Chapter 368 Rumor: Young Master He…prefers beautiful people!

Fan Chong’s brother-in-law is called Yang Shan.

A true disciple of Yin & Yang Acacia Sect, Cultivation Base has reached the pinnacle of Celestial Immortals.

He is rushing towards Tiangang City quickly and is looking forward to it.

The main reason is that Fan Chong is too a thief.

Cheated Yang Shanxi over.

As for the reason.

Fan Chongyan said that he has obtained nine female cultivators with excellent aptitudes, not only each of them has a beautiful appearance, but also corresponds to the Yin & Yang Cultivation Technique attribute of the Cultivation Technique cultivated by Yangshan.

But it is an excellent object for repairing.

How can Yangshan not be excited about this kind of thing, Yin & Yang acacia sect is not an evil sect, and Yangshan relies on this way to eat wild food.

Stepping into Tiangang City, Yangshan entered Fan Chong’s mansion.

What surprised Yangshan was that besides his brother-in-law, there was an outsider in the mansion, and it was an Elder from the Xuanjian Sect.

Xuanjian Zong Yangshan is of course no stranger. After all, he is mixed in the Xiaxianyu Nanzhou. His true disciple is just the true disciple of Yin & Yang Hehuan Sect Nanzhou Branch.

Xuan Jianzong’s status in Nanzhou is not low, so Yang Shan said hello politely.


To Yangshan’s surprise, this Chen Elder only responded with a sneer and closed his eyes slightly.

The indifferent attitude made Yangshan unhappy.

What the hell.

I, Yangshan, is the true biography of Yin & Yang Acacia Sect, even if it’s just a sub-sect, but with my background, you, Elder, Xuanjian Sect, are you a fart?

You give me the whole thing?

Who should I put on eye drops?

“Chen Elder, I have something to discuss with my brother, do you want to go back first?”

Yangshan, like a master, issued an order to evict the guests.

Chen Elder squinted and smiled, shook his head, and said quietly, “No, I have to stare for the young master.”

Yangshan was confused.

Looked at Fan Chong.

Fan Chong took a deep breath and said nervously, “Brother-in-law, say yes first, don’t worry, it’s not that there is no room for change in this matter, it’s like this…”

Ba Ba Ba.

One way to explain.

Yangshan’s body trembled, his eyes were rapidly congested, and he pointed at Fan Chong, his eyes were like knives dancing wildly.


Damn thing!

What kind of bastard thing is this!

It’s your brother-in-law when I stepped on a horse. Do you even cheat me like this?

If you have offended the existence that you can’t provoke, you can deal with it yourself!

You actually pushed me into the fire pit?

Thinking that he was being targeted by the “Young Master” just because Fan Chong was named, Yang Shan had the urge to spurt blood.

No disaster!

What an innocent disaster this is!

Fan Chong trembled, “Brother-in-law, that young master just wants to see you, besides, this may also be an opportunity. If brother-in-law can have a good relationship with that young master, wouldn’t it be beautiful?”

“I am beautiful, your uncle!”

Yang Shan became angry, his aura exploded, and his big hand directly grabbed Fan Chong.

It’s just that Chen Elder stopped him before he caught his hand.

Both of them are in the pinnacle of Celestial Immortals, and no one can do anything about it, but Yangshan is confident and really fights together. This Chen Elder will die in his own hands.

Boom boom boom!

With the roar, Chen Elder and Yang Shan stepped back together.

Yangshan looked at Chen Elder, and smiled angrily, “Chen Elder, do you still want to arrest me and meet the so-called young master?”

Chen Elder said solemnly, “If necessary, it is natural.”

Yangshan smiled even more, but his eyes were extremely cold. He was about to explode and forced to leave this place of right and wrong. Suddenly, Fan Chong cried and said, “Brother-in-law, listen to me, the young master is speaking. If the brother-in-law doesn’t go, he will go to trouble with Yin & Yang Acacia Sect.”


Yangshan was stunned.

If I don’t go, just go find me Sect?

Wipe after the fuck!

As for?

Are you special?

What kind of grudge?

It is my idiot brother-in-law who offends you, not me!

How are you better than me?

Chen Elder said in a slow voice, “Young Master is the most important thing, brother Yang, just accept your fate. If Young Master finds Noble Sect, hehe, it will not be so easy to be good. You know that this Sect aims to eliminate Young Master’s Rage? How much did it cost?”

“Let me tell you that, just those treasures, if you exchange for Immortal Ascension crystals, there is no one hundred million best immortal crystals, you can’t get them down at all!”

Yangshan was confused for the second time.

Almost vomiting blood.

Xuan Jianzong, had he gotten to such a point? Why eliminate the young master’s anger and cost a billion best immortal crystals?

Oh My God.

That’s the best fairy crystal.

Immortal crystals are easy to obtain, but the best products are rare. They are consumables that even the immortal emperor can use.

The best immortal crystal veins are even rarer.

Such a huge price would not be an exaggeration to say that Xuan Jianzong was hollowed out.

If it is because of themselves, Yin & Yang acacia sect has to pay such a high price…

Yangshan shivered.

There was a touch of fear in my heart, and I didn’t dare to think about it.


At this moment, he was undoubtedly suffocated, and even more murderous, staring at his brother-in-law, and gritted his teeth and said, “Asshole thing, if I’m fine this time, let’s see how I smoke you!”

“If something happens to me, you’re done too!”

Fan Chong’s face was pale, and he said, “Brother-in-law, don’t worry, even if something happens to you, I will accompany you.”

Do I have to thank you for your loyalty?

Yang Shan held back his anger and roared, “Take me!”

Half a quarter of an hour later.

Inside Fanghan Inn.

At this time, the inn was emptied, but the proprietor behind the inn made the decision after knowing what had happened before.

The three of Yangshan arrived.

Chen Elder instantly showed an extremely respectful look, and followed Yang Shan, this was to prevent him from escaping.

Little did he know that Yangshan had also accepted his fate and stepped into the inn with his scalp.

The three of them had already notified, Fang Han walked down from upstairs and randomly found a table to sit down.

Looking at Yangshan in the front, Fang Han smiled and said, “Are you a true disciple of Yin & Yang Hehuan Sect?”


Yang Shan spoke solemnly. When speaking, he was still looking at Fang Han, but he couldn’t see through Fang Han’s Cultivation Base.

“Young Master, my brother-in-law is extremely asshole. He has offended the Young Master. He deserves to die. If the Young Master orders, I can clear the door.”

Yang Shan gritted his teeth and said.

Fan Chong behind his back was sweating violently, and he stopped talking, but his body was already trembling.


Fang Han waved his hand and said, “No need, little man, don’t bother. I came to you because I wanted to make friends with you.”

Yangshan stunned on the spot.

Are you just making friends with me?

That’s it?

Just because of this?

Fuck, make friends, you said earlier, watching you scared me, I’m almost scared to death, okay?

Fan Chong also almost vomited blood, feeling sad, co-authoring only that he is not a human inside and out?

It was Chen Elder, who seemed to understand something, and the corner of his eyes twitched. Transmission Yangshan said, “Brother Yang, according to the ancestor of this ancestor, the young master…prefers beautiful people.”


Yang Shan was startled, reacted and relaxed.

He believed it.

Because he is a disciple of Yin & Yang Hehuan Sect, and as everyone knows, Yin & Yang Hehuan Sect’s female Sister Yin Sect has a high score.

If this young master is lustful.

It is normal to make friends with yourself.

Although the process of making friends is a bit nonsense, in general, this is a good thing.

With joy in his heart, Yang Shan suddenly thought that this might still be an opportunity for himself, a blessing in disguise!

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