Chapter 369 Chapter Three Hundred No.12 This is the Real Ruthless Emperor!

“I am fortunate to be a friend of the Young Master. Since this is the case, why not let me do my best as a landlord?”

Yangshan smiled, and the feeling now is undoubtedly comfortable, and he said excitedly, “I want many masters to go with me to Yin & Yang Acacia Sect? There are quite a few wonderful things in this sect, which are enough to make the young mainstream even forget to return.”

“Well, all right.”

Fang Han smiled and nodded.

Yangshan was overjoyed.

After saying something to please, Fang Han set off with Yangshan, and Chen Elder saw him off, Fan Chong’s face was earthy.

Fan Chong knew that he was finished.

In the future, let alone Yangshan supporting him, it is estimated that in Tiangang City, Chen Elder will not make him feel better.

Who made him inhumane inside and out?

Hehuan City.

Because of Yin & Yang’s acacia sect, the fireworks in this city have a very strong atmosphere. The most buildings in the city are not used for cultivation, but brothels.

Yangshan took Fang Han into the city and said with a smile, “Young Master, we can stay in Hehuan City for a few days first. I will take the Young Master for fun. We, Hehuan City, lack a lot of things, but there is no shortage of beautiful women. .”

Fang Han did not refuse either.

What he is plotting is only the inner core of Yin & Yang’s acacia sect, but he is not in a hurry for a while.

Master Gou and Master Ji snickered, and looked at Yang Shangao a few times. This guy seemed to be very clever.

“Speaking of, there will be a buying conference in Wu You building tomorrow. The young master is definitely interested. I will arrange the young master in the best box to ensure the best vision.”

Yangshan grinned strangely, winking his eyebrows.

Fang Han wondered, “Buy a fight?”

Yang Shan smiled and said, “Let me sell it, then Young Master will understand, Young Master, I will find you a place to live first.”

After speaking, walking around the city, he came to a huge building.

“This place is owned by this sect. It is dedicated to receiving distinguished guests, young master, please come inside.”

Yang Shan stretched out his hand to invite, Fang Han stepped forward, Yang Shan followed half a step behind, and his posture was very low.


A middle-aged man greeted him quickly, cupped hands said, “I have seen the true biography of Yangshan.”

Yang Shan gave a light cough and said, “I have a VIP who wants to stay and arrange a sky room.”

Hearing this, the middle-aged man couldn’t help showing an embarrassed look, and said, “The true story of Yangshan, I’m really sorry, the Tianzifang… only one room is vacant, but it has also been booked.”

Yang Shan was taken aback, frowned and said, “Who made the reservation?”

The middle-aged man has not spoken yet.

Suddenly, a group of people came from outside, the leader of which said loudly, “It’s me!”

Yang Shan’s face changed when he heard the voice, turned his head, and his face was stern, and he said coldly, “Brother Rufeng.”

“Junior Brother Yang, why? You seem to be dissatisfied with my reservation of the Tianzifang?”

Most of the visitors were young people, but there were also two old men. Even if the Cultivation Base was restrained, it was terrifying. The vigorous immortal yuan was densely covered, and the defense was like a warning.

Brother Rufeng in Yangshankou is called Li Rufeng.

The same true disciple of Yin & Yang Hehuan Sect.

Between the truths, in order to compete for resources, most of them have a bad relationship, and Yangshan and Li Rufeng have not dealt with each other for a long time.

At this time, Li Rufeng glanced at Fang Han, his disdain flashed away, and smiled at an expressionless young man beside him, “Brother Dragon, don’t care, please hurry up!”

The expressionless young man smiled lightly, “Don’t worry.”

Talk about it.

The young man grinned at Yangshan and said, “Do you know me?”

Yang Shan looked at the youth’s face and said in a deep voice, “I don’t know.”

“It’s a minor repair of Xiaxianyu after all.”

The young man shook his head, and then said slowly, “It doesn’t matter if you don’t know me. Under the circumstances just now, did you complain about Ben Shao? After all, I’ve robbed the Tianzifang you need, right?”

Yangshan was a little confused.

This young man, I’m afraid it’s not a brain disease, right?

What are you doing with me?

As everyone knows, the young man’s name is Long Yunxiao, and what he likes most is slaps.

How could Long Yunxiao let go of such a good face-slap opportunity?

