Chapter 117 Information on the Deaf Old Lady!.

No matter how deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai said before, they were very sentimental and righteous.

In the face of reality, it has become a fake.

“The old thing doesn’t want to write a will now, why is it? She was afraid, she wrote to Yi Zhonghai, Silly Zhu was unwilling, if she gave Silly Zhu, Yi Zhonghai was unwilling! ”

Zhang Shengli glanced at Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu, and said with a sneer: “You two want to prove that you don’t worry about things, now go and persuade the old immortal, tell her to let her write a will directly, and give things to the other party?” ”

Yi Zhonghai’s face became darker and darker! Zhang Shengli, this is his army!

“People are not dead yet! Worry about what those are for! ”

Yi Zhonghai looked at the deaf old lady’s house, and then looked at the stupid pillar, he could only say such a sentence in a fierce manner, turned around and went home, before leaving, Yi Zhonghai was still afraid of what Zhang Shengli would say, in case the silly pillar listened to it and did not give himself a pension?

Therefore, he also quickly called the silly pillar to go together.

“Pillar! Hurry home and burn vinegar and wash your hands! ”

In any case, he was reluctant to give the deaf old lady’s family property to the stupid pillar, and he was not willing to lose the matter of the stupid pillar giving him a pension. But he didn’t notice that the silly pillar looked at him with a little questioning in his eyes.

Although the stupid pillar is not smart, he also knows that the deaf old lady told herself that the family property should be given to herself. In that case, Yi Zhonghai said that he didn’t want it, why couldn’t he give it directly to himself now?

In the heart of the stupid pillar, Zhang Shengli pierced a thorn.

Zhang Shengli saw the change in their expressions clearly and sneered lightly. These people in the courtyard just felt that Zhang Shengli was too right.

“Victory, you are right, these people are really them, just use each other!”

“I thought they were really close, but I didn’t expect it~”

“These three people are dishonest~”

Zhang Shengli just smiled when he listened to everyone’s words, and his new exposure reward came.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for exposing the deaf old lady Yi Zhonghai He Yuzhu for the successful relationship! 100% trust from the surrounding crowd! Congratulations to the host for the great success of exposure! 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 20 pieces of great unity, 100 jin of high-quality flour, 100 jin of high-quality rice, 100 jin of peanut oil, 100 jin of seafood gift bag, 100 jin of Shanzhen gift bag. 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 1 Rage Talisman, 1 Thunderstorm Talisman, 1 Bad Luck Talisman. 】

【Ding! Exposure success reward: Deaf old lady Zhang Cuifen fake five insurance household information. 】

【Ding! Exposure Success Reward… 】

Zhang Shengli originally thought it was still a pile of materials and money.

As a result, I didn’t expect ah, this time there is actually a fake five-guarantee account information of the deaf old lady! When Zhang Shengli heard this, he couldn’t help laughing.

What is it?

Someone brought a pillow over when I was sleepy! Zhang Cuifen…

357 Zhang Shengli looked at the deaf old lady’s house, this good old immortal life will not last long. Seeing Zhang Shengli’s gaze, Liu Haizhong quickly asked him: “What should we do if she is infected?” We’re in the same courtyard as her! Even if you throw her out… It can’t be done to throw a five-guarantee household on such a cold day….”

Zhang Shengli glanced at his bangs, this old thing is afraid of involving his own identity as a grandfather,

“It’s easy to keep her toxins from coming out, pour a basin of vinegar water on her house in the past two days, and burn some more Ai at the door…” As for us, it’s okay if you don’t go into the house and don’t see her. ”

After Zhang Shengli’s words, everyone was relieved. Otherwise, they would be really sad to death.

“Okay! I’ll go home and burn vinegar! ”

“I was too close to her just now, go home and change my clothes and go for a good bubble!”

