Chapter 362 The Xuanjian Sect who was scared to pee!

Fang Han couldn’t help sighing as he was imprisoned as soon as he entered the immortal realm.

Fang Han prefers the latter.

The formation of Xuanjianzong’s sky prison is naturally useless for Fang Han, even if this is a fairyland formation, ignoring the formation prohibition will allow Fang Han to flow unimpeded.


Before Fang Han could find a way to leave, the system prompt sounded loudly.

“It is detected that the host enters the fairy world, and it takes a big step. The host can perform a stage summary check-in. This kind of check-in has a high probability of getting a higher-value item. May I ask the host, whether to check in immediately?”

Fang Han’s eyes suddenly lit up.

The big pig’s hoof, the system, is very bright.

“Check in.”

“Sign-in is successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the magic item, [Mirror Clone].”

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Zulong Cultivation Technique [Dragon Dao Nirvana Skill].”

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Ancestral Dragon Dao Law [Reverse the Universe].”

The beep stops.

After checking the rewards, Fang Han gave the system several likes.

Dragon Dao Nirvana Gong, Zulong Cultivation Technique, there are nine stages of Nirvana. Every time Nirvana succeeds, the Cultivation Base will have a big Ascension.

The Ancestral Dragon Dao method, reverse the universe, is even more unique, the world is reversed, the power is distorted, and it can force people to explode, a rare group attack method.

As for the mirror avatar.

After Fang Han read the introduction, he had only one feeling, that is, he will use more pretends in the future.

This mirror clone can summon a mirror, without real attack power, just like an ordinary person, but the mirror clone can simulate the aura of the strong.

Of course, momentum is just momentum, not for birds.

However, others don’t know.

If you don’t do it, you won’t know that I am a parallel importer.

Used to frighten people and pretend to be a match, it couldn’t be better.

“It just happens to be usable now.”

Fang Han squinted his eyes, and was not ready to leave his real body, and directly summoned a mirror image clone.

The mirror clone can also use the system props. Using the [Proof of God’s Absence], Fang Han controlled the mirror clone out of the cell and came to the door.

The door was closed tightly, Fang Han smiled silently and kicked his feet vigorously.


The expressions of the two old men guarding the jail suddenly changed drastically.

“What the hell?”

“The door seems to be kicked?”

The two old men couldn’t believe it, thinking that a prisoner had run out, quickly opened the door and walked in.

However, I glanced around.

The numb prisoner was still so numb. After counting, one was not many, and the other was a lot. Where did the sound of kicking the door come from?


“Could it be that we have auditory hallucinations?”

The two elders frowned tightly, a little unwilling, but after a careful inspection, there was still nothing to gain, and they had to go out depressed.

As everyone knows.

At this time Fang Han’s mirror image clone had already gone out.

Walking within the Xuanjian Sect, Fang Han didn’t do anything, but left Xuanjian Sect swayingly.

This Xuanjian Sect is really annoying, but the crime is not dying, so Fang Han is going to scare them and teach them a lesson they will never forget.

Xuan Jianzong Head Teacher Li Beixuan returned to the Head Teacher Great Hall.

As for Lord Gou and Lord Ji, he threw them to the dining hall, preparing to use them to make soup.He is in a pretty good mood.

The Xuanjian Sect’s territory has expanded a bit more recently.

Sect disciples are also up for their spirits.

The most powerful ancestor is quite sentimental, and is expected to break through the Jinxian Avenue, everything is very beautiful.

With a small tune in his mouth, Li Beixuan was about to go to the inner hall for cultivation. Suddenly, a panicked voice rang, “Head Teacher, the big thing is not good!”

Li Beixuan’s eyes sank, frowning as he looked at an old man who broke into the Great Hall, and shouted, “Chen Elder, pay attention to your identity, panic, what style?”

The old man smiled bitterly, and then tremblingly said, “Head Teacher, there is an old man outside. It must be said that his little master was arrested by us and wants us to let go.”

Li Beixuan’s cheeks twitched suddenly, and he slapped the case, “I have to ask me about this kind of thing? Wouldn’t it be enough to let him go?”

“… Head Teacher, the old man, suspected to be a golden fairy!”

Li Beixuan, “???”


Suspected Jinxian?

I said Chen Elder, don’t scare me if you step on a horse. If you scare me to death, Xuan Jianzong will no longer have a Head Teacher.

How dare you say such a thing?

Big Golden Wonderland, come to this sect and say we have arrested his little master? I puff, the most nonsense thing in the world is not as good as this nonsense!

The atmosphere in the hall was silent for a few breaths, and Li Beixuan’s breathing gradually increased, and then gritted his teeth and said, “Let me go and take a look.”

