But such damage is not a big problem for Nagato.

Although they were at a disadvantage in the first round of confrontation, Eugen's front line defense was finally delayed by them.

The damage to the ship girls in the G-link headquarters is beginning to appear, and it is increasing rapidly.

Why did Nagato dare to attack the ship girl from the G joint headquarters here?

Because the joint department facing the supervision of the southern theater sea area is mainly the G joint department.

A large number of powerful ship girls from the G Joint Headquarters have been dispersed in the waters over there.

This group of G joint headquarters ship girls led by Bismarck were all ship girls trained within the joint headquarters.

Facing the fleet that Nagato has painstakingly managed for many years, he still suffers a lot.

Perhaps the only advantage of the G Joint Headquarters is that some of the important people among the supporting ship girls are here.

The number of legendary ship girls will be slightly more.

So when he saw that his fleet was rapidly breaking through the fleet led by Bismarck, Nagato didn't care about the damage he suffered.

"Mutsu, Hinata, you work with me to hold back Bismarck and the others."

"Atago, quickly annihilate the remaining ship girls of the G Alliance. They must not be allowed to reach the southern sea area."

"Yes, Nagato-sama."

Atago replied calmly.

At the same time, Nagato also noticed the carrier-based aircraft coming from Akagi and the others.

She knew that she could not delay it any longer. Her admiral had been planning for this day for many years, for the victory of the navy.

If she stops more of the ship girls here, the southern navy will be able to break through the defenses of the J and G headquarters earlier.

Even if she drags down enough enemies, the ship girls combined front line may have been lost. When she came to the Ship Girl Alliance, the J Joint Headquarters was still a mid-level joint headquarters.

Under her leadership and the support of the navy, it gradually established its footing and became a joint headquarters on par with the G Joint Headquarters.

"For the victory of the Navy! For the victory of the Governor!"

"Charge with me!"

After checking the condition of her ship's hull, Nagato's eyes were full of determination.

The eyes of the other ship girls with her were also filled with determination.

They are weapons of the navy, and now it's time for them to realize themselves. The time has come for their value as war weapons!

Death is the most glorious destination for them.

After Eugen's legendary skills disappeared, the fleet led by Nagato turned around and attacked the G headquarters without fear of death. The fleet launched a death charge.

Among them, more than 10 battleships and 30 battle cruisers were targeting Bismarck and the others.

The distance of 6 nautical miles was not very far, especially now that the Nagato fleet had more than 2,000 ships.

The combined support fleet of G was just 1,000 ships.

There was a huge gap in numbers.

In just 20 minutes, the distance between the two fleets was already only a few hundred meters.

As a result, Nagato left himself alone. On the way to the charge, the battleship was pierced and bruised all over. Now she can only watch the battleship sink. However

, she also led the battle patrol to cause considerable damage to Bismarck as she advanced.

Targeted by 40 battleships, Bismarck still had the ability to continue fighting because when Nagato and the others pounced on them, Tirpitz had already used his legendary skills.

【Lonely Queen of the North]: Mark 10 enemies, reduce the hit rate of the battleship by 15%, and increase the performance of his own battleship by 10% when Bismarck is present.

While supporting Bismarck, Tirpitz marked the nearest enemy and eliminated one before switching to another.

In this way, he tried his best to control Bismarck without receiving too much damage.

Another reason is that although Nagato's fleet is very strong, she is the only legendary battleship in her fleet.

The rest are weapons and cannon fodder sent by the navy.

The comprehensive control capabilities of the legendary ship girls on battleships are not comparable to those of these ship girls.

But even so, Bismarck, Tirpitz, Eugen, Count Zeppelin, Peter Strasser, and Europa.

Only a few people could barely withstand the attacks from the battle ranks and battle patrols.

They can no longer take care of the other G-Union ship girls.

We can only watch as their resistance becomes weaker and weaker under the encroachment of Nagato's fleet.

The black night sea was briefly illuminated by gunfire, and one battleship after another was buried in the sea.

"elder sister! If the battle continues like this, these ship girls will be gone! We might be in danger too!"

Tirpitz had already put away his game console and was serious about confronting the enemy.

"Can't withdraw! Nagato and the others don't want to die! Only one party can get out of this sea tonight alive."

Looking at the rapid shrinkage of the fleet, Bismarck's heart sank.

Although he knew that there were moles in the Ship Girl Alliance, he did not expect that the moles were so big and there were so many.

The navy would do anything to win.

2,000 people What is the concept of a ship girl fleet? At least 50 ship girls are crammed into the J-Union every year, and these 50 ship girls still survive. More ship girls who have not been paid attention to have disappeared into the sea.

This group of ship girls climbed to the top of the coalition. At this critical moment, the harm of rebellion to the union of ship girls is self-evident.

"Fine! Who makes you my sister?"

Tirpitz curled his lips and asked no more questions, focusing his attention on the battle.

With Bismarck's firepower to attract fire, she did not receive much attention. Now she has stolen four battleships.

Compared to Although Tirpitz was unhappy, Bismarck was obviously much calmer.

As the flagship of the coalition, although they were shocked by the huge power of Nagato and the others, they did not do anything.

, then there are no people of their own in the navy?

Can't they convey the message?

This battle between the navy and the ship girls is not only for the battle of sea areas and regions, but also for both sides to eliminate internal traitors.

【Akagi, what is your choice? 】

Bismarck was operating his own battleship, and at the same time, he was controlling a water reconnaissance plane to observe Akagi and the others' movements.

After all, Nagato has already betrayed him, so he cannot relax his vigilance towards Akagi.

For so long, only she and Kaga were supporting Akagi's fleet.

The other larger fleets were standing still, leaving her uncertain.

And what is Akagi doing at this time?

She is even trying to persuade other ship girls in the fleet to join the battle.

Unlike G Alliance, which can easily fight the Nagato fleet, the fleets she leads are all from J Alliance.

There are also some ship girls who have good relationships with the ship girls of the Nagato fleet.

It is still difficult to convince them to help the G-Union Department.

After all, G United Department is usually their main competitor.

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