“Yes! I’ll go get a pot of vinegar water and splash it in this old immortal house! ”

Everyone left, Zhang Shengli also went home, anyway, the deaf old lady is bored to do evil these days. On such a cold day, Liu Haizhong poured water on her house every day Zhang Shengli smiled slightly, old things, there is something she suffers from!

After a while, Xu Damao and Lou Xiao’e returned, and suddenly began to give out sugar in the middle courtyard!

Although it is not the kind of white rabbit milk candy sent by Zhang Shengli, it is also quite not cheap fruit candy with packaging! Receiving sugar twice a day, everyone in the courtyard was overjoyed!

“Zhang Shengli just sent a happy candy, the people are married.”

“Xu Damao, what are you doing? Are you married to Lou Xiao’e for the second time? ”

“Oh, that can’t be, Lou Xiao’e can’t fall twice in a pit, right?”

Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei also happened to wander to the middle courtyard, and when they heard others say this, Zhang Shengli continued. When Zhang Shengli’s words came out, Xu Damao was not angry at all!

He’s going to be silly!

“Victory! Victory! ”

Xu Damao rushed to Zhang Shengli’s side and stuffed all the sugar and melon seeds in his pocket into Zhang Shengli’s arms!

“You don’t know victory! Zhang Jin’er screamed, I am so happy today! ”

Xu Damao said, and suddenly knelt down for Zhang Shengli, not only kneeling, he also kowtowed, and everyone who kowtowed felt their heads hurt when they listened!

Xu Damao cried and knelt and kowtowed like this, and everyone in the courtyard was stunned!

“Xu Damao! You are…”

“It’s not the New Year… Besides, Zhang Shengli is not your father…”

“Xu Damao, you stammered victoriously overdone, you are still not a man? Do men know if they have gold under their knees? ”

Silly Zhu saw Xu Damao kneeling and kowtowing, and he couldn’t look at him in his heart.

In order to stubbornly win this dog thing, Xu Damao really did everything.

“Silly pillar, you know a fart! Zhang Shengli, he will be my father from now on! Zhang Shengli, he is 100 times better than gold here! ”


Xu Damao said a few words, and suddenly cried again.

Zhang Shengli looked at Xu Damao, who was crazy, and then at Lou Xiao’e, whose eyes were red but had a smile at the corner of his mouth, and instantly understood what was going on.

“Xu Damao, congratulations, you are going to be a father.”

Xu Damao cried even louder when he heard Zhang Shengli’s words! Or Lou Xiao’e is calmer than him.

“Yes, Zhang Shengli, you are really like a god!”

“I’m not feeling well these days, and then… That didn’t come at all. So the two of us went to the hospital early in the morning, and the doctor said it had been a month. ”

After Lou Xiao’e’s words, Xu Damao remembered that his daughter-in-law was still pregnant!

Everyone only saw Xu Damao rubbing up from the ground, and hurriedly went over to help Lou Xiao’e!

“That’s right! You can’t stand for too long! ”

Saying that, he opened his way to move a stool for Lou Xiao’e.

Zhang Shengli looked at Xu Damao’s panicked appearance like a grandson, and couldn’t help but smile. It’s good, the fate of this dog thing has changed drastically this time, and it should not be like before… Lou Xiao’e, Xu Damao, and the Lou family will not repeat their previous fate.

And silly columns.

Zhang Shengli looked at the stupid pillar, this dog thing is really desperate this time. Silly Zhu heard Lou Xiao’e say that she was pregnant.

I saw Xu Damao’s happy fart and urine flowing. The whole person of the stupid pillar collapsed!

“Xu Damao!”

Xu Damao was listening to others congratulating him, and happily giving people sugar and smoke, when he suddenly heard a roar from the stupid pillar!

Everyone in the courtyard was taken aback!

“Silly pillar, what are you doing! Scare this son Laozi and you desperately! ”

Xu Damao quickly stretched out his hand to cover Lou Xiao’e’s ears, this dog thing is too loud!

