Chapter 111 Stupid Pillar was taken away by the police, Jia Zhang, are you in the kiln?.

Because of Jia Zhang’s scream, the entire courtyard gathered around Jia Zhang’s door. The more Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady listened outside, the more wrong it became, how could this sound like a silly thing? The two of them hurriedly squeezed in.

“In the bangs, you can’t punish him!”

The deaf old lady quickly shouted out as soon as she saw the figures of Liu Haizhong and the silly pillar. Everyone turned their heads and saw that it was this old thief again!

“Why, Stupid Zhu has committed such a big thing, and you still want to shield him?”

Liu Haizhong snorted coldly, what Zhang Shengli said before was really right, this old immortal is to shield and condone Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai!

“You can see clearly, he is a hooliganism!”

Hearing Liu Haizhong’s words, the faces of the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai darkened.

“How is it hooliganism? Pillar he this is sleepwalking! Do you know what sleepwalking is? He was asleep, and he didn’t know what he was doing! ”

Yi Zhonghai glanced at the silly pillar, he knew how rare the silly pillar was Qin Huairu, so, no matter what, it was impossible for him to sleep with an old lady.

“In the bangs, you are Uncle One, you can’t say that you are talking nonsense when you are a Uncle One, right? He was a misunderstanding about the pillar, he was sleepwalking in a daze! So don’t say anything rogue is not a hooligan. ”

Yi Zhonghai knew in his heart that he had thought about Zhang Shengli’s words. It may really be that he is dead.

Since the stick terrier is not his Yi Zhonghai species, he can’t have children. Then Yi Zhonghai really could only put all his hopes on the stupid pillar.

Silly Zhu has to give him a pension, since this is the case, then Yi Zhonghai unconditionally shields Silly Zhu, how can he not let him leave a case record


Zhang Shengli sneered and glanced at Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang.

“Silly Zhu has been in the courtyard for so many years, who has seen him sleepwalk?”

“Now that the widow’s bed is drilled, it is said to be sleepwalking, do you believe it yourself?”

Zhang Shengli hehe.

He did use a sleepwalking charm on the silly pillar, and the silly pillar was indeed sleepwalking, but so what? With so many people in this courtyard, who could believe that the silly pillar was sleepwalking into someone else’s bed. Hearing Zhang Shengli’s words, Yang Weiwei nodded: “The so-called sleepwalking is also a disease, and it has been a sprout since childhood…” Stupid Zhu like this, if he had never had it before, it can be said that it was a coincidence that he suddenly had a seizure today, but since he had a seizure, he did not go to Uncle Yi’s house closest to his home, but came to Jia’s house… Uncle Yi, can you still say that it is a coincidence? ”

Yang Weiwei glanced at the livid silly pillar: “I have also heard of sleepwalking in the northwest, but I have gone around the house twice by myself, and I really haven’t drilled into a woman’s bed.” ”

Yang Weiwei’s stupid face turned blue and red.

What can he say?

Silly Zhu himself really doesn’t know what’s going on. He knew that he would sleep when he was sleepy.

Then, I had a dream.

Silly Zhu dreamed that Qin Huairu was walking in front and following behind.

After following her to the house, Qin Huairu lay on the bed, and he put his arm around her. In his dreams, he didn’t want to do something.

But he was too obedient by Qin Huairu, and he hadn’t touched Qin Huairu’s hand for so many years.

Therefore, he was so excited to be able to lie in bed together, he put up with the idea of doing something… Silly Pillar is really glad now.

He was glad that he didn’t make a mistake in his dream!

If I really did something at that time, then I am afraid that I am dead now, I can’t tell about it. What’s more, this is still Jia Zhang’s!

If he is stupid in his dream and gives the treasure of more than thirty years to Jia Zhang, then the stupid pillar can stand and jump the moat!

“Uncle One, Uncle Two, believe me! I really just dreamed of myself, what kind of sleepwalking Uncle Yi said! ”

Silly Zhu really wants to cry now.

