Chapter 120: Yi Zhonghai wanted the secret of the stupid pillar eunuch!!。

Zhang Shengli’s words are really not without purpose.

When Zhang Shengli came over from Yi Zhonghai, he found that there was a trace of excitement in Yi Zhonghai’s eyes! Of course, maybe even Yi Zhonghai didn’t know how happy he was.

After all, the news that Silly Zhu suddenly eunuched was still too sudden for Yi Zhonghai. But Zhang Shengli found that people’s eyes can’t deceive people.

Yi Zhonghai’s heart was very happy about this matter of the stupid pillar eunuch. Now Zhang Shengli directly broke this layer of window paper.

Yi Zhonghai was speechless, he wanted to refute but didn’t know what to say.

And the onlookers of the rolling mill saw Yi Zhonghai’s speechless appearance by Zhang Shengli, and they believed Zhang Shengli’s words even more!

“Gee… So say ah! If it is not pro, it is not pro. ”

“Who says it isn’t? If this is uncle, how can I cry bitterly.”

“Isn’t it? Therefore, Yi Zhonghai said that he can really act Ah Tian Tian Sanctimonious, and the little calculation in his heart is a sigh. ”

“It’s just an old beast, we used to be blind~”

Hearing everyone’s words, Zhang Shengli smiled.

Zhang Shengli exposed Yi Zhonghai and succeeded again!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for exposing Yi Zhonghai’s mental success! The trust of the surrounding crowd is 99.5%! Congratulations to the host for the successful exposure! 】

99.5 percent?

Hearing this, Zhang Shengli thought for a while, and then looked at the stupid pillar.

Well, the factory doctor is afraid that the wound will open again when the silly column is moved, so he is stitching the silly column… And the silly pillar, fainted at this time.

“No wonder it’s down to 0.5~”

Zhang Shengli shook his head, it is estimated that there are about two hundred people here, and the top of the stupid pillar is normal at 0.5 points.

Zhang Shengli couldn’t help but think that this was his own small mistake, if only Silly Zhu woke up and listened to himself talk about this… 【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 10 pieces of great unity, 100 pounds of pork, 100 pounds of beef, 20 boxes of canned lunch meat, 20 boxes of canned fruit. 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 1 bad luck charm, 1 foot slip charm, 1 sleepwalking talisman, 1 joy talisman. 】

【Ding! Exposure success reward: 1 forger skill card, 1 skill improvement card. 】


Just when everyone pointed to Yi Zhonghai and Zhang Shengli received the materials, Xu Damao finally heard the news and rushed over!

“Silly pillar? Silly column? How’s it about you? ”

Xu Damao rushed to the side of the silly pillar and shook him hard twice.

“Don’t shake! I’m stitching! You shake in case something happens! ”

Xu Damao heard this, and quickly turned his head to look at the wound of the stupid pillar!

Seeing Xu Damao’s hurried appearance, Li Daqiang and Zhao Dashan were a little puzzled.

“Isn’t Silly Zhu and Xu Damao not dealing with each other? Why is Xu Damao so nervous at this time? ”

“yes, I also remember how many years they have been fighting… Of course, the main thing is that Xu Damao was beaten like this, and he was still so nervous and stupid? ”

Zhang Shengli couldn’t help but laugh when he heard their words: “Are you two stupid? Doesn’t being nervous mean you care? ”

Looking at their confused appearance, Zhang Shengli continued…

“Xu Damao is so anxious, it’s because he is in a hurry to determine whether he can applaud and cheer.”

As soon as Zhang Shengli’s words fell, everyone heard Xu Damao’s cheerful shout!

“Thanks old man! Thanks to the saint! Thank you great people for your blessings! ”

Xu Damao really wanted to take out his new red book and recite a paragraph!

He was so happy!

When he saw Zhang Shengli, Xu Damao rushed over directly!

“Silly eunuch! The stupid pillar has become a dead family! ”

Hahaha this beast! Deserve! Let him bully people every day! The stupid pillar has become a eunuch!


