Chapter 114: Fighting with the Deaf Old Lady, Full House Assembly!.

A foot fell a dog to eat, the deaf old lady called a breath!

She got up with difficulty, turned her head and glared at Zhang Shengli and stubbornly continued to walk forward. Dog thing, she this old lady will not easily bow to the evil forces!

In order to show that he is a strong thief and is not afraid to fall steadily.

The deaf old lady walked step by step towards the outside of the courtyard with a cane.

“Don’t look at my old lady’s age, but not everyone can look down on her! How does it say that? Live to a green old age! Young people may not have strong old ladies! ”

The deaf old lady said in a strange manner as she walked. Everyone in the courtyard looked at each other, pouted and shook their heads, who knows what she is crazy about!

When she arrived at the gate of the courtyard, the deaf old lady also paid attention. After all, there were steps at the door, and she was afraid of falling when she was old.

Anyway, they couldn’t see Zhang Shengli, so the deaf old lady slowly descended the steps with a cane. As a result, the unlucky charm still did not let her go, and the crutch in her hand suddenly crooked, and the deaf old lady fell down the steps!


The deaf old lady screamed, knocked on her head, and smeared a little blood.

She had the intention to turn her head and call people, but the deaf old lady also knew that Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai had gone to work, and she told others to be afraid that people would ignore her, so the deaf old lady could only stand up again and go to the street on crutches. There is a health room there, and they have to bandage the small wound on their head for free.

At the gate of the street office, Director Wang was waving a truck.

This is the street where they finally asked the nearby transport team to help deliver things. Now that things are gone, it’s time for people’s cars to go.

When the car started, the deaf old lady saw Director Wang across the road: “Director Wang!” ”

The deaf old lady shouted, and Director Wang quickly waved her to wait and wait for the truck to come over. The deaf old lady was also quite cooperative, standing still.

When the truck started and ran forward, the deaf old lady didn’t know what was wrong with her! Suddenly, the soles of his feet slipped and ran two steps!

“What are you doing! Stop! ”

Director Wang’s eyes widened in fright, and he told the deaf old lady to stop, and the result was good, and the deaf old lady completed a sprint on the ice!


The truck braked suddenly, and the deaf old lady’s leg was still pressed under the truck!

“Director Wang! You’re not being generous enough! ”

The truck driver hurried down, his whole face was black!

“Our captain asked me to volunteer labor for your streets, and you will entertain me like this when the work is done?”

“You can watch for yourself, this old lady is standing well, my special car moved her and ran over!” What about the two of you working together to touch porcelain? ”

Director Wang’s face is darker than the driver’s face, and he begged his grandfather to tell his grandmother to let the transportation team come to a car to help, which is good! The work is done, and the old thing of the deaf old lady suddenly comes out!

If she wants to come over and reach out early?

Director Wang herself was watching, she told the deaf old lady to stand and don’t move first.

Unexpectedly, the driver’s car drove up, and the deaf old lady went in front of the sports car! She can’t stop shouting when she is fast!

But she also knows that this matter must not be left to other drivers. Otherwise, from now on, their reputation in South Causeway Lane will stink!

Give you voluntary labor, the street office also cooperates with the old lady to touch porcelain… When she said this, her face fell there?

“You wait, you wait!”

Director Wang shouted a few times, and a few people came out of the street office, and everyone was startled when they saw the deaf old lady’s appearance, but they quickly carried her to the side of the road.

“People are okay! It’s that the leg seems to be broken! ”

Hearing this, Director Wang was relieved in his heart.

“Comrade driver, it’s not your fault for this, so you buy two packs of cigarettes to suppress the shock.” We should have never happened to us! ”

Director Wang paid out of his own pocket and gave the driver two yuan.

The truck driver looked at the deaf old lady, and his brows furrowed to kill flies: “What about this porcelain?” ”

Director Wang gritted his teeth: “If you go, this should not have happened, but don’t tell your captain.” ”

No way, the current car is in short supply.

Every year when the street uses a car, she has to ask for it with a face. This time, it is clear that the driver cannot be blamed.

If she doesn’t cover up the past, then it is said that she Director Wang touches porcelain with others, so she can only let the driver keep his mouth shut.



The truck started and walked away.

Director Wang looked at the deaf old lady who was lying on the ground, her face pale and had fainted in pain, and her face was livid. People in the courtyard who don’t have to go to work are doing things.

Suddenly, I heard a commotion at the door.

Everyone saw that Director Wang of the Street Office led a few people and carried the deaf old lady in on a stretcher. Yan Bugui hurriedly greeted him: “Director Wang is coming to Pengxian Shenghui!” What’s going on? ”

Director Wang snorted coldly, what’s wrong?

“Don’t come to this set! We, the five-guarantee household, touch porcelain at the door of the street office! He also ran into a truck that pulled supplies for the street, and Yan Bugui was stupid when he heard this! ”

Deaf old lady, this is crazy, right? What not to learn to touch porcelain?

“This is? Broken? ”

Yan Bugui’s face turned dark, and he glared fiercely at the deaf old lady lying on the stretcher.

