Chapter 118: Xu Damao has a child, and the stupid pillar is extinct!.

Silly Zhu originally planned to retaliate against Xu Damao.

As a result, when I entered the backyard, I heard the voice coming from Zhang Shengli’s house. This piqued his curiosity.

Originally, he suspected that Zhang Shengli had something unseemly. As a result, I heard it today!

Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, looks like a dog. It turned out to be a king bastard who beat his wife! Silly Zhu originally wanted to yell a few times for others to come and see.

But he felt that such a beautiful woman as Yang Weiwei would definitely not want to let people look at it like this if she was beaten by a man. What if he called someone over, and Yang Weiwei and Zhang Shengli didn’t admit it for the sake of face?

Therefore, Silly Zhu decided not to say it tonight, and he would give Zhang Shengli a good publicity tomorrow! Silly Zhu believes, as long as he says this thing himself when the time comes!

He didn’t believe that Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, could still raise his head under the fingers of others! Because of this discovery, Silly Zhu didn’t sleep for half a night with excitement.

I finally fell asleep, and when I woke up, it was just dawn. Therefore, people are too excited and it is not good, in the courtyard, the old ladies and daughters-in-law have already risen. Wash the dishes and brush the pot on the edge of the sink and prepare for cooking.

Silly Zhu looked out of the window, Qin Huairu went to the pool, he quickly put on a cotton jacket and ran out.

“Sister Qin!”

Seeing the silly pillar, Qin Huairu frowned.

She still remembered how Silly Zhu had drilled into her mother-in-law’s bed a few days ago.

But stupid pillar this dog thing, it’s like forgetting about this… Qin Huairu couldn’t help but wonder in his heart, was the stupid pillar really stupid or lacked the heart and eyes?

Silly Zhu did not find that Qin Huairu did not take care of himself, but instead walked to Qin Huairu’s side vigorously.

“Sister Qin, I discovered a big secret of Zhang Shengli!”

Hearing Silly Zhu say this, Qin Huairu’s heart jumped, and she couldn’t help but be curious, but she still didn’t speak. Silly Zhu saw that Qin Huairu was not curious and ignored himself, and couldn’t help but be anxious.

“Sister Qin, let me tell you, I discovered a big secret of Zhang Shengli! This secret will definitely make him discredited! ”

Silly Zhu said this, Qin Huairu couldn’t hold back, she really wanted to know, what could make Zhang Shengli fall for it!

“What secret?”

Qin Huairu hurriedly asked.

Silly Zhu was happy to see her like this, and the energy also came up.

“I want to know, I can’t tell you if I want to know!”

Seeing that Qin Huairu was about to get angry, Silly Zhu hurriedly said again: “Sister Qin, I know, Zhang Shengli’s dog thing hurt your family is also quite miserable, and you deducted money for the harm, and the stick terrier has been in prison.. But don’t worry! I will definitely avenge us this time!” ”

Qin Huairu really hated Zhang Shengli, and when she heard Silly Zhu say this, she pulled the corner of Silly Zhu’s clothes: “Pillar, just tell me!” I must not say anyone! ”

Silly Zhu thought about it and still couldn’t tell her, it had to wait until the time came, and after everyone knew about it, Zhang Shengli’s reputation would be ruined, so that Qin Huairu could be happier when he heard it!

“Sister Qin, believe me, this is a surprise! You’ll know then! ”

After the silly pillar finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Qin Huairu looked at his back with a heartfelt anger, what is this dog thing talking halfway! Yi Zhonghai deliberately went out early for a while, and then waited at the mouth of the alley.

Seeing Qin Huairu come out, Yi Zhonghai quickly stopped her.

“Here you go.”

Yi Zhonghai stuffed a boiled egg into Qin Huairu’s hand, and Qin Huairu was stunned for a moment and continued to walk forward.

