Chapter 107: Yi Zhonghai Peerless, what son do you want?.

It was dawn, Zhang Shengli made a few dishes, ate breakfast with Yang Weiwei, and the two washed dishes and chatted in the kitchen. In the courtyard, most people wash and wash in the middle courtyard.

At this time, Yi Zhonghai came out of the hospital and was on his way home. His expression was dull, and the whole person was in a trance.

Several people hit on the road.

It can only be said that fortunately in the sixties, if this had been put on the street like this, the car would have died hundreds of times. Yi Zhonghai bumped into a person again,

“Blind you! How to walk without looking at the road you! ”

The man scolded fiercely, Yi Zhonghai raised his head, his eyes were red and his face was livid, so frightened that the man quickly lifted his foot and left, and muttered two sentences in his mouth: “It’s really unlucky, I met a neuropathy in the morning…”

Yi Zhonghai didn’t care how the people behind scolded.

He has already collapsed with anger!

Stick terrier, stick terrier is actually not his species!

Yi Zhonghai clearly remembered that Qin Huairu secretly hinted that he was his own child!

This time, this time, it was Zhang Shengli, what kind of curly yellow hair did this dog thing say, making him more determined that the stick terrier was the result of his own species?

Why is that…

Yi Zhonghai wants to cry without tears….

He had already thought about it last night, if he was fired, he would open a small repair shop, or do some small work, anyway, he Yi Zhonghai will have a son this time!

Because of this thought, Yi Zhonghai arrived at the entrance of the hospital at seven o’clock in the morning. Guarded the door of the laboratory.

As soon as the doctor entered the hospital, Yi Zhonghai rushed over to let him find the test sheet! I didn’t expect it…

Stick terrier, actually has no blood relationship with himself… No blood relation…

Yi Zhonghai trembled with anger at the door of the laboratory! After crying silently, he decided to take revenge!

Who gave him hope, who said that it was his species of Yi Zhonghai!

Zhang Shengli, this dog thing, harmed himself was ridiculed and insulted by the people of the courtyard and the rolling mill, what happened? The stick terrier is actually not his species of Yi Zhonghai!

Yi Zhonghai took a few deep breaths, raised his feet and walked forward quickly! He is going to find Zhang Shengli, he is going to take revenge!

On the edge of the pool in the middle courtyard, Aunt Yi was washing dishes.

Yi Zhonghai didn’t know where to go in the morning, but she wasn’t in a hurry, she didn’t ask. Anyway, she knows in her heart that she and Yi Zhonghai are now partners to live their lives. She knows how Yi Zhonghai treats her, so she won’t ask for too much.

Not to mention…….

Aunt Yi sighed in her heart, not to mention 403 not to mention that she couldn’t give birth, just such a little bit she owed the Yi family in her life. When Yi Zhonghai came in, Aunt Yi saw the piece of paper in his hand at a glance.

She gritted her teeth and pretended not to see it.

Unexpectedly, Yi Zhonghai shouted Zhang Shengli loudly!

“Zhang Shengli, you bastard, you give me out!”

“Zhang Shengli, you slandered me! You beast, you give me out! ”

Yi Zhonghai scolded while rushing to the backyard.

The people of the courtyard followed him.

Stupid Zhu carried Jia Dongxu on his back, followed by Qin Huairu, and just after entering the courtyard, the three people heard Yi Zhonghai’s scolding,

“I’m your ancestor! Stick terriers are not my species at all! Zhang Shengli, you get out of here for me! ”

As soon as these words entered his ears, Qin Huairu couldn’t believe it, Jia Dongxu’s whole person was dumbfounded, and he quickly let the silly pillar back and the silly pillar was even more stunned, Jia Dongxu slapped him several times before he reacted!

In the backyard, Zhang Shengli came out of the house.

When he saw Yi Zhonghai, Zhang Shengli smiled: “Yi Zhonghai, congratulations, you don’t need to be expelled.” ”

Hearing Zhang Shengli’s understated words, Yi Zhonghai’s whole person was going crazy! But his grain for so many years was not eaten in vain.

