Chapter 113 The Deaf Old Lady Rushes to the Street!.

In the courtyard, Yang Weiwei and they received their certificates and happily returned to the courtyard.

Because it was already winter vacation, even Yan Bugui in the morning was still catting in the front yard. Seeing Zhang Shengli, he quickly said hello.

“You two went out?”

Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei looked at each other and smiled, and then gave Yan Bugui a big white rabbit.

“Don’t say it yesterday, get married in a few days, so I specially went to get the certificate today.”

Yan Bugui quickly reached out and held the sugar, this must not be dropped!

It’s expensive!

This large handful of sugar, don’t eat it now, can be put out to fill the scene during the New Year, that’s called a good look!

“Okay! Congratulations Congratulations! ”

Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei smiled, pushed the bicycle and continued to walk towards the backyard. If you see a good one on the road, give a few candies.

Even seeing the two little girls Xiaodang and Huaihua, Yang Weiwei didn’t feel that she should bring her dislike for their grandmother and mother, so she also grabbed a big white rabbit for each of them.

“Thank you.”

Xiao Dang said in a low voice, and then looked at Zhang Shengli carefully. After all, the locust flower is small, and I only know to say thank you after Xiaodang.

I didn’t know anything about the grudge between her family and Zhang Shengli.

Zhang Shengli did not deliberately give Xiaodang a face, so he and Yang Weiwei continued to walk back. Although the TV series is small in the later stage, they are also quite selfish.

But Zhang Shengli said that he could be tolerant of Xiaodang and Huaihua’s selfishness.

It’s not to be nice to them, but I know that these two people are treated so badly by the Jia Zhang family every day, and it’s good to grow up. It is simply impossible to expect them to grow into golden phoenixes in the rat den.

They can’t all be blamed for this.

Therefore, Zhang Shengli did not plan to deal with these two little girls who were beasts and beasts.

Yan Bugui stuffed the sugar into his pocket, and just about to enter the house to hide, he saw several people coming in at the door!

“You are… Rolling mill security section? ”

Yan Bugui knows these people, and last time Stupid Zhu reported Zhang Shengli for collaborating with the enemy, it was also these people who came over! Why is it here again?

Thinking like this, Yan Bugui was a little worried, and quickly followed them to the backyard!

“Victory! Victory! The people who guarded the section are here again! ”

Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei were just about to go to the backyard of their bicycles when they heard Yan Bugui’s shout. Turning around, Qian Baoguo of the Security Section came again.

“Aunt Xian, what are these people doing here?”

“Wasn’t it these people who came last time? How come we Zhang Shengli ingredients are no problem! ”

“That is, why don’t you people adhere to it!”

“He’s a martyr’s family!”

Zhang Shengli turned his head and saw Qian Baoguo, and before he could speak, the people in the courtyard began to scare Qian Baoguo.

No way, they remember, the last time Zhang Shengli was reported, Xu Damao’s dog thing stood with him. As a result, now that Xu Damao is by Zhang Shengli’s side, it is really moisturizing!

They are envious in their hearts, of course, this time they must be good at victory.

“Okay, people haven’t said what to do, you get out of the way.”

Zhang Shengli waved his hand, and everyone had to give way. Let Zhang Shengli talk to him.

“Chief Qian, are you here?”

Zhang Shengli raised his eyebrows suspiciously?

“What happened to our yard?” Still…”

In fact, Zhang Shengli wanted to ask, did that Wang Baeggan report himself again?

“Are you looking for me?”

Qian Baoguo frowned and looked at what Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei were wearing. This dress looks expensive…

Although he knew that Zhang Shengli was rich, he still had to ask about this.

“You’re right, I’m looking for you, but it’s not your business.”

Zhang Shengli listened to him say this, and his brows wrinkled slightly.

After all, the security section is equivalent to the police station, and it will not be good for them to come looking for someone.

“You just say what the hell is the problem.”

Seeing that Zhang Shengli was impatient, Qian Baoguo quickly smiled: “Don’t worry, it’s actually not a big problem.” It’s just…”

Qian Baoguo glanced at Yang Weiwei: “It’s this comrade, someone reported that she is an enemy, and we heard that she is your fiancée, so we want to verify her identity and origin.” ”

Saying this, Qian Baoguo was afraid that Zhang Shengli would pursue himself again, so he quickly added: “We originally wanted to investigate first, but she is not an employee in our factory, so I thought of directly investigating with you to verify Qian Baoguo’s attitude this time, which was much better last time.” ”

The last time Silly Zhu reported Zhang Shengli for collaborating with the enemy, Qian Baoguo came over without verifying his identity.

As a result, after a period of searching, it was found that Zhang Shengli was not only the youngest sixth-level worker in the factory, but also the descendant of the martyr. Completely cleared the suspicion of the enemy, not to mention, the people of their defense section also respected Zhang Shengli.

Today, when I heard that it was their family’s business again, Qian Baoguo specially came over by himself in order to show caution. Even the attitude is very good.

Of course, Zhang Shengli found a problem with his attitude, and Zhang Shengli did not blame him for such an inquiry. After all, someone reported someone to verify that this is as it should be.

