But Wei An, whose attention was focused on Dante, did not notice the sneak attack from the other side.

Dante saw the flagship of the E-Union Department that she once looked up to, Lord Hood.

At this time, he jumped off his battleship, quickly glided close to the Xuefeng battleship, jumped on, and then looked at the young man with worried eyes.

I even started to do it directly, rubbing my face and touching my shoulders.

"Are you okay? I came over immediately after resting to provide support, and then I saw that the entire townhouse was empty."

"I knew there was a war here. I was a little worried about you, so I sailed here at high speed."

"Especially when I saw the fragments of battleships all along the way, I was afraid that something might happen to you. No matter how powerful the navy was, the number was still too much."

Looking at Hu De, who had a sad look on his face and moved his hands up and down his body, he could only gently touch the back of her hand and pat it.

"It's okay. Do you think I am such a reckless person? I have been staying on the aircraft carrier, but as the flagship master, you are so anxious, what will you do if the other ship girls from the E joint headquarters see you?"

"They are all your shipgirls anyway, don’t they know that it will be a matter of time? I don't want you to be gone when I just have an admiral."

Hood breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that Wei An was okay.

She didn't know what happened to her, and she started to have random thoughts when she saw the fierce battle.

Even though she knew that Wei An, as an aircraft carrier party, would definitely stay on the aircraft carrier. His countless actions before showed that he attached great importance to the safety of the aircraft carrier.

He would definitely be out of danger, but she couldn't help it. Her impetuous heart couldn't calm down until she saw him in person, and she would always think about it. She was afraid that something bad would happen to him.

Her calmness, calmness, rationality, and intelligence seemed to have failed when she met him, and he was like a poison that ate away at her and took over her. Her thoughts.

But she indulged in it voluntarily.

She even thought that it was her fault. She was just Xiao Po before, and she could keep up with Wei An and his fleet and protect him. Safe.

The hopeless love brain is vividly displayed.

"Thank you for your hard work. I chased me over a hundred miles away. You should have been using the legendary skill all the time."

Although there is no time limit for legendary skills like Hood and Saratoga, driving for a long time is also a burden on the mental body.

Hood will bring such a huge fleet to sail at high speed, can she not be tired?

Wei An could see that her blond hair was a lot messy, and even her bust was a little smaller when she came to see him. She usually valued this aspect the most, but she didn't have a pussy today. Stuffing the cat is not conducive to her running. She wants to see Wei An and just want to personally confirm his safety as soon as possible.

"Just be fine."

Kindly accepted Wei An's help to straighten her messy hair and replied softly.

After staying by his side for a while, her impetuous heart calmed down.

The iron tree bloomed, going from one extreme to another.

Look. Watching Hood flirting with Wei An, Dante opened her mouth and finally said nothing. Her trembling pupils alone could show that the ship girl who had seen Hood was now talking to Dante. The mood is exactly the same.

Is this the flagship of the E-Union Department?

The powerful woman who has never been interested in admiral anything?

Who is this person who is simply addicted to love ? Love-minded women!

Not to mention Dante and the other ship girls from the I unit.

What was even more heartbreaking was the Lord Hood who they loved and admired the most.

If she fell in love with a ship girl, at least they wouldn't be jealous.

But the person she loves now is the answer they least believed if they were to count the number of admirals that Hood rejected.

, since the establishment of the Ship Girl Alliance and the establishment of the E-alliance Headquarters by Hood, all the powerful admirals have extended an olive branch to Hood, but without exception, they have all been rejected.

Even Yun Hai, the current lolita control governor in the northern theater, has turned to Hu.

Germany launched an attack, but it ended in a disastrous defeat, so how could you make them rational!

The most unlikely thing happened before their eyes, if Hood had invited Wei An into her battleship, the ship girl of the E branch.

They can still deceive themselves and comfort themselves.

Now that the facts are in front of them, Wei An is already dead.

But do they dare to move? The bombers circling in the sky are pressure.

Do they know this? The strength of an admiral was terrifying.

After confirming that Wei An was safe, Hood finally calmed down and returned to her senses.

When she thought about what she had just done, she wanted to find a way to get in.

She didn't want to live anymore.

She looks like a little woman, and everyone sees her.

Where will her majesty be in the future? What will she do with the reputation she has established in the past? From now on, others will refer to her as the Love Brain Hood.

But even with such shame, Hood is still embarrassed.

I haven’t forgotten another thing about why I came to Wei An so quickly today.

"Let's put ours aside for now."

Hood suddenly became serious.

This also let Wei An know that something big might have happened.

"What's wrong?"

"This morning when we set out from the rear, fighter planes from other lines of defense sent us the latest news."

"In addition to several other lines of defense where the fighting was fierce, the navies in other eastern theaters retreated!"

"And he was very determined to retreat."

"So the Ship Girl Alliance also sent aircraft carriers to investigate, and got two pieces of information."

"One piece of good news and one piece of bad news."

After saying that, Hood looked straight into Wei An's eyes.

【Brat, he's not bad looking, and I have good eyesight. ]

Hood stared into Wei An's eyes, and his love brain unconsciously went wrong.

"Let’s start with the good news. Wei

An pondered for a moment.

Hood also quickly pulled his head back.

"The Eastern Navy has indeed withdrawn its troops, and they may not be able to protect themselves now and are in big trouble."

Hood happily told Wei An the news.

"What about the bad news?"

"The deep sea has invaded, and the news currently detected is that it has invaded the Eastern Navy. Moreover, nearly three-quarters of the sea area occupied by the Eastern Theater Command has been occupied."

"The Eastern Navy came out in full force to attack our shipmates, and the rear was completely empty. It was clear that this was not the time for deep-sea riots."

"They had calculated this before launching a joint attack on the ship girl, but they didn't expect the deep sea riot."

"Moreover, it directly broke through the sea area where the deep sea had been lingering in the past. A large amount of deep sea took only 4 days to hit the back of the Eastern Navy's large forces."

"Now the Eastern Navy is under attack from both sides. If they are wiped out by the deep sea, our ship girls will join forces next."

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