Li Daqiang and Zhao Dashan looked at each other, Zhang Shengli guessed right, Xu Damao was really happy and crazy.

“He Yuzhu is a eunuch!”

Xu Damao’s cheers reached Yi Zhonghai’s ears, and the corners of Yi Zhonghai’s mouth couldn’t help but hook up.

He also reacted at this time, Zhang Shengli, this dog thing is right.

Although he couldn’t let others know, he couldn’t admit it, but Yi Zhonghai himself knew that he was actually quite happy about the matter of the stupid pillar eunuch.

Silly Zhu is now a eunuch, and from now on he will no longer be able to worry about marrying his daughter-in-law.

I don’t have to worry about Qin Huairu that day in case he feels that Silly Pillar is young and gets involved with Silly Pillar. From now on, Silly Zhu can only huddle with his own people to keep warm.

It is no longer possible not to give yourself a pension because of outsiders! However, Zhang Shengli’s dog thing can’t be cleaned up.

Now it seems that it is far from enough to deal with Zhang Shengli with himself and the stupid deaf old lady. Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai’s eyes flickered.

Watching the people in the factory infirmary carry the silly pillar away, Yi Zhonghai did not follow, but quietly returned to the workshop. Now is the perfect time for him to find an ally.

As for the candidate, of course, He Daqing.

Stupid Zhu became a eunuch, and this matter was simply a disaster for the He family!

After all, the silly pillar’s family is also a single transmission for three generations.

Now the stupid pillar is wasted, as long as he tells He Daqing, this is caused by Zhang Shengli! ··· Of course, the stupid column and their own caliber are definitely the same.

As long as the two of them say so, He Daqing will definitely come back to find Zhang Shengli to settle the account! At that time, there will be one more person on their side!

And Zhang Shengli is just an extra daughter-in-law who has no chicken power. If you take revenge on him in the future, the odds of winning will be greater.

As for He Daqing’s pension after returning home.

Yi Zhonghai sneered, He Daqing could abandon his children for that widow.

Then as long as he let him take revenge on Zhang Shengli for himself, then Yi Zhonghai believed that He Daqing would definitely go back to find the widow.

At that time, he will still be the only uncle of the stupid column.

After thinking clearly, Yi Zhonghai found two pieces of letter paper, then sat down in a corner and began to write letters to He Daqing.

“Comrade He Daqing personally enlightened…”

Qin Huairu was late again.

A month late for half a month is a common occurrence for Qin Huairu. As a result, when I entered the factory today, I heard about the stupid pillar!

“Stinky, that He Yuzhu from your yard! Just the one who cleaned the toilet after the cafeteria before! Something happened to him today! Hearing others call themselves that, Qin Huairu gritted his teeth. ”

Since the last time he and Yi Zhonghai were caught in the small warehouse, these female workers have not talked much to Qin Huairu. Even if they did, they must have taunted Dai.

Looking at Qin Huairu’s doubtful eyes, several female workers glanced at each other and told Qin Huairu the reason for the matter.

Qin Huairu is a, they usually ignore her, but this matter is a lively, say it is exciting!

“I really can’t imagine that there are such stupid old bachelors in your yard~”

“Qin Huairu, you have the strength to work with Yi Zhonghai’s old immortal, why don’t you look for a stupid pillar~”

“That’s it, you see, now the stupid pillar got it, the boy chicken was beheaded~”

“Qin Huairu, you are confused, you don’t look for young and strong people if you break your shoes~”

Qin Huairu turned around and forgot everyone’s ridicule and ridicule.

Now the important thing is whether you go to see the silly pillar or not. Qin Huairu knew what Silly Zhu was thinking about himself.

Now that the stupid pillar is wasted, will he be stimulated if he is in the past? If it stimulates him, will the stupid pillar lend money to himself in the future? Also, if you don’t go to see him, it doesn’t seem to work.