“I don’t know how I swam to Jia’s house.”

Liu Haizhong glanced at Zhang Shengli, expecting him to come up with an idea.

“No matter what you say about sleepwalking or not sleepwalking, but now you are sleeping while people are sleeping, and it is a real thing to get into the woman’s bed, and this matter is not easy to deal with in our yard…”

Zhang Shengli pondered for a moment, and then said: “I suggest, let’s call the police!” Whether it is sleepwalking or going to be a hooligan or a fine or detention is left to the police. ”

“After all, if we believe Yi Zhonghai and Silly Zhu’s words that it is sleepwalking, let’s not care? What will happen later? ”

Zhang Shengli asked, everyone looked at each other, what will happen later?

“Since it’s okay for the stupid pillar to sleepwalk into other people’s beds, is it okay for others to “sleepwalk” in the future? Big guys think, in the future, when our yard arrives at night, you swim one and I swim one? You are beautiful when you enter someone else’s daughter-in-law’s bed, and when someone else enters your daughter-in-law’s bed, can you agree? ”

As soon as Zhang Shengli said this, everyone shook their heads like rattles!

“That won’t work! Who dares to swim my daughter-in-law’s bed, Lao Tzu breaks his leg! ”

“Yes! This can’t just be done! ”

“If it’s all like this, how will this day be lived? Others say that our courtyard still has a face? ”

“So, I just said you have to call the police! Letting the police severely punish the stupid pillar is also a warning to everyone, not because – the individual has broken the atmosphere of the courtyard! ”

After Zhang Shengli’s words, except for Yi Zhonghai’s group, they all nodded like garlic.

“Victory, you’re right! This must be severely punished! ”

Hearing Zhang Shengli’s words, Liu Haizhong quickly nodded!

This matter is really difficult to handle, if Silly Zhu did something with Jia Zhang at that time, they can directly let the two of them either get married, or the two of them mess with the relationship between men and women, and pull them to the street.

But the two of them hugged and slept together quietly!

No one believes this when he says it, and if he is not punished, it is that he is incompetent. But if it is punished, in what name will it be punished?

with male-female relationships? Pull them on a street tour? The two of them didn’t do anything.

Let them marry? That’s even more!

So, calling the police is the best way to do it!

“Guangfu! Guangfu! You go to the police! Go call the police! ”

With a loud shout in the bangs, Liu Guangfu ran out like a cannonball. Listening to them say this, Jia Zhangshi was also anxious!

“Can’t go to the police! What’s going on here? Do I still want to face me if you call the police like this? ”

Jia Zhangshi put on a big cotton jacket and rushed over and pulled his bangs: “You can’t call the police about this!” I don’t need the police to arrest him! Today, I was drilled by a stupid pillar. So Uncle Yi, you let him lose money! Compensation me… Just pay me 200 yuan! ”

Seeing that Liu Guangfu ran away, Jia Zhangshi did not dare to open his mouth, of course, Jia Zhangshi was originally prepared to ask for at least 500 yuan.

Looking at it this way now, it’s better to solve the matter quickly.

When the police come and arrest someone, they have nothing to lose, what if they don’t lose money for themselves?

“No, he has a bad nature and can’t listen to you.”

Liu Haizhong glanced at Zhang Shengli, as long as Zhang Shengli didn’t speak, he would do what Zhang Shengli said before! Jia Zhangshi also found out, she glared fiercely at her bangs: “You are still uncle!” You old thing is a straw bale nest waste! ”

The brows in the bangs that were scolded by her frowned, and wanted to scold back!

But Jia Zhang Shi had already turned his head and opened his mouth to Zhang Shengli!

