Chapter 370: Are You A Licking Dog? I despise you!

Long Yunxiao was convinced.

If he knew the meaning of the word “pretend to be”, he would definitely give himself the title “King of Bi”.

Only that was before.

Well now.

He fixedly looked at Fang Han and felt humble.

It is not the humble status, but the humble pretense.

His pretense is still in the shallow layer than the routine, and he uses his power to suppress people, giving people a sense of panic that “I am very hungry, you can’t provoke me”.

What about Fang Han?

He draws his salary directly from the bottom of the tank.

He doesn’t need to tell you that I am hungry.

In fact, the two-character pretending to be more vivid and vivid.

The dignified golden immortal, just because he apologized, he blew himself up directly, this kind of power of life and death, that full of pretense and breath, fiercely called Long Yunxiao’s big face!

Taking a deep breath, Long Yunxiao broke the silence. He stepped forward and bowed to Fang Han’s cupped hands and said, “Dage! Little brother is dull, he had no eyes before, and I hope Dage can forgive me.”

The old guards of the two Profound Immortal Peaks brought by Long Yunxiao breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time.

Young Master is really awesome.

Actually knew the first time to recognize counseling.

What they are afraid of is that their young master is not convinced, and they have to be tough with others, after all, they are young and frivolous.

It’s fine now, as long as the young master acknowledges, everything has room for change.

Fang Han glanced at Long Yunxiao in surprise, thought for a while, nodded and said, “Well, since you apologized, let this matter go.”

Long Yunxiao was extremely ecstatic.

He is not a silly pen.

Naturally, I know what it means to make Jinxian boss willing to explode and apologize.


He really had the urge to recognize Dage, he fell in love with Fang Han’s Cultivation Base.

“Dage, you live in the sky room. I can find a room at will. From now on, Dage can call me at any time, and I will do my best to do my best!”

Long Yunxiao was very free and easy, and after confessing to the counsel, he said with a smile almost flattering.

Fang Han’s eyes twitched and he hummed, turning around and walking inside.

Yangshan’s face was full of excitement. After taking a breath, Yin & Yang looked at his senior brother Li Rufeng, Yin & Yang said strangely, “Brother Rufeng is really good. You should have eaten the liver and the gallbladder recently, right? Otherwise, how can you dare to do this to the young master? Hey, it is said that the young master is very vengeful, you, tut…”

After speaking, Yang Shan held up his head and followed Fang Han in arrogance, but after catching up with Fang Han, he quickly arched his body, bowed his eyes, and reached a few points low.

at the same time.

Li Rufeng, who was infinitely confused, shivered.

He was trembling and horrified, his lips moved slightly, and he subconsciously looked at Long Yunxiao.

This is the great backer that I have worked hard to win. After licking it all the way, Long Yunxiao was very comfortable.

Just now.

Long Yunxiao’s eyes were extremely cold.

Carrying his hands on his back, Long Yunxiao said indifferently, “Brother Li, let’s not live here.”

Li Rufeng’s heart and soul trembled and said with a sad face, “Young Master Long, I…I…”

Long Yunxiao said mockingly, “Don’t say that you have something to do with Ben Shao in the future. Ben Shao can’t afford to lose that person and offend someone. It’s okay. It’s okay to kick the iron. Make up for the first time.”

Pretending to be nothing compared to the experience of being slotted.

Long Yunxiao has experienced it.

Since then, he has clearly understood this truth.

However, Li Rufeng is still immature. He was still in a daze just now. The young masters of the other people have all gone in. Are you still ignorant about it?

Shame to be with such people.

This is pulling down Own Bigger!

With a cold snort, Long Yunxiao also walked in. In his capacity, even if Li Rufeng didn’t bring it in, he could still enter the high-grade room.

The people brought by Long Yunxiao came in one after another.

Li Rufeng is left alone and desolate, not knowing what to do with Li Rufeng, sad and desolate.

Early the next morning.

Fang Han walked out of the room, and there were two people standing at the door.

Naturally, it is Yangshan and Longyunxiao.

Yang Shan’s face was a bit ugly.

Early in the morning, before dawn, Yang Shan couldn’t wait to come to Fang Han’s door and wait.


What made him unexpected is.

He came without a meeting, Long Yunxiao also came, and he was still alone.

What made him even more stunned was that Long Yunxiao came to the door of the room and did nothing else.

Yangshan is called a greasy crook.

After thinking about it, I realized that this Long Yunxiao is a licking dog who robs himself for food!

This damn bastard, you don’t play your cards according to your routine. As a great young man in the immortal realm, you are so noble, you should be a licking dog? I despise you!

“Young Master, you are up, I have prepared breakfast for Young Master, but…”

Yang Shan took the lead to speak, with an extremely respectful attitude, and after he finished speaking, he secretly glanced at Long Yunxiao.

A smug flashed through his eyes.

Long Yunxiao’s complexion was as usual, but he gave Fang Han a salute, and said that he was a mouthful, then he smiled and said no more.

He had been licked by others before, and he knew the truth, saying more is worse than doing more.

Licking a dog is also a technology job, Yangshan is a kind of trail, which makes him disdain.

Fang Han nodded lazily.

Behind, Lord Gou and Lord Ji came out swayingly and landed on Fang Han’s shoulders, but seeing Yangshan and Long Yunxiao, they suddenly landed on the shoulders of the two.

Yangshan and Long Yunxiao were not dissatisfied at all.

This is Young Master’s demon pet!

For them, this is a favorite of the gods, not to mention that it falls on their shoulders, even if they step on their heads, they all have to ask politely, “Master, don’t you?”.

Enter the front hall and step into the box.

Fang Han had a beautiful breakfast.

Yangshan is really attentive, the ingredients are all top-quality, contains a strong spiritual Qi, nourishing the essence.

Now Fang Han’s body is constantly evolving Celestial Immortals law because of entering the fairy world.

Xianyuan is vast, and with his Celestial Immortals Realm, it can frighten a whole group of people.

“Young Master, shall we go to Wu You Building?”

Yang Shan said again.

And Long Yunxiao smiled at this time, “Does the young master want to see the buying tournament? To be honest, I also came for this, and specially asked the Wu You building to reserve a nine-star box for me, which will surely let the younger The Lord is satisfied.”

Yang Shan’s eyes twitched wildly.

Behind the Wu You building is his Yin & Yang Affinity Sect.

But the Jiuxing box, in his capacity, is not accessible at all. It is the top box that the real boss is qualified to enter.

The Jiuxing Box has a lot of privileges, which can be called the treatment of the Celestial Emperor.

This Long Yunxiao is really a rival!

Yangshan was a little worried.

As Long Yunxiao, he is incomparable.

What is even more hateful is that Long Yunxiao even ignored his identity and willingly licked a dog. With such a low posture, Yangshan couldn’t cope with it.

I can only curse “Bah, not wanting face” in my heart.

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