“Why are you looking for me? Didn’t I mean I lied to you on purpose? Doesn’t it mean that I tied you with a stick terrier? It’s a little boring to look for me now, right? ”

She Qin Huairu is not a fuel-saving lamp, an egg wants to coax, that is a dream. Yi Zhonghai hated Qin Huairu for using a stick terrier as a raft to make money from himself.

But he also knew that since he and Qin Huairu had such a relationship, it was impossible not to give some subsidies and benefits. Of course, after knowing that the stick terrier was not his own child, Yi Zhonghai was still very angry with Qin Huairu, but today he had to bow his head and seek peace. Why?

Because Qin Huairu is young, Qin Huairu is not only young but also has a plump butt and is good for fertility.

Since Xu Damao can dry wood in spring, Yi Zhonghai feels that his own physique is better than Xu Damao.

So Yi Zhonghai planned well, he also had to go to a hospital to see, take some medicine, and then strive to let Qin Huairu give birth to a son for himself.

After all, Aunt Yi is old and can’t give birth.

Since this is the case, of course, Yi Zhonghai must hurry up and coax Qin Huairu. Otherwise, who bore him a son?

“I was wrong the other day, mainly because I suddenly had a little hope… You know, my biggest regret in this life is that there is no queen. ”

Yi Zhonghai sighed and walked forward side by side with Qin Huairu.

Unexpectedly, this hope was so dashed! How can you make me not sad! ”

Qin Huairu also knew that he had to have a degree with Qiao.

So she also showed an empathetic side.

“I actually always thought that the stick terrier was your son, and I really didn’t want to lie to you. After all, you have always been stronger than Jia Dongxu… And you also saw the stick terrier, as Zhang Shengli said, you two are alike! ”

“Who would have thought of the result…”

Qin Huairu wiped his tears when he said this, showing that he didn’t understand what was going on: “I don’t know why, it’s actually Jia Dongxu’s son.” ”

Yi Zhonghai sighed, what Qin Huairu said was not unreasonable, after all, after the entire courtyard saw it, didn’t they all think so…

“Don’t talk about this, let’s be fine in the future, okay?”

Yi Zhonghai said, seeing that there was no one before and after, quickly hugged Qin Huairu, and quickly let go.

“Although the stick terrier is not mine now, you are still young, we still have a chance in the future.”

As soon as Yi Zhonghai’s words came out, Qin Huairu’s face changed, but he lowered his head to prevent Yi Zhonghai from seeing it. In order to prevent problems, she went off the ring not long after Jia Dongxu was wasted.

Therefore, it is impossible for her to give birth to Yi Zhonghai, after all, she still has face, her men are wasted, what do others say if she is pregnant? However, Qin Huairu did not plan to tell Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai is her granary, if you tell him, how can she save money for her own life. So Qin Huairu just lowered her head and pretended to be shy.

Today, Silly Zhu is the earliest to come to the factory, he guards the small square that everyone will pass through after entering the factory, and when he sees people, he publicizes Zhang Shengli’s beating of his daughter-in-law!

When Zhang Shengli arrived in the factory, he felt a little wrong, why did the big guys look at themselves strangely?

After walking a few steps inside, I saw Li Daqiang and Zhao Dashan waiting on the side of the road.

“Zhang Shengli, you can be considered here!”

“You… That can’t be true, can it? ”

“I see you’re not such a person~”

“Zhang Shengli, you tell me! Do you really have those old thoughts? ”

Team Leader Wang originally wanted to question Zhang Shengli, but when he saw him, he felt that this matter was a bit outrageous……. But when he thought of Zhang Shengli beating the stupid pillar, he was afraid that Zhang Shengli would really be on fire and start it.

