Chapter 115: Exposing the Deaf Old Lady, Yi Zhonghai, and the Silly Pillar Relationship!.

Yi Zhonghaideng entered the hall and asked for a general assembly, and he prepared a belly of words to prepare moral kidnapping Zhang Shengli, lest he find out that he proposed the meeting and did not want to participate.

As a result, Yi Zhonghai did not expect that Zhang Shengli actually nodded directly and agreed.

“Okay, I’ll be over in a moment.”

Zhang Shengli’s words blocked the bunch of words prepared by Yi Zhonghai.

“You, really going to a meeting?”

Hearing Yi Zhonghai’s skeptical tone, Zhang Shengli sneered: “Since it is the meeting promised by Uncle Yi Haizhong, of course I have to cooperate.” ”

Since Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady are anxious to play, then of course he Zhang Shengli is willing to cooperate, anyway, there is nothing to do today, he can accompany them to have fun!

Half an hour later, the whole hospital was assembled.

After Liu Haizhong said the opening remarks for a long time, he finally got to the point, that is, this will be Yi Zhonghai let go

“I thought, it’s not a big deal, don’t bother the big guys.” But Master Yi Haiyi didn’t agree,”

“People said that his business is a big thing, so this meeting will begin.”

Liu Haizhong promised to hold the meeting, but this does not mean that he is not yin and yang strange.

For example, now, he deliberately said that Yi Zhonghai had to trouble everyone.

Yi Zhonghai scolded in his heart, but his face was sanctimonious: “Your neighbors, in fact, as a person, I am also very reluctant to cause trouble to you.” ”

“It’s just that it’s not my business, so I can only let everyone have a meeting.”

Hearing Yi Zhonghai say that it was not his business, everyone was a little suspicious: “What the hell are you talking about quickly!” ”

“yes, we don’t have time to listen to you go around the corner here!”

“We’ll go back when it’s okay, what are you looking for on Sunday?”

Hearing everyone’s chatter, Yi Zhonghai’s face sank, but he recovered as usual faster. He had known for a long time that these people in the courtyard now had such an attitude towards themselves.

Just because he is not a grand uncle, these people don’t put him Yi Zhonghai in their eyes… A bunch of beasts who don’t know how to be grateful.

“That’s the case, everyone should know that the old lady was hit by a car today.”

Hearing this, everyone laughed and mocked: “Of course you know, can you not know that Wang Lord 05 Ren personally sent home?” ”

“The whole South Causeway Lane knows…”

“It’s not a shame to be able to say it.”

“What a thing…”

Yi Zhonghai didn’t know what was going on, the deaf old lady was hit by a car, these people actually didn’t have the slightest sympathy, he could only say that these people’s conscience let the dog eat!

But this is not important, what is important is the words that follow: “The reason why the old lady went out when the road was slippery on a snowy day was because Zhang Shengli quarreled with her!” Therefore, the old lady’s injury, Zhang Shengli has to be responsible. ”

When Yi Zhonghai said this, the big guy understood what he meant. Joining this dog thing is to let Zhang Shengli take the deaf old lady’s pot!

Everyone didn’t know what to say for a moment. So you can only shut up.

Zhang Shengli sneered and raised his voice to reprimand Yi Zhonghai: “Yi Zhonghai, you got in your head, right?” Why did she touch porcelain and have something to do with me? This old thing is not pushed by me, even if she falls to death, it has nothing to do with me? ”

“But she’s arguing with you…”

“If you want to say so, you have to ask Director Wang, but Director Wang said, she told the deaf old lady to let her not move, but the deaf old lady nodded…” According to your statement, whoever talks to her last is who harmed her, that can only be said to be Director Wang. ”

Zhang Shengli’s words Yi Zhonghai looked confused! What’s the situation?

How did you get involved with Director Wang?

“Zhang Shengli, what do you mean?”

Hearing Yi Zhonghai’s question, Zhang Shengli laughed,

“It means that this old immortal was injured at the gate of the street office, and she got under the car herself!” She didn’t want to touch porcelain, but she failed to touch porcelain, you neurotic actually want to take her to touch porcelain with me again… Yi Zhonghai, the two of you are really a raccoon. ”

Yi Zhonghai knew that the injury of the deaf old lady was witnessed by Director Wang… Yi Zhonghai couldn’t help but hate it.

The deaf old lady is so unrealistic that she doesn’t tell herself the truth!

But it doesn’t matter, even if the deaf old lady is injured and has nothing to do with Zhang Shengli, he can let Zhang Shengli take care of it!

“Let’s not talk about this injury, let’s talk about the old lady’s future life.”

Yi Zhonghai pointed to the deaf old lady who was carried out by the stupid pillar.

“Old lady, this is a person in her eighties, and now both legs are broken, how can someone take care of her.”

“Our family, I have to go to work, our family of country women go to the city, there are not many meetings, and every day turnip cabbage is not nutritious.”

“Therefore, I think that in our yard, there are only Zhang Shengli’s families who have the conditions and time to take care of the old lady.”

