Chapter 119: The First Eunuch of the Rolling Mill.

Since hearing Zhang Shengli’s voice of “beating” his daughter-in-law, Silly Zhu was excited and didn’t sleep well all night. When he arrived at the factory, he began to spread Zhang Shengli’s reputation for beating his daughter-in-law and a violent man.

As a result, he did not expect that the stupid pillar promoted it for a long time, and in the end he himself became a joke. Man to person in the rolling mill, and this is just the time to go to work.

It didn’t take long for the small square to surround the people on the inner and outer floors.

Moreover, everyone can turn the flowers to ridicule the stupid old bachelor boy chicken. I can’t complain about others, at that time, as long as there were people who worked, there were no singles.


Because, even if the conditions at your home are worse! But as long as you have a decent job, there are a bunch of blind dates waiting for you. Therefore, old bachelors like Silly Pillar are really rare in the world.

Originally, the stupid pillar has been bare for a long time, and others have no energy to laugh at him.

But the stupid Zhu acted as a demon today, thinking that he had caught Zhang Shengli as if he had some handle, and hyped up in the factory that he wanted to clean up Zhang Shengli.

Unexpectedly, stealing chickens could not be done, and the rice was eroded.

No one looked down on or laughed at Zhang Shengli, but everyone laughed at him He Yuzhu stupid donkey old bachelor! The silly pillar is out of anger!

“Zhang Shengli! What a bastard! You hurt me! ”

The silly pillar scolded loudly in the middle of the crowd: “You have a daughter-in-law in Temalgobi, right? What’s wrong with my old bachelor! I Cao your ancestor! ”

“Zhang Shengli, you deliberately made me ugly, right? I’m telling you! Lao Tzu is not finished with you! ”

Silly Zhu scolded fiercely, but Zhang Shengli hadn’t moved, and Silly Zhu had already pushed away the crowd and ran out.

“This dog thing! He is specially rumor-mongering you, how can he still be reasonable! ”

“Silly pillar is really a virgin, here to talk about Zhang Shengli for a long time, find out that he is stupid and actually angry!”

“This dog thing is a special dead skin, no face!”

In the midst of everyone’s accusations and scolding of Silly Zhu in unison, Li Daqiang whispered to Zhang Shengli: “Don’t be angry with Victory, you can’t make a mistake with such a dog!” When we get off work, brother will clean him up for you! ”

Hearing him say this, Zhao Dashan also nodded: “Yes, this tone buddy definitely can’t let you swallow like this!” We will definitely take revenge! ”

Hearing their words, Zhang Shengli smiled slightly: “I’m not a person who has revenge.” ”

From the moment Silly Zhu scolded himself and ran away, Zhang Shengli did not intend to chase him. Who said that cleaning up people can only rely on fists and feet?

If Zhang Shengli wants to clean up people, there are more ways.

For example, now, since the stupid pillar ran away, Zhang Shengli did not chase it.

He used the art of taming beasts and arranged a “killer” to stop the stupid pillar halfway. It is estimated that it will not be long before what happens to the stupid pillar now will shock the whole factory!

It is said that the stupid pillar scolded Zhang Shengli fiercely, and on the other hand, he was afraid that Zhang Shengli would beat himself, so he scolded and ran away without choosing a way!

As a result, as soon as I left the small square, I ran to the door of the office building. When he got here, the silly pillar was relieved.


Because, the stupid pillar does not believe that Zhang Shengli can still chase him to the office building and beat himself!

Thinking like this, the stupid pillar stopped running, he slowed himself down, bent down and took a few deep breaths. As a result, as soon as he raised his eyelids, Silly Zhu found that there was a figure in front of him.

Looking up, the stupid column’s heartbeat accelerated.

In front of him stood a wild dog that was humming and drooling!

“Cao! Why does this dog look like this today…”

Silly Zhu knows this wild dog, who used to wander around the back kitchen door all day, just to mix up leftovers. Ma Hua and Liu Lan sometimes give it a bite of leftovers, and Silly Zhu will kick it every time he sees it! Usually stupid pillars look at it, they think this dog is stupid and damned.