“What am I doing? Didn’t you say that you can’t give birth? Didn’t you say I broke you? Wang Baegg, how do you have children now? Hurry! Give me back my 2,000 bucks! ”

Stupid pillar hate!

Xu Damao, this beast, has such a beautiful and rich daughter-in-law as Lou Xiao’e, which is hateful enough! How can he still have children in this dead family?

Therefore, Silly Zhu thought that Xu Damao must have deceived himself before! Hearing Silly Zhu say this, Xu Damao hehe.


Xu Damao spat on the stupid pillar’s face!

“Lao Tzu was broken by you, that’s true! I still have the hospital checklist! The diagnosis of the director of the hospital can still be wrong! ”

Hearing Xu Damao say this, everyone in the courtyard looked at each other, this thing is not right…

“That… Xu Damao, you kid? ”

“Lou Xiao’e, this child?”

“Xu Damao, you won’t look for someone…”

“Blah blah!”

Looking at everyone’s doubtful eyes, Xu Damao angrily wanted to smoke the stupid pillar! Dog stuff, just because he makes others think more!

“You pig brains, didn’t I say that before? Zhang Shengli, he healed my disease! ”

“You don’t know! People’s military hospitals said that there was no way… Woo Zhang Shengli, give me needles and medicine, so ten days, woo victory! You are my God! ”

Xu Damao was originally happy, and cried happily while talking. Their old Xu family has a descendant!

Xu Damao


With a sound, he knelt down again against Zhang Shengli!

“Oh, I went to check, the doctor also said, I am also better, victory… You are my reborn parent, woo~”

The moment he came out of the hospital, Xu Damao decided that in his life, if he could be sorry, he would definitely not be sorry for Zhang Shengli and Lou Xiao’e!

Zhang Shengli let his Xu family have a queen.

Lou Xiao’e knew that he Xu Damao had problems, and she hadn’t divorced him yet, and she still lived with him! Just rush these, he Xu Damao can’t be sorry for these two people even if he dies in this life!

Xu Damao cried a handful of snot and tears, but everyone in the courtyard couldn’t care about laughing at him!

“Mother! Zhang Shengli can really cure diseases! ”

“Oh my God! This is… Xu Damao really has to kowtow! That’s a great favor! ”

“I can’t imagine that every family can have children!”

“Zhang Shengli, this can also be regarded as inheriting her mother’s mantle, a good thing.”

Everyone was happy for Xu Damao, after all, no matter when it comes, the concept that the Chinese people are not filial and have three nothings still exists.

Not to mention the sixties.

Now hearing that Xu Damao’s daughter-in-law was pregnant, most people in the courtyard were still happy for Xu Damao. Except for a few.

For example, silly columns.

After Silly Zhu heard Xu Damao’s words, the whole person was going crazy! Is this Zhang Shengli sick?

What a fitter worker! What medicine is prescribed and what needles are prescribed?

Xu Damao, this dog thing, was actually cured by him! Isn’t that your own money thrown away in vain!

Also, more importantly, Silly Zhu has not dealt with Xu Damao since he was a child. He thought that he had crushed Xu Damao with everything.

In the past, who in the entire courtyard did not say that he He Yuzhu’s salary was higher than Xu Damao, he was better than Xu Damao, and his popularity was stronger than Xu Damao!

The result now?

Xu Damao married Lou Xiao’e, although he is said to be a bourgeois lady, but Zhou Zheng, who is a parent, still has money! What about work, although Xu Damao still does not earn thirty.

But in fact?

The projectionist has extra money, and his family does not live on Xu Damao’s salary.

Earning more and earning less doesn’t seem to have any effect on Xu Damao. And he He Yuzhu has changed from a chef to a toilet sweeper. The salary was deducted for two months, not to mention that it was reduced.

Not to mention now!

Xu Damao, a dead family, is actually going to have children! The more you think about it, the more you collapse!

One turned around and entered the house and smashed all the teapots and teapots in the house!

