Chapter 361: The Profound Sword Sect!

Fang Han secretly said badly.

When the voice sounded, a terrifying pressure was quickly suppressed.

The horror of this pressure was beyond Fang Han’s imagination.

Comparing the auras of the previous nine demon gods, Fang Han immediately understood that his own strength was simply insignificant in front of the person who shot it.

Therefore, Fang Han directly gave up resistance.

Let the shackles turned by the immortal yuans, submerged into his body, blocking the amount of Internal Energy.

Lord Gou and Lord Ji didn’t move either.

All felt the horror of the person who took the shot.


A cold snort sounded, and in front of Fang Han, he was a plain old man, but his eyes were very cold, as if there was no trace of emotion.

With his hands on his back, the old man looked at the cold and frowned, “Little ants of the Heavenly Demon clan? You are so brave, how dare you come in from this realm?”

Fang Han smiled and said, “Senior, I am not Heavenly Demon.”

“Haha, interesting? Even the old man dare to lie? You are looking for death…”

“Well, I’m Heavenly Demon, I just came out for a walk, but I didn’t expect to get lost. Would the senior let me go?”

The old man smiled contemptuously, “Let you go? Naive, it’s rare for Heavenly Demon to sneak in. Since I was caught by the old man, I would naturally use it for pill refining.”

Fang Han’s eyes twitched suddenly.

pill refining?

Damn it.

Do you treat me as a grandson monkey, or treat yourself as an old gentleman?

The old man flicked his finger, and a stream of light rushed out. After a while, a middle-aged man rushed over and landed on the ground. After a surprised look at Fang Han, he suddenly showed joy, “Ancestor, but Heavenly Demon?”

The old man smiled lightly, “Yes, the old man just saw the world, he noticed that the realm was changing, and he stayed here. As expected, he came across this little Heavenly Demon who was smuggled here.”

The middle-aged people are overjoyed, “The Heavenly Demon soul pill made by Heavenly Demon is very nourishing to the god-tier soul, strengthens the god-tier soul, and enhances the foundation. If it were not for the difficulty of entering the world, this sect would have long been sent… Give this Heavenly Demon to me, and wait for me to inform Master Liu, let him pill refining, and choose disciples for reward.”


The old man nodded casually.

Fang Han didn’t say a word, he thought it was better to keep quiet now, they were willing to pretend than let them pretend to chant, first figure out where this is.

“Huh, there are two more demon pets? Heavenly Demon still has demon pets?”

The middle-aged man turned his attention to Lord Gou and Lord Ji in amazement.

Then the middle-aged man laughed, “The dog demon and chicken demon in the lower realm, uh, you can make two pots of soup and try the taste.”

Master Gou and Master Ji, “???”

Knock f*ck, no grievances and no grudges, are you going to use us to make soup? You beast!


The old man waved.

The middle-aged man immediately bowed his cupped hands, stretched out his palm, and Xianyuan rolled, grabbing Fang Han and leaving here.

It didn’t take long.

An incomparably large image appeared in Fang Han’s eyes.

The celestial pavilions are hung in the air, and the passages of clouds form a channel to connect everywhere. The mist is lingering, but it is a glorious view of the immortal family.

Fang Han felt that they should be able to rescue him.

You can’t offend yourself to death, you have to take revenge, right?

With a light cough, Fang Han said, “Senior, Junior is actually not a Heavenly Demon, but a lower realm Practitioner who accidentally landed here, do you think you let me go?”

The middle-aged man didn’t even turn his head, and said in a low voice, “Heavenly Demon is good at disguising, don’t struggle, little Heavenly Demon, it is your blessing to be able to transform into a Medicine Pill and enter the stomach of my Profound Sword Sect disciple.”

Fang Han simply removed the illusion, and said in a deep voice, “Senior, you look at it again?”

The middle-aged man frowned, turned his head and glanced, and was stunned, “Huh?”

Take a few steps forward.

The middle-aged man stared at Fang Han. After a while, his cheeks twitched, and he said calmly, “You are really a human race, so how come you emerge from the Heavenly Demon realm?”

Fang Han sighed, “I was caught by the Heavenly Demon clan. I managed to escape and broke into the boundary by accident.”

“The old man was so overbearing just now, I was a little scared, so I didn’t reveal my identity.”

The middle-aged man’s face became uncertain.

quite a while.

He straightened his face and said coldly, “You kid isn’t right, but I don’t care if your words are true or false. Even if you are a human race, since you entered the sect from the Heavenly Demon realm, you must be inseparable from Heavenly Demon. ”

“But if you are a human race, pill refining is useless… you will be banned for ten thousand years in the heaven prison of this sect. After you are innocent, you will be free.”

Fang Han, “???”

Banned for ten thousand years?

Damn, I have been cultivating the way for less than a hundred years.

Fang Han looked ugly and frowned, “Senior, as for what? Why bother? You let me go, I am at ease, hello and me, hello everyone, can’t you? Why do you have to offend me?”

But the middle-aged man laughed loudly, shook his head, and said, “Offend you? Boy, you are too high on you. This seat is Li Beixuan, the Head Teacher of Xuanjian Sect, and my Xuanjian Sect is even lower in the immortal realm. Nanzhou Dazong, you? The lower realm ants, dare you to talk about offense in front of this seat?”


With a wave of his hand, the middle-aged man displayed the moving technique impressively and appeared in front of a mountain.

This mountain has a gate, and on both sides of the gate, there is an old man Lotus Position sitting on each side of the gate.

Seeing Li Beixuan, the two old men quickly got up and fell down, and said respectfully, “Farewell to Head Teacher.”

Li Beixuan pointed to Fang Han, “This is a minor repair in the lower realm. It is suspected to be a spy Heavenly Demon, and shut him down for ten thousand years.”

The two old men didn’t even ask much, and nodded in response.

The next moment, Li Beixuan’s eyes fell on the dog and chicken, and he squinted and smiled, “You two demon pets, I still want it.”

Catch it with a big hand.

Lord Gou and Lord Ji were immediately caught and photographed by him.

Fang Han blinked at Gouye and Jiye. They were very honest and didn’t struggle much, and were taken away by Li Beixuan.

And two old men, one of them stepped forward, grabbed Fang Han’s shoulder, and said quietly, “Let’s go, don’t move rashly, otherwise you will kill you!”

Fang Han grinned at the two elders, shook his head and sighed, “Remember, your Profound Sword Sect forced me.”

The two old men looked at each other.

Laughed blankly.

Are you unwilling to speak this tone? Is there a kind of rush to make trouble? It’s ridiculous, hahaha.

“go in!”

The old man who came over pushed Fang Han and said coldly, “There are ten thousand swords to punish the gods in the jail. You can get out of the cell for half a step in ten thousand years. You are considered capable of it. Go in!”

The door opened.

Fang Han stepped in, and a huge space suddenly appeared in front of him.

Iron and steel jail, heavy battles.

Most of the cells are empty, with only a few, containing the strong.

Fang Han and the others came in, but these people did not pay attention. Lotus Position closed his eyes, like a dead person.

One of the cells opened and Fang Han was pushed in. After the gate was closed, the light of formation suddenly filled.

The two old men turned around and left, ignorantly, a pair of faint eyes behind them were staring at them…

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