Chapter 108: Stupid Pillar Is He Daqing’s Species?.

What do you say about that year?

The big guys also vaguely know that the two can’t have children, sometimes it may be a man’s problem. But it’s one thing to know, it’s another thing to think.

Anyway, everyone’s consensus is that as long as there are no children, both the man and the woman feel that the woman cannot give birth, not to mention that Yi Zhonghai and his daughter-in-law are fifty.

Twenty or thirty years ago, when you met a family without children, you didn’t have to think about anything, that is, your hen would not lay eggs! Yi Zhonghai studied a little, and he actually thought in his heart that he would go to the hospital or take a look.

But if you look at it, is it unclear whether you suspect that you have a problem? As far as Yi Zhonghai is concerned, fame is more important than life!

Therefore, he did not go to the hospital to check, nor did he take Aunt Yi to the hospital to check.

Anyway, Aunt Yi didn’t go to school, and Yi Zhonghai and the people around her said that she couldn’t give birth, so she felt that she couldn’t give birth. Because of this, Aunt Yi felt guilty about Yi Zhonghai for twenty or thirty years.

I always feel that she broke off the Yi family.

When Yi Zhonghai heard Qin Huairu say that the stick terrier might be his species, it was called a joy! He thought, and he knew he was fine!

Therefore, he made Aunt Yi righteous. It’s even more rampant at home.

But now Zhang Shengli actually said that he Yi Zhonghai could not give birth…

“I didn’t expect ah, it was actually Yi Zhonghai who couldn’t give birth…”

“Don’t say it, I also learned from Xu Damao’s incident last time, two people can’t give birth to other people’s daughters.”

“Gee, you guys talk about it, Yi Zhonghai this idiot, he can’t give birth to him don’t know, he actually thought that the great terrier was his own species 9898 poof, haha I still remember, he said last night”

“Children are naughty~”

“That tone, gee.”

“If you replace this door and window, why do you have to pay more than a dozen yuan?”

“Yi Zhonghai, you are a desperate life, you have nothing to do with the stick terrier! So ah, in the future, don’t brag about your benevolence and righteousness and not divorce, you are a dead family. ”

“Of course, if you don’t believe it, you can go to the hospital and take a look again, so as not to say that I fooled you.”

Zhang Shengli directly sentenced Yi Zhonghai to death in a few words, not only for his descendants, but also for honor and spirit.

“yes, old stuff go check it. So as not to say that people Zhang Shengli slandered you! ”

“I’m stupid if I don’t grow it, how can I still blame others…”

“Yi Zhonghai, you really should thank Zhang Shengli, otherwise you may not be able to raise children for others…”

Yi Zhonghai is really now, I can’t wait to dig a pit and bury myself!

He hates!

Hate Zhang Shengli, this Sima thing! Why is he so short of himself!

But Yi Zhonghai couldn’t make any more trouble, he knew that this time he lost again. Therefore, Yi Zhonghai lowered his head and bit his cheek, turned around and left the backyard. He now remembered all this on Zhang Shengli.

It’s all Zhang Shengli, if it weren’t for him, who could say that he didn’t breed Yi Zhonghai? But he didn’t dare to investigate.

Because Zhang Shengli said some of what he already believed, his daughter-in-law is not pregnant, if it is because she will not give birth, then he has been with Qin Huairu for so many years, why does he not have his own children? Therefore, Yi Zhonghai also hated Zhang Shengli even more!

When he exposed this matter, he tore Yi Zhonghai’s face! Yi Zhonghai couldn’t control what mood Zhang Shengli was.

It doesn’t matter if you hate yourself or not, anyway, it’s the old enemy, and he is now receiving rewards for exposure success.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for exposing Yi Zhonghai for his success! 100% trust from the surrounding crowd! Congratulations to the host for the great success of exposure! 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 20 pieces of great unity, 100 jin of high-quality rice, 100 jin of high-quality flour, 50 jin of white rabbit milk candy, 5 boxes of Fenjiu. 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 1 sleepwalking charm, 1 bad luck talisman, 1 diarrhea talisman. 】

【Ding! Exposure Success Reward: ···· Sleepwalking charms?

