Chapter 363: Using Beauty Tactics? Then arrange it!

Li Beixuan was confused.

He was really shocked.

In the past, Li Beixuan thought that being scared was just an adjective, but he would not have thought that it would really appear to him now.

His liver and gallbladder seemed to be split, and his internal organs were greatly damaged.

However, this is nothing.

What’s the matter?

Compared with the coming disaster of Xuanjian Sect’s extermination, this little injury of oneself is not a fart.

“If I dictate myself, can this little master spare Sect?”

This thought came to Li Beixuan’s mind, and his body staggered, almost falling down.

“Head Teacher?”

Many Elder woke up and looked at Li Beixuan, who was obviously in a wrong state, and suddenly understood something. He sucked in a cold breath and looked at him in disbelief.

Li Beixuan didn’t have the time to pay attention to the Elders. He took a deep breath and quickly stepped forward. Then he bowed respectfully and trembled, “Young Master, many mistakes are all my fault, please… ”

Don’t know.

I haven’t finished it yet.

Fang Han waved his hand abruptly, squinted at him, and sneered, “Enough, don’t tell me, you are wrong? What is wrong with you? You Xuanjian Sect is so hot, why is it wrong? I was wrong, I apologize , I regret it, I confess my punishment!”

Li Beixuan vomited blood.

A wisp of blood came out from the corner of his mouth, but he didn’t even have the guts to wipe it.

Wipe the wool.

It’s better to be miserable.

As long as this little master can calm down, even if I am severely disabled on the spot, I can laugh out loud.


Fang coldly snorted, glanced at Li Beixuan, and then said to those Profound Sword Sect Elders, “All go, you go, you also go, this will be my home from now on, if it’s okay, please don’t bother me. , After all, I am scared!”

Li Beixuan was hit hard again.

At this moment, he deeply realized.

I’m really finished.

Want to keep things quiet? That is wishful thinking.

It’s easy to ask God to give it away, but can you still fork this little master out?

And those Elders of the Profound Sword Sect were even more violently hit, their faces pale and trembling endlessly.


Head Teacher, this is a catastrophe!

It’s been a long time.

It turns out that Head Teacher is the masterpiece of Sect.

They have been searching for it for a long time, who would have thought that the big silly pen is actually the Head Teacher himself?

“I said, let you go, didn’t you hear?”

Fang Han’s eyes suddenly showed cold light, and he shouted rather uncomfortably.

Almost everyone shivered suddenly.

Li Beixuan opened his mouth, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed again. Looking at Fang Han, who had a violent aura, he gritted his teeth and silently turned and walked outside.

How dare a group of Elder stay, they followed.

The two old guards of the sky jail looked at each other and walked out silently. As soon as they were about to close the door, they heard Li Beixuan’s low and indifferent voice, “Bastard thing, why do you close the door?”

Li Beixuan started to get angry, and the two old guards’ faces were earthy, and they knelt on the ground quickly.


Li Beixuan’s face was pale, and with a sigh, he rushed to the Head Teacher Great Hall, utterly depressed.

Many Xuanjianzong Elder also went to the Head Teacher Great Hall.

And inside the jail.

Fang Han was overwhelmed by the sound of wild licking. It was the numb prisoners in the jail. They were too lazy to talk to Fang Han before, but at this time they regretted not saying hello early.

Fang Han ignored everything, and looked at the soaring pretend ratio, very satisfied.


Head Teacher Great Hall.

The atmosphere in the hall was deadly silent.

quite a while.

Li Beixuan said blankly, “This son came from the lower realm, and sneaked up from the Heavenly Demon realm road. Yun Zu was there at the time, and I told me that I just put him in the jail.”

A group of Elders looked at each other and spoke.

“Head Teacher, I can’t blame you for this, who can think of it!”

“Yes, Head Teacher don’t blame yourself, let’s think of a solution quickly!”

“Let me say, hurry up and inform you ancestors. The consequences of this matter are serious, and we simply can’t afford it.”

“Jinxian’s maid, she blew herself up when she said she blew herself up. She didn’t even hesitate. The other party’s grandfather is a fairy emperor. She is afraid that she is a son of a big family from Shangxianyu.”


The Elders comforted, sighed, and bitterly. Li Beixuan suddenly slapped himself, gritted his teeth and said, “I can’t be kind, so I apologize.”

A group of Elders suddenly yelled “Head Teacher, you are great”, but their faces are all showing aggrieved look, their faces are full of sorrow, and they call out “This can’t be done”, “How can it be like this”, “Head Teacher, you Don’t be so pessimistic” Soon.

“I will inform a few ancestors first.”

