So Wei An is very worried now. He does have a lot more resources but he can't spend them.

What limited the strength of his fleet before was wealth and resources.

He is the one limiting his fleet now, and his physical strength cannot keep up.

Now even if he completes the replacement of all Shropshire's ship equipment, it will take him at least 6 days. (Not counting the case where the ship equipment has been made.)

Not to mention that when he made new carrier-based aircraft for Saratoga and replaced them all with B25s, he could only make two in a day.

There are still 5 ship girls waiting for the ship body to be realized, and Hood may also need to modify the warship later. It will take him at least close to 2 months to complete the major transformation of his ship girls.

He's going to be drained

"Really? Commander? I'm finally going to get a new plane!"

Hearing Wei An's words, Saratoga suddenly became excited.

"Yes, but you have to wait 3 days. There are other ship-based equipment in Shropshire that will take a while. Even if you complete the remaining carrier-based aircraft, it will take about 8 days."

When Saratoga heard that it would take so long, she curled her lips.

Who can understand her mood!

She finally got a new hull, and finally she could fly hundreds of ships at once like her sister. She wanted to build a carrier-based aircraft, but the hangar that she was so proud of before became a drag on her.

She regretted why she didn't ask Vianto to make more ship equipment in advance, otherwise she could just take off 220 bombers at once.

This time she was half bomber and half fighter, and she was not happy at all.

So now Saratoga is very unhappy!

The total of 11 days to wait is like a year for her. It felt like ants were crawling on her body, so Saratoga, who was more cunning, rolled her beautiful eyes.

"Commander, can you please hurry up and make more ship outfits?"

"Commander~ You can't do it, can you?~"

"If the commander is not in good health, tell Jia Jia how you can make more. Jia Jia will be willing to help you whether you are going up a mountain of knives or a sea of fire!"

"cough! cough! cough!"

Saratoga's words are frightening to death.

Can you tell me how he increased the number of ship equipment produced?

He only improved it once, and it was with Yukikaze.

So he glanced at the opposite table with some guilt. Xuefeng was immersed in eating and didn't dare to look up.

Only he and she knew about this for the time being.

Xuefeng's little face turned red unconsciously.

"Sister Xuefeng, why are you blushing?...Is it too hot?"

Shimakaze, who happened to take a piece of barbecued pork from Yukikaze's plate, happened to see the change in Yukikaze's face.

"'s okay, Shimakaze, please eat more, I just drank the soup and got burned."

【I am Xiao Wei's only destroyer. 】

Xuefeng thought to himself and said calmly

"Okay, then Sister Yukikaze, take your meaty Shimikaze away~"

Shimakaze said and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Wow~ The food cooked by Admiral and Sister Yixian is so delicious~"

Shimakaze looked satisfied.

Wei An, who was choked because of his guilty conscience, let Lexington helplessly pat him on the back.

At the same time, he glared at Sara fiercely. Toga took one look and realized that her sister was too naughty.

"Commander, are you okay? Jia Jia is just used to being naughty..."

Lexington asked worriedly as he gently stroked Vian's back to ease his discomfort.

"It's okay. You can eat too."

"Well, remember to tell me if you feel uncomfortable."

Lexington ate his meal peacefully.

Saratoga, who was glared at by her sister, knew that she was being unreasonable. Vian basically gave them the good things as soon as they got them.

So she ate with a guilty conscience.

However, the people who were eating harmoniously did not notice that Lexington, who was eating bread in small bites, was a little absent-minded, with a light flashing in her eyes.

As she had been paying attention to Vian most of the day, she found out.

She found that Vian looked at the opposite side after Saratoga asked the question, and that position was Yukikaze.

The expressions of both of them were not right.

If you want to say what is special about Yukikaze and Vian, they are the admiral and the ship girl, the sister and the brother, the husband and A wife has many identities.

So Lexington was wondering what unspeakable problems Vian had in this matter.

As a calm sister, she certainly couldn't be unreasonable like Saratoga and ask some bad questions in front of everyone.

After thinking for a while, her eyes kept swaying between Xuefeng and Vian.

She had an idea.

Another night fell, and Vian fell asleep peacefully after making the secondary guns that needed to be made for Shropshire today.

The other ship girls also returned to their own battleships after playing for a while.

But tonight's night is a little special.

Xuefeng, who was about to return to her battleship, was left alone by Lexington.

"Can we talk alone later? Something about the Commander."

Looking at Lexington, who usually does the most for everyone silently, Xuefeng nodded.

Apart from her, Lexington knows Vian the best in this fleet, and she must know everything about Vian.

After all, she has been here for so long I also discovered that Wei An's decision was indeed correct. The aircraft carrier as the core of this fleet was the main reason why their fleet was so powerful during this period.

Lexington, who was in a special position, had to worry about Wei An every day.

So after the other ship girls left, Lexington poured a glass of Coke mixed with red wine in the restaurant.

At the same time, he took out some snacks and placed them on the table, chatting without saying a word. She didn't shift the question to Wei An.


Xuefeng licked her lips while drinking Coke.

She hadn't had such a delicious Coke in a long time. Although it tasted a little weird, it tasted delicious.

At the same time, her face was slightly red, and her usually very focused eyes were now a little distracted.

After drinking one cup after another, Xuefeng shook her head in a daze. Because there was wine in it.

After drinking on the day Clemenceau joined, Wei An began to supervise Xuefeng not to drink for a long time, so after that day, she has not drank at all.

Thinking of Wei An's worried look, Xuefeng

, who had always been greedy, couldn't bear it.

How could she hold back the smell of alcohol for an alcoholic? Can she blame her?

, it’s all because Lexington is so sinister.

As the closest woman to Wei An, she also communicates a lot with Wei An and knows a lot about Xuefeng and their past..

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