With an ugly expression on his face, Li Beixuan hurried to the gate of the mountain.

But before I reached the gate of the mountain, I saw a group of people, or a group of people, following one person on the mountain road.

An old man headed by him, he had a childlike face, was wearing a purple gold robe, and his face was expressionless. The most important thing was that he was so imposing and condensed without exploding, causing Li Beixuan’s eyelids to jump wildly!

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Good good…what a terrible momentum!

With this momentum, the lowest must be the Golden Immortal!

The most powerful ancestor of Xuan Jianzong, his aura is not so powerful!

It’s really a golden fairyland!

Li Beixuan almost cried, his old face stiffened as if it were iron bumps.

The vast Xiaxianyu, the four continents of southeast, northwest, and golden fairyland are rare.

In the fairy world, the most common is the Earth Immortals, and there are also many Celestial Immortals.

And after Celestial Immortals, it was a mysterious and mysterious fairyland.

Only after that is the fairy king who dominates one side.

There are also many Realm above the fairy monarchs. The first one is Jinxian, and Daluo is also called Daluo Jinxian.

And the powerhouses in the Golden Fairyland and above are mostly above the Middle Immortal Realm, where the spirit of the fairy spirit can provide such strong cultivation.

A dignified golden immortal.

Just appear in the Xianyu domain.

Why is it just a servant?

Didn’t you hear what others said? People are here to find the little master of own.

Damn it!

No one in Xuanjian Sect is so wicked, dare to imprison such a big and young person? Certainly not, this is a misunderstanding.

With this thought, Li Beixuan quickly approached and landed on the low ground. He bit his head and said to the old man’s cupped hands, “Senior, Li Beixuan, Xuanjianzong Head Teacher, couldn’t meet him far away, but I hope to forgive him.”

The old man is naturally Fang Han’s mirror image clone. Fang Han showed a faint smile on his face, waved his hand and said, “You don’t need to talk nonsense with the old man. The old man has to take the little master and go back quickly. After all, my ancestor is a fairy emperor. My grandson, it’s tight, so, Head Teacher Li, hurry up, right?”

Li Beixuan was shocked again.

His mind seemed to have been stuffed into a ball of Nine Heavens profound thunder, and it exploded, making his brain buzzing.

Hit f*ck!

Your ancestor is the immortal emperor?

Immortal emperor!

Who can stand this horse riding?

At the same time, all the Elders of the Xuanjian Sect behind Fang Han froze, looking at Li Beixuan with Ji Ji’s eyes.

Head Teacher. Head Teacher.

You shouldn’t be so shameless, right?

You ordered such a terrible identity to be arrested, right?

If this is really yours, then we won’t say much, we can only “Ho—tui—” to you before dying.

Li Beixuan reacted, took a deep breath, and said very solemnly and seriously, “Senior, Li Beixuan can swear that this sect has never seen a noble son at all. This is a misunderstanding.”


Fang Han frowned, then snorted coldly, pretending to be unhappy, and said, “Impossible! My little master must be in your Profound Sword Sect, the old man has the feeling, can’t be wrong!”

Li Beixuan’s scalp tightened suddenly, and he trembled, “Senior, even if it’s there, I…we don’t know it. I hope senior can raise your hands high.”

“It depends on the situation.”

Fang Han shook his head noncommitantly, and suddenly said coldly, “But if my little master is really wronged in your Sect, hum, then we have to say it well.”

Li Beixuan’s heart trembled violently, cold sweat gushing out, and the sweat trickled down, and he didn’t even care to wipe it.

Those Profound Sword Sect Elder’s faces were earthy, and their hearts panicked like frightened little mice, they didn’t dare to say more.

“The old man first look for it.”

Fang Han closed his eyes, pretended to be inductive, and moved forward.

No one dared to stop him, Li Beixuan didn’t dare, the aura quality simulated by the mirror clone was a leverage.

However, suddenly, Fang Han opened his eyes and said urgently, “Damn it, but I forgot. There is still one important matter that has not been done, and there is no delay. The old man has to go.”

Oh? You want to go? Then you speed up quickly.

Li Beixuan was overjoyed and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Well, I’ll ask someone to come over to pick up the little master, you’d better check with me as soon as possible, why is my little master in your Sect.”

Fang Han put down a sentence and walked away.

When Fang Han’s figure disappeared, Li Beixuan breathed a sigh of relief, swallowed, wiped the cold sweat from his eyebrows, his robes were all wet, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

Looking around at many Elders, Li Beixuan gritted his teeth and said, “Check! Hurry up and check! I want to know which shameless pen it is that dares to be so bold and even dare to catch people with such an identity!”

