Chapter 116 – The Iron Triangle Completely Collapsed, and the Deaf Old Lady Was Driven Out!.

Zhang Shengli read a book at home while listening to the various voices of Yi Zhonghai’s family.

Hearing their invective against themselves, Zhang Shengli laughed. Incompetent fury, top fart?

It’s not that you have to be beaten by yourself, it’s not that you live more and more vegetable buns.

After hearing the deaf old lady say that he must take revenge and must not marry well, Zhang Shengli sneered. This old immortal has really lived too long.

Day by day, without the slightest appearance of a serious old man, you know what is wrong. In this case, he Zhang Shengli did not mind giving her some trouble.

He Zhang Shengli has never been a saint, and whoever wants to make him feel bad, he will let it not live!

It was getting dark, the deaf old lady was lying on the bed and couldn’t move, and Aunt Yi came to give her medicine and let her sleep.

Because her legs were too painful, the deaf old lady was not affected when she wanted to sleep, so she specially asked Aunt Yi to add a sleeping pill to her.

“It’s good to sleep first.”

Hearing the deaf say this, Aunt Yi did as she asked.

Seeing Aunt Yi leave from the deaf old lady’s house, Zhang Shengli released the poisonous ants in the small world. These ants, scientifically known as red fire ants, have an orange-red body and a black tail.

The Latin name of the red fire ant translated into Chinese means “invincible” ant, if stung by it, the wound will have a pimple and a burning sensation, and most importantly, the wound it causes is extremely difficult to treat.

This kind of ant was not yet in Huaxia at this time, and Zhang Shengli also discovered it by chance a few days ago when he was monitoring nearby animals with the art of taming beasts.

At that time, he deduced that someone might have brought it back from overseas.

In order to prevent accidents, Zhang Shengli used the art of taming beasts to get those ants into the small world. In the small world, Zhang Shengli can control their birth and death.

In this way, this nest of ants has no possibility of species invasion. But for now, Zhang Shengli plans to let them go out and do some work.

There were more than fifty in a litter, and Zhang Shengli released them all.

“10 minutes of activity, go back quickly.”

The order was given, and the red fire ant glided along the threshold of Zhang Shengli’s house like a red line to the deaf old lady’s house. The deaf old lady was lying on the bed humming.

Her leg was broken, it was inconvenient to turn over, and her leg hurt when she moved slightly.

Taking sleeping pills is a sleep aid, but the feeling of pain is still felt by the body. Suddenly, the deaf old lady felt a tingling pain in her body!

She hurt and itched, and she wanted to jump uncomfortably!

But because of taking medicine, her consciousness was vague, and the deaf old lady couldn’t shout.

After 0 minutes, all the ants crawled out of the deaf old woman’s bed.

Then they automatically formed a column, and one of them climbed back to Zhang Shengli’s house.

After Zhang Shengli checked that it was correct, he took all the ants back into the small world, looked at the deaf old lady’s house that did not move, and sneered and entered the house to prepare for sleep.

The deaf old lady was drowsy this night, but she felt pain and itchiness all over her body. When the sky was dark, her consciousness was finally a little clear.

As a result, the body’s perception of pain is also sharper!

“This… What is this? Yes! ”

The deaf old lady only felt that her whole body hurt, and the pain was itchy in her bones, and she just wanted to scratch her body when she was uncomfortable. As a result, after scratching fiercely, the deaf old lady screamed out in fright!

Because, at this time, she found that her hands were all pimples, the same pain, the same itch. After scratching it, it hurt so much that she wanted to rip out the meat!

The deaf old lady screamed one after another, one worse than the other! Soon, the people of the courtyard were summoned into the house by her call. After entering the deaf old lady’s house, everyone was stunned!

The deaf old lady’s face and hands were red pimples with pus, Aunt Yi lifted the quilt and took a look, and then screamed in fright, and quickly covered the deaf old lady!

“It’s the same on the body! It’s the same with her! ”

Seeing the deaf old lady’s appearance, and then seeing Aunt Yi’s frightened appearance of saying something unfavorable, everyone became nervous.

“What’s wrong with this? Was she bitten or sick? ”

“What about Yi Zhonghai? Didn’t he take this old lady as an ancestor? Let him hurry up and send people to the hospital! ”

“What kind of hospital to send, it doesn’t cost money to send a little pimple to the hospital…”

Yan Bugui shook his head and told him to see that this was not a problem, what hospital to go to with a few lumps. Besides, the deaf old lady is so old, it is not worth spending money for this.

Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu also came in at this time, and seeing the appearance of the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai quickly took the pain-relieving medicine for her to eat.

“What’s wrong with this? Eating something bad or provoking the wind? ”

Silly Zhu looked at the deaf old lady’s appearance and quietly took a step back. Look at the weird people.

