Hood's words made Wei An frown.

It is not good news for Deep Sea to attack at this time. Not only the navy is vulnerable to heavy damage, but also the ship girl alliance.

It is clear that the two sides of the alliance are fighting among themselves, and now Shenhai may have picked up the peach. If you prepare for the worst, you may return to the darkest era.

"Is there any news about other joint departments and joint arrangements?"

Wei An said in a deep voice.

"At present, except for the news from the F and S joint headquarters on the northern defense line, the west and east have lost contact."

"I guess their battle situation is also very anxious."

"As for the arrangements, we have already contacted Veneto and the others because of the evacuation of the Eastern Navy, and are preparing to join forces to discuss countermeasures."

Although Hood was very happy about the Navy's experience, she was more worried about the deep sea problem.

"Got it. I'll finish my work here first."

"But even if the deep sea were to attack me, I would not help the navy."

"The deep sea and humans are irreconcilable enemies, but I have no mercy on those navy people who stab us in the back."

"I haven't forgotten the hatred I carry."

Before getting off the ship, Wei'an suddenly turned around and said indifferently.

He originally had a good family, and Xuefeng didn't have to work so hard to support him for many years. It was obvious that the Whale Sea Garrison was less than 10 nautical miles away from the Navy's Garrison.

Even the slowest ship girl could arrive within half an hour.

But his parents and everyone in the garrison did not receive any help for 6 hours. They were dragged until the garrison was almost surrounded and forced to evacuate.

In the end, only he and Xuefeng survived.

Sometimes, what is more annoying than bad people is villains.

Even now, he has considerable strength, 8 ships 's fleet is already comparable to dozens of ships.

As long as he is not surrounded to death, he can go to this vast ocean.

There are so many admirals in the world, but his talent is slightly special, and his life is slightly peculiar.

The more ship girls he meets, the more he feels the peculiarity of ship girls and their simplicity and peculiarity.

Now he is entangled with not only his own ship girls, but also Hood of the E-United Department. He can no longer stay out of it.

Unlike when he first entered the academy, he could still take Xuefeng away.

So he still has to make his attitude clear to Hood and other ship girls.

He will not help the navy

"Won't....We have long stopped pinning our hopes on the navy. Their desires are never-ending."

After Wei An got off the ship, he only heard the sigh that came with the wind.

Standing on the deck of Xuefeng, Hood looked at the ruins on the surrounding islands and the injured ship girls around.

After calming down, she was still the E joint commander flagship

"The injured were organized to set up tents on the spot and go into the canal to rest. Everyone from the E joint headquarters moved forward to build a defense line."

"Now that we no longer have hope in the navy, the war with the deep sea can only be decided by ourselves."

After speaking loudly, Hood also jumped off Xuefeng's battleship and remotely operated his own battleship to lead the supporting E headquarters away.

Wei An may not have expected that his words would strengthen Hood's attitude.

Her admiral is on their side.

He has worked hard in the previous battle.

If the battle between the ship girl and the navy is still a bit messy, then the battle with the deep sea is all about confrontation. The elite of the deep sea.

Her legendary ship girl training is accumulated through countless sinkings in the deep sea.


In the Azure Calendar, on February 13, 124, a large-scale riot occurred in the deep sea, and the four theaters in the southeast, northwest and northwest were attacked to varying degrees.

Among them, the most violent attack was in the eastern theater.

On February 17, 124, three-quarters of the sea area in the eastern theater was lost, and one of the four major fleets of the navy was jointly annihilated by the ship mothers.

The remaining three major fleets lost nearly one-third of their warships in the battle with the ship mothers, and they began to be forced to retreat and move to fight against the deep sea.

On February 18, in the sea area of the eastern theater, the I and E joint headquarters merged.

Because Wei An belonged to the E Joint Headquarters, his fleet was stationed together with the E Joint Headquarters. What's more, when he interacted with Hood, other ship girls were watching.

Even those with different opinions must remain silent now

"Commander, what should we do next?"

Vian and other ship girls except Hood gathered on Lexington's battleship.

Among them, Lexington asked while looking at Wei An who was cooking with Yixian.

Her question was also the problem of other ship girls.

After the battle was completed yesterday, the ship girls and other ship girls were busy building a defense line. Only Wei An sent them all back to sleep after Shimakaze and others collected resources.

, his girls had just gone through a night of fierce fighting, especially Xuefeng and the others.

He felt heartbroken, so now he was cooking to reward his girls.

"When you were resting yesterday, I had already made part of the ship equipment that Shropshire needs. You can put it on today. After installing the anti-aircraft guns, I will start making the ship equipment of Jia Jia."

"Our next opponent may no longer be the navy, but the deep sea, and the pressure on everyone will be slightly less."

"After all, we are not afraid of the ship girl's ship and sea tactics, let alone the deep sea, so there is no need to save resources for the Admiral and me."

In this battle, he took the initiative to let the Lexingtons sink many carrier-based aircraft, so he consumed a lot of resources.

Ammunition: 9434 (mostly consumed by torpedoes and aerial bombs.)

Fuel: 8700 (more than 1,000 during the fleet attack) Consumption at sea. )

Steel: 6800 (The three destroyers consume most of it.)

Aluminum: 3700 (Consumption by carrier-based aircraft.) But it doesn’t matter. Although it consumes a lot, the gain from this battle is not small because the navy does it.

We are ready to join forces with the ship girls to fight a protracted war, so this time the resources allocated to this naval fleet are enough to build 3,000 warships.

In addition to those that have been consumed and entered into private pockets, most of them have been mined by the ship girls and other ship girls.

About 200 battleship resources have entered Wei An's pocket.

What is the concept of 200 battleships? The average number of resources for the construction and realization of 200 destroyer ships is about 3,000. Resources, 300 aluminum, and one battleship core.

So the total resources that entered Wei'an's pocket were

: 555056+600000→1155056

Ammunition: 548122+600000→1148122

Steel: 320033+600000→920033

Aluminum: 450888+ 60000 → 510888

Battleship Core: 205

Mental Core (Heavy Cruise): 0

Azure Coin: 374700

Kucha Seed: 0

Energy: 157000

Stamina: 200/200

After this battle, not only did not lose much, but the resources were almost exhausted. Even when facing the deep sea, Zhan Kuang will always be able to obtain more resources than the wretched admiral in the rear.

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