Zhang Shengli raised his eyebrows, is this thing the meaning that he can control a person sleepwalking? If so, this is a bit interesting for the Jia family.

Jia Dongxu was carried home by the stupid pillar.

Jia Zhangshi opened his mouth and began to scold Qin Huairu!

“Stinky! You still have the face to come home…”

“Shut up!”

Jia Dongxu drank heavily, and Jia Zhangshi opened his mouth and did not dare to make a sound.

“Huairu, I fainted a few days ago, I can’t help you and the child…”

Jia Dongxu lay on the bed and took Qin Huairu’s hand to repent.

He didn’t really think that it was wrong to hit Qin Huairu.

It’s just that now as soon as the blood test report comes out, his previous practice is unknown.

If Qin Huairu deliberately made a fuss because of this, I am afraid that the street office and the factory will also feel that they have a loss.

Therefore, at this time, coaxing Qin Huairu and letting her continue to earn money to support herself is the first, as well as the stick terrier.

Since the stick terrier is not Yi Zhonghai’s child, then he is his own species. Since it is its own seed, it is a unique seedling of the Jia family!

How can I coax well.

It really broke the child’s heart a few days ago.

“Dongxu! What do you mean? What happened to you? ”

Jia Zhangshi glanced at Jia Dongxu, and then looked at Qin Huairu and Silly Zhu vigilantly.

She was afraid that these two people had threatened Jia Dongxu.

Unexpectedly, Jia Dongxu directly pulled her away!

“Mom! That’s Zhang Shengli, this dog thing slandering Huairu! Just now, Yi Zhonghai took the test sheet back, and the stick terrier is not his species! ”

Hearing this, Jia Zhang cried with joy! At this time, the patriarchal thinking of the big guys is still very serious.

Therefore, after knowing that the stick terrier was still his own species, Jia Zhang’s was really crying with excitement! She rushed over and hugged the stick terrier who was still standing by the door.

“Grandma’s good grandson, we have been wronged~”

Jia Zhangshi said while holding the face of the stick terrier and sticking his face to him.

“Stick terrier good grandson, this is all blame Zhang Shengli this beast, hurt my good grandson suffering stick terrier you are hungry or not, our stick terrier has suffered in the past two days, what to eat tell grandma, grandma will do it~”

The stick terrier was stunned at first, and after waiting for a while, the stick terrier figured it out.

Although I don’t know why, it seems that I have become a baby bump in the family again!

“I… I want to eat steamed buns, white-faced steamed buns! ”

Although Jia Zhang’s attitude is good, the stick terrier still dare not directly say that he eats meat… What if Jia Zhang is angry and beats himself again? It’s better to test it first.

Hearing the stick terrier say this, Jia Zhangshi was distressed, and wanted to call Qin Huairu to go to hot steamed buns to fry cabbage, but when she saw Qin Huairu, she was also afraid that Qin Huairu would hate the past two days.

Therefore, he could only reluctantly give Qin Huairu a good face.

“Huairu, mom go hot steamed buns, you haven’t eaten breakfast yet, right? Hot one for you too! ”

Qin Huairu was really flattered!

Well, these beasts of the Jia family really turn their faces faster than they turn books.

Although I feel that Jia Dongxu and Jia Zhang’s wind makes the rudder disgusting, but in the end it is still a family, and Qin Huairu also knows that Jia Zhang’s old godly woman has the most revenge, and she still goes down her steps, otherwise it is easy for her to settle the account.

“Then thank you Mom, I’m really hungry this night.”

Jia Zhangshi nodded and looked at the stupid pillar: “Pillar, we only have two steamed buns left at home, or you drink some water?” ”

How shrewd Jia Zhang is.

Even if Silly Zhu carried Jia Dongxu back and forth tiringly, he still spent one night in the hospital.

She also didn’t want to let the fool eat her own food! Not to mention the white-faced steamed buns, even the wowotou Jia Zhang clan does not intend to give stupid pillars. Silly Zhu didn’t have the heart to think about this at this time, he just wanted to look at Qin Huairu.