“What this young master dislikes the most is trouble, so I like to kill trouble in the cradle the most. Since you complain to me, then I can’t leave it alone. Tell me about myself. My name is Long Yunxiao and I was born in Zhongxianyu. Juggernaut Palace.”

“I say so, do you still complain?”

Yangshan is about to vomit blood.

I hit f*ck!

After doing it for a long time, you told me so much that you just want me to be subdued and beat me in the face?

Are you special?

“…I have no complaints.”

Yang Shan said in a deep voice.

He really can’t afford to provoke a young man from Zhongxian Domain.

Long Yunxiao laughed, “Then it’s okay, after all, people have to be self-knowledge, right?”

Yangshan, “…”

He was speechless, he felt that Young Master Long was squeezed by the door.

Li Rufeng is cool.

Long Yunxiao is his guest, and now he’s slapped his own face to compete with his younger brother Yangshan, so he has more Face, can’t help but laugh, “Long Shao said very much, let’s please, haha, younger brother Yang, it’s not me. Speaking of you, this place of ours is used by Sect for the distinguished guests, especially the Tianzifang, even more so. Not all cats and dogs can live in. You, let’s have a snack in the future.”

Yangshan’s face blushed.

Subconsciously, he looked at Fang Han.

Then he had expectations.

Xuan Jianzong Chen Elder said that Fang Han was so hungry. Of course, he had some doubts. Now it is time to verify that this young master is good.

The talk just now has nothing to do with Fang Han.

But now Li Rufeng’s words not only hit him in the face, but also hit the young master in the face.

This compares the young master to a cat and a dog. Can the young master bear it?

Li Rufeng noticed Yangshan’s eyes and sneered, “What do you think of him? How can he help you out?”

And The next moment.

Seeing the void behind Fang Han, a terrifying figure suddenly appeared.

This is naturally a mirror avatar.

But other people don’t know.

After this figure appeared, its aura exploded and rose into the sky, causing all the high-rank overhaul Practitioners in the city to change their complexion.

In front of Fang Han.

Then Li Rufeng’s body trembled, his scalp exploded, and his legs were frightened.

Long Yunxiao was dumbfounded. The faces of the two old men behind him changed wildly, the secret path was not good, and the figures flickered. They appeared in front of Long Yunxiao, staring at the figure behind Fang Han very solemnly.

“Golden Fairy!”

One of the old men snarled.

Another old man was a bit bitter in his mouth, and he was unhappy with Li Rufeng.

They are both the Cultivation Base of Xuanxian Pinnacle, and naturally they are not Jinxian’s opponents, but if Li Ru’s mouth is broken, how could they fall into such a situation?

“Those who insult the young master, kill without mercy!”

Fang Han’s mirror image clone turned into an old man, carrying his hands on his back, his eyes were extremely cold, and his aura was overwhelming. After making a big shout, he raised his hand.

Long Yunxiao’s face turned pale, and he was about to speak, but at this moment, an unexpected scene appeared.

He saw Fang Han frown and shouted, “Who asked you to come out? Get out!”

The original dazzling mirror clone showed a “panic” color and fell to the ground.

Fang Han pretended to be unhappy and cursed, “Idiot! I didn’t say anything, I just wanted them to take action, so that I can take the opportunity to kill them and kill them all. You are not good. People said a few words. , You showed up? Now that they are afraid and dare not mess with me, how can I kill them all?”

The mirror avatar trembled all over, “Old slave…guilty.”

Fang Han’s expression was indifferent, “Guilty, what should I do?”

“Old slave…understand.”

The voice just fell.

The mirror clone rushed into the sky, and then blew himself up.

The boiling aura swept all directions, and the situation above the impacting void suddenly changed.

But Fang Han coldly snorted, “Everyone else will give me long snacks. If anyone dares to do this next time, let’s honestly go.”

The whole room was silent.

Yangshan was stunned, his mind was blank, and there was only one thought, and that was that I was going to post.

Li Rufeng was stunned, and Long Yunxiao was also stunned and stronger than Long Yunxiao. Now he didn’t have the slightest thought to pretend to be, but was thinking back to Fang Han’s words just now.

Let’s shoot?

Take the opportunity to kill all?

I puff!

I thought Long Yunxiao was already very spicy!

But compared to the one in front of me, I am a Little Brother. This is the real Ruthless Emperor!

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