Yi Zhonghai looked at Zhang Shengli with a sincere expression: “Zhang Shengli’s salary is higher than mine, his family is also thick, and cooking is really fragrant and nutritious.” The most important thing is that his daughter-in-law also happens to be at home and has nothing to do, so it is appropriate to take care of the old lady! ”

“What do you think?”

After Yi Zhonghai finished speaking, he also specially asked. Unexpectedly, no one spoke, only Zhang Shengli said: “Yi Zhonghai, you are really a little sick…” This old thing is sick or not, and it’s about me that doesn’t die? You asked me to take care of him, did you take the wrong medicine? ”

Yi Zhonghai’s face changed, and he said loudly: “Why doesn’t the old lady care about your business? She is the ancestor of our courtyard! Everyone in the courtyard has the responsibility to take care of her old man! Don’t try to shirk! ”

Zhang Shengli sneered, looking at Yi Zhonghai’s pretentious appearance and wanted to laugh: “Old thing, she is not my ancestor!” Our old Zhang family counted three generations ago, and there was no dog thing like her! We don’t object to your willingness to recognize her as an ancestor, but that’s just your ancestor Yi Zhonghai! You are willing to take care of you take care of, I… You can’t climb. ”

“You man!”

Yi Zhonghai just said three words, and Zhang Shengli spoke again: “But there is a little, if you are really unwilling to take care of yourself, let me come.” ”

As soon as Zhang Shengli’s words came out, the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai showed joy!

“It just so happens that everyone is here, now let the deaf old lady write a will, you and Yan Bugui in the bangs sign as a witness, I will give her a pension, all the property of the deaf old lady belongs to me…” Since I gave her a pension, all her family property has been owned by me. ”

Zhang Shengli said this deliberately, because he knew that according to the urine sex of Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady.

If they talk about inheritance, nine times out of ten, these two will agree, and then find an opportunity to slowly dispose of everything, including the house.

Now let’s say that from this moment on, then, these two people specify that they are unwilling. Really.

“Zhang Shengli, you are dreaming! The old lady’s property is the old lady’s! How can you think about her stuff! ”

Zhang Shengli smiled.

“You said this, since she has reached the time when she needs to be taken care of by others, shouldn’t her property be taken out to others?”

“How? Can’t you say, let me take care of her, and then give you Yi Zhonghai’s family property, right? ”

Zhang Shengli looked at Yi Zhonghai with disdain: “If you want to think so, you are not just a moral, you are simply faceless and skinless.” ”

Yi Zhonghai’s face was livid!

He did intend to do so, but so what?

For so many years, he has taken care of the old thing of the deaf old lady, isn’t it such a little thing!

“Zhang Shengli… Respecting and loving the elderly is what we should do as juniors! How can you think about things…”

Zhang Shengli laughed shamefully when he heard his words, and then raised his voice and said: “Everyone has heard it, I will show everyone the true face of Yi Zhonghai, this dog thing!” ”

Zhang Shengli pointed at Yi Zhonghai and shouted loudly: “On the one hand, you said that we are all from the courtyard, and the deaf old lady is the ancestor of the courtyard, and we should take care of her.” What about the other side? You also said that I shouldn’t worry about my family property. Then I want to know, on the one hand, you Yi Zhonghai does not want to take care of the deaf old lady, on the other hand, why is it so strict about her family property? ”

Yi Zhonghai’s face changed, and he said toughly: “I mean, this is the old lady’s own thing, it should be according to her wishes…”

“Since it’s her own thing, let her take care of herself?” What is the truth that you just want to take advantage and don’t want to pay? ”

“Besides, what is the purpose of your Yi Zhonghai’s strong disagreement with the will? Yi Zhonghai, who do you think doesn’t know? ”

“Don’t know what?”

Yi Zhonghai glared at Zhang Shengli and asked.

“You are easy to be sanctimonious! You say that you take care of the deaf old lady, and the plot is the deaf old lady’s family property! ”

“Take care of the old lady in a normal manner, why don’t you say let me take care of her legs and feet? Now that the legs and feet are inconvenient, what do you want to be aware of? I promised to take care of her regardless of my previous suspicions, and you don’t agree to make a will! Isn’t it because you Yi Zhonghai is worried about her family property? ”

Zhang Shengli’s words were string by string, and he didn’t give Yi Zhonghai a chance to return his mouth at all!

“It’s nice to say, what to take care of the ancestor, you just treat her as a burden!” You old thing, that is, you want to have a family property and don’t want to contribute, Yi Zhonghai, you can really play a good calculation! ”

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for exposing Yi Zhonghai’s mental success! The surrounding crowd is 97% trusted. Congratulations to the host for the successful exposure. 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 5 pieces of great solidarity, 50 jin of high-quality flour, 50 jin of high-quality rice, 50 jin of pork, 50 carp of the Yellow River, 50 slaughtered chickens, 100 eggs. 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 1 bad luck charm, 1 foot slip charm, 1 sleep charm. 】

【Ding! Exposure Success Reward: ···· 】

The unexpected gain came, Zhang Shengli was originally just not used to Yi Zhonghai’s hypocrite, but he didn’t expect that after the call, he was exposed again successfully.