If you want to blame, you can only clean up the people who report themselves for no reason!

“This is Yang Weiwei.”

Zhang Shengli first solemnly introduced Yang Weiwei to the people of the security department.

“Her father and mother used to live in Mao’er Hutong on Gulou Street, and it should be said that their family has lived there for generations.”

“When you go now, you can still see her grandmother, aunt, and uncle…” By the way, his uncle is the leader of our factory’s senior engineering team, Team Leader Wang. Zhang Shengli said this, Qian Baoguo remembered! ”

“They were the ones who came on a blind date last time!”

Zhang Shengli rolled his eyes: “You know too? You came to check me on my blind date last time, and today I both get the certificate, and you come again? ”

Zhang Shengli said this, Qian Baoguo was simply self-contained…

“No, brother! This is really… Someone reports us only… Don’t worry, I will find out that if it is okay, I will definitely send a gift to eat happy wine when you get married! ”

Zhang Shengli snorted coldly and nodded.

“Now I want to know, where did Yang Weiwei grow up since she was a child? The police station near us does not have her account. ”

It was because of this that Qian Baoguo came to investigate.

The absence of the account is also a problem, and it has to be clarified.

Zhang Shengli nodded, at this time, Yang Weiwei’s account was not in Four Nine City. Because when she was a child, she moved to the northwest with her parents.

“My father-in-law and mother-in-law supported the Great Northwest and went to the Northwest Automobile Factory, one is an engineer of the automobile factory, the other is an office clerk, you can just call over there.”

“As for the hukou, they took Yang Weiwei with them back then, so the hukou also moved over, but we got the certificate today, so in ten days and a half month, her hukou came back.”

After understanding clearly, Qian Baoguo nodded.

He didn’t have to wait to go back to verify before he believed Zhang Shengli.

Because these things Zhang Shengli said are easy to find out. I guess he couldn’t have lied.

Therefore, Qian Baoguo directly apologized.

“Okay, then I understand, I’m really sorry to disturb you again, we will check this matter when we go back, but I believe you Comrade Zhang Shengli.”

Zhang Shengli smiled: “This is not your job, right?” Can I still embarrass me? ”

Saying that Zhang Shengli’s eyes flashed, maybe he would really need him in a few days!

“Since Chief Qian feels embarrassed, I will ask you for help in two days, but you can’t refuse.”

“Definitely can’t refuse, bother you twice, we can be regarded as not acquainted, you talk about something.”

Qian Baoguo didn’t know what Zhang Shengli could help him, but he nodded quickly.

Zhang Shengli is now the youngest grade eight worker in the rolling mill! The future is immeasurable, and it has the weight of the factory director and Zhou Lao. It doesn’t hurt to make more friends yourself.

At the same time, Qian Baoguo is still very happy.

Fortunately, today I came to investigate this matter myself.

If you change the stunned head of the security section, maybe you will have to offend Zhang Shengli when you make a fuss.

“By the way, who made today’s report?”

Zhang Shengli gave Qian Baoguo a cigarette, and the two people lit a fire.

“Brother, it’s not that I don’t tell you, I really don’t know!”

Qian Baoguo was also speechless, these idlers can really make trouble for themselves!

“We just went to work in the morning, and I opened the office door to find a report letter in the crack of the door!”

Zhang Shengli’s eyes flashed, you can also have a letter, and the handwriting is easy to recognize.

“How is the writing on the letter?”

Qian Baoguo replied: “The writing is not bad, it is the same as a dog climbing a tree branch and scratching.” I haven’t learned the word for a few years. ”

When Qian Baoguo said this, Zhang Shengli already had a bottom in his heart.

Seeing the people of the security department come in, they did not get angry or shout, but called Zhang Shengli brothers and brothers, and everyone in the courtyard was shocked!

“Zhang Shengli, these people came to scare me! I thought I was looking for trouble! ”

Yan Bugui saw that the person was gone, and hurried over. Zhang Shengli smiled: “I came to find trouble, but there is no problem, it has been solved.” ”

This kind of thing cannot be avoided, otherwise the people who grow in these melon fields in the courtyard can suddenly make up three or four versions for you.

If you explain it directly, there is nothing to say about this. Hearing Zhang Shengli say this, everyone hurried over: “Of course we know that you must be fine, Zhang Shengli, how are you, can we not know?” ”

“Yes. Besides, your eyes will definitely be fine! ”

“I guess, someone looked at Comrade Yang Weiwei’s beautiful clothes and blushed eyes~”

“Otherwise, some people hate people and laugh at people like this, see how you are doing, some people are jealous!”

These people are just blind at this point.

Zhang Shengli already had a goal in his heart.

Just now, Qian Baoguo said that the report letter was found in the rolling mill, and the report was Yang Weiwei, who had not been to the rolling mill much. That means that only the people who work in the rolling mill in the courtyard can send the letter of complaint.


Now except for a few less conspicuous people, the people working in the rolling mill are Liu Haizhong, Xu Damao, Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai. Liu Haizhong is still counting on Zhang Shengli to maintain the identity of Uncle Yi for him, so it is definitely not him.