After all, everyone is in the same factory, if you know that he is injured and don’t go to see it, maybe the stupid pillar will take revenge. Thinking like this, Qin Huairu slipped out of the workshop.

Slipping away during work hours, he can work less without saying anything, and he can also make Silly Zhu feel that he values him. As for the wound of the stupid pillar… Let’s talk about it then.

Anyway, going to encircle the good stupid pillar at this time will only be beneficial to yourself in the future.


No matter how Silly Zhu and Qin Huairu are.

Anyway, Zhang Shengli knew that he had to eat when it was time to eat.

As a result, Zhang Shengli did not expect that he himself had just left the workshop and saw Zhou Lao.

“When did you come back?”

“I came back to see you.”

Elder Zhou said and smiled at Zhang Shengli.

After returning to the unit for a few days, I still want to roll the steel mill, of course, I am mainly worried about Zhang Shengli, and I don’t know how he is now. Zhang Shengli laughed when he heard him say this.

He Zhang Shengli is not a person who does not know gratitude, although he said that there were actually many things before that he did not need Elder Zhou’s help. But Elder Zhou’s wishes, Zhang Shengli still received it.

Moreover, when I saw Zhou Laozhang’s victory, I remembered that I really had something to find him.

“You came just in time, I brought a lot of dishes today, we can eat together!”

“Okay! Go to the office! ”

Zhang Shengli entered the office building for the first time with a lunch box.

As soon as the door in the office was closed, the lunch box opened, and the two people were eating, Zhang Shengli spoke.

“I would like to ask you for a favor.”

Hearing Zhang Shengli say this, Elder Zhou was a little surprised. Zhang Shengli didn’t open his mouth to help!

“What’s going on? You said. ”

Zhou Lao ate a piece of meat and was in a good mood.

Since returning to the unit and eating the dishes made by the canteen and the nanny, Elder Zhou missed Zhang Shengli’s dishes even more.

“It’s delicious~”

“I want to make a heating device for my home, so I need some steel to make radiators…”

As soon as Zhang Shengli finished speaking, he found that Elder Zhou’s eyes lit up when he looked at him.

“You can actually make radiators?”

Zhang Shengli listened to it and laughed: “Elder Zhou, you are still an engineer, don’t you know that our senior workers can rub cars by hand?” ”

Hearing Zhang Shengli say this, Elder Zhou took a deep breath.

For Zhang Shengli to make radiators, Zhou Lao was shocked! After all, fitters and heating are a bit of a bad feeling, but Zhang Shengli said yes, then he will support.

The youngest grade eight fitter in Huaxia.

As long as he wanted to try, Elder Zhou was willing to give him the opportunity to practice.

“Okay, I’ll give you a note for the steel thing.”

“But there’s one thing…”

Elder Zhou wrote the note and deliberately looked at Zhang Shengli. Zhang Shengli raised his eyebrows, how many meanings this is?

“Zhang Shengli, after you make it, you have to write a thought. I need to know that heating is not reliable. ”

Zhou Lao is also a little apprehensive, after all, at that time, good heating technology was overseas, no matter who wanted to install heating in Huaxia, he had to let foreigners earn some first, for this, Zhou Lao was not satisfied for a long time. Now Zhang Shengli said that he could do it, and Elder Zhou had a new hope in his heart!

“Zhang Shengli, do well! I remember what I said, to lead Huaxia Industry to get better and better. ”

Zhang Shengli nodded, he himself meant the same.

Although heating is indeed good for your own home. After it can be made, more people can contact and be willing to accept this thing.

That’s the long-term plan. The courtyard is full of cooking smoke.

At the end of the day, the entire courtyard knew about the stupid pillar eunuch!

The whole courtyard instantly became a sensation, and everyone gathered in the courtyard like watching a movie to say stupid things… Although it is said that there is a courtyard, no one feels sad or sorry for the stupid pillar.

On the contrary, no matter who it is, they only feel gloating or laughing at silly pillars.