So, after thinking about it, he spoke again: “Victory, two people together, sometimes there will be teeth biting the tongue, but anyway, we are big men, right?” Men shouldn’t do anything to their daughters-in-law, right? ”

Zhang Shengli was confused by what they said, and when he heard Team Leader Wang say this, he of course nodded: “That is, although I like to solve problems with my fists, but that is when it is against the enemy!” The daughter-in-law is her own person, so she can’t do it. ”

Zhang Shengli’s attitude and what he said made Team Leader Wang very satisfied, but thinking of Silly Zhu, he still asked again: “You really haven’t made a move with us Weiwei?” ”

Team leader Wang asked this, and Zhang Shengli understood what these people were waiting for him to do.

“No, what’s wrong with you? Who did you hear that I started with Yang Weiwei? I’ll tell you, we’re both fine! There was no quarrel. ”

As soon as Zhang Shengli’s words came out, Li Daqiang and Zhao Dashan looked at each other!

“Mother! Silly pillar, this dog thing spreads rumors to slander you! ”

“Silly pillar? What happened to him? ”

Zhang Shengli didn’t understand, how could this matter have something to do with the stupid pillar again?

Seeing that Zhang Shengli still didn’t know anything, Li Daqiang and they talked about it. Zhang Shengli then understood why he entered the factory today, and whoever saw him had strange eyes!

“He Yuzhu, this dog thing! I’ll look for him! ”

Zhang Shengli’s eyes flashed coldly, and he continued to stride forward.

Li Daqiang said that the stupid pillar was in the square in front, and he publicized with everyone that he was fighting a woman! Seeing Zhang Shengli angry, Li Daqiang and they hurried to follow!

“Don’t you know, Zhang Shengli beat people to a miserable one, too ruthless! Whoever married him really fell for eight lifetimes Zhang Shengli just passed, and he heard the stupid pillar grinning. ”

“Silly pillar, are you sick?”

Zhang Shengli scolded angrily and kicked the stupid pillar out!

The hundreds of people around the stupid pillar were so frightened that their eyes were closed! Zhang Shengli, did they all beat their daughters-in-law like this?

“He Yuzhu, tell me specifically, why do you say that I beat my daughter-in-law!”

“Lao Tzu made it clear here today, I beat people victoriously, but I beat all beasts! As long as I’m a good person, I can’t do anything with people! As for my daughter-in-law~”

Zhang Shengli hooked the corners of his mouth: “My daughter-in-law is her own person, and I can’t even make a move with her!” ”

Hearing Zhang Shengli say this, the onlookers will be suspicious.

“But the fool said that he heard you beat your daughter-in-law…”

“Yes, he really said it, let’s all listen?”

“It’s not like telling a lie…”

“I don’t like to hear you guys! Zhang Shengli has such a character, he can’t beat his daughter-in-law! ”

Team leader Wang scolded, since Zhang Shengli said that he couldn’t hit Yang Weiwei, then he believed him. After all, Yang Weiwei introduced it to Zhang Shengli herself.

There shouldn’t be a problem.


Moreover, Zhang Shengli’s character is still trustworthy.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been waiting for Zhang Shengli with Li Daqiang on the road just now. Instead, he went home directly and asked someone to pick up Yang Weiwei at Zhang Shengli’s house.

“How is Zhang Shengli, everyone should know! Studying technology is also good for workers… Except for a few beasts! ”

“Anyway, I believe that he can’t beat his daughter-in-law. Li Daqiang followed suit. ”

Zhang Shengli waved his hand, so that they didn’t have to speak, and then walked in front of the stupid pillar: “He Yuzhu, tell me specifically, when did you see me beating my daughter-in-law?” Today, you can’t say one, two, three, four, I specially beat you can’t get up in this life! ”

Silly Zhu got up from the ground and glared at Zhang Shengli fiercely.

This dog thing looks like a dog and pretends to be sanctimonious. As a result, he beat such a good-looking daughter-in-law!

He must let everyone know the true face of Zhang Shengli!

