Lexington stopped her hand when she was about to open the door.

She leaned against the door and listened to the noise inside.

She came here to twist the melon today, but she didn't expect her sister to be inside.

"No...No, if your wife finds out, you'll be blamed again."

Wei An's voice was somewhat helpless.

"But I really can't help it. I think about it every day when I sleep in bed~Commander, give it to me~"

Lexington heard the sound of some clothes rubbing together in the room.

"Okay, okay, give it to you, give it to you, go back to bed tonight!"

"Got it~"

The conversation in the room finally made Lexington anxious.

Although she knew there might be something going on between her sister and Wei An, she finally made the decision to get the ring for herself. She couldn't be slower than Saratoga.

Even if something happened to Wei An, she should come first. The door opened and the two people in the room overlapped in a slightly indecent posture. Especially since Saratoga is still holding onto something in Vian's hand.

"Madam, why are you here?"

"ah! elder sister"

"what are you doing."

Lexington's voice was trembling, and the room was dim, but how could she not think too much about this scene? It was clearly construction or hull modification, but she came first even to confess her love. Originally, her sister liked it. She was very happy about going to Wei'an. She didn't have to worry about her anymore.

She had a sister and a commander she liked. It was obvious that two happy things overlapped. Why did her sister secretly carry it like this? As she stole her beloved commander, she just stayed with Xuefeng for a while and didn't notice Saratoga, but her whole family was gone, but she couldn't back down from the decision she had made tonight. , for that cherished vow ring.

Observing Lexington, Wei An felt the changes in the surrounding atmosphere and trembled. He didn't know why. At the same time, he felt a little cold when facing his current wife. Feeling inexplicably guilty,

Saratoga, who was sitting astride him like a duck, didn't think too much and jumped off him directly onto Lexington.

"elder sister! Why are you here? Sure enough, you want it too! Look, this is the new carrier-based aircraft I asked the commander to make for me! Where is the B25 bomber used by the Hornet!"

Saratoga waved the carrier-based aircraft in her hand towards Lexington.

She didn't get the carrier aircraft she wanted tonight. She was always thinking about it, and was afraid that she wouldn't be able to sleep well when she went back to bed at night.

So she thought Wei An usually accommodated them in everything.

Saratoga sneaked into Wei An's room and talked to him affectionately and rationally for a long time, but this time Wei An didn't agree. An's attitude was very resolute, leaving her helpless. To this end, she resorted to her special move, a fierce tiger came down from the mountain and pushed Wei An down on the bed.

"Commander, you don’t want your sister to know what you did to your sister’s dear sister that day."

The devilish words rang in Wei'an's ears, but he was not afraid at all.

Shouldn't she know better than herself what happened that night?

She was the one who brought it to the door by herself wearing her wife's clothes, even if she was listed Kexington discovered that he was not the only one who was ruined.

Saratoga should be considered the main culprit, and he was at most an accessory, and his fault was that he did not recognize that they were too similar.

Wei An felt like a scumbag, so even Saratoga's special moves had no effect on Wei An, so Saratoga sat on him and acted coquettishly. It was better not to act coquettishly..

When Saratoga acts coquettishly, she still moves around on him. You say that a charming girl full of youthful spirit behaves pitifully towards you, and even has some physical contact from time to time.

Use this to test Wei An this year. A young man who is 18 years old and full of energy, can he withstand it?

Anyway, he can't stand it, and it's not a snowstorm in front of him. What's more, this is a Lexington battleship. If something happens and his wife discovers him. It was really going to be over, and he would be the main culprit then.

So in the end, he had no choice but to surrender and make a B25 for Saratoga. He could only feel wronged that Shropshire might have to delay the completion of the ship installation for some time. materialized


"That's it. I asked Jiajia why you came to the commander's place so late at night. Jiajia is not good~ My sister just told you today that you can't cause trouble to the commander."

Looking at the ship attire in Saratoga's hand, Lexington realized that he had thought wrongly.

Saratoga was not here to steal, but just for the ship attire.

This also made Lexington feel a little confused. Fortunately, she could still walk in front of her sister, but on the surface, she quickly adjusted her expression and scolded Saratoga.

"Oops~ Sister, Gaga really can't help it anymore. You know, flying a bomber is addictive~"

Saratoga hugged Lexington's arm sweetly and shook her head coquettishly. road

"You little naughty boy, why don't you go back and have a rest? There are other things waiting for us tomorrow."

"I know, sister. Saratoga said and wanted to leave, but Lexington, who was not at ease, breathed a sigh of relief after sending her all the way out.

At the same time, after looking inside the battleship to make sure that no other people were present, Lexington Only then did Kexington securely close the battleship's hatch.

No one could disturb her relationship with the commander.

The incident at Saratoga sounded a warning to him. Cherish this opportunity and maybe let Saratoga steal her home.

Thinking about the robbery, Lexington thought for a while, and she had some new ideas in her eyes.

Watching Lexington and Saratogavian go away, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Lexington's aura just now was so strong that he was a little breathless.

He could feel that something was wrong with Lexington just now.

Just when he stood up and wanted to close the door to the room, a delicate white hand stopped his movement.

He looked up and saw that it was Saratoga.

"Jiajia, didn't you leave? Why are you back? Aren't you afraid that your sister will find out?"

"Commander~ I coaxed my sister to go back and rest. No one can disturb us now~"

Saratoga pushed Vian into the door and closed it with the heel of her round-toed leather shoes.

She pushed Vian straight from the door to the edge of the bed and finally tripped and fell on the bed.

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