“It’s okay, I’m not hungry, I’ll talk to Dongxu for a while.”

Silly Zhu made an excuse for himself, he couldn’t say that he wanted to chat with Qin Huairu for a while, didn’t he? Seeing Jia Zhangshi leave, Jia Dongxu was injured and bleeding and tired after a night.

He didn’t care that the stupid pillar was still in the house, and he directly snored.

Silly Zhu saw Qin Huairu sitting there drinking water, and did not talk to himself, he was a little weak-hearted, after all, although he carried Jia Dongxu to the hospital last night, because he always thought that Qin Huairu was not pure, his attitude towards Qin Huairu was not good…

“Sister Qin, you have suffered in the past two days.”

Qin Huairu sneered in her heart, she knew too much about this person of Silly Zhu. At this time, you have to ignore him, you have to let him know his grievances!

In this way, Silly Zhu can worry about himself even more, and only then can he feel that he owes her Qin Huairu!

“Don’t call me sister.”

Qin Huairu said coldly: “If it’s really your sister, if others say so many nonsense, can you ignore her?” Can you call her a slut? ”

Qin Huairu snorted twice, and looked at the silly pillar coldly: “Aren’t you just looking at me?” In that case, you should simply stay away from me! Lest there be no more gossip one day, and I have to let you bury me again!” ”

When the stupid pillar heard it, he really wanted to slap himself twice! He really smoked too!

Silly Zhu raised his hand and gently smacked his face twice: “Sister Qin, don’t be angry with me, I’m an animal, can I?” You believe me, I He Yuzhu has a hundred respects for you! I didn’t scold you one day because…”

Qin Huairu glanced at him obliquely, this nest waste: “Because of what?” ”

Silly Zhu’s face turned red, and he didn’t dare to say that it was because of the rarity of Qin Huairu.

After all, Qin Huairu still has a man, he said so, isn’t he going to be a rogue?

“Sister Qin, I really know it’s wrong! Rest assured! I He Yuzhu will give you a cow as a horse in the future, and I will definitely not stumble! ”

Qin Huairu also directly accepted it, looking at the stupid pillar like this, Qin Huairu began to soften: “I really didn’t expect that you can also believe Zhang Shengli’s words!” Zhang Shengli, that beast spread rumors to slander me, and others pointed at me… How do I usually treat you? I haven’t hooked up with you a strong young man, can I go and hook up with an old man in Yi Zhonghai. ”

Qin Huairu said and tears flowed down her eyes: “I’m a woman’s family, is it easy for me to raise six people in my family?” You’re just burying me? ”

Seeing Qin Huairu crying, the stupid pillar was anxious!


“Sister Qin, it’s really not what I think, you said that Zhang Shengli said that he has a nose and eyes…”

Qin Huairu looked at the silly pillar with tears in his eyes, and asked him with a sneer: “So?” What are you saying that I am your own sister, how good you are to me, but what is the result? You watched Zhang Shengli bully me, and you still bullied me! Zhang Shengli is watching my man paralyzed and bullied, what about you? Do you also think that I have no one to protect me, so you deliberately disgust me! ”

“Now it’s okay, bury me in the courtyard! You made such a mess in the factory, and I deducted my salary! How do you let me see people, woo-woo, Qin Huairu said so much, in fact, the last thing is the point. ”

After all, it is too difficult to save the reputation, or the money is the most real.

Now I hope that the silly pillar has a little brain, and first take out the deducted month’s salary for himself. As a result, Qin Huairu did not expect that the brain circuit of the stupid pillar was different from others!

Silly Zhu was also anxious when he heard Qin Huairu say this!

Yes, Qin Huairu was made by Zhang Shengli this time, was pointed at by so many people and gossiped, and was deducted from the factory! I have to find a venue for her, bring back face and compensation!

So, the silly column decided.