So Yi Zhonghai wouldn’t say stupid things like why the stick terrier wasn’t his own child, he just raised the blood test report and loudly questioned Zhang Shengli: “Zhang Shengli!” Now it turns out that the stick terrier is not my species at all! You were slandering me and Qin Huairu that night! What else do you have to say! ”

“I’m telling you today that you have damaged my reputation! If you don’t give me a satisfactory answer, Zhang is not finished with you! ”

Zhang Shengli sneered in his heart, this Yi Zhonghai is thinking that his son is crazy!

As a result, the wish failed, and I wanted to make up for it from myself. Don’t see if his level is enough!

“Yi Zhonghai, what’s wrong with the stick terrier not your son? You walked luck to keep the job, what else do you have to huh? ”

When Qin Huairu heard this, his heart suddenly decided, yes, his job was also saved.


Now that the blood test report proves that the stick terrier is not Yi Zhonghai’s child, although Yi Zhonghai will definitely be a little awkward in his heart, Qin Huairu can calm him.

The important thing is that the stick terrier is not Yi Zhonghai’s child, then her reputation of Qin Huairu is not rotten yet!

And the stick terrier does not have to bear the reputation of a mongrel, the Jia family, Jia Dongxu and Jia Zhangshi will continue to hold the terrier as a treasure. As for himself, this time the matter is so big, originally Qin Huairu was afraid that Jia Dongxu and himself would settle the account, after all, he was stabbed in such a big hole.

But now she is not afraid, because this time it is Jia Dongxu and Jia Zhang’s heart is weak! Thinking about it like this, Qin Huairu wanted to quickly send Jia Dongxu home.

After all, she knew Zhang Shengli’s mouth, and it would not be good if she said something and made Jia Dongxu’s suspicions become suspicious.

“Zhuzi, can you help me send Dongxu home first, he still has injuries on his body, so he has to lie down and rest.”

Qin Huairu looked at Silly Zhu and Jia Dongxu with tears in the corners of his eyes. A face of humiliation and burden.

Stupid pillar distressed no, no, no.

This time, it was actually Qin Huairu, who Zhang Shengli, a dog thing, slandered!

“I’ll pack up Zhang Shengli and go!”

Silly Zhu said, he wanted to put down Jia Dongxu, and Jia Dongxu quickly grabbed his neck! Put him underground in the big winter? This silly pillar is sick!

“Let’s send Dongxu back first, I’m tired too~”

Qin Huairu pulled the sleeve of the silly pillar, and the silly pillar turned around and left with Jia Dongxu on his back. And Yi Zhonghai is still confronting Zhang Shengli.

“This test report says it clearly! Stick terriers have nothing to do with me! ”

“Zhang Shengli, you are slandering me! I’m going to sue you! ”

Yi Zhonghai hated to death, he didn’t have a son, and his reputation was stinked by Zhang Shengli!

If it weren’t for the cellar, how could he let Qin Huairu frame Zhang Shengli the next day! How could he be harmed by Zhang Shengli’s calculation!

Now it’s good, his reputation is gone, and the eighth-level worker has also become a sixth-level worker! Zhang Shengli must give him an explanation for this matter!

Otherwise, he will go to the police station to accuse Zhang Shengli for slander! Zhang Shengli listened to Yi Zhonghai’s words and sneered: “Yi Zhonghai, you are not sick, right?” When did I slander you? ”

Yi Zhonghai pointed to his head!

“You say! I have the same hair as a stick terrier! What else do you say, genetics or something! This is not slandering that! Zhang Shengli listened to his words and laughed twice. ”

“Yi Zhonghai, I see you really want your son to go crazy.”

“I said it that night, I discovered the secret of the stick terrier, the stick terrier is actually curly hair, right?”

Yi Zhonghai nodded across his neck, he didn’t believe it, what else did Zhang Shengli have to say!