Although Yi Zhonghai didn’t come out, he could clearly hear the movements in the courtyard behind the curtain! Originally, Yi Zhonghai still thought that he had no hope in this life…

But now that he heard that Lou Xiao’e was actually pregnant, Xu Damao was actually better, and Yi Zhonghai’s heart suddenly burned with a flame of hope. When he heard the stupid pillar smashing something, he should only not hear it.

When it was time for dinner, Zhang Shengli had just finished cooking, and Xu Damao and his wife came again.

Zhang Shengli couldn’t help but be shocked, he knew that Lou Xiao’e was sure to be pregnant today, and Xu Damao and Lou Xiao’e would definitely come to the door to thank him.

“What do I say, they must pick some food.”

Zhang Shengli said to Yang Weiwei while opening the door. Hearing Zhang Shengli say this, Lou Xiao’e blushed a little.

Zhang Shengli’s words are correct, they really came to thank them mainly to thank them. But another point, that’s also to rub a meal.

“Then who makes your house cook delicious! Isn’t it? ”

Xu Damao said and took Zhang Shengli into the house, Zhang Shengli threw him away, and the big man’s house hugged what building.

“You must take this.”

Xu Damao hurriedly poured rice and water, and Lou Xiao’e pushed an envelope in front of Yang Weiwei.

“Here is 1,000 yuan, my husband gave it, saying thank you Comrade Zhang Shengli.”

Zhang Shengli calculated in his heart, since giving Xu Damao this problem, he has collected 5,000 yuan, plus this 1,000 yuan, this child has spent 6,000 yuan before he was born… Gee.

Sure enough, it is the grandson of a capitalist.

A few of them ate and drank, and the stupid pillar was uncomfortable at home.

He didn’t understand, how could Zhang Shengli, a dog thing, know everything? Silly Zhu believes that Zhang Shengli must have some unknown secret.

“You don’t know how happy I am, victory!”

“I’ve been bullied by these beasts in the courtyard for the past few decades, and the stupid bastard hurts me with the child every day…”

“··· It’s good now! Lao Tzu is going to be a father! This dog thing is still an old bachelor! ”


When the silly pillar arrived at the door of Zhang Shengli’s house, he heard Xu Damao’s voice, this happy, this was strong, the angry silly pillar turned around and left!

When I got home, Silly Zhu was still angry!

Zhang Shengli himself may not be able to clean him up.

But Xu Damao, this dog thing, can’t he be too happy, can’t he? Stupid Zhu didn’t think about harming Lou Xiao’e or something.

He just felt that he had to let Xu Damao eliminate this pride! So, Silly Pillar hasn’t slept this night, what are you waiting for?

He wants to wait for everyone to sleep and smash the glass in Xu Damao’s house! The night is deep.

At eight or nine o’clock in the evening, the lights in the courtyard were already extinguished. The silly pillar crept into the backyard.

When he lifted a board brick and was about to throw it at Xu Damao’s house, Silly Zhu suddenly heard something! At this moment, Zhang Shengli was holding Yang Weiwei: “You say, everyone is a father, or let’s just have a double happiness?” ”

Yang Weiwei’s face turned red, this person was really annoying.

“Do you discuss this matter with the child, not the child, it doesn’t depend on you, it’s your species, it’s not you~”

Hearing Yang Weiwei say this, Zhang Shengli’s eyes narrowed dangerously! This little girl actually dares to stimulate her own man!

“Well, you are Yang Weiwei, you look like I was so considerate of you before? Yes! Don’t beg me today! ”

“Ah hate~”

When Silly Zhu heard these sounds, he quietly walked forward in fright and came under the window of Zhang Shengli’s house. What he didn’t expect was that Yang Weiwei’s voice was getting louder and louder!

It sounds really pitiful…

And Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, is still out of breath!

“Zhang Shengli, this beast! Actually beat his daughter-in-law! ”

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