And one thing Wei An told her very seriously over and over again.

Xuefeng can't drink alcohol, otherwise something will happen and he will make trouble.

So after discovering the strange behavior of Wei An and Xuefeng today, Lexington thought of this method.

Since Vian was in such a state at that time, it must have been difficult for him to ask, and it would have been a bit rash for him to ask.

Then her target was set on Xuefeng.

It's definitely not good to ask directly. Lexington thought about Xuefeng's drinking problem.

"Woo woo woo...."

Lexington saw that Xuefeng, who had been chatting with her just now, suddenly became sad.

The corners of the eyes are still moist

"Snow breeze? What’s wrong with you?"

"Um? What's wrong with me? Xiaowei’s idiot brother, why do you want to be an admiral?...My brother was sorted out."

The drunken Xuefeng wiped the corners of his eyes and said sadly.

"Wouldn’t it be good for the commander to be an admiral?"

"not good! not good! Very bad!"

"He is obviously my only brother and my only admiral, but now I have to share it with others! Wow, can I not be sad?"

"Did you see it? Yesterday, just yesterday, that Hood from E Wing was cuddling with my little Victoria on my deck."

"That's my admiral, I'm the wedding ship!"

Xue Feng said, grabbing a spicy stick and chewing it, and at the same time took a big gulp of Coke with alcohol.

But her words were not over yet.

"But I am the older sister. I promised Xiao Wei not to cause him any trouble. Xiao Wei was arrested by the gendarmerie because of me before."

"I should be magnanimous. Had I not been mentally prepared for this the day he wanted to become admiral?"

"But I feel really sad. Sometimes I want to occupy him alone and tell Xiaowei if we can go home. But now that he has everyone, I can't be so selfish."

"As a sister and a wedding agent, I should unconditionally support his decisions and choices. When he grows up... I can't help him much as a destroyer."

Speaking, Xuefeng was silent for a moment and took another sip of Coke.

"Xiao Wei wants to take back the Whale Sea Garrison. I know that it is impossible for me to do it alone. My role is to take him away and prevent him from getting hurt."

"I also hope that I am stronger and can give him more help, but I am just a destroyer"

"I already understood from the battle the day before yesterday that I am just a destroyer. No matter how fast I run or how powerful the torpedoes are, I can only withstand the bombings from the bombers."

"I still need this ship that Xiao Wei helped me transform to protect me. I can't keep up with him. There will be more and more powerful ship girls around him."

"I can't stop it either...After all, he belongs to everyone. Holding the ring he gave me, I cried alone when he couldn't see it."

After saying that, Xuefeng patted his cheek, squinted his eyes and lay down on the chair.

After hearing Xuefeng's words, Lexington was a little silent. Wasn't she doing all this today just to get closer to Wei An?

Put Wei An She separated from Xuefeng, so she didn't know how to open this mouth now.

"If you have any questions, just ask them now. I'm drunk now. Tomorrow I won't know anything because I'm drunk."

"He even told you that I like drinking..."

Xuefeng squinted his eyes and listened to the silent voice on the other side.

"you are not..."

"Drank and acted crazy?"

"I have also undergone ship modification, and my mental core has also been modified. It would have been greatly affected in the past, but it does not mean that it will be the same now."

"If you want to do something, just do it. You may not have such an opportunity in the future."

Xue Feng closed his eyes and fumbled for a spicy stick and threw it into his mouth.

"Today, the commander is talking about making ship uniforms. Can he increase the number of pieces produced?"

The wife who was clearly the one who planned the plan was at a disadvantage at this time, and Xuefeng turned against her.

"You are talking about physical strength, right? Xiaovita needs to consume physical strength to make ship equipment. Ship equipment of different qualities consumes different amounts."

"This physical strength can indeed be improved."

Xue Feng said leisurely.

"Why didn't the admiral mention this? Has he ever been promoted before?"

"Why not mention it?"

Suddenly, Xuefeng sat up, opened his eyes, and stared at Lexington with clear eyes.

"Then tell me, are you his wedding ship?"

Looking at Xuefeng's serious expression, Lexington shook his head honestly.

"Little Wei Na, boy, he likes you so much that he hasn’t made a move yet? My wife screams every day, but she still doesn’t make a vow?"

"Why don't you make an oath? That kid is just a slut, and if you don't take the initiative, he'll look like a fool."

Although Xuefeng felt sober after drinking, she was still affected and spoke much bolder than usual.

"I'm afraid that the commander will be unhappy. Gaga already has enough to worry about for the commander, so I'd better not give it up."

Lexington tightened his grip on his skirt.

"No, no, I am his sister. We have already pledged our marriage, but I still need to take the initiative. Think about it yourself, you haven’t pledged your marriage yet, so don’t you need to take the initiative even more?"

"Although I am a little jealous of Hood, she did nothing wrong. She just needs to be tougher with Xiaowei."

"Maybe he is secretly happy"


Lexington looked at Xuefeng who was now speaking without restraint and was a little worried. He doubted her words. After all, she had been drinking.

"Come on, come over and I'll tell you."

Xue Feng supported his upper body and leaned close to Lexington's ear.


"Xiaowei, the way to improve your physical strength is to do things that can only be done after making an oath. If you want to make him happy, believe me, now is the best chance."


"Really, if he doesn't recognize you, I will help you grab a ring and bring it back."

Seeing that Xuefeng even said the words about the ring, Lexington nodded doubtfully.

"What about me?"

"Now he is worried about his physical strength. If you go, he will definitely agree. By the way, this time he changed two oath rings. One is with me. If you don't work hard, it might be Hood's."

After Xuefeng finished speaking, she patted her butt, took the Coke and left.

But her words lingered in Lexington's ears.

If you don't work hard, the ring will belong to Hood.

【No, I want this ring too. ]

Lexington thought and poured a glass of red wine to embolden himself.

He walked calmly towards the lounge where Wei An was.

At the same time, the other hatches in the battleship's aisle were closed one by one, just like how they had done at Xuefeng Pass.

The twisted melon is not sweet, but it is very thirst-quenching, and maybe this melon just wants to be twisted.

But when she walked to Wei'an's door, she heard the sound coming from his room.

"Commander~ Just a little bit, just a little bit...Give it to Gaga! OK!"

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