I thought about stewing it and eating dog meat when I counted nine.

But today’s stupid pillar doesn’t know why, this beast’s eyes are vicious when he looks at himself! The silly pillar was suddenly afraid, and his heart beat faster with fright!

“Rolling mud horse beast! Don’t get in the way of Lao Tzu! ”

Although he was afraid to die in his heart, Silly Zhu still stretched out his leg and kicked the wild dog fiercely! After all, everyone knows that you can’t run when you see a dog, and it may bite you if you run!

You have to be fierce! You’re fierce enough to scare a dog away! As a result, Silly Zhu’er’s trick failed.

When he kicked the wild dog, the wild dog suddenly barked wildly and pounced on the stupid pillar! The people in the small square had just scolded the stupid pillar and were about to go to work, when they suddenly saw a bunch of people running and shouting on the road!

“Infirmary! Call the infirmary! Something went wrong! Something went wrong! ”

Someone quickly grabbed one of them and asked what was going on.

“Silly pillar! Silly pillar, he was bitten by a dog! ”

Hearing the doctor say this, everyone laughed: “Isn’t it bitten by a dog?” The bite of the big winter is not wasted, let the troublesome beast go to the infirmary by himself. ”

“That is, he was bitten by a dog just after leaving, and his retribution came quickly!”

“It’s not! You don’t know! ”

Hearing everyone’s ridicule, the errand runner shook his head: “Stupid pillar is bitten this time!” ”

“What problem? The head bit off? ”

“What’s the problem, the man is tall and big, and he can’t bite him.”

Zhang Shengli listened to everyone’s words and sneered in his heart.

He didn’t let the dog bite the stupid pillar, but he let the wild dog take off the most important thing of the stupid pillar. And the person who ran errands just now also shouted: “You don’t know! Alas! The silly pillar was bitten in the crotch by a wild dog! Guys… The guy swallowed the wild dog! ”

This person’s words are simply thunderous!!

Everyone was shocked!

“What? What about people? ”

“Grass… It’s scary! Hurry up and take a look! ”

“What’s wrong with this dog today? I remember it wasn’t a fuss…”

“Retribution, retribution, let him have nothing to eavesdrop on people’s lives!”

“That is, I want the rogue and the face to come out and say…”

Zhang Shengli walked forward calmly, he was not surprised at all by the situation of the silly pillar. Because, that’s what he did and let the wild dog do.

Silly Pillar, this dog thing eavesdropped on the corner of the wall, and touched Zhang Shengli’s anti-scales. He also dared to come out and say that Zhang Shengli certainly had to make him pay.

It just so happened that Jia Dongxu is not dead now, and the stupid pillar is worried about Qin Huairu.

And Lou Xiao’e’s family is doing well now, and it is impossible to have anything to do with Silly Zhu. In this case, Zhang Shengli directly made Silly Zhu a eunuch!

lest this beast harm others later.

The stupid pillar was lying on the ground, how could he not remember why he fell into this field… He remembered kicking the dog!

And then what? Then the wild dog suddenly bit his crotch! I wear big cotton pants in winter!

As a result, this dog is like crazy, just gnawing at the crotch! After two mouthfuls, the silly pillar felt a sharp pain!

Now the stupid pillar was so painful that the whole person twitched, his face was pale, and he was in a cold sweat.

After Zhang Shengli and the crowd of people watching the excitement arrived, they couldn’t help but croak their teeth when they looked at the stupid pillar on the ground. This looks like a mad person!

The ground under the butt of the stupid pillar is full of blood!

The men poked their heads to see what was going on.

The female workers covered their eyes with both hands, and their fingers were wider than one by one, and they were also trying to look under the silly pillar.

“How’s it going? The blood is so muddy that I can’t see clearly…”

“I don’t look safe, how do I feel that something is really missing…”

“This thing dropped, can it still be connected?”

Li Daqiang asked Zhang Shengli curiously.

Zhang Shengli sneered in his heart, there was a connection, so he let the dog swallow it

“It’s hard to say, I have to see what the doctor says, right?”