Many Elders looked at Li Beixuan, who was full of tyrannical aura, and were also angry with the same enemy. They scolded a few times before retreating and investigating the whole case.


Check it out.

Sect turned upside down.

There is no outsider.

This is incomparable. Is that senior’s feeling wrong?

A group of people gathered again, Li Beixuan’s expression was very ugly, and he always felt something was wrong, but he couldn’t tell.

Those Elder talked a lot.

“Perhaps it was a misunderstanding.”

“It must have been wrong.”

“There are no outsiders in this sect. We are innocent.”

“Fortunately, I didn’t find anyone, otherwise, we would be finished.”

quite a while.

Li Beixuan rubbed the corners of his eyebrows and sighed, “I hope nothing will happen.”


“Head Teacher, it’s not good, a girl came outside, looking for her master.”

Li Beixuan thought to himself that this should be the person that the golden immortal boss was looking for. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, “Since this school didn’t arrest anyone, then you have a clear conscience. Don’t be afraid, let me go. ”

The Xuan Jianzong high-level officials dispatched again.

Then Fang Han appeared in front of them as a beautiful girl transformed into a mirror image clone.

The women’s clothing tycoon Fang Han went online, and his body index was 100%. Li Beixuan and the others were dumbfounded.

Li Beixuan took a breath, his face was a little bitter, dammit, such a beautiful woman, actually called that master master? Co-author, this is just a maid!

It’s so scary, Daddy can’t bear it.

“Well, girl, listen to me…”

Li Beixuan spoke.

However, the words are not finished.In the next second, Fang Han controlled the mirror clone to exude aura again.

The terrifying aura, shaking the earth, shocked all living beings in the world, and such a strong aura, the moment Li Beixuan’s heart fell on his knees!

Knock knock… knock f*ck!


Is it a special golden fairy again?

Fuck, the maid of Golden Wonderland? Sure enough, knowledge limits my imagination. How do I feel that I have become a bun?

“I’ll find the master!”

Fang Han spoke indifferently.

As an old man, I harvested a wave of equipment ratios, and the effect was good.

Now appearing as a handmaid, her aura is revealed, and her pretense ratio has been paid for by a large margin.

“The master is there.”

Fang Han casually pointed to the mountain that held own, and said indifferently.

Li Beixuan and the others looked around, utterly confused, damned, and countless, but they didn’t count to the prison!


Is this really possible?

The prisoners are all well-known masters, whose identities have already been verified.

There is no such little master at all!

But at this moment, Li Beixuan’s heart twitched, and Fang Han’s face suddenly appeared in his mind.

But immediately, he shook his head and abandoned it.

Not not too much!

How could a minor repairer who sneaked up from the lower realm be the little master? This is outrageous.

“Take me to pick up the master.”

Fang Han walked towards the mountain. Behind him, Li Beixuan and the others had extremely bitter expressions, but they were not desperate, because they felt that this was still a misunderstanding.

Maybe, it’s someone in the jail with that little master’s token or something?

This is not impossible.

After all, it was sensed, and it was not seen with my own eyes.

With such a complicated mood, the sky prison is faintly visible in front. The two elders who guard the sky prison have already known what happened just now. Seeing Sect’s senior executives coming together, their scalp tightened and they stepped forward to salute.

Li Beixuan said solemnly, “Open the door.”

“Yes, Head Teacher.”

The two elders respectfully opened the gate of the jail.

Fang Han walked in, Li Beixuan and the others followed closely. Then, Li Beixuan watched Fang Han walk to the cell where his body was in a dazed expression, and said in a panic, “Master, you really are here and you are wronged. .”

Fang Han sat in the Lotus Position, opened his eyes, looked at glasses like a clone, and then sneered, “You are here now? You can’t forgive your sins, let yourself be judged!”

Li Beixuan, “???”

Xuanjianzong Elder, “???”

Damn, wiping!

Such a stunning Fairy!

Such a great golden fairy!

Put it in the next fairyland, and there will be a bearer who calls the wind and rains!

Are you just making people dictate themselves just because they came late for the meeting?

Are you afraid of people rebelling?

Who can stand it on whom?


“Sorry master, the maidservant deserves death!”

Accompanied by a burst of sound, Fang Han controlled the mirror image clone to explode and disappeared in smoke.

Li Beixuan and Xuanjianzong Elder were directly frightened by this scene, and their souls were going to be frightened, their faces were dull, and their minds were blank.

Especially Li Beixuan.

At this moment, he wanted to die, digging a hole to bury himself…

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