“You still have a face! I’ll tell you the truth! I went to the backyard last night! I heard you two in the house! ”

“You said you were going to clean her up! And then…”

“Anyway, I really listened! Zhang Shengli, you are a beast! Yang Weiwei’s such a good-looking daughter-in-law, you can beat! ”

Silly Zhu’s words made Zhang Shengli momentarily confused.

“Last night? Xu Damao was drinking at my house last night? When did I hit my daughter-in-law? ”

“You still pretend! Just everyone slept! The lights in your house are out! I hear the voice! ”

When Zhu said this, Zhang Shengli was dumbfounded. Cao, what is going on?

Silly pillar, this neuropathy ah this is…

“He Yuzhu, you are particularly brainless, right? You go to the corner at night? Do you still want to face you! You don’t have to clean up! ”

“If I hadn’t heard it, you wouldn’t know how to bully her!”

Hearing Zhang Shengli and Silly Zhu’s words, some people seemed to understand something… And in order to prove that what he said was true, Silly Zhu was still saying loudly: “Don’t believe Zhang Shengli, big guys!” I heard it under both of their windows last night! ”

“Zhang Shengli said to let Yang Weiwei see how powerful he is today! also said that Yang Weiwei was not allowed to ask for mercy! ”

What the silly pillar said is right, how others listen to it tastes wrong!

Then, Yang Weiwei said that Zhang Shengli hated and let Zhang Shengli spare her! As a result, Zhang Shengli, the beast, not only did not spare her, but also let her beg herself…”

As soon as the silly pillar gave a speech, the whole square was as quiet as a chicken.

“Talk about it! Is this Zhang Shengli persecuting lesbians! Should we resist his behavior! I propose! Everyone go to the factory women’s federation to report Zhang Shengli! ”

After the silly pillar finished speaking, he also raised his fist…

“Report you Malgobi!”

As a result, Silly Zhu never expected that there was a director of the Women’s Federation in the crowd!

“He Yuzhu, are you sick! What are you eavesdropping on when others are living? Do you want a face? ”

“This is a rogue! Brute! ”

“I don’t know if this dog thing is a man, how can I not know such a thing~”

“Nope! Can’t just spare him! Let’s see if he is a man! ”

Silly Zhu didn’t think of it, why everyone… Especially those women, while calling themselves hooligans, come to pull their pants!

“What are you doing! Zhang Shengli hit the woman! What are you bullying me for! ”

Hearing that the stupid pillar actually dared to say, those old ladies were even more angry.

After all, how come they don’t believe that the stupid pillars are more than thirty, can they not even know this?

“This dog thing must be pretended! Pick him up and see if there’s a melon! ”

“If not, believe him and don’t know!”

In the crowded square, the silly pillar was looked at by everyone.

After being watched, everyone pushed him, and then began to taunt and taunt at the silly pillar. And the stupid pillar can only quickly lift his pants and lower his head to listen to everyone’s abuse.

“You are such a big person, why are you so shameless? Do you also listen to the life of people and couples? ”

“If you can’t marry your daughter-in-law, you can’t do this?”

“Fortunately, Zhang Shengli turned off the lights, if you didn’t turn off the lights for you to watch, you are a big rogue!” Gotta shoot! ”

“Although this dog thing is small, it has complete spare parts…”

“So, he’s just playing the fool on purpose!”

“He also said that people beat daughters-in-law… You can’t make up rumors! ”

“I’m in my thirties, and I don’t know if it’s stupid or pure…”

“It must be pretending to be pure! It’s a man who knows what’s going on. ”

“That is, you haven’t eaten pork and haven’t seen pigs run?”

Stupid Zhu listened to everyone’s words, no matter how stupid he was, he understood what was going on. After figuring it out, the stupid pillar couldn’t wait to dig a hole in the ground!

There are many couples in the courtyard, but he didn’t think about it… Well, now I have become the laughing stock of the entire rolling mill!

And all this, you have to blame Zhang Shengli this dog thing!

If it weren’t for him moving too much! Can you think crookedly!.

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