Chapter 110: The Difference Between Silly Pillar and He Daqing!.

The news brought back by Lou Xiao’e immediately made everyone excited!

What’s the most exciting thing in the world? Of course, it’s a fragrant bright red melon!

Don’t say Yan Bugui, they are curious about the Jia family at this time. Even Zhang Shengli was itching in his heart.

He originally thought that the dog thing of Silly Zhu was young and should not go to bed so early, but he didn’t expect that a few of them had eaten and drank for too long, and in the blink of an eye this dog thing fell asleep. Forget it, he himself began to sleepwalk, Zhang Shengli really wanted to know what happened in Silly Zhu’s own dream when he did not control his dream. Can you let the sleepwalker charm take him to Jia’s house?

Thinking like this, Zhang Shengli stood up excitedly!

“Let’s guess everything here for nothing, let’s go over and take a look!” What if it’s a thief? ”

Hearing Zhang Shengli’s words, the others rubbed and got up!

In fact, their master couldn’t sit still for a long time, after all, the Jia family had a peach blossom eye who could hook people. So they all feel that nine times out of ten it is Yi Zhonghai!

After all, Yi Zhonghai has a previous conviction!

“What kind of thief, I think it must be Yi Zhonghai again!”

A few people quietly walked forward with light steps.

There was also a whispered discussion on the way.

And Liu Haizhong came up and said that it must be Yi Zhonghai.

After all, Yi Zhonghai had been caught drilling into the cellar with Qin Huairu.

“But if it’s Yi Zhonghai… That’s too bold, right? ”

Yan Bugui is shocked, this is entering the hall!

“Gee, uncle, you don’t know this~”

Xu Damao tiptoed to follow everyone: “It’s because I was caught in the cellar that I changed to my home!” The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place~”

Lou Xiao’e snorted coldly;

“Do you have experience?”

“Didn’t I discuss it with Uncle Yi when you said this?”

Hearing Lou Xiao’e say this, Xu Damao felt weak for a while… Zhang Shengli waved his hand, and everyone stopped.

“What now?”

Yang Weiwei nervously grabbed Zhang Shengli’s hand.

“No, let’s go in and turn on the lights!”

After Zhang Shengli finished speaking, several faces were shocked!

“Just that direct? What if there is no one? ”

Xu Damao scratched his head.

Zhang Shengli listened to his words and laughed: “050,000 if there is no one, then we also care about them, worry about thieves, what are we afraid of?” ”

Hearing Zhang Shengli say this, Yan Bugui and Liu Haizhong couldn’t help but raise their thumbs! Sure enough, there is a set!

As soon as the curtain of Jia Zhang’s house was opened, everyone looked at each other. The door is actually closed?

“Sleepwalking is still so rigorous?”

“Yi Zhonghai, this old thing is quite careful…”

Zhang Shengli and the others’ thoughts are as above~


Zhang Shengli went first, opened the door and entered the house. Then he reached out and pulled the light.

This is not to say that Zhang Shengli is familiar with the Jia family, but it is because there is a light bulb hanging at home in this era. The rope that pulls the light bulb is behind the door…

As soon as the light came on, everyone saw that Jia Dongxu and the stick terrier each slept in a small bed. When the lights came on, they didn’t wake up.

Everyone went into the bedroom again.

Just one bedroom, two beds in the house, one bed sleeps Qin Huairu and Xiaodang Huaihua. On the other bed, it must be Jia Zhang’s…

But when everyone saw the other bed, they were shocked……… Zhang Shengli reached out and rubbed his face, he was really shocked!

This is to let him control the stupid pillar, he can’t think of this effect! Sleepwalkers, what awesome!

Everyone was stunned to look at Jia Zhang’s bed.

On Jia Zhangshi’s bed, Silly Zhu was lying in a bed with Jia Zhangshi, holding Jia Zhangshi and sleeping snoring for days. And what about Jia Zhang?