“Two legs are broken, and I can’t move these days. She is a five-guarantee household, and she is old. So the driver didn’t pursue it, and the street office paid for her treatment…”

Saying this, Director Wang was angry and panicked! How much money can you have in a street?

Just because of this old thing went to the hospital, put two plaster casts, and spent more than a dozen dollars!

“This is all for the sake of her face as a five-guarantee household! Otherwise, I would have to send her to the police station!” At such an age, our government has given her a lot of welfare subsidies! Why is she so shameless and touched porcelain! ”

When I think of it, Director Wang is angry and panicked, shame!

Yan Bugui was also angry when he heard it! This old immortal is deliberately embarrassing him and his bangs, right?

Yi Zhonghai has been a master for more than ten years, and this dead old demon does not go out to mess around! As a result, I and Liu Haizhong just did the position for a few days?

This old thing went out and threw the people of the courtyard!

“We must care more about her in the future, educate her more, so that she can’t smear our streets!”

Yan Bugui patted his chest and assured, Director Wang snorted coldly and let the deaf old lady into the house.

“You’d better walk the talk! If this old thing is a demon again, I will find you to be responsible!” ”

After being severely reprimanded, Yan Bugui sent Director Wang away. Frying pan in the courtyard!

“This old thing still talks about the face of the courtyard every day!”

“The face of the ghost lady! The porcelain is dry! Shame! ”

“Don’t talk about touching porcelain, she still failed this old thing…” If she fails, even if her own leg is broken, really, think of people like this”

“It’s really… Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and the deaf old lady has been retributed from the beginning~”

It was almost noon when the deaf old lady was sent in.

Therefore, Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei were cooking in the kitchen at this time. The so-called, men and women work together without getting tired.

Anyway, after Yang Weiwei came over, the two of them did everything together.

“When I get two dishes at noon, I have to use a high heat to prepare a pot of spiced beef.”

Zhang Shengli took out more than thirty pounds of beef from the space yesterday.

Prepare a pot of spiced seams, so that you can put it there directly. Cut a plate when eating, and that’s a cold dish.

When I don’t eat, I am a little hungry, cut a piece, and eat it as beef jerky. Also full.

So Yang Weiwei nodded directly.

Two people washed and added ingredients one by one, and in less than ten minutes, dozens of pounds of beef were cut into a large iron pot on the big stove and marinated.

“Let’s get a bloody and sweet and sour ribs.”

Zhang Shengli reported the name of the dish, and Yang Weiwei’s eyes nodded brightly.

“As long as you make it, I like to eat it.”

Hearing Yang Weiwei’s words, Zhang Shengli smiled, and then pointed to the new cabinet: “The lunch meat, tripe and hundred leaves inside are all taken out, I will slice it.” ”

Yang Weiwei was very obedient to the order, and she also playfully raised her hand to salute!

Zhang Shengli raised his eyebrows, at this time it was quite popular to wear a green military uniform, or you could get a set for Yang Weiwei, Yang Weiwei was responsible for taking things, and Zhang Shengli was responsible for knife work and cooking.

After the sweet and sour ribs are ready, when the blood is cooked, the spiced beef in the pot also begins to emit aroma. Dozens of pounds of meat are stewed in one pot.

What is that concept?

It is tantamount to throwing a cannonball made of meat in the courtyard! Moreover, it is still a very diffuse shell.

The entire courtyard was soaked in the aroma of meat little by little.

Because they are to be marinated, these beeves need to be simmered on low heat for at least an hour. In this hour, there was a falling out in the courtyard!

“No, there is still the smell of meat…”

“What is this for, today, usually ten minutes is boring, this is not let people live today~”

“No, I have to eat another nest!”

In the middle courtyard, a group of people were eating with rice bowls and smelling the smell.

And the Jia family, the stick terrier fell out again.

After determining that he was not Yi Zhonghai’s species, Jia Zhangshi and Jia Dongxu were even more indulgent and pampered against the stick terrier.

“You’re all trash! If you don’t give me meat! I won’t care about you guys in the future! ”

“Woo hoo, I want meat! I’m going to eat meat! The stick terrier lay on the ground, splashing and rolling and rubbing his belly. Jia Zhang was drooling on the side. ”

“Zhang Shengli is a beast! I know that we guys can’t afford to eat meat! He also deliberately makes meat every day!! ”

“This special lady’s is to kick the nose on the face! Is this a human errand? It’s been an hour since I made a meat! Jia Dongxu nibbled a few mouthfuls of white-faced steamed buns, only feeling tasteless! ”

I can’t wait to throw the steamed buns!

“Zhang Shengli, this one who kills a thousand cuts, why are we so unlucky to be in the same courtyard with him!”

At this time, people are hungry, after all, there is no oil and water in the stomach, and it is not people who are not hungry…

But some are particularly gluttonous, such as the Jia family, such as the deaf old lady.

In the deaf old lady’s house, Yi Zhonghai brought her half a bowl of vegetables and a white-faced steamed bun.

“This dish is delicious today, she went to buy tofu in the morning, and added cabbage stewed with lard! You hurry up and try it. ”

Yi Zhonghai helped the deaf old lady to sit up and let her eat.