Li Beixuan drank low, and then sent a message.

The first notice was that Yunzu who had handed Fang Han to him was naturally the ancestor of Xuanjian Sect’s immortal monarchs.

quite a while.

Light flashed in the hall one after another.

Silhouettes of old men emerged one after another.

That Yunzu was in it, with an unbelievable look on his face.

Li Beixuan quickly got off the Head Teacher seat and knelt on the ground. A group of Elders saluted one after another.

Many Xuanjianzong fairy princes were in a mess, and Li Beixuan’s subpoena explained clearly, so they didn’t ask much.

Glancing at each other, Li Zu, who has reached the peak of Xianjun in Xuanjian Sect’s Cultivation Base, said in a slow voice, “Up to now, the only thing we can do is to dispel Young Master’s anger.”

“This matter, Bei Xuan is the master, Lao Yun, you can’t watch it, after all, you caught the person.”

After hearing this, Yunzu nodded and sighed, “I understand.”

Li Zu said solemnly, “The opponent’s Golden Immortal powerhouse hasn’t attacked this sect yet, and that young master, we haven’t moved, just locked up, we still have a chance, and we have to prepare enough…”

Slowly, a sentence fell, and the atmosphere in the hall gradually relaxed a little.

Wait until everything is arranged.

Suddenly someone outside came to report, and the old man before came back.

Li Zu’s eyes flashed, “Is that the servant of the Golden Immortal?”

Li Beixuan nodded quickly.

Li Zu said in a deep voice, “It’s okay, the old man will take a look for himself.”

The other ancestors of the immortal monarchs also all have the meaning of not giving up on seeing the Yellow River.

Is it really a golden fairy?

They want to verify it.

And a moment later.

Perceiving the surging aura, which was obviously more than a terrifying aura many times that he didn’t know, Li Zu instantly withered, barely squeezing out a smile, and said to Fang Han, “Good senior, next…”

“Stop talking nonsense, where is my Young Master?”

Fang Han didn’t even look at Li Zu, his eyes fell on Li Beixuan, his face was a bit ugly, “I’ve done everything, why haven’t I seen the young master go back? And, isn’t Axiang here to pick up the young master? What about people? Didn’t you come?”

Li Beixuan saw Fang Han staring at him, bit the bullet and walked out, trembling, “Senior forgive me, the young master is indeed in the school, but…something happened and was locked up…”

“What? You guys are so bold!”

Fang Han immediately burst into a wave of momentum, and everyone who scared him was earthy.

Li Beixuan’s scalp exploded, and his body was numb, and he continued trembling, “Then…that Axiang Fairy, was held accountable by… by the young master and asked to dictate himself, and fell…”

Fang Han’s face was cold, and he sneered, “This is what it should be. After all, we are late, and the Young Master was so wronged. A Xiang died without regret…”

Talk about it.

Fang Han suddenly bowed to the void and shouted, “Young master, the old slave is too late, how can you expect that the young master will suffer the humiliation of being imprisoned! The sin is unforgivable! The sin is extremely heinous! The old slave is dead! Apologize!”


The body burst and disappeared in smoke.

The self-destructive momentum is also a quality leverage, which confuses everyone’s faces.


Li Beixuan fell to the ground, his body convulsed.

Many Xuanjianzong Elder’s bodies trembled and swayed, and their brains were humming.

Yunzu’s face was pale, and he obviously doubted life.

The ancestors of the immortal monarchs were struck by lightning, their eyes were dumbfounded and broken.

Even if it is as strong as Li Zu, he panicked at this moment.

This hasn’t happened yet.

Two golden immortal giants died!

Damn it!

Fortunately, the first one is that the young master ordered that he had to die.

And this one?

Damn, wipe it!

You just felt that you were guilty and committed suicide?

I just want to ask.

We Xuanjian Sect, can we really resolve this hatred?

“Hurry up! Hurry up and prepare the treasure of apologize! Don’t feel bad, don’t bear it, do it now!”

Li Zu suddenly let out a loud roar.

A dead horse is a living horse doctor.


You have to try to apologize for anything.

But at this moment, I saw Li Beixuan on the ground turning over and climbing up, as if thinking of something, and said with a look of horror, “Broken! Broken! Patriarch, there are two demon pets beside the young master!”

Li Zu’s eyes lit up, “The demon pet? Hurry up and take the old man, and make a good relationship with the young master’s demon pet, love the house and the black, our sins can be lessened.”

“…Old… Patriarch, those two demon pets, were…thrown into the dining hall by me.”

Li Zu and other immortal ancestors, “???”

“…Take it to the soup…”


A dead silence!