As soon as Zhang Shengli finished speaking, he saw the factory doctor coming over. It is also the first time that the factory doctor has encountered such a thing.

It can only be carried out according to the general accident handling method!

Anyway, stop the bleeding first, and then find the severed limb as soon as possible, right?

Thinking so, the factory doctor quickly poured painkillers on the wound of the silly pillar, and got a bunch of gauze to bandage the silly column. When the bleeding stops, hurry up and find something!

“What about the bite off?”

Hearing this, the people at the scene looked at each other.

“Factory doctor, I’m afraid I can’t find things, and the dog ran away after biting him!”

Hearing this, the factory doctor froze…

“Actually, even if it’s something, it won’t work… I thought it would be convenient to pee on it and look good, wouldn’t it…”

“··· Alas. ”

Although I don’t like the dog thing of Silly Zhu very much, but in the end, the doctor is benevolent, and the factory doctor still sighs for Silly Zhu. And at this time, everyone who could come out of the rolling mill came out.

There was a eunuch in the factory, what a bustle, no one wants to miss it. Yi Zhonghai also rushed out of the workshop.

“Zhang Shengli! It’s all stupid pillars that you hurt! ”

Yi Zhonghai roared out, and everyone present was dumbfounded.

“Yi Zhonghai, why do you say that? The stupid pillar himself was bitten by a dog, who is to blame! ”

Team Leader Wang’s face turned red!

Stupid Zhu has become like this now, don’t say that Zhang Shengli didn’t get it, even if Zhang Shengli got it, he had to cover it for Zhang Shengli! Hearing Team Leader Wang’s words, Yi Zhonghai was furious!

“Silly Pillar himself was bitten by a dog? If it weren’t for the fear of Zhang Shengli, would he be able to run by himself? If the stupid pillar hadn’t run away, could he get hurt! Zhang Shengli you dog thing! You have to take responsibility for the stupid pillar! ”

Yi Zhonghai made up his mind, this time he had to compensate Zhang Shengli no matter what. After all, Silly Zhu was injured so badly, how could he let Zhang Shengli bleed a little!

“Yi Zhonghai, the stupid pillar hanging let the dog eat, your brain let the dog eat it, right?”

“There are so many people watching the rolling mill! It’s about me in this matter today! It’s a completely stupid pillar, this dog thing stinks hooligans, sick and deliberately provokes trouble!! I’m the victim! Can you blame me for running away? You can’t have your brains when you’re old, right? ”

Zhang Shengli’s words came out, and the workers of the rolling mill agreed very much…

“Yes, we can all testify! Stupid pillar, this dog thing slandered Zhang Shengli early in the morning! ”

“That is, Zhang Shengli has a big heart, and he has not seen it like a stupid pillar! Otherwise, it would not be a loss to kill him! ”

“This dog thing wants to be a rogue by itself, forget it, and scold people Zhang Shengli!”

“He scolded himself for returning the special bag, and the people ran away! Who is to blame for this? He did it himself! ”

Hearing everyone speak for Zhang Shengli, Yi Zhonghai’s fingers trembled!

These people are all wall grass!

Seeing that Zhang Shengli is now an eighth-level worker, they are all talking to him! If this is put before, I haven’t responded to it!

“Okay! You all wear a pair of pants! Just look at He Yuzhu like this! ”

Yi Zhonghai curled his neck and shouted, “Stupid Zhu, if it weren’t for the fear that he could run!” Why didn’t Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, chase him? If Zhang Shengli chased him, Silly Zhu would not be like this! ”

“When you say that, do you mean I should have beaten the stupid pillar hard?”

Zhang Shengli said a word, and Yi Zhonghai who asked didn’t know what to say. And Zhang Shengli still has something to say.

When Yi Zhonghai appeared, Zhang Shengli found it at a glance. Yi Zhonghai, this dog thing, does not look a little sad. All anger is also feigned.

Even, Zhang Shengli found that the silly pillar was a little happy.