“And then, I talked about genetics… Genetics is not wrong either, right? You haven’t read it for a few years, but you’ve probably heard of genetics, right? After all, you are also so old~”

Zhang Shengli shrugged his shoulders.

Yi Zhonghai really hasn’t heard of any genetics.

But looking at Zhang Shengli’s determined appearance, he knew that there must really be such a thing, so, in order to appear knowledgeable, Yi Zhonghai nodded: “Of course I know!” How could I not know about the dragon giving birth to the dragon and phoenix! ”

Zhang Shengli nodded: “Then you see, you yourself know genetics, you also know that the stick terrier is curly, how come it became my slander?” Is the genetics fake, or is the stick terrier curly or fake, or are you prone to Zhonghai or curly or fake? ”

Yi Zhonghai shook from his dizzy head, and in the string of words Zhang Shengli said, it seemed that there was really no fake

“But! It’s because you said this! It is also said that it is suspected that the stick terrier is not the species of the Jia family! That’s why everyone doubts me! Therefore, my disgrace is all because of your victory! ”

Zhang Shengli shook his head, Yi Zhonghai this fool.

“We’re talking about genetics and stick terriers and your hair, and you, just happened to drill into the cellar in the middle of the night with Qin Huairu, how can you feel that you won’t be suspected?”

“Did I let you drill the cellar? If you didn’t drill the cellar, how could I have put the curls of the stick stalk with yours? ”

“So, Yi Zhonghai, why did you drill into the cellar with Qin Huairu?”

After Zhang Shengli finished speaking, he smiled playfully: “Tell me about you, you are not afraid of the shadow oblique, what are you doing in the cellar?” ”

Yi Zhonghai is not willing to entangle the problem of the cellar, and the more this matter is said, the easier it is to make mistakes!

“Zhang Shengli, anyway, this incident has affected me! If I downgrade, you will be responsible! ”

Zhang Shengli listened to his words and smiled: “Yi Zhonghai, you don’t think that there are no people from the rolling mill in our courtyard, right?” Why I was demoted, do you think people don’t know?”

“You hugged Qin Huairu yourself in the small warehouse, and your clothes were untied, are you okay to mention it?”

“That’s it! How many people have seen it in the rolling mill? ”

Xu Damao raised his voice and shouted, “We all know why you downgraded this!” In the factory, you also dare to sigh, you really deserve to be Jia Dongxu’s master! ”

Liu Haizhong listened to Xu Damao’s words and closed his mouth happily: “Damao, it’s actually not right to say this, after all, people are Jia Dongxu’s master, you see, Jia Dongxu stole people in the factory and wasted, Yi Zhonghai, stealing Jia Dongxu’s daughter-in-law in the factory, is actually just a demotion…”

“And now, you actually want to threaten me with this matter, what is it that I slandered you? Yi Zhonghai, why is your skin so thick? ”

Yi Zhonghai was stunned by Zhang Shengli’s face was livid, but he had no words to refute it!

9898 What’s even more excessive is Yi Zhonghai, how can you think, as long as it is proved that the terrier is not your son, you and Qin Huairu are innocent, Zhang Shengli pointed to the melon-eating masses in the courtyard: “Here, so many people have seen you and Qin Huairu come out of the cellar with their own eyes, although you said that it was to send food, and the deaf old lady who protects your dog things regardless of right and wrong also protects you, but you don’t think that everyone really believes that you and Qin Huairu are innocent, right?” ”

“Even if we don’t pretend to be fools in the cellar, but what about in the rolling mill? You two drilled into the small warehouse and hugged together, the buttons of your clothes were unbuttoned, and you still said that there was nothing, do you think the big guys believe it? ”

“Believe in a fart!”

“My daughter-in-law dares to hug with others, I have to tear her!”

“If Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu don’t have a leg, I, Xu Damao, will write my name backwards!”

Xu Damao shouted even more.

Xu Damao also spent before, how many little widows and big girls hooked up outside. So, he knows too well what the two look like when they hook up.