Everyone’s eyes fell on Li Beixuan’s body. Li Beixuan’s body trembled. He wanted to faint but didn’t dare to faint. He said in fear, “Before…who would have thought…”

“I’m still talking nonsense!”

Li Zu roared, his figure flickered, disappeared in place, and naturally went straight to the dining hall.

Others rushed towards the dining hall too, for fear that it would be too late.

Li Zu, who arrived first, slammed the door of the dining hall with a palm. The Xuanjianzong Practitioner inside was still very dissatisfied. When he saw Li Zu, he suddenly urinated and knelt on the ground to salute.

Li Zu said anxiously, “Where is the young master’s demon pet? Where is it?”

Demon pet?

Or the young master’s demon pet?

The people in the dining hall looked blank.

“The two sent by Li Beixuan.”

Li Zu gritted his teeth.

Only then did the people in the dining hall react, and one of them quickly said, “Old Patriarch, the two Demonic Beasts are still in the back kitchen. They should be…have been boiled?”

Li Zu’s eyes were black.

Almost fainted.

The figure flickered and disappeared again. After a while, he looked at the lively dog ​​and chicken in the back kitchen, and he was relieved.



If this is really simmering into soup, he will not survive, and shoot everyone to death, and then shoot himself to death.

“Meet the ancestors!”

Elder, the supervisor in the back kitchen, was taken aback, saw Li Zu’s face clearly, and immediately bowed down and bowed.Li Zu ignored him, stepped forward quickly, unlocked the seal that held the dog and chicken, and said respectfully, “Two masters, you are frightened.”

Gouye and Jiye looked at each other and laughed.

There is only one explanation for such a situation, and that is to be frightened by the master.

The dog master said lazily, “It’s okay, I’m just afraid we taste bad.”

The chicken master sneered, “Our chicken master makes a soup. It must be delicious. You will drink two more bowls later.”

Li Zu burst into tears immediately.

Hemp egg!

It really is the master and servant!

The young master has a weird temper, and this demon pet is not far behind.

“We already knew it was wrong.”

Li Zu was very sincere, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, “I hope that the two masters will not be familiar with us. I promise, as long as the two masters can make the young master forgive us, I can agree to any conditions.”

Master Gou and Master Ji have not yet understood the situation.

The dog master said, “If you want the master to forgive you, you have to behave well. You can’t lack treasures, and the most important thing is that you have to have a beautiful girl.”

Li Zu, “???”

Master Ji laughed strangely, “Yes, a beautiful girl, with long legs and a slender waist after the lordosis. Well, you are a man, you know.”

Li Zu understands.

The co-author of the young master is so feminine!

Damn it!

This is so easy, there is no shortage of beautiful women in Xuanjian Sect.

Feeling further away from the great cause of atonement, Li Zu smiled and quickly cupped hands and said, “Thank you for the two masters for reminding, so how about we change the place?”



Gouye and Jiye rushed to Li Zu’s shoulders.

Li Zu didn’t dare to be unhappy, turned around and walked out, leaving a group of people in the dining hall incomparably at a loss.

The cafeteria Elder seemed to understand something, and suddenly sighed, “It’s a bad thing to have no meal…”


With Li Zu walked out.

Seeing Lord Dog and Lord Chicken on Li Zu’s shoulders, Li Beixuan breathed a sigh of relief, and the others wiped away cold sweat.

Fortunately, in time, it didn’t make a big mistake.

Li Zu looked at Li Beixuan with a serious expression, and said, “Sect female cultivator, with the best aptitude and the best skin, quickly find it, and she will make amends for the young master on our behalf.”

Li Beixuan was a little stunned, and when he reacted, he immediately understood.

Do you use beauty?

Then arrange.

After a long time.

In front of the gate of the jail.

Li Zu and other high-level officials are serious.

A female cultivator with extremely high looks, exploding body index, and outstanding temperament, with a pale face, timidly bowed to Li Zu and the others, and stepped into the jail.

“close the door.”

Li Zu spit out two words.

The other prisoners in the jail had already been taken out early. At this time, an order was given that someone came forward, and the gate of the jail was slowly closed tightly.

Ye Gou praised, “Yes, good at being a human being.”

Master Ji smiled and said, “Old man, you can, you should be more than half successful.”

Li Zu smiled reluctantly, while the others felt sad and sad.

time flies.

No one said anything, they were all waiting.

It wasn’t until two hours later that everyone’s expressions gradually turned into shock, and their eyes showed envy.

Damn it!

The young master is so durable? so envious…

(Thanks to [knife fans] brothers for the reward, thanks-0-!)

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