As for the missing three percent, it should be a stupid column.

Zhang Shengli glanced at Silly Zhu, who was looking at the deaf old lady with concern.

Zhang Shengli believed that the deaf old lady must have promised her family property to Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu respectively. Therefore, Silly Zhu thought that Zhang Shengli was wrong.

Because he thought that the deaf old lady had told Yi Zhonghai that these things were to be left to him… And Yi Zhonghai is being besieged by a bunch of people at this moment.

“Yi Zhonghai, you are also such an old person, although it is said that people do not die for themselves, but you do not have a descendant, what do you calculate these for?”

This is Yanbugui.

Yan Bugui felt that Yi Zhonghai, an old thing, did not have a son. It’s a waste to still think about money every day. It’s better to give him Yan Bugui, and you can marry your son a daughter-in-law in the future.

“I think what Zhang Shengli said is reliable, the deaf old lady is an outsider, why should we raise her?”

Liu Haizhong touched his stomach, and then said: “Otherwise, just like this, take all her family property… From a thread to the house, let’s sort it out for her, who do you want to raise, who will she give these things to immediately? What do the big guys think? ”

Liu Haizhong finally said something that made Zhang Shengli feel that it was still human. Although he just wrapped Zhang Shengli’s words.

But the people of the courtyard also raised their hands in approval.

“Yes! No matter who raises it, people have to eat and drink, don’t they? If you agree, moral, let’s go to her house and check it out now!” ”

“Yes, Yi Zhonghai, you are talking!”

Yi Zhonghai was defeated by Zhang Shengli and everyone in the army. It should be said that he was given an army by Zhang Shengli.

Now everyone choked him with Zhang Shengli’s words, but Yi Zhonghai had nothing to say.

“Forget it, I know you’re not reliable! This will be when I didn’t open! ”

Yi Zhonghai was angry and corrupted, and pulled the deaf old lady and the stupid pillar to walk 980.

He now had to hurry to appease the deaf old lady, and he must not let her feel that he took care of her for the sake of the family property. Otherwise, it is easiest to centrifuge.

Zhang Shengli watched these people leave with different faces, and snorted coldly in his heart, and two insects crawled from Yi Zhonghai’s house under the dining table.

This is Zhang Shengli who launched the art of taming beasts.

The weather was too cold, I thought it was eavesdropping on such a small thing, Zhang Shengli did not want the wasps in the small world to come out and be frozen. Therefore, local materials are used, just the insects in Zhonghai’s home.

Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady had no idea that a monitor had been installed in the house. After entering the house, he began to scold Zhang Shengli angrily!

“Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, he is the heart of a villain! He thought everyone was just like him! Do you know money, property, or something! ”

Yi Zhonghai was deeply afraid that the deaf old lady believed Zhang Shengli’s words.

Otherwise, if you take care of her by yourself and can’t get anything, isn’t it a bamboo basket for water, an empty one? But he didn’t know that the deaf old lady had long known who he Yi Zhonghai was.

Therefore, he pretended to be innocent here, and the deaf old lady did not believe it. However, the deaf old lady actually didn’t care what he thought.

Anyway, Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu have a temper with her.

Good control is also easy to persuade to take care of herself, and she is easily reluctant to renew people close to herself. Therefore, the deaf old lady still opened her mouth to comfort Yi Zhonghai: “Of course I know your thoughts, since I entered the courtyard, you have always been a dedicated one.” ”

The deaf old lady sighed: “It’s a pity, Zhang Shengli’s dog thing can’t enter the oil and salt!” ”

“Call me, we don’t expect this damn beast either! With me and Uncle Yi here, I can’t help you!” ”

Hearing Silly Zhu’s words, the deaf old lady felt a little comforted in her heart, but she was still unhappy.

“Not being hungry and eating well are two different things!”

“How many more years can my body live now?”

“Fast for a year or two, slow for three years and five years, I eat cabbage radish every day, how can I raise this well? I can’t spend the rest of my days in bed slowly recuperating, right? ”

The deaf old lady touched her two broken legs.

“That’s why I asked Uncle Yi to give me this meeting, but I didn’t expect Zhang Shengli, a beast!” I don’t know anything about respecting the elderly! ”

The more the deaf old lady thought about it, the more angry and corrupted she became: “I look at this beast, he just can’t look at me!” Isn’t it just some hemp? There is an old man in the family, and he does not know the truth of a treasure! ”

“This is a beast who can’t speak human words, don’t you think it’s a treasure when you tell him.”

Yi Zhonghai snorted and scolded: “This beast.” If you don’t do personnel, you still doubt others every day! ”

The deaf old lady snorted coldly: “This dog thing is also suitable for extinction!” You are so old that he does not respect, who else can he respect! Even if Zhang Zhiguo and his daughter-in-law were alive, this dog thing could them off! ”

“I have to let him know that offending my old lady, he didn’t have a good life!”

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