“Sister Qin! I know you are aggrieved in your heart! It’s all weird to win that dog thing! I’m not human, but I can’t let you endure it like that! I’ll go find Zhang Shengli, I’ll let Zhang Shengli pay your salary, I’ll let him apologize to you!” ”

After Silly Zhu finished speaking, he didn’t find Qin Huairu dumbfounded at all. Turned around and left, he was going to find Zhang Shengli!

Qin Huairu stomped his foot angrily! Silly pillar this idiot!

Being beaten by Zhang Shengli every day is like a dead dog, he goes to top a fart to use!…。

It’s better to give money to yourself with this brainless!

In the backyard, Zhang Shengli is packing up his things and getting ready to go to work.

As a result, Yang Weiwei had just buttoned his overalls when she heard a loud drink.

“Zhang Shengli! You specially come out for Lao Tzu! ”

As soon as the two turned their heads, they saw Silly Zhu standing in front of their house.

Stupid Zhu didn’t expect ah, he rushed over with a stomach full of fire, and what he saw at a glance was Yang Weiwei’s little bird who was buttoning Zhang Shengli…

A bucket of jealous oil was instantly poured into the anger of the stupid pillar!


His anger is even greater!

“Zhang Shengli! You dog thing! You ruined Qin Huairu’s reputation! You also hurt her and her salary was deducted from the factory! Little beast, you have to apologize to her! Money! Or I won’t spare you!” ”

This time, no one came to see the courtyard. Because the stupid pillar is clearly sending to death, isn’t it?

In other words, Xu Damao in the bangs and these few who live in the backyard stand at the door of their house to watch the liveliness.

Zhang Shengli wanted to go to work, and he didn’t follow the silly pillar ink, and directly went up and kicked the silly pillar and flew to the middle of the courtyard!


The silly pillar landed with a loud bang!

Xu Damao couldn’t help but croak his teeth, this fall was hard enough…


Watching the stupid pillar being kicked again and spitting out a mouthful of blood, Xu Damao shook his head, this is a pure memory to eat and not to remember to beat. And Zhang Shengli stood on the steps and looked at the stupid pillar coldly: “Qin Huairu was deducted money because she drilled the cellar with Yi Zhonghai and entered the small warehouse, what is the matter with me?” ”

“As for you He Yuzhu, the green hat of the people was given by others, you are in a hurry to wear it, what is your relationship with Qin Huairu? You call me for money? If you have the ability, you go to the factory to find the director! You go and tell others that the matter between Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai Drill Warehouse is fake! ”

As Zhang Shengli spoke, he slowly walked to the silly pillar and kicked down the silly pillar who had just stood up!

“Your brain is in, you can’t see anything clearly, and you want to stand up for others? You also don’t see if you’re qualified enough! Silly. ”

Zhang Shengli said a few words, and the stupid pillar had nothing to say.

“You’re wrong anyway! What didn’t they do? On what basis to punish them! ”

Zhang Shengli looked at the stupid pillar with a strange look, this dog thing’s brain is made of, right? People hugged together, and he still felt that they didn’t do anything?

“Silly pillar, I admire your stupidity, but a virgin like you really can’t die well!”

“Jia Dongxu’s daughter-in-law hugs with others, you can say it’s okay for others, can you marry a daughter-in-law in the future?”

“Or do you He Yuzhu also want to hug Qin Huairu like this? That’s why you don’t care? ”

As soon as Zhang Shengli’s words were said, the stupid pillar was even more blinded.

Why does this sound so awkward, when did he think so?

“These words, see through and don’t say broken, Zhang Shengli~”

Liu Haizhong deliberately disgusted Silly Zhu, Yin Yang said strangely: “People Silly Zhu has not married his daughter-in-law, although they all know that he wants to be a Cao thief!” Can you say where to put the stupid pillar face? ”

Stupid Zhu didn’t know how to refute them, so he could only point at Zhang Shengli and put two cruel words fiercely: “You wait for you!” We’re not finished! ”

After saying that, turn around and run…

Xu Damao laughed behind him, scolding the silly pillar.

And Zhang Shengli’s eyes flashed, and a sleepwalking talisman entered the body of the stupid pillar.

Now, just wait for the night, and when the silly pillar sleeps at night, there will be a good show to watch.

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