Her face was buried in the chest of the stupid pillar, and she was also snoring and snoring to the sky!

“I’m dripping!”

A shout in the bangs!

“This! This silly column! Are you thinking your daughter-in-law is crazy! ”

As soon as the voice in the bangs came out, everyone dragged their scared souls back. Yan Bugui shouted even louder!

At this moment, even the pig woke up.

When Jia Zhangshi heard the voice, he came up angrily!

The old lady sleeps, what is that god-level disease noisy!

As a result, as soon as I wanted to raise my hand to wipe the saliva on the side of my mouth, I found that the situation was not right!


Jia Zhangshi screamed and kicked the stupid pillar under the bed!

As soon as Qin Huairu opened his eyes, he saw that Jia Zhangshi kicked out a man from the bed! Qin Huairu is almost kneeling, Jia Zhang’s awesome, stealing people dare to steal the house?

But Qin Huairu, the man on the ground, was dumbfounded.

“Silly? Silly column? ”

Qin Huairu couldn’t figure it out, could it be that he had become ugly? Or is her Qin Huairu’s charm gone? Or is it that the stupid pillar can’t see himself now?

Why? Why did the stupid pillar drill into Jia Zhang’s bed?

Weren’t silly pillars rare for themselves before?

Qin Huairu had deep doubts about this world…

She pinched herself, and when she grinned in pain, Qin Huairu confirmed.

The stupid pillar actually bypassed himself and entered Jia Zhang’s bed…

“Could it be that my daytime feelings are fake~”

Qin Huairu couldn’t help but think of how he was chatting with Jia Zhangshi after he said that he was angry during the day. Could it be that the stupid pillar is just a trick to find himself?

What is rare about him is his mother-in-law, who is less than one meter six meters tall and weighs nearly 200 pounds. Thinking of this, Qin Huairu was dizzy for a while!

Silly Zhu was stunned for a moment when he was kicked under the bed by Jia Zhangshi. He raised his head and saw Zhang Shengli standing at the door.

“What are you doing here?”

Silly Zhu frowned, he hadn’t reacted yet.

“Huh… What are you doing here? ”

Xu Damao sneered and pointed to the bed behind Silly Zhu: “I didn’t expect Silly Zhu, you are not only stupid, your taste is extraordinary.” ”

Silly Zhu found out that something was wrong!

Not because of Xu Damao’s words, but because more than Zhang Shengli stood at the door. On the bed opposite him, there were Qin Huairu and Xiaodang on the bed!

Suddenly, Silly Zhu remembered that he had just heard a scream. Then, he was kicked out of bed!

The silly pillar turned his head trembling and glanced back…


A stupid pillar eye with a big mouth smoking Venus! Jia Zhang sat on the bed wearing a vest!

Oh my God! Stupid pillar is really dumbfounded!

“This! What’s going on! ”

The stupid pillar collapsed, he couldn’t figure it out, why was he here? Jia Zhangshi cried even more: “God, I’m not alive, I’ve been widowed for twenty years, I haven’t broken it, woo-woo, stupid pillar, you are a killer of a thousand knives, woo-woo, you are worried about women, you can’t worry about me, woo~”

The scream when Jia Zhang opened his eyes had already woken everyone in the courtyard up. Now hearing this howl, everyone knows that the scream just now is not a dream.

Everyone hurried to get dressed in a panic.

Listening to Jia Zhang’s shouting about innocence or something, could it be that the courtyard entered the flower picking thief? When everyone was running to Jia’s house, Jia Zhang was grabbing the stupid pillar and beating!

“He Yuzhu, you are a beast! Your innocence is gone, the old lady is going to kill you dog today! You don’t want to face you bastard! ”

Stupid Zhu held his head and was beaten by Jia Zhangshi and couldn’t stand up: “I really don’t know what’s going on!” I really didn’t get into your bed! ”


Jia Zhangshi gave Silly Zhu another big mouth!