Although others couldn’t see it, Zhang Shengli found it in his eyes. Since this is the case, Zhang Shengli will expose the true face of Yi Zhonghai!

“Yi Zhonghai, you are deliberately provoking trouble to me now, in fact, it is just because you yourself are weak-hearted.”

Hearing Zhang Shengli’s words, Yi Zhonghai sneered, and he was not a stupid pillar he harmed, he was a fart!

“Zhang Shengli, don’t talk nonsense! Everyone is watching, I just came here! ”

Zhang Shengli also sneered: “Yes, you just came over, but what you are weak in heart is not that caused Silly Zhu to become a eunuch, but that you are very happy that Silly Zhu became a eunuch!” ”

Zhang Shengli’s words simply thought of a cannonball thrown into the crowd!

“Can’t you?”

“Stupid eunuch, why is Yi Zhonghai happy?”

“Yes, is Yi Zhonghai an emperor who has to be served by eunuchs…”

“Zhang Shengli, did you say something wrong?”

Zhang Shengli waved his hand to silence everyone.

“I know everyone is curious, why did I say that Silly Zhu became a eunuch, Yi Zhonghai will be happy.”

Zhang Shengli scanned the circle and was satisfied to see everyone’s confused eyes.

He just wants to expose ah, the more they don’t understand, the better!

“The reason why Yi Zhonghai was happy to see the Silly Pillar Eunuch was because Yi Zhonghai wanted Silly Pillar to give him the end!”

As soon as Zhang Shengli’s words came out, Team Leader Wang nodded: “I know when you say this, I said last time, Yi Zhonghai wants to find someone to retire… But why should he think that it is better to be a stupid eunuch? ”

Zhang Shengli nodded approvingly at Team Leader Wang, he needed someone to cheer him up, because it was more convincing to say.

“Because Yi Zhonghai is afraid.”

Yi Zhonghai’s eyebrows jumped when he heard Zhang Shengli’s words, and then he pretended to have an inexplicable 5.7 wonderful look: “Zhang Shengli, you are nonsense, what am I afraid of?” I’m so close to Silly Zhu, he treats me like Uncle Kiss! ”

Zhang Shengli listened to Yi Zhonghai’s words and snorted coldly: “Yes, just like Uncle Qian.” Isn’t it pro? ”

“And even if it is a pro-uncle, the nephew may not give a pension, right? And even more so not pro? ”

“So, Yi Zhonghai has always been worried, he is afraid that Silly Zhu will marry his daughter-in-law, he is afraid that Silly Zhu will marry his daughter-in-law and give birth to a child and will not care about himself”

“So, you guys have also seen that Yi Zhonghai has been a grand master in our courtyard for more than ten years, and what about the stupid pillar?”

“The older young man in the courtyard, Yi Zhonghai has never given me a marriage!”

Zhang Shengli laughed and asked Yi Zhonghai: “Yi Zhonghai, I remember that the government has regulations, and the marriage problem of older young men must also be solved, you say, why is Silly Zhu such a person who has a job and is not blind or crippled, why have you never given him Zhang Luo?” ”

Yi Zhonghai can really speak, and he can talk for half an hour without stopping when he opens his mouth. But now Zhang Shengli’s words stopped him.

Yi Zhonghai didn’t think of an excuse, but he knew that this matter was stupid to listen to, and he couldn’t believe it. Therefore, for a while, Yi Zhonghai actually ran out of words.

And Zhang Shengli also took advantage of this opportunity to continue: “Because you are afraid! Are you afraid that he will marry his daughter-in-law, and when the time comes, Silly Zhu will have his own small family and have a few more children, and he will still take care of you there? So you deliberately delay him. ”

“Today, Okay, Silly Zhu has become a eunuch and you Yi Zhonghai, I saw it when I came over just now, you are so close to him, when I heard that he was a eunuch, your first reaction was to make me, an irrelevant person, lose money!” What does this mean? ”

Zhang Shengli sneered and said in a loud voice: “This is Yi Zhonghai’s heart is too happy, and he can’t care about the injury of the stupid pillar!” ”

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