Yi Zhonghai was also worried, why is there so much about this old thing of the deaf old lady? It’s not good that the leg has just been broken, how come this has a pimple on the body.

“She’s not like allergies or rubella.”

Zhang Shengli stood by the door and glanced at it.

Hearing Zhang Shengli speak, Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui hurriedly asked, what is going on with the deaf old lady!

“The rash of allergies is all red and pustules, and rubella is a lump like this… She looks like this, how is it a bit like…”

Zhang Shengli was silent for a moment, and then deliberately pretended to be cautious and took half a step back. Seeing Zhang Shengli like this, everyone’s hearts were hanged!

“Victory, you said it!”

“What the hell is she? It’s scary to watch! ”

“Victory, don’t sell it! What the hell is wrong with her? ”

Zhang Shengli pondered for a moment, and then raised his head: “I can’t be sure of her this in fact, because some things have symptoms that are very similar to you, right?” It’s like chickenpox and hives, and some of them will look confused…”

“Zhang Shengli, your mother is a doctor, you follow well-informed, you hurry up and say, we believe you must know!”

“Yes, you said yes, we are a little bit of a villain in our hearts! Even if you say something wrong, no one will fault you! ”

“That’s right.”

Yan Bugui pushed his glasses, and then said in a loud voice: “The only person in our hospital who knows a little about children’s medical skills is you, and your mother has nothing to say about her medical skills.” You just say it out loud today, we will be a reference, after all, we ourselves know that there are many things that can make a pimple, we will listen to your opinion. ”

Yan Bugui thought that Zhang Shengli was afraid that he would take responsibility later if he said something wrong, so he directly cleared the responsibility for him. Let him just talk.

Zhang Shengli smiled in his heart, this is what he wanted.

“Yi Zhonghai, look at the pimple of this old thing, is there a little pustule.”

Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu were at the bedside.

Hearing Zhang Shengli’s words, Yi Zhonghai rolled his eyes angrily,

“It’s not all said for a long time! It’s a red bump with yellow pus! ”

Zhang Shengli was not angry because of his attitude, because after a while, this sand coin would be scared to death.

“Then you can see if there is a little dot next to her pustule as if it was poked by something?”

Yi Zhonghai endured the nausea, held his breath and went over to look, there was actually one!

“Yes, there is! Several bags are there. ”

Zhang Shengli smiled secretly, of course there is, the microneedle of the poisonous ant is pricked, how can there be no trace.


Zhang Shengli gasped and took another step back!

Seeing his appearance, Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui, as well as the onlookers of the courtyard, were bottomless!

“Zhang Shengli, what the hell is she doing?”

“Don’t you gnaw! You have to say it, we have a bottom in our hearts! ”

“You have to know this…”

I said! You all step back a little bit. ”

Zhang Shengli shouted, and everyone hurriedly retreated: “She is especially like a poisonous sore of infection!” ”

“I remember this poisonous sore, I heard about it years ago, it was inconspicuous at first, and then it was a red pimple and yellow pustule! Then the fever is still itchy, and it hurts! After scratching, it’s a pit plus one… That pit is worse than smallpox and chickenpox! ”

“That’s right! What’s even more unbearable is that it’s contagious! It’s contagious! If you are seriously ill, you can directly die of illness! ”

Zhang Shengli’s words were not half spoken, and the people in the deaf old lady’s house had already squeezed out!

Everyone is in the courtyard!

“What can I do about this? We all went in just now! ”

“In this room… Oops! This old immortal, she is really a sinner! ”

“Forget about the sores you have suffered from retribution! He actually told us to see it! ”

“What can we do, we won’t do the same, will we?”

“Zhang Shengli! Is what you said true? ”

Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu also rushed to the door from the house, looking at Zhang Shengli Yi Zhonghai’s eyes were crimson. He would rather Zhang Shengli was lying to him now, otherwise…

As long as Yi Zhonghai thought that he was so close to the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai wanted to chop off his hand!

“I also see it that way based on the symptoms… But eight or nine is not far from ten~”

Zhang Shengli shook his head, and then said: “I was in her house just now, and after I go home, remember to burn some vinegar and boiling water to cool down, wash my face, wash my face, and wash my hands.” ”

“As for the deaf old lady, I think we should carry her out and not let her in our yard…” Otherwise, there are dozens of people in this courtyard. ”

“yes! Uncle One, let’s get her out! ”

“This man can’t stay! In case something happens~”

“I still have children at home!”

“She looks like this, I’m afraid she is the same as a ghost, I’m still young, I don’t want to do this!”

Hearing everyone’s words, the deaf old man in the house was mad!

What’s even more angry is that both Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu ran out!