Yi Zhonghai Di Qin Huairu came out of the cellar, he knew that these two people definitely had a problem!

“As for the problem of the blood test report, the blood test report can only prove that the stick terrier is not your species, it can’t prove that you haven’t slept with Qin Huairu, do you know it yourself?”

“Also, in fact, I wanted to tell you before, don’t get your hopes up…” The result was unexpected, you just didn’t listen to the advice Ah Yi Zhonghai was dumbfounded, Zhang Shengli, this Wang Ba Lamb does not want to face him! ”

“Dog stuff! When did you say that! ”

Zhang Shengli laughed and raised his voice to ask everyone: “Last night, the stick terrier burned Yi Zhonghai’s house, everyone remember to put it!” ”



“I can forget what happened yesterday!”

Zhang Shengli nodded, and then said: “You Yi Zhonghai, think that the stick terrier is your own child, do not agree to call the police, and don’t even ask for compensation!” I hinted at you, I said let you think clearly, otherwise you will regret it…”

Saying this, Zhang Shengli owed Yi Zhonghai: “Old thing, you talk about it now, how do you regret it?” ”

Yi Zhonghai just remembered!

Yes, there is such a thing!

Yi Zhonghai really regretted it, he couldn’t wait to strangle Zhang Shengli directly!

“Why do I think so! It’s not what you said…”

Speaking of this, Yi Zhonghai did not dare to say any more.

Because if he really thinks that the stick terrier is his own species, it is clearly telling everyone that he has a leg in Qin Huairu!

Now, although everyone guesses so, even if they see them hugging together. But as long as they didn’t let these people see that they were going to be hooligans.

As long as he and Qin Huairu bite to death and don’t admit it, then they don’t have to tour the streets! Therefore, Yi Zhonghai swallowed the words on his lips.

Zhang Shengli sneered, this Yi Zhonghai still didn’t hit hard enough, and his vigilance was quite strong.

“Yi Zhonghai, I actually have something I have always wanted to ask you.”

Hearing Zhang Shengli’s words, Yi Zhonghai glanced at him vigilantly.

Zhang Shengli and himself are like water and fire, what can he say?

“Yi Zhonghai, I want to know, obviously you can’t give birth to your own family, why do you believe that the stick terrier may be your species? Yi Zhonghai was angry when he heard Zhang Shengli’s words! ”

“Zhang Shengli, you are talking nonsense! You dog thing! Why do you say I’m dead! ”

Zhang Shengli snorted coldly and raised his voice to question Yi Zhonghai: “By what?” Of course, it’s because I buttoned your pulse when I beat you last time! I found out at that time, you are a descendant of thin and seedless, why do people in the courtyard say that Aunt Yi can’t give birth? ”

“Also, you obviously can’t have children, why are you so protective of stick terriers?”

Zhang Shengli shook his head sympathetically: “Yi Zhonghai, you don’t know that you can’t give birth yourself, right?” ”

Yi Zhonghai’s eyes are red and he just wants to drip blood!

“Zhang Shengli, you talk nonsense! You! What pulse do you button, what do you know! ”

Xu Damao was anxious when he heard Yi Zhonghai’s words!

“Yi Zhonghai, what nonsense are you talking about! Zhang Shengli, he just will take the pulse! The reason why I went to check was because Zhang Shengli gave me a pulse button, I knew! ”

Xu Damao was willing to expose his shortcomings, anyway, everyone knew about him.

“The result was that when I arrived at the hospital, I was exactly the same as Zhang Shengli said! Therefore, Zhang Shengli said that you are desperate, you are a peerless household, as soon as Xu Damao’s words were spoken, the entire courtyard was stunned. ”

They couldn’t imagine that Zhang Shengli could actually understand this….

“Speaking of which, Shengli’s mother is a military doctor~”

“It’s not impossible to see it this way~”

“It can also be regarded as a family background.”

“It’s a pity, I remember his mother’s medical skills are good…”

Yi Zhonghai was really dumbfounded, how could this become like this!.

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