“I don’t agree to call the police! This is my family’s business, I ask the fool to pay me 200 yuan, you…”

Jia Zhangshi originally wanted to scold people, but she was afraid that she would not be able to get Zhang Shengli, so Jia Zhangshi gritted her teeth and lowered her head: “Zhang Shengli, you will be the master in this matter, let the stupid pillar lose money to me, don’t call the police.” ”

Zhang Shengli listened to the laughter, and said to Jia Zhangshi with a mocking face: “Jia Zhangshi, do you know what it is to get into the bed with a woman and not be responsible for only giving money?” ”

Jia Zhang looked confused.

“If you collect the money of the stupid pillar today, then the stupid pillar is visiting the kiln, and you are selling yin!” You can think about it. Originally, this matter only caught the stupid pillar, if you have to disagree and ask for money, you two have to go in together~”

Zhang Shengli doesn’t mind this.

Sending one in and sending two in was a show of hands for him. But Jia Zhang didn’t agree!

“Zhang Shengli, you fart! Who said that the old lady is a kiln! ”

Zhang Shengli raised his eyebrows: “At that moment, you told the police to let the stupid pillar give you money to try?” See if the police took you with them? ”

Jia Zhang’s hoodwink.

And at this time, the police arrived.

“Comrade police, stupid, he really is sleepwalking, but you can see clearly, he didn’t do anything!”

The deaf old lady pulled the police to death and did not let the fool go.

“Old lady, we have to judge whether he has any homework, if he doesn’t do anything, his problem is not too big, if he does something, you are covering up the crime now!”

The policeman looked at the deaf old lady with cold eyes: “Everyone is watching, the facts are clear, there is nothing suspicious, so we must take him back to investigate!” If you hold back… We’ll have to ask you to go back with me. ”

The deaf old lady wants to protect the silly pillar, but it does not mean that she wants to share happiness and suffering with the silly pillar. Hearing the police say this, the deaf old lady immediately became dumbfounded.

Seeing the silly pillar being taken away by the police, everyone talked about it.

“Did you say he was sleepwalking?”

“Hmph, have you ever seen a sleepwalking woman bed?”

“It’s also… However, this stupid pillar has a big loss, how can this have to enter Qin Huairu’s bed~”

“You’re stupid, aren’t you? Didn’t Zhang Shengli say? He Yuzhu, he is rare in his heart, Jia Zhang~”

“yes, too…”

Watching everyone talk and leave their house. Jia Zhang’s is really furious!

What’s going on here?

I had a hard time sleeping tonight…

When Jia Zhang thought of this, he couldn’t help but recall that many people in the bed were indeed warm….

Most importantly, if it weren’t for Zhang Shengli, this dog thing would be a lot of things!

How can she also ask Stupid Zhu to give herself a loss fee of several hundred yuan or something! Zhang Shengli did this, she Jia Zhang’s was really slept in vain.

I didn’t catch a penny, and I lost such a big person!

As long as Jia Zhangshi thinks that in the future, others will say that she sleeps in a bed with a man, and she wants to kill people angrily!

“Zhang Shengli, you beast! A-churning stick that kills a thousand cuts! ”

“It’s all silly for this.”

Qin Huairu complained.

This Wang Ba Egg is also a man, in his thirties, he actually entered the bed of Jia Zhang’s old fat pig when he entered the house, which is really a waste!

Qin Huairu scolded the stupid pillar to death in his heart.

As a result, she didn’t expect that Jia Zhangshi would decide that it was Zhang Shengli’s fault!

“Silly pillar, he made a mistake! But he can correct this mistake! He gave us 200 yuan, and this old lady can treat this as if it never happened! ”

But Zhang Shengli that beast! die

“Wang Bayou has to make things bigger!”

“The dog thing said that he deliberately cut off my wealth! What else to say for my reputation! I’ll go to his ancestor’s! ”

Jia Zhang scolded Zhang Shengli in the house and scolded the bloody head.

Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei had already entered the house.

“I can’t figure it out, what does this stupid pillar think? I actually went to get into the old widow’s bed. ”

Yang Weiwei shook her head, there were so many strange things in this courtyard.