“Zhang Shengli, you fart! I’m okay! I’ll be fine in a few days! ”

Zhang Shengli sneered,

“yes, I didn’t say you wouldn’t be okay with that? It’s almost a week… It’s just that the infection was strong before, and then it is good to leave scars~”

Zhang Shengli said here and shrugged his shoulders: “Anyway, you see, I said I think it’s safe to get her out.” ”

Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu looked at each other, and they also wanted to throw the deaf old lady out. But they still don’t know where she collects the deaf old lady’s money.

She didn’t leave a will on this house, and if they threw her away, they wouldn’t get anything.

“I think…”

Yi Zhonghai coughed twice, thought about it and said: “I think so, let’s all go back to disinfect first!” Put the old lady in her house first…”

“You said this, what if the poison in her house runs out!”

“I’m not afraid of 10,000, I’m afraid of what if, what if something happens?” She’s old and dead, what about us people? ”

“Besides, just put her in the house, who cares about her? Do you go in with the stupid pillar and serve! ”

The deaf old lady listened in the room, and wanted to hear how Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu answered. As a result, they could not hear the two of them talking.

It turned out that Yi Zhonghai shook his head madly outside!

The deaf old lady looks like this, but they look at it, and if something goes wrong in this scene, they will say death! The deaf old lady is old, and they are not dead if they really die.

But he hasn’t lived enough yet!

“I go to work every day, in case it gets infected in the factory…”

And Silly Zhu also shook his head directly, and also whispered: “I haven’t married my daughter-in-law yet…” If something happens, my old He family will be extinct. ”

Seeing that the two of them wanted to pretend to protect themselves and not let the deaf old lady know, Zhang Shengli smiled coldly at the corner of his mouth: “It turns out that Yi Zhonghai is stupid, you two are also afraid of the deaf old lady contagion?” Then you just say it! So, how about you two carry her under the bridge? ”

“The place is empty, which is conducive to the volatilization of the virus, the main thing is that no one, other people’s provinces are infected.”

When the deaf old lady heard Zhang Shengli say this, she knew that Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu had raised themselves to betray themselves!

“Yi Zhonghai He Yuzhu! I Cao your ancestors! ”

“Yi Zhonghai, you dog thing! But you said it yourself, I am the ancestor of this courtyard! If you dare to carry me out, I won’t let you go!” ”

“He Yuzhu, you unfilial thing! I’m your grandmother! You said we will be together for the rest of our lives! ”

Zhang Shengli listened to the deaf old lady’s words and sneered in his heart: “Deaf old lady, you are not right, you don’t have the slightest sincerity towards the two of them, these two people must be hypocritical to you.” ”

Hearing Zhang Shengli say this, everyone suddenly did not rush to go home to wash their hands and faces, but instead looked at Zhang Shengli with a curious face.

“How do you say this, doesn’t it mean that they have a good relationship?”

“Yes! Yi Zhonghai, they provide for this old immortal, this old immortal covers them every day…”

Zhang Shengli shook his head and said in a loud voice: “These two people are not fake for the deaf old lady, and the deaf old lady is not fake for shielding their master, but the fact is that they are all false feelings and false intentions, and there is no sincerity. ”

Zhang Shengli said and pointed at Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu: “Look at them, if it is their own mother and grandmother, can they avoid being like a femme fatale?” ”

“Why do you have to think about leaving people at home and then finding a way to get people alive for seven days?”

“But what about them? I can see it just now, and I am thinking about how to convince the deaf old lady to go under the bridge! ”

“As for the deaf old lady, this old immortal, she is even more guarded against Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu, otherwise she is in her eighties and has no children and daughters, why don’t she make a will?”

Zhang Shengli looked at everyone’s thoughtful look and continued: “Of course, it is because she knows that if she leaves the will, maybe Yi Zhonghai or Silly Zhu will not be so attentive to her!” Therefore, she deliberately used her family property to hang Yi Zhonghai as a stupid pillar~”

“These three people have a shit feeling, and their stomachs are full of calculations!”

The deaf old man panicked angrily, Zhang Shengli actually guessed his thoughts!

“Zhang Shengli, you little beast, you talk nonsense!!”

Hearing the voice of the deaf old lady, Zhang Shengli smiled: “Since I am talking nonsense, then you are now seeing that the disease has become like this, maybe you won’t be able to live tonight, you should hurry up and say, who are you leaving your family property to?” Lest you burp and this becomes a problem. ”

The deaf old lady is a squib…

When everyone in the courtyard heard her not speak, they knew that Zhang Shengli was right.

Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu hated the deaf old lady in their hearts, but they didn’t want their reputation to be damaged: “Zhang Shengli, you guessed this blindly!” I was sincere with the old lady…”

“I’m just taking care of the elderly, but I don’t worry about things~”

Zhang Shengli listened to Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu’s words and smiled: “Okay, you two will write a note now, saying that you don’t worry about things, and then go in and take good care of her, and we will believe it.” ”

Zhang Shengli said a few words and two conditions, Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu closed their mouths with dark faces.

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