"Lord Akagi, do we really want to help the G-League?"

"Nagato-sama, do they have a misunderstanding?"

Feng Xiang looked at the two warring parties and looked at Akagi hesitantly and asked.

Other ship girls also gathered around Akagi's battleship and nodded in agreement.

Most ship girls only woke up after Nagato joined the ship girls alliance.

So they were the first to not believe that Nagato betrayed the Kanji Alliance.

They even believed that there was a conflict between the G-Union and Nagato.

However, Akagi, who was their flagship, sank all the destroyers she was escorting.

This makes them hesitate. After so many years of separate management of the J-Union, the reason why they are not taking action now is also very simple. , and the rivals on the other side may now become teammates.

How could they make a decision so quickly? On the other side, Akagi, who was supporting the G Alliance, frowned as he looked at Bismarck and the others.

It was Bismarck and the others who were attacked, just because Bismarck and the others had no qualms about taking action.

But Akagi knew that when the battleships of the G Alliance were destroyed, they would be the next target.

"Are you still hesitating? Forgot Xiangfeng, how did Zuifeng and the others sink?"

"Didn't Nagato-sama say they were being attacked by a deep-sea submarine when they returned?"

"Yes, Nagato-sama and other sisters at that time can all prove it."

"So, where are Shokaku and Zuikaku? Why did they sink too."

Akagi asked again, while looking around at the other ship girls around him.

"Was attacked on the way back after support"

"Where are the dragon and phoenix?"


"You guys should wake up. Why is it that whenever an aircraft carrier or a warship girl goes to support the front line, something bad will happen?"

"That's because they are using the power of the deep sea to weaken the admirals and ship girls of the ship girl alliance!"

"One or two cases are still accidents, but there have been hundreds of such accidents in the past few decades! Is it still an accident?"

"The reason every time is that I was attacked when I returned. Why wasn’t I attacked when I went there? I wasn’t attacked when I was fighting. Why was I attacked on the way back?"

"They did it themselves!"

"Now they are dealing with the G-United Department. After they deal with the G-United Department, the next ones to be dealt with will be us and you!"

"If you also want to stay with Xianghe and the others, just continue to stay here."

"For others who are willing to take action, I will ask Kaga to let you take off. Of course, we do not rule out that there are traitors among us, so be careful."

"Finally, I would like to mention that it was Nagato who attacked the G-Union Headquarters first. If Bismarck and the others fell here, the southern sea area would be lost!"

"Nagato, she is from the navy!"

After Akagi finished speaking, he stopped paying attention to them.

Instead, he concentrated on controlling his carrier-based aircraft to bomb the Nagato fleet.

But she only had 45 bombers that could be used at one time, which was not as good as Saratoga. Fortunately

, Wei An's enthusiasm was only transmitted to some of the more important ship girls, and most of the other normal ship girls were still in a state of no air defense.

After what Akagi said, they looked at each other.

Finally, Feilong gritted his teeth and started to control his carrier aircraft to take off. Xianghe and the others were her good friends before, but after that time they went to support the admiral of


Just disappeared.

When she got the news, her first reaction was not to believe it, but they didn't come back for a month, half a year, and a year. She knew that the news she didn't want to accept was true.

Mother's trust has never been doubted by Kanmu, who is also a partner, so she believes that Xiangkaku and the others were really sunk by the deep sea.

But now Akagi tells her that her good friends were framed by Nagato and the others. Yes, it was the navy that killed him!

How could she calm down?

There are many ship girls like her, and other ship girls can also think about what Akagi said now when they think about what their sisters have experienced. situation, they also quickly began to take off their carrier-based aircraft

"With the execution support of bombers, there are no bombers to protect the safety of our ship."

After Kaga finished speaking, he seriously began to operate the bombers and start bombing.

After 40 minutes of conversation and observation of the battle situation, the Akagi fleet finally came to a conclusion. Of the 1,200 warships, 900 warships were willing to take action.

Among them, 30 They were all aircraft carriers and light carriers.

A large number of carrier-based aircraft rushed into the sky above the Nagato fleet, and bombs exploded on the decks of their ships.

However, even though they were hit or bombed like this, none of their fleets were hit. Showing signs of panic, they still followed the orders of the sunk Nagato and prioritized the attack on the battleships of the G headquarters, ignoring the bombing of Akagi and the others.

"For the victory of the Navy!"

"For the Governor's victory!"

At first, many Akagi fleet girls were doubtful. When the carrier-based aircraft flew over the Nagato fleet, they heard these ship girls shouting slogans enthusiastically.

After fearless charge, they finally no longer doubted what Akagi said.

These former partners turned out to be true. It's a member of the Navy! He has stayed with them for so many years without being discovered.

If he handed his back to them without knowing it, the consequences would be disastrous.

, the bombing operations were a little smoother.

Their friends were really killed in the hands of Nagato and the others.

There were only 500 battleships left in the G coalition, and there were still 1,300 ships in the Nagato fleet.

The addition of the Akagi fleet greatly relieved the pressure on Bismarck and the others.

Now, under the protection of Tirpitz, they had withdrawn from the battle with the Nagato fleet's battleship , which had already left her in a state of great defeat.

But the good result is that all the battleships and battle cruisers of the Nagato fleet have been destroyed.

Now even Tirpitz has been damaged, not to mention Ou, who took a lot of damage for Bismarck.


Looking at the actions of the Akagi fleet, Bismarck nodded secretly.

At least Akagi did not betray the ship girl alliance.

Look at the Nagato fleet, which has been flanked by the Akagi fleet and the G coalition.

"It’s time to complete the final closing of the net!"

Bismarck's eyes flashed, he waved and shouted!

The strength of the G-Union lies in its submarines.

It's not just fighting the navy and the deep sea in the southern seas.

There are also the wolves that have been escorting her!

What the assassin needs is foolproof. Under the circumstances, a fatal blow was launched.

Now the Nagato fleet has been entangled and surrounded!

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