Not to mention Xu Damao, the descendants have to count on Zhang Shengli, so it is even more unlikely to be him. And stupid pillar, this dog thing has no head and no brain to do things every day.

It may be possible to let him write a report letter, but it is like a dog that can write the word on purpose, and the stupid pillar is unthinkable. Then there is Yi Zhonghai left.

As for why it couldn’t be a letter written by Yi Zhonghai for Silly Zhu to send. That is, of course, a matter of risk sharing.

Just stupid Zhu, this fool, it is estimated that Yi Zhonghai does not dare to hand over the letter to him.

In case you lose it, it’s a big problem.

What’s more, even if he didn’t lose it, it was a fool who pinched him.

Therefore, in Zhang Shengli’s opinion, Yi Zhonghai would not be so stupid and put his handle in the hands of the stupid pillar. Then, writing a letter can only be Yi Zhonghai stuffed into the security section.

As for who wrote it.

Zhang Shengli watched and pushed the bicycle with Yang Weiwei to the backyard. Zhang Shengli stopped his bicycle while looking at the deaf old lady’s house. Really.

The deaf old lady was standing behind the window looking at the courtyard.

Finding Zhang Shengli looking at herself, the deaf old lady was so frightened that she quickly sat on the bed and turned around, how could she not let Zhang Shengli know that this matter was done by herself!

The deaf old lady still remembers that when Stupid Zhu reported Zhang Shengli, the beaten people were dying… But the deaf old lady also hates it in her heart!

Why is that?

He obviously watched Yang Weiwei live in Zhang Shengli’s house, but as a result, none of the elders came.


Therefore, the deaf old lady reported Yang Weiwei’s enemy. Isn’t such an identity suspicious?

As a result, I didn’t expect that the people of the security section came over, and they didn’t even say a word loudly, and after asking a few words three times and dividing two, they turned around and actually left!

Deaf old man hates it!

She stood at the window and looked at Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei in the courtyard in a glamorous and beautiful body, and she hated her teeth! Unexpectedly, Zhang Shengli suddenly glanced at himself!

The deaf old lady was frightened by the glance, and turned around and sat on the bed! God, this dog thing won’t find out it’s yourself, right?

The deaf old lady thought about it, probably not.

She deliberately wrote that word with her left hand.

I just don’t want to be seen by Zhang Shengli, it’s a letter written by himself.

As a result, he didn’t expect that Zhang Shengli just came back and gave himself a murderous look! The deaf old lady couldn’t help but think about it, there should be no flaws in her work today, right?

Zhang Shengli couldn’t help but sneer in his heart when he saw the deaf old lady who was a thief with a weak heart.

Just now, he already suspected that Yi Zhonghai’s handwriting was too easy to discover, so those dog-crawling words should be written by a deaf old lady.

Looking at it now, I really didn’t wronged her!

This old immortal thief has a weak heart, so that people can see through it at a glance.

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing Zhang Shengli staring at the deaf old lady’s home, Yang Weiwei asked in a low voice, “Is the person who reported me related to her?” ”

Zhang Shengli’s eyes flashed, this daughter-in-law really didn’t choose the wrong one, and she reasoned so well after only a few days with herself?

“Okay, you don’t have to worry about it, I’ll take care of it.”

Hearing Zhang Shengli say this, Yang Weiwei glanced at the deaf old lady’s home and nodded. Anyway, since she is married to Zhang Shengli, she will nod whatever Zhang Shengli does.

Zhang Shengli asked Yang Weiwei to go back to the house first, while he looked at the deaf old lady’s window. But he wanted to see if the deaf old lady could hide for the rest of her life.

Although the matter is clearly explained this time, as long as there are people, it is inevitable that there will be eight mothers. Maybe tomorrow you can hear the slander of Yang Weiwei’s life.

But Zhang Shengli is not afraid, this is not a problem for him, he only wants to know when the deaf old lady will come out of the house, he wants to make her worry for a long time. Unexpectedly, the deaf old lady came out in less than ten minutes.

No way, the elderly old lady, Sanjian really can’t control it. As soon as the deaf old lady came out of the room, she saw Zhang Shengli looking at her face.

The deaf old lady’s face turned dark, and she gritted her teeth and pretended not to see Zhang Shengli,

“You can go slowly! Don’t fall out of a good bad guy for a while, and then you will report me for wrongdoing. ”

Zhang Shengli said this, but his hand quickly waved gently.

The three unlucky talismans turned into a puff of black smoke, and one by one burrowed into the deaf old lady’s body. The deaf old lady standing in front of the house is actually a little cold.

The green brick floor under her feet froze where there was water.

But she glanced at Zhang Shengli, or stubbornly picked up the crutches and continued to walk. Zhang Shengli looked at Wei Wei and smiled, what he wants is that you don’t listen to the unlucky bastard.

The deaf old lady just went into the hall and fell hard and ate!

After a scream, no one cared about her, and the deaf old lady could only grit her teeth and get up on her own. What a culture in this courtyard! I was really damaged by Zhang Shengli!.

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