“Don’t say you can’t think of it, I can’t think of what happened to him~”

Zhang Shengli shook his head, the surprise given to him by this sleepwalking talisman was too great.

He hadn’t yet begun to test the dreams that controlled the silly pillar.

Silly pillar, this dog thing has actually begun to dream on its own. Forget about the dream, he actually entered Jia Zhang’s bed.

There are so many beds in the Jia family, and no one he went to the bed of Jia Zhang’s is shocking!

“That deaf old lady and Master Yi actually said that he was sleepwalking.”

Yang Weiwei sneered. Zhang Shengli smiled slightly: “Why, don’t you think?” ”

Yang Weiwei frowned slightly: “I don’t say if it’s or not, but I’ve heard of sleepwalking, and I really haven’t heard of going into other people’s beds, sleepwalking is in his own home, how did he dream of someone else’s home?” ”

Zhang Shengli hooked the corners of his mouth,

“Of course, he wants to go to someone else’s house~”

Yang Weiwei was amazed at this.

“In this courtyard, there are really many strange things.”

Zhang Shengli nodded and responded with a smile: “Who said it wasn’t.” ”

And at this moment, Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady were sitting in the room and scolding Zhang Shengli!

“I just said, this Zhang Shengli is our opponent!”

The deaf old lady slapped the table and looked angry: “What did the stupid pillar do?” Isn’t it just getting into the wrong bed? Zhang Shengli, why is this beast’s mouth so broken! Fart big let him get it…”

“Little king bastard! Day by day, he is against us! He just deliberately can’t get by with us! Little beast…”

Deaf old man is angry.

She fell twice the other day and was bitten by a dog later.

It’s because Zhang Shengli, this dog thing is missing another eye. To be honest, it’s really not very convenient to go out and around.

Silly Zhu is at home, as long as she wants to go out, coax Silly Zhu to say a few words about this fool can go out and walk around behind her back.

But now Zhang Shengli is doing this, Silly Zhu doesn’t know that he can’t turn around behind his back for a few days, the important thing is that Silly Zhu hasn’t said his daughter-in-law yet.

The deaf old lady also counted on quickly finding an honest daughter-in-law who was good to talk to Silly Zhu, and would serve herself with Silly Zhu in the future. If this incident is punished by the police today, it will be a big stain!

How to find a daughter-in-law in the future!

“This little bastard is really harmful! If he doesn’t make a big fuss! I don’t believe that Jia Zhangshi can turn the sky over! ”

Hearing the deaf old lady say this, Yi Zhonghai pointed in the direction of the Jia family: “I still don’t know about that dog thing of Jia Zhang’s?” She wants 200 yuan, give her 50 yuan and it will be solved! ”

“Now because of Zhang Shengli, this damn thing! The silly pillar was taken away by the police! ”

Yi Zhonghai said here, his face was gloomy.

“I don’t know how the stupid pillar will be interrogated…”

Stupid pillar that dog thing is unobtrusive, in case it is really he deliberately drilled into the widow’s bed! I’m afraid I can’t come back, in the end, Yi Zhonghai doesn’t quite believe what the deaf old lady said about sleepwalking.

After all, the stupid pillar has not swam for so many decades.

What he said just now was just to save the stupid pillar.


The deaf old lady suddenly slammed the table! Yi Zhonghai frowned and looked at her: “What’s not okay?” ”

The deaf old lady snorted coldly, and one eye glanced at the backyard fiercely: “Can’t let Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, be so proud!” He pitted the stupid pillar, and hurt us so miserably! If we don’t take revenge, we must not be trampled to death by him in the future! ”

Yi Zhonghai listened to the deaf old lady’s words and sighed. Revenge is easy to say: “Revenge, I also want revenge, the key is how to avenge the group?” ”

“I can’t learn from that little beast and set a fire, right?”

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