“You beast! If you worry about me, forget it! You’re all under the covers… You’re all woo-woo! You’re all holding me to sleep, and you still pretend you don’t know! You don’t want to shame you! ”


Qin Huairu looked at Jia Zhangshi, who was scolding and crying, and only felt that his eyes were dark. Why couldn’t she figure it out where she had lost?

Stupid Zhu can actually look at such an old and ugly shrew!

“I really don’t know what’s going on…”

The stupid pillar was beaten wild and did not dare to fight back.

After all, today’s matter is bigger, that is to be a rogue! He could only explain without confidence while being beaten. He really doesn’t know what’s going on!

Xu Damao looked at Silly Zhu’s mouth closed with a smile, and couldn’t help but sneer: “Silly Zhu, we really can’t think of it, you are stronger than your father!” Your dad’s family ran away with a little widow, you’re good! Directly into the old widow’s bed! ”

“I kind of know this time, what is better than blue out of blue stupid pillar, you are a real cow!” You actually slept directly with Jia Dongxu’s mother, don’t say that you went out cleanly, you didn’t even come out of the courtyard! ”

“Oh my God!”

“This silly pillar, this is awesome!”

“What? Stupid Zhu actually slept with Jia Zhang’s? ”

“I’ll go! I’m dreaming, right? ”


A scream suddenly came from the crowd: “Why are you pinching me!” ”

“I just want to try, is this a dream…”

“Why don’t you try it yourself when I go to your grandmother…”

“Silly pillar, you’re really awesome.”

Hearing Xu Damao’s words, Zhang Shengli shook his head, he felt that he should be able to find a reason for Silly Zhu’s aberrant love.

“In fact, it’s not strange that Silly Zhu looks at Jia Zhang, everyone knows that Silly Zhu gave birth to He Yushui and it was gone, and then Silly Zhu and his father ran away with the widow~”

Zhang Shengli shook his head, and the look in his eyes looking at Silly Zhu was sympathy and mockery: “So, Silly Zhu is worried about his mother, so he has a bit of an Oedipal complex…” It means that I especially want to have a mother, or I especially stick to my mother and a woman who is older than myself. ”

“Then there is the head that He Daqing brought him, and He Daqing ran away with the widow, so Silly Zhu felt that the widow was fragrant in his heart! I think that a widow is a real woman, alas. ”

Zhang Shengli sighed and looked at Silly Zhu with a confused look.

“Silly Zhu, it’s just that your taste is a little wrong, I remember, others said that He Daqing followed the widow’s parents are beautiful, you this…” Gee. ”

Zhang Shengli has long felt that the reason why the stupid pillar has been unable to let go of Qin Huairu is that Qin Huairu is hooky and has good means. It should also be that he was influenced by He Daqing and felt that the widow was good in his heart.

Look, isn’t it verified today?

This dog thing also directly chose Jia Zhang, who was a widow, in his dream!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for exposing the Silly Pillar Love Widow successfully! 100% trust from the surrounding crowd! Congratulations to the host for a great success! 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 20 pieces of great unity, 100 jin of high-quality white noodles, 100 jin of vegetable gift bag, 100 jin of fruit gift bag, 100 jin of seafood gift bag, 】

[5 large front doors.] 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 1 sleepwalking talisman, 1 joy talisman, 1 foot slippery talisman, and 1 bad luck talisman. 】

【Ding! Exposure success reward: Small world deep mountain species plus one, space capacity plus 2 cubic]

Seeing the increased space, Zhang Shengli’s eyes flashed!

Originally, he still thought that with such a continuous reward material, these things can be kept in the best state in the space, and will they not be able to fit in the future.

After all, if he wants to buy and sell himself, he may have to wait a few years to find opportunities. But now it seems that the space will actually grow up, so what are you afraid of?

And when everyone in the courtyard heard Zhang Shengli’s words, they instantly understood why this happened!

