what we said before? ”

Hearing Zhang Shengli ask himself, everyone scratched their heads, what happened?

“What’s going on? That aspect? ”

Xu Damao asked directly.

Because Zhang Shengli has exposed too many problems these days, everyone actually didn’t know what he said for a while.

“We said before, genetics.”

“The family is black and straight, and it is impossible to give birth to curly yellow.”

“So, the stick terrier is not Jia Dongxu’s son, do you remember?”

When Zhang Shengli said this, everyone immediately remembered.

“There is such a thing! Didn’t the blood test prove that it was not Yi Zhonghai’s species? ”

“Yes, we saw the blood test report…”

Jia Zhang’s face changed even more angrily: “Zhang Shengli, you are a bastard!” You fight with the stupid Zhu He Daqing! Say what our family does! ”

“Because, we only proved that the stick terrier is not Yi Zhonghai’s species, but from the genetic point of view, he is not Jia Dongxu’s species, so whose species is the stick terrier, don’t you want to know?”

Although Zhang Shengli said like a tongue twister, it made everyone a little dizzy, but after thinking about it, everyone’s eyes lit up! Yan Bugui patted his thigh: “Yes! Zhang Shengli said it before! From a genetic point of view, Jia Dongxu is indeed unlikely to be the father of the stick terrier! But we’re all confused! ”

“The big guy only saw the blood test report of Yi Zhonghai and the stick terrier, and thought that as long as the stick terrier was not Yi Zhonghai’s, it was Jia Dongxu’s… I can tell you that you are wrong! ”

Zhang Shengli’s words were categorical, and the melon-eating masses were stunned!

“Zhang Shengli! What the hell do you mean! ”

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