On weekends for half a day, he didn’t have the heart to serve the people, so he came back after work. As a result, when I went home, I knew that the deaf old lady went to touch the porcelain and broke her leg…..

Yi Zhonghai scolded his mother angrily, but for the sake of the deaf old lady’s family property, he could not get angry, he could only continue to serve, but unfortunately Yi Zhonghai did not know that the deaf old lady was not rare in his service.

The deaf old lady doesn’t want to eat cabbage anymore.

“You put it down on the table first and listen to me.”

Seeing the deaf old lady’s solemn face, Yi Zhonghai frowned suspiciously, but still put the bowl down.

“That’s why I’m on the street today! That’s all angered by Zhang Shengli! ”

The deaf old lady looked at Yi Zhonghai with a serious face: “Now everyone has also seen it, my two legs are broken, and there can’t be no one around to take care of me.” ”

“And the reason why I was injured is because of Zhang Shengli, so I think I should let him take care of me.”

After the deaf old lady’s words, Yi Zhonghai’s eyelids twitched: “Old lady, you said so last time, and the result…”

As a result, Silly Zhu committed a dangerous crime, and was beaten by Zhang Shengli like a dead dog. Therefore, Yi Zhonghai does not intend to be the second stupid pillar.

The deaf old lady certainly saw his thoughts.

“Last time was last time! Besides, this time I quarreled with him, but everyone saw it! ”

The deaf old lady tried her best to persuade Yi Zhonghai: “Besides, you also saw it this time, but I have broken both legs!” You have to go to work every day, your daughter-in-law is busy enough to serve you, Zhang Shengli’s family has money and people, am I going just right? ”

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai was still a little hesitant, the deaf old lady added another fire: “Don’t worry, I don’t mean that I eat him just like him, I know in my heart, I only have such a grandson as you and a half and a stupid pillar, it should be yours, I won’t give it to anyone!” ”

Yi Zhonghai listened to the deaf old lady’s words and felt comfortable. But his mouth was still pretending: “Okay, what is your old man?” Can I think about you? If you really want to go, I’ll go to Liu Haizhong and let him hold a whole hospital meeting!” ”

Yi Zhonghai’s eyes flashed, he didn’t believe it, at the whole hospital assembly, Zhang Shengli could still shirk this matter! Anyway, the deaf old lady just wants to eat Zhang Shengli’s.

Yi Zhonghai sneered in his heart.

He actually did it on purpose.

He knew that the deaf old lady was gluttonous, so he deliberately brought cabbage tofu over at noon today, and deliberately said that this was a good dish. It is to make the deaf old lady feel that no matter how good the food is with him, it is cabbage tofu.

In this way, the deaf old lady will definitely ask Zhang Shengli to serve her! The result was really, as expected.

When Yi Zhonghai came out of the deaf old lady’s house, his face was full of smug smiles!

As long as Zhang Shengli raised the deaf old lady, he Yi Zhonghai would not need to serve this old thing. As for what legs are good, it is easy to ask God to send God after it is good.

As long as the deaf old lady can be sent to Zhang Shengli, the deaf old lady 3.3 must be reluctant to give Zhang Shengli’s family big fish and meat every day. She won’t come back when it’s gone.

It’s good that she still hates the rich.

Yi Zhonghai was sure that the better the deaf old lady ate at Zhang Shengli’s house, the more she hated Zhang Shengli. Therefore, he Yi Zhonghai can wait for the deaf old lady to burp and then collect her family property himself. Liu Haizhong is drinking a little wine in the house.

It’s hard to rest for half a day, how can I be comfortable.

Unexpectedly, Yi Zhonghai actually came.

“How? Are you looking for me? ”

“I have something to do with the old lady, and we asked for a whole hospital meeting.”

When Liu Haizhong heard this, his face was impatient: “What’s the matter, just have a meeting?” You say it directly! ”

Yi Zhonghai laughed in his heart, did he dare to open his bangs when he said it?

“Liu Haizhong, I remember that everyone in this courtyard has the right to request a general meeting of the whole hospital! How? Are you going to refuse? ”

Liu Haizhong shook his face, Yi Zhonghai this dog thing, that rule pressed him.

“Okay, I’ll let people bang the gong in a moment, isn’t it just a meeting, what a big deal.”

“Okay, I’ll go inform Zhang Shengli.”

Yi Zhonghai was satisfied, and the whole hospital assembly was good at this. As long as it is a courtyard, you can ask the chief uncle to hold a meeting.

It’s just that when he Yi Zhonghai is a grandfather, there is always a way not to hold meetings for others. And this fool in the bangs, he still doesn’t know how to refuse!

Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei were eating, and Yi Zhonghai knocked on the door.

“Wait for the whole hospital meeting later, Zhang Shengli you must participate, I have already told Liu Haizhong.”

Yi Zhonghai’s words gave Zhang Shengli two messages, this meeting was requested by him, because he said that he had told Liu Haizhong and that this dog thing wanted to trouble himself again!

Because, he let him Zhang Sheng, must participate!.

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