“It’s good if it’s gone, if you are in your thirties, you can’t marry your daughter-in-law, and if you don’t have it, you can say that you don’t marry your daughter-in-law because you don’t have this.”

“This Virgin, I really didn’t expect him to really become a, no guy business!”

“Actually, it’s good to be gone, this dog thing widow is drilled in the bed, now there is no guy, he can be regarded as completely reassuring in the future”

“Yes, the most beast in our yard is a stupid pillar, even Jia Zhang’s he is worried”

Jia Dongxu was at home, not knowing that the topic had reached Jia Zhang and Silly Zhu. Jia Dongxu only knew that he was really happy today!

“Silly pillar, you beast, this is good! From now on, I don’t have to worry about the silly pillar~”

Jia Dongxu knew in his heart that Silly Zhu had been worried about Qin Huairu since he got married.

It’s a pity that Qin Huairu couldn’t look at him He Yuzhu, but followed him.

383 The result was unexpected, it was only a few years, and I had an accident. Jia Dongxu hated many people and hated that the doctor did not cure himself.

I hate that the factory can’t pay myself an extra salary. However, what he guarded against the most was the stupid pillar.


Because the stupid pillar sticks to this Qin Huairu every day!

Even Jia Zhang, for the sake of the leftovers of the two lunch boxes, asked Qin Huairu to wait for the stupid pillar every day.

To be honest, Jia Dongxu thought about letting Qin Huairu and Silly Zhu not communicate with each other, so that he could rest assured. Unexpectedly, the stupid pillar is now a eunuch!

“Stupid pillar eunuch!”

Jia Dongxu was happy and crazy, and he said a word from time to time.

From now on, how Qin Huairu can get things from the stupid pillar, he Jia Dongxu will not think much about it. Stupid Zhu can’t marry his daughter-in-law either.

As long as Qin Huairu can coax him, his own family is equivalent to an extra long-term worker. When Zhang Shengli pulled a bunch of steel into the courtyard, everyone was stunned.

“This… Where are you from? ”

When Yan Bugui asked this, his eyes were fixed on the steel plate on the bicycle.

“I found someone to approve it, and the waste materials were recycled and reused.”

What did Zhang Shengli say? Waste materials are recycled!

Yan Bugui has never heard of it. He pushed the car for Zhang Shengli, and the two of them walked to the backyard.

“So what are you going to do with this recycling?”

Yan Bugui’s tone was too solemn, and Yan Bugui shook his head and smiled. He Yan Bugui is afraid that Zhang Shengli stole steel…

“I’m going to make a heating set, it’s getting colder, and it’s getting colder to make a heater to warm the room.”

Silly Zhu and Jia Zhang were right at the door.

“Still do heating, Zhang Shengli, do you know what heating is? People sell it abroad for thousands of dollars! You still want to live in the heating silly column and laugh, this is the old idea of this era. ”

“Actually, I want to ask too.”

Hearing Silly Zhu’s words, Yan Bugui glared at Silly Pillar.

“Is he reliable about this thing? Can it really be made warm in the house? ”

Zhang Shengli ignored the silly pillar, but answered Yan Bugui’s question,

“Things are seen to be done, not seen to be spoken.”

“When I’m done in a while, you’ll know if you come and feel it.”

Zhang Shengli knows that such technology is still overseas in this era.

Therefore, we are pinched by the neck, and industrial development is struggling.

Now just make this thing according to the drawings given by the system. Then, the whole of China will slowly warm up.

In the backyard, Zhang Shengli laid everything out in one line, and the entire doorway was full of tools and steel plates. Everyone in the courtyard kept coming over, just to see how Zhang Shengli was doing Qi Qi.

And Zhang Shengli also let them see, since they want to see it, they will look good. Whoever can see it can make it is also a skill.

The people of the courtyard gathered there, watching Zhang Shengli’s busy hands and feet.

“Does this thing work?”

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