“I’ll just say, usually Silly Zhu is so good to Qin Huairu, why did he enter Jia Zhang’s bed…”

“It turns out that he has Qin Huairu in his eyes, and he is worried about Jia Zhang’s in his heart~”

“No wonder the silly pillar is so big that he doesn’t have a daughter-in-law, and he didn’t find a widow.”

“Uncle Xian, do you say that it is genetic? Do you like widows? ”

Hearing others ask this, Yan Bugui pushed his glasses. In fact, he doesn’t know this problem…

Therefore, he came up with the most ambiguous attitude: “What about this thing, I simply said that your master does not understand, anyway, just like what Zhang Shengli said, the stupid pillar is worried about the widow.” ”

Xu Damao was amazed.

“Silly pillar, silly pillar, I really didn’t expect ah, your taste in 327 is so unique!”

“You said it earlier, anyway, the Jia Zhang man is gone, you said earlier that we said for you how good the medium is, what do you look like when you are so caught?”

Zhang Shengli snorted coldly, what else could it look like?

“That’s hooliganism.”

Hearing the words of Xu Damao and Zhang Shengli, Silly Zhu was mad!

Wang Baegg, one moment said that he was his Oedipal mother, the other said that he loved widows, and now he actually says that he is a rogue! It’s unbearable!

“Zhang Shengli! I Cao your ancestor! ”

When Silly Zhu slept at home, he wore thread pants. Now when I arrive at Jia’s house, I don’t wear a coat.

So as soon as he stood up, everyone saw his patched pants on his crotch!


The stupid pillar’s fist swung straight at Zhang Shengli’s face!

Zhang Shengli grabbed Silly Zhu’s arm and slammed him in a semicircle in this room! Then, threw it out hard!


The stupid pillar suddenly fell to Jia Zhangshi’s bedside, he reached out and grabbed it, and just grabbed Jia Zhangshi’s arm!


The two fell to the ground together.

“Look, what else does this say? They were all beaten, and they had to pull people Jia Zhang together~”

Xu Damao shook his head and deliberately added oil and vinegar.

Jia Zhang’s press on the stupid pillar was another violent beating!

“Beast, you! Why are you so shameless, you! ”

Jia Zhangshi made up his mind, no matter what the stupid pillar thought, it was better to misunderstand and look at himself. She wants to let the fool make good compensation for tonight’s incident!

“Uncle Yi! But you all saw my innocence, but you were all ruined by this beast of the stupid pillar! You have to call the shots for me~”

Hearing Jia Zhang’s words, his bangs coughed twice.

Looking at it this way, he also understood that there was nothing else to say about this today, it was the fault of the dumbfounded.

After all, they saw the way Jia Zhang woke up just now. Jia Zhang’s face was completely surprised?

Therefore, Jia Zhangshi should not have fornicated with the stupid pillar.

“So, let me tell you about the situation.”

Liu Haizhong turned his back to face the people who came in to see the excitement: “When a few of us came in, we saw the stupid pillar on Jia Zhang’s bed. Now your grandfather has seen the situation, Jia Zhangshi and Silly Zhu drew a line, and Silly Zhu himself said that he didn’t know what was going on…”

“So I think.”

Liu Haizhong glanced at Zhang Shengli, Zhang Shengli did not move, he continued.

“So I think this is a completely dumbfounded beast who disregards human ethics and quietly did it himself!” Therefore, I think that for this behavior of the stupid pillar, we must severely punish it! ”

After Liu Haizhong’s words were spoken, Jia Zhangshi cried with joy! This is protecting your reputation!

“A must! I have nothing to do with this beast! I must punish him severely! ”

Jia Zhangshi hammered the stupid pillar a few punches!

Brute! Come in and forget it without saying a word, and actually dare to pay the bill!

If Jin’er doesn’t let him pay the price, she won’t be Jia Zhang!.

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